The Cantuarian November 1890 - June 1892

Page 92



perform in more than one event. His less), advocating the establishment of 1 subsequent success says a great deal for handicap having appeared in the Cantu his pluck and perseverance, which many arian, the sports committee held a meet would do well to imitate. I know of an ing to debate thereon. The question as In even more remarkable case of the same distance arose. One member pro kind, that of a boating man who strolled up posed half a mile, another a mile, up to see his College sports, and was persuad- another a quarter, when sudde nl) ed to take off his coat and put on a pair I (egotistic I) carelessly suggested of fives shoes to run in a two miles race, 6oo yards. The meeting was dumb though, as he said, he had never run a race foundered. I forget how many fainted, but in his life. T o his astonishment he won by all experienced a severe shock. Such a over too yards, and, his latent talent hav- distance had never been heard of! It W:l~ ing been brought to light, he trained for without precedent, unconstitutional, revoht the Varsity 3 miles, obtained his "blue," tionary,--almost anarchical. Yet the measurl' and ran second against Cambridge at Lillie somehow did get carried through all il'l Bridge. T he result of this is-there, I stages, the decree went for th, and a 6oo wac; on the point of quoting Horace ! You yards handicap it remains to this day. Ancl find it in I Odes 7¡ here just expressing a hope that you ma) Probably !no present King's Scholars are have a sunshining day for the sports lhH aware to whom they are indebted for the year, and that the Green Court may hl¡ 6oo yards handicap. It came about in seen at its best, I beg to sign myself, (A x B) x K.S. this way-Correspondence (signed Prize- 1



On Saturday, February 14th, :l lecture uncommon sea birds now, has given 11 was given by 1\. H. Evan>, Esq., Fellow of name to the Sandwich tern which w. 1 Clare College, Cambridge, on "The Birds of found about here not long ago, but has nuw North and East Coasts." The lecturer gone north and is not common anywhl'r, began by remarking that here :J.t Canter- Then going up the east coast from Kl nt bury we were ncar a portion of the East there are no birds worth mentioni ng 1111 Coast, which, though it is the home of no you come to Flamborough H ead. ll tll


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