Oh Marie! issue 2 - Dazzle Painting

Page 9

Analoge fotografie voor dummies door Cristian Kiesling Iris’ foto is eigenlijk een overlapping of samenvoeging van twee verschillende (analoge) foto’s. De lens heeft twee maal opengestaan voor hetzelfde stukje film om zo de foto’s samen te voegen. Multi-exposure De naam zegt het al: ‘multi-exposure’ betekent het samenvoegen van beelden (‘exposures’). Doorgaans gebeurt dit met twee beelden en noemen we de techniek dan ‘double-exposure’. Iedereen kent de techniek wel van de foto’s waarin één persoon op meerdere plekken in verschillende poses staat. Hiervoor wordt veelal gebruik gemaakt van digitale bewerkingsprogramma’s zoals Adobe Photoshop, maar het effect is ook te verkrijgen door je lens simpelweg meerdere malen open te stellen. In de analoge fotografie maak je een multi-exposure rechtstreeks op de film en is het dus niet mogelijk om de beelden later te splitsen. Een double-exposure maken Op een analoge fotocamera is een double-exposure foto eenvoudig te bereiken door na het maken van de eerste foto het filmrolletje niet door te draaien. De volgende foto (openstelling, ‘exposure’) die je maakt, maak je zo als het ware op hetzelfde stukje film en dus over de eerder gemaakte foto heen. Bij het maken van een foto open je eigenlijk de lens en laat je licht op je film vallen. Omdat alleen het licht erop valt (en je dus niet een foto op een andere foto plakt), wordt de foto gemixt met de eerder gemaakte foto. Het lichtsterkste object in je foto zal dus beter zichtbaar zijn. Houd er daarom rekening mee tijdens het maken van je double-exposure, dat je die objecten niet op dezelfde plek in je kader plaatst.

Lomography for dummies by Cristian Kiesling Iris’ image is actually an overlap of two different (analogue) photographs. There have been two different exposures on the same piece of film, which merged the photographs into one. Multi-exposure As the name already indicates, a multi-exposure image is one merged from different photographs. Most commonly this technique is applied to merge two photographs, which then makes the image a ‘double-exposure’. Everyone will recognize this technique from the popular images in which one person poses multiple times in different ways in one image. This is mostly done using image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, but one can also merge two photographs into one image by simply exposing the film multiple times and thus open the lens multiple times. Since analogue photography uses film and thus the picture you make is made directly on the film, you can’t separate multiple exposures later on. Making a double-exposure With an analogue photo camera it is relatively easy to make a double-exposure image, by simply making a photo and then keep the film on the same position. The next photo you make will theoretically be placed over the first photo. Making a photo means to open your lens to let light fall on your film. Because (analogue) photography works with lighted places on a spot of film (and not simply puts the next photo over the previously made photo), the object in your photos with the highest amount of light will ‘win’ from the same spot in the other photo. So, if in the first photo the upper right corner is a bright sun, and in the second photo this corner is a dark sky, you will see the sun in your final image.


In every issue of Oh Marie! a photographer with a love for old, analogue camera’s tells the story behind his or her favourite picture. Blogging makes life more worthwhile for Iris: she’s more conscious of her surroundings, documents her life in an almost surreal and poetic way and enjoys life even more than she already did. She tells about that extraordinary picture she made of her cats Aart and Schurk. “A year or two ago I started to experiment with analogue photography. Without any knowledge but with a huge amount of curiosity. I bought some cameras at second hand stores and a new Diana camera. The Diana is a new version of the 1960s classic medium-format camera and therefore a real lomography camera. Most of the pictures I take with this camera fail (too dark, out of focus), but there are always a couple of pictures that work out fine, like this picture of my cats Aart and Schurk. The picture isn’t particularly sharp, but its ‘accidental’ composition touches me every time I look at it. This picture is taken with a Diana F+ camera with a 120mm film ((Fuji Pro 400-H colour). I can’t exactly recall which settings I used, but the Diana is a very simple camera, so it’s easy to trace them back. The shutter has two settings: Normal (a shutter speed of 1/60th of a second, probably the shutter speed I used for this picture) or Bulb (shutter stays open as long as you hold the shutter button, which increases exposure but also causes potential blurriness). Diana has three aperture settings: cloudy, partly cloudy and sunny. Since I took this picture inside, I probably used the first aperture setting. I used a two-coloured flashlight. The picture is not digitally adjusted. What you see are actually two pictures: one of Schurk in pink and one of Aart in blue. This effect is called double-exposure. It looks like Schurk and Aart are on a journey through space, because of the surreal colours and the overlap of the images. That’s what I love about photography: the ‘framing’ of an image through your lens, hoping the result turns out the way you had in mind. This picture makes me want to experiment with the endless possibilities of analogue photography and my own creativity. And that’s exactly why I love it so much.”


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