Subject: Protect yourself against fraud Dear customer, FedEx has been alerted to the unauthorized use of its business names, service marks and logos by persons or companies fraudulently representing themselves as FedEx or as representatives of FedEx. Millions of fraudulent e-mails and SMS and other messages are deployed daily. They claim to come from a wide variety of sources, and some claim to be from FedEx or representing FedEx. These types of messages often use corporate logos, colors and legal disclaimers to make it appear as though they are real. They are sent in an attempt to trick people into sending money and providing personal information such as usernames, passwords and/or credit card details, and for the purpose of committing theft, identity theft and/or other crimes. Remember that FedEx does not send unsolicited emails requesting information regarding, invoices, account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords or any other type of personal information. If you receive this type of email claiming to be from FedEx, never provide any personal information or click on any links or attachments. Recognizing unauthorized emails is key to protecting yourself against such theft and other crimes. Please visit for more information. We wish you well and hope you remain healthy and safe. Best Regards, SAB Express Licensee of Federal Express Corporation and TNT