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Training in equality and diversity is effective and leaders, managers, governors or supervisory bodies (where appropriate), staff and learners understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity

Equal opportunities and diversity (EOD) principles are embedded into many of the essential training programmes delivered by OCLSD. The introduction day, recruitment and selection courses and the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education all contain elements that focus on the rights and responsibilities of staff with regard to EOD at Oxford Brookes (see section on essential workshops). The University also runs a wide range of courses that aim to raise awareness, improve understanding, and/or develop skills and expertise in the field of EOD. The University expects allits staff to:      

promote equality, diversity and inclusion in all learning settings develop learners’ understanding and realisation of equality, diversity and inclusion ensure understanding of this policy and seek guidance if there are any questions; promote equality, diversity and inclusion for others and strive to create a safe supportive and welcoming environment; challenge inappropriate behaviour or discrimination; report unacceptable behaviour in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures.

The University expects all its Managers and Leaders to:        

ensure that the aims and the values embodied in this policy statement are appropriately reflected in all job descriptions, person specifications and annual personal development reviews; have due regard to equality issues in all decision-making; investigate whether any groups, including people with ’protected characteristics’, have particular needs in relation to accessing services; ensure that due consideration is given to equality, diversity and inclusion within their own sphere of influence; promote an environment where respect is shown to all, and mutual understanding is fostered; challenge any actions or behaviour which is in conflict with the values and principles laid down in this policy; ensure staff and learners know how to report any instances of discrimination, bullying and harassment without fear of victimisation; deal with complaints fairly, thoroughly, quickly and confidentially.

The University will draw upon research undertaken by the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice and other organisations including the Equality Challenge Unit to improve awareness and good practice in all aspects of equality and diversity. www.brookes.ac.uk/services/hr/eod/statement.html 3.6.4

Challenging targets are set, the performance and destinations of different groups of learners are monitored carefully and appropriate action is taken to close any identified gaps

Oxford Brookes and the School of Arts is committed to ensuring different groups of learners perform, achieve and progress equally well. APTT data shows that there are no identified gaps but we will continue to monitor and maintain inclusive teaching strategies. Performance targets for these groups are set during Annual Reviews and performance of different groups is tracked and reviewed throughout the programme. Self Assessment Report 2011-12


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