Together we Grow
Stronger United 4 Kiambu BabaYao. Nyoro. Gakuyo. Njoki. Mugwe
Pamoja Tunaweza www.unitedkiambu.co.ke
United for Kiambu Forward Message The loud cry from the people of Kiambu County as a result of poor governance, corruption, arrogance and high handed leadership without any public participation SHOULD and WILL not go unnoticed. We, United for Kiambu, heard the cry and responded accordingly. It was clear that change was inevitable.
We welcome the great people of Kiambu County to this manifesto that captures their needs and aspirations. Their wishes for a progressive and prosperous County where everyone will play a role are captured for purposes of implementation. It has been developed after extensive consultative fora with stakeholders in all sectors across Kiambu. We listened to the needs, critically analysed and prioritized them so that together, we can change Kiambu and restore its lost glory.
Our manifesto guarantees: Ÿ Wealth creation to all, leading to economic empowerment through growth in agriculture and Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
transformation. Job creation especially for the youth through investments in new industries, I.C.T innovations etc. Developing a new brand of entrepreneurs. A healthy population through provision of high quality preventive and curative health services. Access to clean and affordable water for drinking. Improvement of the business environment. Good governance, public participation, justice for all and fight against corruption. Accountable and transparent governance systems with the most efficient resources allocation devoid .of favouritism and nepotism Improved security for peace and mind of our citizens regardless of status.
Using this manifesto as a guideline, United for Kiambu will unlock the immense potential for growth, modernization and prosperity in the County. This will make Kiambu one of the wealthiest Counties in the country with a high standard of living for all.
We intend to improve the standard of living and welfare of our citizens, by promoting effective governance structures as well as providing quality services.
Introduction to Kiambu KIAMBU COUNTY PROFILE
Kiambu, a County endowed with numerous resources, strategically neighbours Nairobi County, the capital city of Kenya. Its close proximity to this economically advanced city of more than 5 million inhabitants provides key markets for both goods and services that potentially could be exploited by the county. Being centrally located and easily accessible by road, it connects Kenya to other regional markets. Kiambu County also remains an attractive habitable location for a large population of Kenyans working in Nairobi and its environs. This metropolitan County covers a total area of 2,543.5 sq. Km with a total population of approximately 2 million people, of which about 60 percent reside in rural and 40 percent urban area. Kiambu County is home to numerous research centers as well as renowned institutions of learning, from basic to tertiary level. The County, rich in fertile agricultural land is known for the production of key commodities such as coffee, tea, pineapples, macadamia nuts, vegetables and flowers, as well as dairy, poultry, pig and fish. It is also recognized for key agro-based industries such as Bidco Africa Limited, Del Monte Kenya Limited, Brookside Dairy Limited, Githunguri Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society and Farmers Choice Limited among others. Other economic activities worth mentioning include; manufacturing (leather), mining (carbacid), textile (cotton), motor vehicle assembly, retail and wholesale. Therefore, Kiambu County has immense potential of becoming the most wealthy county in the country with high standards of living and well-being of its people. Unfortunately, it has remained largely untapped and unexploited due to poor leadership, corruption and lack of public participation in decision making. Under the leadership of United for Kiambu, we shall undertake to tap this potential thereby transforming the County into a significant hub for trade, investment, infrastructure development and social development. The ultimate outcome will be rapid economic growth, wealth creation, equality and equity for its residents. We are also fully committed to upholding the National values, transparency and principles of governance as outlined in articles 10 and 232 of the constitution of Kenya 2010.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
Personal ProďŹ les .....................................................................................
Page 1
What is wrong with Kiambu?...........................................................................
Our Agenda for Kiambu ...................................................................................
Our Vision, Mission and Core Values ...................................................
Wealth Crea on: Agriculture Growth and Transforma on ....................
Crea ng Jobs for the Youth .............................................................................
Infrastructure: Road Infrastructure Development ....................................
Water, Sanita on and Environment ................................................................
Health For a Wealthy Community ..................................................................
Educa on for All .................................................................................................
Business Environment .......................................................................................
Youth and Sports ................................................................................................. Youth Empowerment .........................................................................................
Promo ng Tourism ............................................................................................. Housing and Physical Planning ...................................................................... Security ...................................................................................................................
15 16 17 18
United for Kiambu Leaders 1. Personal Profiles 1.1 Hon. Ferdinand Waititu Governor - Kiambu County Commonly known as Baba Yao, Hon Waititu is a household name in Kenyan politics He is well known for his enormous passion, energy and ability to work tirelessly for all with particular emphasis to the less privileged members of society. Hon Waititu has a strong conviction for change gearing towards empowering the youth, women, people living with disabilities and our now aging population. Baba Yao, having come from a humble background, mingles freely with people and is always willing to solve their problems by whatever means at his disposal. He is a result-oriented person who believes that every resident of Kiambu should have an equal opportunity towards positive change. Hon. Waititu has over 20 years of diverse experience in the public service. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and currently pursuing an MBA (Human Resource “Consultative leadership is what will Management) at Kenya Methodist University. Baba Yao started his career as an make Kiambu great again.” accountant at the national treasury in January 1999. He later left to venture into business and thereafter joined the political field. He was elected as a councilor in 2002 in the defunct Nairobi City Council where he also diligently served as the deputy mayor. Due to his passion and political acumen, Hon. Waititu was elected as the member of Parliament for Embakasi Constituency in 2007, consequently he was appointed as an assistant minister for water in 2010. Hon. Waititu ran for the position of Governor in Nairobi where he garnered over 600,000 votes coming close second to the current governor Evans Kidero. He is currently the sitting MP for Kabete constituency
Waititu BabaYao
1.2 Hon. James Nyoro Deputy Governor - Kiambu County Honorable James Nyoro is an Agricultural Economist and a renowned food security expert in the country and the region. He is the immediate former Agricultural and Country advisor at the Bill and Melinda Foundation based in Seattle Washington advising the Foundation and its co-chairs on the agricultural growth and transformation strategy in African countries, to ensure high and sustainable economic growth, food security and employment generation. Prior to this, Hon. Nyoro was the advisor to the President of Kenya on Food Security, Water and climate change, a position he served with passion and dedication between August 2013 and April 2015. In addition, he has held several international management positions having been the Managing Director, of the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation
“We need a government that will uplift the economic ability of every single Kenyan it serves.”
in-charge of the African region based in Nairobi for over 4 years and as Executive Director of a Nairobi-based policy think tank Egerton University owned Tegemeo
James Nyoro
Institute of Agriculture and Development, a position he held for over 17 years. Hon. Nyoro has over 30 years experience in issues relating to agricultural growth and development. He has participated in the development of key government strategies and policies such as Vision 2030, the and Employment creation Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth (E.R.S) and the 2013 Jubilee Manifesto. Hon. Nyoro is currently advising the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MOAL&F) on their new agricultural growth and transformation strategy. He first ran for a political office in 2013 against the incumbent governor where despite all the odds, he managed to garner 250, 000 votes.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu Leaders 1. Personal Profiles 1.3 David K. Gakuyo County Executive - Kiambu County Rev. David Kariuki Ngari (Gakuyo) is a renowned social entrepreneur, philanthropist, spiritual leader and counselor in Kenya and beyond. Driven by his strong business acumen and social mission, Rev Ngari rose from a humble background as a street vendor to a house hold name in property and Real Estate business. He is the chairman and founder of Gakuyo real estate, a pioneer in the concept of affordable housing and financing solutions for the less fortunate in the society. Through his social innovation, Rev. Ngari has promoted social and economic development to rural areas in Kiambu County and beyond thereby creating over 5000 jobs both directly and indirectly. He initiated the Gakuyo Foundation to provide and support affordable and largely subsidised “A development based agenda for the people and by the people”
David K. Gakuyo
technical training to many young people in the County. Rev Ngari first ventured into politics in 2004 as KANU delegate in Thika, where he worked for the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta as chairman of New-KANU.
Since then, he has had great passion and drive for good governance and leadership in this Country. He desires to see Kiambu progressing in terms of economic growth, financial strength, job creation and equitable distribution of resources.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 2. What is wrong with Kiambu? Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Lack of long term development strategy around which all development projects would evolve and hence no systematic developmen.t Poor governance and high handedness in decision making. Lack of involvement of other elected leaders leading to stagnation of development and in some cases duplication of projects Corruption, lack of accountability and high degree of nepotism. Lack of prioritization of projects leading to poor quality and substandard service delivery. High incidences of unemployment particularly among young people leading to despair and desperation; leading to social ills such as consumption of illicit brews and drugs. Lack of flow of both domestic and foreign direct investment due to corruption and inappropriate policies. Lack of support of priority wealth creation initiatives in agriculture, housing and manufacturing leading to high incidences of unemployment, food insecurity poverty and lower standards of living and loss of dignity. Unaffordable, poor quality and inaccessible farm inputs, extension services to farmers and lack of access to credit and working capital. Poorly and inadequately equipped health facilities leading to high incidences of communicable and noncommunicable diseases which affects the morbidity and mortality rates. Lack of integrity in building inspection and issuance of occupation certificates. Lack of public participation and stakeholder consultation in decision making that adversely affects the common person in the County
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 3. Our Agenda and Promise
We, in United for Kiambu recognize that lack of stakeholder consultation has led to the poor initiation and implementation of non-sustainable projects. The team is committed to good governance and ensuring that there is sustainable growth in the county by equitably distributing and utilizing resources efficiently and optimally. Our aim is to make Kiambu a model county by improving access to the basic services guaranteed by law to include the poor and disabled, the aged, orphans, widows and widowers and other disadvantaged members of our community.
3.1 Agenda Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Creating conditions for participatory decision making Decentralization of decision making Wealth creation for the rural and urban population. Sustainable employment creation and development of a new brand of entrepreneurs. Construction and maintenance of main truck and feeder roads. Provision of affordable high quality preventive and curative health services. Provision of affordable and high quality education to all. Provision of adequate portable water and improved sanitation Access to other basic services to the poor and most vulnerable in our society including the disabled, the aged, orphans, widows and widowers among others.
3.2 Our Promise Ÿ Withdrawal and review all laws relating to unreasonable and arbitrary set levies, taxes and licenses. Ÿ Withdraw and review all the unreasonable requirements that limit development of private and
commercial properties such as those relating to approvals, supervision and occupancy requirements. Ÿ Review and amend appropriately all requirements relating to registration of titles. Ÿ Address the outstanding family, community, company and other related land disputes. Ÿ Investigate and make informed decisions relating to acquisition and appropriation of all public land. Ÿ Enhance public participation in decision making on issues that affect their lives. Ÿ Enhance access to other basic services to the poor and most vulnerable in our society including the
disabled, the aged, orphans, widows and widowers among others. Ÿ Attract both domestic and foreign direct investment.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
4.1 Vision
United for Kiambu 4. Our Vision, Mission and Core Values
To be the most recognized, modernized and well organised county with equal opportunities and high standards of living for all
4.2 Mission
To improve the standard of living and welfare of our citizens, by promoting eective governance structures providing quality services through public participation, equitable distribution of resources and ďŹ scal responsibility
4.3 Core Values
Team Work 5
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 5. Wealth Creation
The Challenge Low and variable agricultural output prices Lack of adequate food to ensure sustainable food security Poor marketing systems of farm produce resulting in poor prices and low returns for farmers Unaffordable, poor quality and inaccessible farm inputs Lack of extension services to the farmers Lack of credit and working capital Limited or no value addition
Agriculture growth and transformation
5.1 Our Approach Recognizing the importance of agriculture in wealth creation, food security and employment, we commit to undertake the following: Support and establish access to farm inputs such as fertilizers and seeds to all. Provide effective, adequate and sustainable extension services to farmers. Establish training centers for farmers in every sub county. Upgrade Waruhiu Farmers Training Center to college level with satellite colleges in every sub-county. Revitalize and establish effective and well managed co-operatives societies with respect to procurement, processing, marketing and storage of agricultural produce. Ÿ Provide basic services to the poor and most vulnerable in our society including the disabled, the aged, Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
orphans, widows and widowers among others. Ÿ Establish mechanisms for cooperative societies to access affordable financing and business development
services. Ÿ Improve management of farmers cooperatives society by encouraging hiring and maintaining of skilled manpower.
5.1.1 Dairy Farming Ÿ Establish in-calf heifer breeding farms for easy access by
farmers in the county. Ÿ Support procurement, distribution and management of milk coolers
across the county. Ÿ Ensure access to affordable artificial insemination for high yielding
cattle breeds. Ÿ Establish a farmers’ owned dairy processing factory. Ÿ Establish a county level animal feeds production unit to serve the
county with quality animal feeds. 5.1.2 Fish farming, Bee keeping and rabbit rearing Fish farming is one of the new farming ways. Other upcoming commercial farming methods are bee keeping and rabbit rearing. We intend to explore marketing strategies for these products.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 5. Wealth Creation 5.1.2 Pigs production, processing and marketing Ÿ Establish a bacon factory. Ÿ Provide mechanisms for breeding and distribution of piglets
to farmers. Ÿ Establishing an efficient feed distribution system that will ensure pig farmers access
high quality affordable animal feeds. Ÿ Establishing pig collection centres and transport system from the farmers to the factory. Ÿ Support establishment of competitive bacon distribution in Kiambu, Nairobi and
surrounding counties
5.1.3 Poultry production, processing and marketing Ÿ Establish and consolidate poultry industry in the county with special
emphasis on breeding and distribution of Kuroiler, Kienyeji and other improved poultry breeds. Ÿ Establishment of an animal feeds factory to provide feeds at accessible prices. Ÿ Support establishment of a poultry production and processing unit. Ÿ Support poultry distribution systems by establishing collection centres and retail outlets within and outside the Kiambu county.
Enhancing sustainable Food Security
Initiate food security programs in the county with special emphasis in semi arid areas of Ndeiya, Karai Gatuanyaga and Nguriba areas. This will involve undertaking the following activities: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Enhancing mechanization through supporting private tractor ownerships by young entrepreneurs. Provision of subsidized seed and enhanced fertilizer distribution system. Promoting village based extension services. Establishment of organized food storage and uptake systems to ease the sales and distribution. Linking farmers to markets particularly millers and grain traders. Support conducive legislative framework to regulate animal feeds industry.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 6. Job Creation
6.1 The Challenge Most young people between the ages of 24 and 35 years in the county are unemployed. These energetic young people who are approximately 500,000 remain idle leading to despair, unhappiness and anguish, causing them to engage in social ills including crime, illicit sex, suicide, alcoholism and involvement in criminal gangs. This poses a great threat to our future generation whose lives expectancies are negatively affected
Creating Jobs for our Youth
6.2 Our Approach Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Create jobs in agriculture & agro-processing as highlighted above. Create a conducive environment for growth and development of small and medium enterprise such as artisans in automotive, wood, metal (Jua Kali operatives) and not forgetting catering, food and clothing industries, etc. Develop strategically located business parks with proper infrastructure (roads,water & electricity connectivity etc) Encourage investment in modern services such as vehicle repairs and maintenance, salons and other affiliated services, food manufacturing, packaging, processing among others. Create a new brand of entrepreneurs to undertake activities such as road construction, repair and maintenance, water drilling and distribution systems, management of sewage systems, cleaning and providing sanitary services. Financially empower youth, women, people living with disabilities and older men through sustainable and accessible revolving funds and markets. Establish and run well-equipped technical colleges in every ward to train skilled and semi-skilled labour force. Tap on Jubilee's Ajira program that makes it possible to access online jobs. Elevate Kiambu Institute of Science & Technology (KIST) to a middle level technical institute that can become a centre for training for trainers of the technical institutions at the sub county levels. Support and advance the formation of the proposed Kiambu University of Technical and Innovation Institute (KUTI), a demand driven university that is modeled along the same idea as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 7. Infrastructure
Road infrastructure development
Kiambu County is a beneficiary of major road networks including the Thika super highway and a number of bypasses put up to ease traffic congestion in Nairobi and surrounding suburbs. The road connectivity provides the much desired transport network across the county. The bypasses comprise of the Northern bypass – linking Limuru road to Thika superhighway, Eastern bypass – linking Mombasa road to Ruiru-Kiambu road and Southern bypasslinking Mombasa road through Kikuyu to Naivasha road. Two proposed bypasses are Western bypass linking Ruaka through Ndenderu, Wangige to Nairobi, Naivasha road; and The Greater Eastern bypass which will be located within Machakos, Nairobi and Kiambu Counties. In addition, the Jubilee government has undertaken to rehabiliate a number of roads among them, the Ruiru-Githunguri-Uplands road, Wangige-Gikuni-Ngecha-Rironi road, Githunguri, Kagwe, Kimende road (Moi road), Thogoto, Gikambura Murakwa road among others. In addition, the government has plans to elevate Waiyaki road to a super highway. To continue improving on the road network in the county, we will endeavor to undertake the following: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Ensure all the roads already tendered and planned for construction are completed to the highest quality. Enlist all the other key truck roads within the county and work with the national government to have them prioritized for construction. Ensure that all the other roads are repaired and upgraded to double the number of tarmacked roads. Employ other cost effective ways of repairing and maintaining all the rural access roads. Adopt a new approach to feeder roads construction, repair and maintenance through actively engaging the youth and local community in undertaking the construction works while also providing community level supervision of the road networks. Prioritize the construction and maintenance of all the coffee, tea and dairy access roads to enhance agricultural productivity. Expanding the rural feeder roads by engaging the community in identifying solutions to road encroachment. Enhancing allocation and diversifying of financial resources to improve and maintain roads. Total elimination of corruption and nepotism in tendering of all civil works including road construction, maintenance and repair. Develop mechanism of decongesting key towns in Kiambu such as Ruiru, Kikuyu, Juja and Thika.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 8. Water, Sanita on and Environment
8.1 The Challenge · Demand for clean water and sanita on is increasing sharply as more people migrate to · urbanized Kiambu. · Only about 35% of households have piped water. · Poor water management · Demand for more water for irriga on to feed the growing popula on. Water is a key but scarce resource that is vital to an economy, it is a basic need for urban and rural consump on in industries, households, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, construc on, recrea on and environment etc. Kiambu County is endowed with varied sources of water including permanent rivers/streams, swamps, boreholes and dams with the Aberdare ranges as its main water tower. The County is also the main source of water to the city of Nairobi through the Eastern Aberdare Rivers that run through it. The numerous streams and rivers are an important source of piped water projects. This notwithstanding, only about 35 % of households have piped water. Most of the terrain in the County is conducive for gravity water distribu on to households as well as for irriga on purposes.
Ensuring sufcient and safe water for all
8.2 Our Approach · · · · · ·
Enhanced water security through construc on of water harves ng and storage dam infrastructure. . Use underground water detectors to search for water. Expand sanita on infrastructure in urban areas. Increase the number of people connected to safe piped water Work with the na onal government to establish two proper waste management systems in our county. Enforce the protec on of wetlands and water towers for sustainable water supply.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 9. Health
9.1 The Challenge Poor and inadequately equipped health facilities. Lack of awareness on good nutrition, hygiene and proper sanitation. Low doctor to patient ratio in our hospitals
Poor maternal and infant care
Health for a Wealthy County
We recognize that good health plays a very important role in boosting economic growth of our county as well as reducing poverty. Poor health imposes a heavy burden on the society and slows economic growth. Illness in families is one of the major causes of reduction in incomes and assets of Kenyans leading to increased dependency ratio. Poor health also leads to dismal performance in education due to high dropout rates. We recognize that the majority of the population does not have access to affordable health care. Preventable conditions, such as HIV/AIDs, malaria and tuberculosis, reproductive, immunizable childhood diseases and sexually transmitted infections place a huge burden on the population. Our team will improve both the preventive and curative health to all the residents of Kiambu County. It is in this line that we commit to providing quality and affordable health care.
Key activities in the health Sector will include: 9.2 Our Approach Invest in centers for community education and awareness to reduce the high incidences of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, mental issues, hypertension and diabetes. Ÿ Improve sanitation in public places including markets, hotels, schools etc to reduce incidences of infectious diseases which overstretch health facilities Ÿ
Invest in more health facilities to bring services closer to people.
Improve the quality of infrastructure in all health facilities.
Provide enough essential, authentic and affordable pharmaceutical products to health facilities. Ÿ Expand bed capacity in key hospitals to reduce congestion and undignified bed-sharing practices. Ÿ
Increase the number of health personnel and thereby increase doctor/Nurse to patient ratio. Uphold and maintain a good working relations with County health workers. Acquire modern, efficient and accessible equipment such as x ray, ultra sound, MRI, dialysis. Establish links with key health care providers within Kenya, USA, India, Malaysia, Korea Singapore among others on improvement of healthcare.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 10. Education
10.1 The Challenge High number of drop out from schools Poor infrastructure Low number of teachers
Education for All
Kiambu County residents have a relatively high literacy level of 93.8%. It is also home to very prestigous National schools such as Alliance High School, Alliance Girls High school, Mang'u High School and Loreto Limuru Girls. Despite this, education performance remains relatively low due to poor transitional and high school drop out rates, This is estimated at 30% at primary school level and 25% at secondary. This is due to poverty, ignorance, poor infrastructure in schools and low teacher to student ratio. We promise to: Ÿ Improve physical infrastructure of the schools thereby creating conducive conditions for children. Ÿ Ensure enough and well remunerated Early Childhood Education teachers (ECD) Ÿ Ensure good working relations between teachers and parent through consultative fora. Ÿ Co-ordinate with elected leaders on upgrade of facilities using CDF to avoid duplication and wastage of resources Ÿ Ensure National schools have a reserved class for local students who have attained the entry requirement. Ÿ To tap on Jubilee party’s promise to offer free education in primary and secondary day schools. In collaboration with CDF, support building of adequate classes in all our day primary schools Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Streamline the processes involved in County bursary fund for needy bright students. Work closely with Higher Education Loans Board to establish a revolving loan fund to needy students in tertiary institutions. This will complement the National government's loan facility that requires repayment. Encourage and support alumni systems to develop mentorship programmes. Piggyback on the Jubilee government’s sponsored 12 month apprenticeship program for all university TVET graduates.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 11. Business Environment
Improving business Environment Rural-urban linkages are important aspects that call for sustainable urbanization and balanced development in both rural and urban areas. In Kiambu County, there has been no sustainable urbanization due to integrity issues in land transactions and poorly regulated construction sector. Rural development has also being ignored leading to increased rural-urban migration. Most rural areas are also linked by substandard and poorly maintained feeder roads. The above can be attributed to; land related issues such as non-issuance of title deeds, difficulties in change of user, corruption in construction sector, unfriendly and non-consultative procedures for plan approvals, lack of integrity in building inspection and issuance of occupation certificates, poor waste disposal management, lack of sewerage systems in urban centres and neglected market centres in the rural areas.
11.1 Our Approach Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Provide appropriate infrastructure Put in place conducive taxies and levies after consultation. Provide well planned market facilities. Facilitate access to building and construction finances. Put up at least one firefighting station in each sub county Ammend all punitive policies and uphold integrity in land and construction sectors. Lobby for repair and maintenance of major roads in Kiambu. Allocate more resources for provision of high standard feeder roads.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 12. Youth and Sports
12.1 The Challenge · · · ·
Dependency of young people on society for upkeep Low or Limited skills in technical, life and entrepreneurial skills. Lack of resources and opportuni es. High levels of poverty
Engaging young minds
The youth in the County cons tute 34 % of the total popula on mainly in secondary schools and ter ary ins tu ons. The percentage of these young people with skills is large and could be an addi on to workers in formal employment. Others engage in 'Jua kali' ac vi es such as tou ng, hawking, auto works that do not require high skills. The agricultural sector has remained the largest employer of the youth as casual workers especially during harves ng, transporta on and processing. Young people are the future custodians of the County; they are the leaders of tomorrow and as they become more astute in developing pathways for progress, they also contribute to the development of stable, produc ve communi es It is impera ve that the youth develop the skills needed to contribute to the County and the en re global community.
12.2 Our Approach · · · ·
Development of stadia. Crea on of a sports academies. Link our Sportsmen and women to the Na onal and interna onal sports organisa ons. Iden fy, nurture and develop talents for the youth.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 13. Youth Empowerment
13.1 The Challenge · · ·
High levels of poverty. Lack of capital & access to financial facili es ignorance Nega ve peer pressure
Providing skills through technical training
We will equip our village polytechnics to provide technical skills as well as other economic programs geared towards economic empowerment of the youth.
13.2 Our Approach · · · · · ·
Provide a pla orm for entertainment such as, drama c arts, secular music, science and trade fairs. Promote crea vity and skills among the youth in arts and cra s such as sawing, basketry, weaving, e and dye, bead work and sculpturing. Foster entrepreneurship and facilitate youth entry into business e.g. ICT, agriculture, merchandising, film, co age manufacturing and micro finance etc Iden fy, nurture and develop talents for youths. Create linkages between training ins tu ons and private sector for internship programmes. Encourage youth to form formal groups with clear objec ves in order to benefit from the Youth development fund.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 14. Promoting Tourism Kiambu County has the potential to develop its tourism industry. Lari Sub County for example, is endowed with a number of resources that could promote Ecotourism. In collaboration with Kenya Wildlife Services and the local community, we propose to conserve the natural habitats that will exploit tourism in areas such as Kereita and Kinale forests which are endowed with a wide variety of birds, elephants and other types of animals. The escarpment gives tourists a good view of the Great Rift Valley especially Longonot Crater and Suswa Hills. Kamae forest is a gazetted forest reserve and is home to a number of elephants, which can be seen along the Flyover.
Rift Valley Viewpoint
The Kereita Cave and Waterfall are located in Kereita Forest at the southernmost end of the Aberdares range. The forest is a designated home to diverse bird species. One of these trails, the Carbacid Trail, leads to Kereita Waterfall on the Gatamaiyu River, and the adjacent cave that is home to a small bat colony. If well managed, ecotourism can bring about sensitivity towards, and appreciation of, local cultures and biodiversity. Other local attractive sites that we will exploit to promote tourism industry in the county include: Ÿ Chania and Thika Falls which lie on either side of the iconic Blue post hotel in Thika. Ÿ Fourteen Falls which is located about 65 km from Nairobi o ffthe Thika – Garissa Road. Ÿ Kilimambogo hill where you will find the graves of Sir Macmillan. Ÿ Mugumo Gardens, a historical site in Thika, which is named after the giant fig tree. Ÿ The Gatamaiyu Riverine Walk in Gatamaiyu Forest is a true paradise and ideal destination for bird watchers enthusiasts of Afro-tropical highland species. Ÿ The County is home to some of the legendary golf courses established during the colonial era. These include Sigona, Ndumberi, Windsor and Kiambu Golf clubs.
Scenic Kinare Forest
Fourteen Falls, Thika
Our Approach The concept of Kiambu as a choice destination for tourism is fairly low. We intend to increase the numbers of local and international visitors to our beautiful county by: Ÿ Encouraging investors in tourism especially hoteliers Ÿ Creating conducive environment to attract fun loving tourists and whole families.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 15. Housing and Physical Planning
15.1 The Challenge · · · ·
Rapid urban growth leading to demand for decent housing. Cultural prac ces of sub- division of ancestral land Development of informal se lements due to high cost of housing. Idle and under u lised land
Affordable and Decent housing
In Kiambu County, the formerly rich agricultural land neighbouring the city is slowly giving in to real estate development. Land use boundaries will be necessary to zone it into urban, industrial, rural, agricultural, Green zones and conserva on zone so as to achieve an op mal balance between various land uses in line with Nairobi Metro 2030.
15.2 Our Approach
on with land owners, we aspire to zone urban commercial and residen al areas to ensure proper planning · Inof consulta infrastructure and service delivery. · Select certain areas for industrial development. · Create policies that ensure the agricultural belt is maintained for food security and prevent unplanned development. · Evaluate current housing situa on and work with County planners to ensure proper planning of residen al areas. ·In consulta on with financial ins tu ons, we will establish a revolving fund (guarantee fund) to assist high value land owners to develop their property and enhance economical value. · Encourage investors in low cost housing
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
United for Kiambu 16. Security
16.1 The Challenge · · · · ·
Unemployment especially among the youth. Drug abuse. High poverty levels. Inadequate security infrastructure. Poor ligh ng in the urban and peri-urban aeas.
A be er and Secure County
Peace and Security (Law and Order) are the core drivers of the County's Social, Economic and Poli cal development. The social pillar of the Vision 2030 recognizes security as a major aspect in providing an enabling environment for individuals and businesses to thrive. Though crime is inevitable and ineffaceable, it needs to be tackled strongly and effec vely. indeed, security is vital for the County to implement its development agendas and improve economic and social well-being. 16.2 Our Approach
Crea ng employment mainly to the youth and engaging them in meaningful ac vi es that will benefit them. ·· Crea ng wealth through investment in the security sector, which will boost the current status in Trade and Investment. · Renovate and equip youth polytechnics, to enable train and mentor young people in both entrepreneurial and life skills. This will benefit the youth and reduce crime incidences in the County. · Implement high mast ligh ng pogrammes in the poorly lit areas. ·Forge good working rela onships with security organs in the county and assist in community policing.
Our Agenda for Kiambu 2017 - 2022 and beyond
BabaYao. Nyoro. Gakuyo. Njoki. Mugwe
United 4 Kiambu
Pamoja Tunaweza