The local newsletter for Claregalway & Carnmore Vol. 16 Iss. 2 | October 2011
Compántas Lir present Annual Autumn Theatre As Autumn has reached us, we turn our attention to the annual hosting of the Autumn Theatre.
This year we are delighted to announce the addition of a Saturday night performance.
As we do every year, we will be presenting two One–Act shows (information on each below). This is our biggest annual fundraising event and your support is greatly appreciated.
Last Tango in Carnmore by David Tristam
Adapted & Directed by Philip Cribbin
Lotto Lunacy
Written & Directed by Clement Shevlin
October 12th – 15th
October 12th – 15th
Last Tango in Carnmore
Lotto Lunacy
This One–Act comedy, originally entitled Last Tango in
Mike, an aging bachelor in a West of Ireland town, has just
Little Grimley, was designed by the author, David Tristam,
won the lottery and is discussing his plans with Fr. James.
to be customised to suit audiences in any locality.
Unbeknown to them, his housekeeper Miss Lally is listening
The local drama group is in trouble. The membership
in on the conversation. By the time she is noticed, she has
has dwindled to four — the audiences aren’t much bigger —
got the gist of the story and is in a flurry to tell the whole
and if they don’t raise the rent money for the use of the local
village the news of Mike’s lotto win.
centre soon, the group will be evicted.
crazy plans and this is where the fun begins…
Gordon, the resourceful chairman, has devised a cunning
It doesn’t take long for the locals to visit Mike with their
plan to rescue the group. “There’s only one thing that sells
tickets these days”, he says. “Sex…”.
show so you are sure to know somebody on the stage!
A massive cast of 12 of our finest take to the stage for this
The Autumn Theatre can be booked by: 085 115 4715
Or you can purchase from your local Compántas member.
Tickets are €12.50 and sell fast so please book to avoid disappointment.
Local News, Health & Sport
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Editorial Josette Farrell, Editor
Sponsors The Nuacht Chláir is compiled monthly voluntarily by a small committee and distributed free of charge.
The Nuacht Chláir team would like to sincerely
thank our sponsors and advertisers, without whom this publication would not be possible.
When October comes, we auto-
There are now four defibrillator
matically think of long evenings
boxes situated in the community
and snuggling up to cosy fires, etc.
- Carnmore Community Centre,
In Claregalway, however, we are
Claregalway Community Centre,
blessed to have lots of activities to
Claregalway Hotel and Hughes
lure us away from the fires into our
Supermarket. For further infor-
local Community Centre where we
mation, contact Vincent Lyons at
have so many activities to choose
087 638 6432. I would thoroughly
from. The AGM is coming up on
recommend anyone to take part in
the 19th October at 8pm. All are
this course.
welcome to attend – this is a centre
The GAA Fashion Show is also
for everybody in the community
a night to note in your diary. This
and by becoming involved you are
is always a very enjoyable night and
another voice. For further info,
for a very good local cause.
contact Sile at 085 108 2929.
For further info, contact
Another date for your diary is
Anne at 086 157 1135,
the upcoming Compántas Lir Au-
Ailish at 085 159 4569 or
tumn Theatre in Carnmore. This
Geraldine at 087 287 3553.
is without doubt a great night out
and a must to see emerging talent
on the flooded families on pages
perform. Details on cover.
14 & 15. Has progress been made?
Read Michael Brennan’s report
Hughes SuperValu Claregalway Pharmacy Raftery’s Centra Claregalway Hotel Claregalway Dental Surgery JPK Garden Centre Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore MPG Food Ltd.
Claregalway Community
Margaret & Ned Keogh and their
Development is to be commended
children have been through hell
for the Trojan work they are doing
and back – don’t forget what they
with the Defibrillator Courses. I
have suffered.
attended this course in an upstairs
room in Hughes Supermarket last
receive local news via email. See
weekend. It was expertly present- for info.
ed by Vincent Lyons, Chairperson
As always, your suggestions are
of CCDA. Rosaleen Quinn gave
welcome and articles as Gaeilge
excellent instructions through-
greatly appreciated.
Want your business listed here? Visit:
out the four hours and I found it
Until next time,
very informative and invaluable.
Don’t forget to subscribe to
Turloughmore Health Centre Glynn’s Fruit & Veg. | 3
Self Help Africa I am writing now to you to let you know that I recently started working for the Irish charity Self Help Africa (Visit to find out more). Just a short note that I hope finds you well.
quality seed, supporting irrigation, and by a whole host of
other measures that can give people some protection from
For over 25 years Self Help Africa has been working to
alleviate poverty and hunger amongst some of the poorest
the kinds of problems they are facing in parts of East
people on earth. It is challenging work, but it is rewarding
Africa today.
to know that much progress has been made in Africa in the
past decade.
to one of the biggest challenges faced by Africa is in the
As the name suggests, Self Help believes that the solution
hands of the people themselves. Provide African farmers with better access to seeds, with training and with the knowledge that will make them better farmers and you will solve a problem that we have been wrestling with for the best part of half a century. You will read in the enclosed newsletter about the work that we are currently doing with women in Africa. In many respects women are the engine of development. They work in the fields, take care of the young and the old, prepare food, provide clean water, and do much, much more.
One example of how we are helping is by supporting
a women’s savings and credit programme that has provided The entire focus of the work of Self Help Africa is on
small loans to over 32,000 (mainly women) members in
food – helping Africa’s rural poor to grow it, and support-
Ethiopia, to allow them to set up small businesses and
ing households to earn the money that they need to buy it.
earn a living.
Those of you who know me well will know that I have had
I hope that you will enjoy reading about my new organisa-
my own struggles with food in the past. But the weight loss
tion – and will consider lending me your support if I ‘come
challenges I faced taking part in RTE’s Operation Trans-
calling’ on you in the future. Very small amounts can go a
formation’ are absolutely nothing to the ordeal that millions
long way in Africa – so every little bit of help that you can
of Africans face in putting enough food on the table and
give for the work of Self Help will always be deeply appreci-
providing for their families, simply to survive.
ated. Absolutley no hassle if you are not in a position to help
out you have been more than helpful and generous to my
This issues have come into sharp focus with the famine
and drought in East Africa. Although Self Help Africa is not endeavours in the past. Thanks again for everything. directly involved in this emergency, the charity does work to try to ensure that situations like this do not happen in the
With best wishes,
first place – by providing farming communities with good
Ronan Scully
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Pruning & Care of Trees & Shrubs
091 739 958
Now is the right time to prune all shrubs and trees, depending on variety. Good guide is as follows but you can check by phone (091 739 958) if you are in doubt of when to prune. Deciduous tree/shrub which flowers before the end of May e.g. Ribes, Philadelphus, Weigela, Deutzia —Prune as soon as flowering finishes Deciduous tree/shrub which flower after May e.g. Fuschia potentilla and Buddleia —Prune January to March, prior to regrowth Flowering Cherries —Prune late summer
Broad leaved evergreen
Benefits are as follows
—Prune in the month of May
— Keeps down weeds
—Keeps in moisture
—Prune in Autumn.
—Prevents frost penetrating the root
Autumn is the ideal time to prune DDD branches
Winter Protection
in all shrubs and trees:
Newly planted plants and trees will benefit from frost
D = dead, D= diseased, D= damaged
protection fleece especially if it is evergreen or tender eg
Also prune out any weak branches and branches that cross.
Camellias Wrap shrubs in garden fleece to protect them. In
Pruning of these branches will add to the appearance of the
the event of heavy snow, wrap favoured evergreen branches
tree/shrub and will improve its vigor and appearance.
with twine and then cover with fleece.
It is also very important at this time of year to remove
and prune out suckers. You will find that grafted trees and
Hardwood Cuttings
shrubs are very prone to send up suckers (eg Willow trees/
November the time of year to take hard wood cuttings.
grafted bay / grafted standard roses) and these will weaken
Plants which are very successful grown from such cuttings
the shrub/tree and will in time if left unchecked will com-
are as follows.
pletely take over the plant.
If there is a shrub /tree which over hangs a wall/path,
suckle, Jasminum, Laburnum, Privet Spirea and Weigela to
these should be pruned each Autumn so that trouble is
mention just a few.
Aucuba, Buddleja, Buxus, Cornus, Forsythia, Honey-
avoided in time to come.
Pruning is done with sharp secateurs, ¼ in above
an outward pointing dormant bud.
Happy Gardening! Josette Horkan’s Lifestyle & Garden Centre, Lydican, Claregalway. | 5
Warts & Verrucas John Duffy of Claregalway Pharmacy (091 799 754) explains warts are usually harmless, but may be unsightly. Warts on the feet are called verrucas and are sometimes painful. Warts and verrucas usually clear in time without treatment. If required, they can often be
Who gets warts and verrucas
or nearby nails, or if you suck fingers
cleared more quickly with treat-
and are they harmful?
with warts on. If you have a poor im-
ment. For example, by applying
Most people develop one or more
mune system you may develop lots of
salicylic acid, or by freezing with
warts at some time in their life,
warts which are difficult to clear. (For
liquid nitrogen or a cold spray, or by usually before the age of 20.
example, if you have AIDS, if you are
covering with tape.
on chemotherapy, etc.)
About 1 in 10 people in the UK has warts at any one time. They are not
What are warts and verrucas?
usually harmful.
To reduce the chance of
Warts are small rough lumps on
passing on warts to others:
the skin. They are caused by a
if they press on a sensitive part of
—Don’t share towels.
virus (human papillomavirus) which
the foot. Some people find their
—When swimming, cover any
causes a reaction in the skin.
warts unsightly. Warts at the
end of fingers may interfere with
waterproof plaster.
Warts can occur anywhere on
Sometimes verrucas are painful
wart or verruca with a
the body but occur most commonly fine tasks.
—If you have a verruca, wear
on hands and feet.
flip-flops in communal shower
They range in size from 1 mm to
Are warts contagious?
rooms and don’t share shoes
over 1 cm. Sometimes only one
Yes, but the risk of passing them
or socks.
or two warts develop.
on to others is low. You need close
To reduce the chance of warts spreading
Sometimes several occur in the
skin-to-skin contact. You are more
to other areas of your body:
same area of skin.
at risk of being infected if your
—Don’t scratch warts.
skin is damaged, or if it is wet and
—Don’t bite nails or suck fingers
vary, and they are sometimes
The shape and size of warts
macerated, and in contact with
classed by how they look.
roughened surfaces. For example,
—If you have a verruca,
For example: common warts,
in swimming pools and communal
plane (flat) warts, filiform (finger-
washing areas.
like) warts, mosaic warts, etc.
Verrucas are warts that occur
You can also spread the wart vi-
that have warts. change your socks daily.
To treat or not to treat?
rus to other areas of your body. For
There is no need to treat warts if they
on the soles of the feet. They are
example, warts may spread round
are not causing you any problems.
the same as warts on any other part
the nails, lips and surrounding skin
Without treatment, about 3 in 10
of the body.
if you bite warts on your fingers,
warts have gone within 10 weeks, and
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most warts will have gone within 1-2 years, and leave no scar.
If the surrounding skin does become sore, stop the treat-
The chance that a wart will go is greatest in children and
ment for a few days until it settles. Then re-start treatment.
young people. Sometimes warts last longer. In particular,
There is also a small risk that you may get a skin allergy to
warts in older people are sometimes more persistent and may the treatment. If this occurs, the surrounding skin becomes last for several years.
red and itchy.
Treatment can often clear warts more quickly. However,
treatments are time-consuming and some can be painful.
It may take two weeks or more before you notice any im-
provement. It can take up to three months of daily applica-
Parents often want treatment for their children, but children tions for warts to go completely. Treatment may work better are often not bothered by warts. In most cases, simply wait-
if you put a plaster on the wart after applying the acid.
ing for them to go is usually the best thing to do. What are the treatment options? The three most commonly used treatments are: —Salicylic acid. —Freezing treatment.
Freezing warts is a popular treatment. Many GPs & Practice Nurses
—Covering with duct tape.
are skilled at this.
Salicylic acid
Freezing treatment (cryotherapy)
There are various lotions, paints and special plasters that
Liquid nitrogen is commonly used. The nitrogen is sprayed
contain salicylic acid. You can buy these at pharmacies, or
on or applied to the wart. Liquid nitrogen is very cold and
your doctor may prescribe one. Read the instructions in the
the freezing and thawing destroys the wart tissue. To clear
packet on how to use the brand you buy or are prescribed, or
the wart fully it can need up to 4-6 treatment sessions, some-
ask your pharmacist for advice.
times more.
Usually you need to apply each day for up to three
Each treatment session is a couple of weeks or so apart.
months. This acid burns off the top layer.
Some studies show that the chance of clearing a wart with
Every few days rub off the dead tissue from the top of the
freezing treatment is about the same as acid treatment.
wart, with emery paper (or similar). Gradually the wart is
However, one recent research study reported that freezing
burnt off and rubbed away.
treatment was more likely to be successful at clearing warts
compared with acid treatment. Also, freezing treatment
It is best if you soak the wart in water for 5-10 minutes
before applying acid. You should not apply acid to the face
tends to be quicker to get results.
because of the risk of skin irritation which may cause scar-
ring. If you have diabetes or poor circulation, you should use
blister develops for a day or so on the nearby skin after treat-
salicylic acid only on the advice of a doctor.
ment. Also, there is a slight risk of scarring the nearby skin
or nail, or damaging underlying tissues such as tendons or
If you put the acid on correctly each day you have a good
Freezing treatment can be painful. Sometimes a small
chance of clearing the warts within 3 months. Studies report
nerves. It is not suitable for younger children or for people
that about 7-8 in 10 warts are cleared within 3 months with
with poor circulation.
daily use of salicylic acid.
Tips for success include: Try not to get the acid on the
Combined treatment
skin next to the wart, as it may become irritated. You can
One review of treatments concluded that treatment with
protect the nearby skin by putting some Vaseline® on the
salicylic acid plus cryotherapy had a higher cure rate than
normal skin beforehand, or by putting on a plaster with a
either salicylic acid or cryotherapy alone.
hole in it which just exposes the wart for treatment.
Continued Overleaf | 7
Continued from page 7 Covering with Duct Tape
people prefer to wear a special sock which you can buy from
One research study found that covering a wart with strong
pharmacies. It is also a good idea to wear flip-flops when
adhesive tape seemed to give a good chance of clearing warts
using communal showers, as this may reduce the chance of
within a month or two. (Duct tape was used in the study.)
catching or passing on virus particles from verrucas.
In this study, about 7 in 10 warts had cleared within 2 months with using duct tape. The method described in the study was: —The wart was covered with duct tape for 6 days. —If the tape fell off during this time, a fresh piece
of tape was put on.
—After 6 days, the tape was removed and the
wart soaked in warm water for 5 minutes.
After drying, it was then gently rubbed with an emery board or pumice stone to get rid of dead tissue
Parish Notices Claregalway Parish Mass Diary is now available for 2012.
from the top of the wart.
—The wart was then left uncovered overnight
1st Anniversary Masses need to be booked immediately.
Please contact the Parish Office (091-798741).
and duct tape put on again the next day.
Treatment was continued for up to two months. (Note: most
warts that cleared with duct tape did so within 28 days.)
be shared next year. It is the responsibility of families of the
deceased to book Masses.
However, two subsequent studies using tape (cited at the
The situation may arise that weekend Masses may have to
end) failed to demonstrate the good response of the first study. So, the evidence for tape treatment is mixed. But, it
Senior Choir practice Monday night at 8.15 p.m. Hope to
may be worth a try, as you are unlikely to do any harm and it
see all existing members there and new members are very
may work. Some experts advise that you should not use duct
welcome. For further information Tel: 798125. Folk Choir resumed on Wednesday 14th September at
tape on the face as in some people it can irritate the skin.
8.30 p.m. New members always welcome. Other treatment options A podiatrist or chiropodist can pare or rub down a verruca.
Dates for your Diary:
This is often enough to ease any pain, even though part of
the verruca may still remain.
will take place on Saturday 5th Mary 2012.
If the above treatment options do not clear warts then other
The Sacrament of Confirmation The Sacrament of First Holy Communion
will take place on Saturday, 19th May 2012.
methods may be tried. There are various ways that can cut out or burn warts, but they are usually only done by special-
Aoife Dempsey, T.C.R.G. Corrib School of Irish Dancing Classes:
ists if other treatments have failed. Some treatments (such as
Wed. in Carnmore Community Centre from 5pm – 6:30pm.
laser treatment) are not available on the NHS to treat warts
Thurs. in SMA Hall, Claregalway from 6pm – 8pm.
and verrucas.
Fri. in Turloughmore Centre from 6pm – 8pm. Contact 087-6950457
What about swimming? A child with warts or verrucas should go swimming as nor-
Claregalway /Carnmore Active Retirement Meeting Friday,
mal. Warts can be covered with waterproof plasters. A ver-
16th September at 10.30 a.m. in the Parish Meeting Room.
ruca can also be covered with a waterproof plaster but some
All welcome.
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Make It Happen I was reading a paper recently
and I saw that Owen Hargreaves
business failure is tough. There
TV. He called into the studios in RTE
was due to line out for Manchester
are many reasons why things don’t
repeatedly, six or seven times he recalls,
City. It got me thinking, here was
work out. Owen Hargreaves went
each time leaving a bucket. He did not
a guy whose career was written off
out and proved his weakness (in-
allow rejection to stop him. Eventually
due to the ravages of injury and
jury) was not as weak as Ferguson
the buckets started to clutter the place
who was only being considered for
had surmised and that he did
and the staff at RTE realised he wasn`t
the lower leagues, most notably
indeed have something to offer.
going to give up, so he was given a one
Leicester City.
He scored the winning goal.
minute slot. That was the start of his
success story.
What struck me was his
Being made redundant and
Another person who had some-
he got his big break on the biggest gig on
determination, like all winners
thing to offer and who stood out
Some people want it to happen,
he had a self belief coupled with
from the crowd was “Jobless Paddy”.
some wish it would happen,
steely determination. I distinctly
You may remember this guy who
others make it happen
remember Owen Hargreaves mak-
paid for a billboard and made it
—Michael Jordan
ing a YouTube video of a personal
happen for himself by advertising
The legendary Jordan himself was
trainer putting him through his
himself for employment with what
dropped from a team. He used that
paces. The video was an unusual
little money he had left. He found
episode to drive him for the rest of his
one for a professional footballer to
himself in the middle of a media
basketball career, one of the greatest
do. But by producing the
storm, and also landed himself
careers in the history of the game.
YouTube video, he effectively re-
as job with Paddy Power, who
moved all doubt that he was injury
admired his brave move. This is
ordinary person - who did something
free, thus leading to his surprise
another great way of standing out
extra. This in turn made them extraordi-
move from Manchester United to
from the crowd and getting people
Manchester City.
to take a chance on you. People
So what can we learn from this?
Every one of these examples is an
What will you do to achieve your
love ingenuity.
goals? What business would you like to
Here is a great example of how
start? What is the job you want to get?
rejection should be handled. Sir
people’s attention is John Concan-
Are you extraordinary, do you need sup-
Alex Ferguson let him go and said
non of JFC. You may remember
port realising your potential?
he was not part of his plans. It’s
John from his role in “The Secret
William Corless
a bit like being made redundant,
Millionaire” aired recently in RTE.
someone decides your role in the
I had the pleasure of meeting John
company no longer exists and you
several times and he likes to tell the contact William Corless on
are suddenly without a job. Does
story of how his Late Late break
086-6080194 or
that mean that you are redundant
was the making of him.
or that the role is redundant? Owen
A man who definitely got
John did not have a marketing
If you want to follow through,
YellowWood aims to improve
Hargreaves pretty much answered
person or PR expert to get him
business performance and optimise indi-
Sir Alex by getting a contract with
a job interview. By being deter-
vidual potential through NLP, Coach-
Man City, Utd’s greatest rivals.
mined, persistent and ingenious,
ing, Training & Business Solutions. | 9
Caring for Gums & Teeth During Pregnancy Pregnant women must take special care in order to prevent gum disease. It is essential to eat a well balanced diet during pregnancy. You are What You Eat
Questions often asked by women during pregnancy
It is untrue when you are pregnant
Q: Do I need to visit my dentist during pregnancy?
your teeth are weakened because
A: Yes. Due to hormone changes during pregnancy, some women’s dental health
the calcium from them goes to
needs closer attention during this time. This may include appointments to
build the baby’s teeth.
have a thorough cleaning, and advice on caring for your teeth at home.
Your baby’s teeth begin to form
after the first three months of
Q: Why are my gums bleeding?
pregnancy and it is your diet which
A: This is due to hormone changes in the body. This means that you must keep
affects their formation.
a high standard of oral hygiene brushing your teeth twice a day & flossing
once a day.
It is important to eat foods
that are rich in calcium e.g. milk, cheese, fish etc., all of which will
Q: Is dental treatment safe during pregnancy?
help your baby’s teeth and bones to
A: Yes routine dental treatment is safe.
grow strong & healthy.
During pregnancy you may tend
Q: Does pregnancy cause damage to teeth?
to eat more than usual but try to
A: There is no truth in the rumours about calcium deficiency due to pregnancy
keep sugar intake to a minimum.
causing tooth problems or that you will loose one tooth for each child.
Oral Hygiene Due to fluctuating hormone levels, you may be more susceptible or bleed from flossing & brushing.
Your gums may be red and
swollen or bleed from brushing. They will recover after delivery. This article is courtesy of Claregalway Dental Surgery, Summerfield, Claregalway. 091 798 333 | Mon,Thurs,Fri: 9am–5pm; Tues, Wed: 8am–7pm
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Claregalway GAA Fashion Extravaganza Claregalway GAA Club are holding their second Fashion Extravaganza on Thursday, October 20th 2011 at 8.00pm in the Clayton Hotel, Briarhill. This event is to support the ongoing development of the Claregalway GAA Club. Two training pitches are now in use (see pictures) but there is still a long way to go and the club has embarked on a five year development plan to raise the funds to enable completion of this project. Club membership is constantly increasing so these facilities are greatly needed.
The Fashion Extravaganza will be a fully professional
show hosted by an experienced team of specialists including Mandy Maher and her team from the Catwalk Modelling Agency who will be modelling outfits from shops in and around Galway city and county including Anthony Ryans (sponsors of the best dressed lady), Standúns of Spiddal, Brown Thomas, Sugar Pink, Hidden Closet, Colette Latchford, Enjoi (Tuam), Squisito, Beverly Hills, Kiss (Dublin Road, Tuam) and Reidys Menswear. Hats will be provided by Susie Mahony and CARA Diamonds will be showing some of their pieces.
On the night there will be various stands to visit includ-
ing Mike Ryan Jewellery, Bella Make-Over Studio, Michelle McDonagh Beauty Rooms, Quiff Hair Studio, Richard Hughes Opticians and Flanaghan Shoes.
During the evening there will be entertainment and
raffles with some amazing prizes to be won. There will also be a presentation made to the Claregalway & District Day Care Centre, a cause that the Fashion Show committee have chosen to support this year.
Further information can be obtained through the
Claregalway GAA Website,
Tickets are priced at €20 and are available by phoning
Margaret on 087 204 4158.
Tickets are selling fast so don’t miss out. | 11
The Claregalway Hotel Wedding Exposé Save the Date! 16th October 2011, Claregalway Hotel, multi award winning wedding venue, will host its 7th annual “ Wedding Exposé” on Sunday 16th of October from 1pm to 6pm. The Claregalway Hotel, one of the country’s most popular
fashion tips & advice on how to create your dream wedding
wedding venues, will host its annual Wedding Exposé on
look. The Wedding Fair will also be the perfect opportunity
Sunday 16th October 2011 from 1pm to 6pm. The award
to explore what the Claregalway Hotel can offer you. We
winning hotel has long since established itself as a leading
will showcase the ‘4 Themes of the Wedding Season’ exhibi-
wedding venue in Galway and we proudly proclaim that
tion, covering a wedding style from Valentines, summer,
providing Brides & Grooms with a perfect wedding day is
autumn and Christmas.
a specialty. For those planning a wedding, or dreaming of one, there’s no other place to experience the vast range of products and services available from the West of Ireland’s biggest wedding suppliers. In just a few hours a couple can
The Claregalway Hotel is a renowned wedding venue in the West and has established itself with a reputation for exquisite food & excellent service.
meet with a varied mix of exhibitors, showcasing their range
of wedding services and products, with many ‘on the day’
Partnerships we can also cater for all civil ceremonies and
discounts available.
civil partnerships. Over 500 couples have chosen to celebrate
Our wedding team, led by wedding planner Nora Gill, will
their nuptials with The Claregalway Hotel since it opened in
be at your service to discuss any queries you may have and
July 2004 and dates are being snapped up fast for the coming
offer you exclusive suggestions and tips. Head Chef, Ralph
months from eager brides and grooms from all over Ireland.
McNally, will also be present to discuss any menu-related
Our hard work and dedication has been recognised with the
enquiries and he will be providing canapés for guests and
Optimus Mark of Best Practice Award 2011 and two recent
samples from a selection of his most popular wedding
nominations for Best Wedding Venue in Connaught 2011 by
two of Ireland’s leading online wedding websites.
A popular highlight of the days’ activities includes the
As a HSE approved Venue for Civil Ceremonies and
The Claregalway Hotel and Leisure Centre promise to ca-
Wedding Exposé Fashion Show, by Catwalk Model Agency,
ter for no more than one wedding per day so you can be guar-
that will offer brides to be, grooms, mums, dads and
anteed a personalised service with standards of excellence
bridesmaids, the opportunity of viewing the latest styles
and a venue second to none. We can cater for the smaller
and trends from the very best in bridal fashion. Tara King,
more intimate weddings in the Cregmore Suite. For the
beauty and fashion enthusiast will be at hand to offer you
elegant & traditional wedding our Waterdale Banquet Suite.
12 | | 13
Flood Victims Finally Receive Compensation Around 20 families who were forced out by severe
flooding two years ago are expected to get up to €200,000 each to buy new homes. Michael Brennan
due to the risk of flooding. They have to show that it is
Deputy Political Correspondant, Irish Independent
impossible to get flood insurance.
And the OPW also has to find that re-location is a
They were among the worst affected by the floods,
cheaper option than carrying out flood protection works.
which damaged the homes of thousands of people
In many cases, families have moved back to their
around the country.
homes because such works have either been carried
out or commissioned.
They are set to get compensation to buy or build new
homes because the risk of their old homes flooding again is
considered too great – and it would be too expensive to carry
in contact with some of the families hoping to get re-located,
Fine Gael Galway West TD Brian Walsh, who has been
out flood prevention works.
said it had been a huge ordeal for them.
Some of the families have young children & have been living in rented accommodation since the severe flooding in November ’09.
But the 32 families in Galway, Roscommon, Offaly and
Tipperary are facing an anxious wait before the Department of Social Protection confirms who is receiving the relocation grants from the €4m fund.
The Government has only approved the relocation of up
“But I am hopeful that there is now light at the end of the tunnel for many of these in the form of the prospect of relocation. There isn’t any other option for these people. It’s too risky to move back into their homes,” he said.
The families will be given funds to buy or build new
homes – depending on their personal circumstances. But
the amount of money they receive from the €4m fund will be capped in accordance with an estimate from their local authority –such as Galway County Council- about the cost
to 20 families – meaning that 12 other families are likely to
of providing a reasonable home in the area.
miss out on the funds. The overwhelming majority are from
Galway (27), with three from Roscommon and one each
their own site to build on – and any compensation payments
from Offaly and Tipperary.
from their insurance company for the flood damage will also
In order to qualify for re-location, the families have
be discounted. The Department of Social Protection said its
had to get an assessment from the Office of Public Works
officials had visited each of the 32 families and carried out an
(OPW) that it is unsustainable to move back to their houses
assessment of their situation.
14 |
Their re-location grant will be also cut if they have
“The department expects to be
in a position to make a decision on these cases in the coming weeks,” a spokeswoman said.
Although the relocation scheme
only covers people in four counties, the Government has given pay-
ments worth €1.65m to 1,310 other people to help them move back into their flood-damaged homes – an average of €1,200 each.
But according to TDs, many
people are still finding it impossi-
Photo: Andrew Downes Photography
ble to get flood insurance. One family is anxiously waiting for a grant to move to a new home — after being forced to live in rented accommodation for the past two years. Margaret Keogh and her husband Ned lost almost all of their furniture when their bungalow in Carnmore in Galway was covered by a foot of water for three weeks.
They and their three children have been living in rented accommodation while they wait for a decision
from the Government on re-locating them to a new home. They had previously lived in their home for ten years and never had any problem with flooding during that time.
Mrs Keogh said the site around the house had been flooded four times since –
and that there was no guarantee this wouldn’t happen again if they moved back.
“I just really couldn’t put the kids back there. I would prefer to live in the side of the street rather than go
back with them,” she said. The couple bought their home – which was around 25 years old at the time – back in 2001 for €194,000. Mrs Keogh said it was now “worth nothing” but they are still paying the mortgage for it.
Mrs Keogh said she and her husband had kept going for the sake of their three children Lauren (3), James
(6) and Dillon (9). “If I didn’t have the kids, I think I’d be in a mental hospital because it’s been horrendous on myself and Ned. I don’t even know how our marriage has got through it. We’ve lost everything,” she said.
She and her family are now waiting for the announcement by the Department of Social Protection about
who will be re-located under its €4m scheme to help flooded families. Their rent payments are being covered by an emergency flood relief fund in the meantime.
“We’re hearing that 20 families are going to get relocated but we don’t know if we’re one of them,” she said.
Both Mrs Keogh and her husband have lost jobs due to the business slowdown caused by the recession – she previously worked with the Executive Helicopters company and her husband worked as a carpenter. And they had to dump six skip-loads of furniture and personal possessions which had been damaged by the flooding.
“The water was in our house for three weeks. And in the country, you have septic tanks so picture the
scene,” she said. Mrs Keogh said the family is willing to keep repaying has previously travelled up to the Dail to highlight her family’s plight– and has been seeking a meeting with Social Protection Minister Joan Burton.
“It would be just to talk to her and show her we’re not gangsters. We’re just a normal couple and we’re not
trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. We owned our own home. We worked to buy all our own stuff. We’ve never been on social welfare until this happened,” she said. | 15
Some snaps from a recent stroll in the sun around the village.
16 | | 17
Falling for Autumn Móna Wise is a local
We naturally turn to comfort foods
blogger & author.
this time of year. With all the belt
Wise Turkey Chilli
tightening that has been going on
—900g ground turkey (Tesco stocks this)
Check out her blog at
all over the country, many of us
—3 onions (medium)
have had to be creative in resourc-
—4 cloves of garlic
ing our food. Trying to maintain
—1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
a healthy diet and eat quality food
—2 tablespoons mild chili powder
can sometimes pose as a challenge.
—1 tablespoon hot chili powder
But how do you feel about beans?
—1 tablespoon brown sugar
And I am not talking about the tin
—1 teaspoon salt
can of baked beans either.
—1 teaspoon black pepper
—4 cans of chopped tomatoes
Affordable and available at
most local shops, beans come in
—1.5 litres of water
many shapes, sizes and colours.
—3 tin cans of beans (kidney, chick pea, etc.
We have gotten in to the habit of
adding dried green lentils and pearl
If you buy the dried beans soak them overnight
barley to our brown basmati rice
in a large bowl of water. Boil them slowly for
blend. This gives the kids an added
an hour and a half to make sure they are cooked
protein boost to their dinner and
prior to adding them to the mix. The ones in the
there is always the added benefit
can are already cooked).
you decide)
of lowering cholesterol levels and helping fight heart disease for the grown ups in the house.
One of our favourite ways to
One pot wonder
use beans has got to be a good old
Peel and chop finely the onions and garlic. In a large pot
fashioned pot of turkey chili.
sauté the onions and garlic gently for a few minutes until they become translucent. Add the ground turkey, the chili powder, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper and sugar. Mix well and enjoy the smells of all those spices mixing with the meat.
Add in the tinned tomatoes and keep mixing. Add in the
water, slowly. Keep stirring the chili. Add in the beans. Mix well and add a little more water if seems too thick. Cover with lid, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 2 hours.
The kids favourite way to eat them is on a hot dog with
grated cheddar and raw onion relish. This will keep for a few days in the fridge and freezes very well. Give it a try!
18 |
Winter Warmers Hot Buttered Rum I know you already know how to make a hot whiskey. But have you ever tried a hot buttered rum? Buy yourself a bottle of Captain Morgans Spiced Rum and the next time the weather takes a nose dive settle in for the evening with one of these in your mug. Spiced Butter —225g (8 oz) brown sugar —110g (40z) soft unsalted butter —2 tsp of cinnamon —2 tsp nutmeg —1/2 tsp all spice —2 tsp vanilla essence
Mix it up Beat all the ingredients together until they are well mixed. This will keep in the fridge for up to a month and goes well on a slice of toast too.
In your glass pour in a nice measure of rum, then top it up
with boiling water and add in your butter mix at the end. You can add as much or as little as you like.
This is one of our favourite winter warmers along with
hot ports and warm apple cider. Móna
Mobile Library Schedule Galway County Council’s Mobile Library will be at the Church entrance, inside Lakeview Estate at the following dates between 3:50pm—4:15pm:
October 18th 2011; November 1st, 15th & 29th 2011; December 13th 2011 Membership Charges: Adult: €5 | Unemployed/Students: €1
| OAP/Juvenile: Free | 19
Claregalway Ladies GAA On Saturday last 24th September, Claregalway Junior Ladies took part in the Tesco All Ireland Sevens At Naomh Mearnog G.A.A. club. Having played 4 games in their group, they came out on top and played a quarter final against Mungrets St.Paul’s which they won well. They played St.Sylvester’s in the semi-final and again the Claregalway girls were successful. They met Thomas Davis of Dublin in the final, which was a very tight tough game.
Unfortunately , the Claregalway girls lost out by 2-7 to 1-6. It was a most enjoyable day where the girls gave a won-
derful display of football. Great credit to the team which are Siobhan Cullen, Fabian Cooney, Deirdre Brennan, Tara Hession, Lorraine Keane, Emer O’Connell, Georgina Healy, Hannah Coen, Nicola Conlon, Charlotte Cooney,Aislinn Newell and Helen Moran. Manager; Barry Cooney, Michael Kirwan, Mick O’Connell . Special thanks to Rita Healy and to the parents who travelled.
The U-14 Girls travelled up to Bewleys Hotel on Friday evening to take part in the Kilmacud Crokes Sevens. Clar-
egalway were drawn in a strong group with FoxrockCabinteely,Naomh Conaill and Dungarvan. In Saturdays opening game at 10am Claregalway defeated FoxrockCabinteely on a score of 9-3 to 1-3. The second game was much closer against Dungarvan who had recorded a big win in the opening round. A converted penalty by Emma Connolly secured a 2-4 to 1-3 win. In the last group game Claregalway defeated Naomh Conaill 9-2 to 1-1 to setup a Fourth round knockout game with Shean Ui Neill. This game produced 18 goals shared evenly between the Teams but it was the Claregalway points that won the game on a score of 9-5 to 9 goals. Claregalway defeated Div 3 Feile Champions Lurgan by 8-7 to 1-2 in quarter Final and strong Cork representatives Fermoy in the semi by 7-5 to 2-3.
The Banner Ladies from Clare had defeated Sarsfields of Kildare in the other semi-final to setup a Clare v Galway
final. The final was 15 minutes a half and with both Teams having already played six games it was a real test of a team’s fitness and character. Only two points separated the Teams at the break. With the wind at their backs in the second half the Claregalway Girls drove for victory with well taken goals and secured the Title for the Club on a score of 10-8 to 4-9. Claregalway have become the first Club to win this Competition twice in its eight year history having won it previously in 2007. Captain Orla Murphy received the Cup on behalf of her Team and Ciara Burke was a deserving winner of the player of the Tournament.
We wish Roisin Holland a speedy recovery from a hand injury picked up in the opening Game. Panel Natasha
Hynes Ellie Glynn Megan Glynn Karen Dowd Orla Murphy Ciara Burke Ciara Campbell Emma Connolly Stephanie O’Connell Roisin Holland Lauren Coen Aisling Murphy. Many thanks to all who travelled up and helped make this a special day for this Team. The U-14 County A Championship final against Moycullen is due to take place next Sunday Morning. Details of time and venue will be posted on Club website during week. Training for all U-14’s on Friday at 6:30 and for U-13’s on Mondays at 6:30.
U10 League. The U10 League Finals take place this Saturday 1st October in Tuam Stars Pitch and begins at 3pm
sharp. These players are the young stars of the future and club support would be very much welcomed on the day. There are eight teams participating on the day including; Claregalway, Annaghdown, Kilkerrin/Clonberne, Corofin, Tuam/ Cortoon, Dunmore, Caltra & St Gabriels or Naomh Mhuire.
Claregalway Junior Ladies travel to Leitrim on Saturday 8th October to take on Bornacoola in the Connacht Semi
Final. A big well done to our U10 Girls who played in their end of year League at Tuam Stars on Saturday and following a thrilling final against Kilkerrin Clonberne emerged winners for the second year running. Congratulations to the Management team and the girls for all their hard work throughout the year.
20 |
What has happened this year for the Claregalway U14 ladies has never happened before. The team has won every competition it has entered encompassing three national and three domestic titles. The victory parade started with winning the Ballyboden tournament in Dublin for the first time. This was an invite only tournament comprising the best teams from Dublin, Cork and Kildare. This was followed up by winning the Galway Féile title against Corofin in Belclare. This opened the gateway to defend the national Féile title in July in Cork. Next was the league final which was annexed at the expense of neighbours Corofin.
With three titles already secured the team made way for Cork. Over the course of the weekend the girls defeated the
champions of Dublin, Clare and Cork, the never previously defeated Cork Champions St Vals in the final. The comprehensive nature of the 3-3- to 0-3 point victory added further to the achievement. The team didn’t get long to rest on their laurels and as well as qualifying for the championship final with a 7-14 to 4 goal win against Corofin they won the All-Ireland sevens tournament held in Kilmacud Crokes. The players won seven games in six hours scoring 54-34 in the process to become the first club to win the title twice in its history. The Championship Final took place last Sunday morning 2nd October in Pearse Stadium. Playing into the town end the Claregalway Girls lead at half time 1-6 to nil and maintained their dominance in the 2nd half to run out clear winners on a score of 3-14 to Moycullen 0-0.
This Teams achievement have never been achieved by a Galway club with National victories on Dublin (twice) and
Cork soil in the same year heretofore unheard of. Having beaten all comers as well as the county champions of every county encountered this Claregalway has gone to a large end to further the name of Galway Ladies football nationally Pictured above: Panel and Mentors after the Final in Pearse Stadium Galway. Back Row. Jimmy & Joan Gavin Joe Glynn Laura King Michael O’Connell Andrea Glynn Eva Gilmore Sky Nash Stephine O’Connell Rebecca Hansberry Laurie Moran Roisin Conlon Ciara Campbell Orla Murphy Roisin Holland Laura Field Keeva Gallagher Ellen Connolly Chleo Donnellan Gwen Horkan Darragh Leonard Asumpta Gallagher Elaine Goldrick. Front Row: Tim Hynes Moya Dunleavey Morgan Conroy-Broderick Deirdre Keane Elle Glynn Samantha Burke Karen Dowd Natasha Hynes Ciara Burke Megan Glynn Emma Connolly Lauren Coen Shauna King Michelle Coyle Aislinn Murphy Leah Fleming Aoife Gavin | 21
Special News Baptisms Zoe Hynes
Eoin Moylan
Ava Ginan
of Shane & Algelina
of Declan & Teresa
of Derek & Marie
Jack O’ Connor
Jamie Sammon
of Jonathan & Louise
of Austin & Sheila
Weddings Charlene Ward & John P. Ward
Funerals Michael Hanley, Carnmore
The Somme Widow I call your name to a distant sky,
When to the land beyond the sky
You don’t answer - there’s No reply,
I sometimes talk, and often cry,
Oh my Bonnie lad in youthful bloom,
And think of times short years ago,
On bloody Somme met your doom.
When we were together here below.
I curse the day that you perished –
Days of love, laughter and fun,
A soldiers’ death with the Tyneside Irish;
That went forever, on the Somme,
Into ‘no mans land’s’ thundering guns
The Bairns and I now on our own,
Went men of Tyne and Erin’s sons.
And you Pet - a Name on Thiepval stone.
As ‘over the top’ you went in style,
Edward Coppinger
Were your thoughts of the Emerald Isle, Or on Shipyard, shop or Mine, Wherein you toiled by Wear and Tyne?
Footnote: The 24th Tyneside Irish were part of the Northum-
Had you died by Shannon’s wave, Then we would have ‘known your grave’ – Instead you lie on foreign Sod, Of whom they say - Only known to God.
22 |
berland Fusiliers formed after the outbreak of WWI. They were Irish or descendants, and first ‘over the top’ at the Somme 1st July 1916; and were decimated. Thiepval Memorial Records their names.
Quality food for any occasion Delicious home cooked food suitable for all your party needs: Communions, Confirmations, Christenings, Birthdays etc. whatever that special occasion is, we deliver to your home
MPG Foods LTD., Cregboy, Claregalway, Co. Galway Producing top quality food for over 20 years
Tel: 086 81 82 628
Cottage Pie
Beef Lasagne
Chicken Curry
Beef Stroganoff
Call Pa
Chicken à la King
Vegetarian Lasagne
Chicken and Mushroom Vol-au-Vent
Garlic and Cheese Potatoes Cooked Rice
on 086 81 82 628
“ A Taste of Home”
Lackagh, Turloughmore, Co. Galway
Leading Funeral Undertakers for Claregalway & Lackagh
Telephone / Fax: 091 797 167 Mobile: Frank 085 1266 133 Joe 087 629 2350 Email: | 23
October Update from Local Cllr., Jim Cuddy Galway Radon Week 8th–15th October
Work on N 18
The Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland will hold
I am glad to be able to say that work has now started on road
a public meeting in the Radisson Blu Hotel Galway on
safety improvement works between the Claregalway N.S.
October 12th. at 2 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to
and the road leading to the community centre.
provide information on radon testing and measures to deal
The council have 130,000 euro to spend on these works
with it. There will also be a similar type meeting at the Ard
which include footpaths and additional street lighting. This
Ri Hotel Tuam on the same date at 7.30 p.m.
will certainly improve the safety for people walking along
the N 18 from Claregalway village towards the road leading
Galway has one of the highest incidences of radon in
homes in the country where more than one in five homes
to the community centre.
have levels in excess of the acceptable levels.
Exposure to radon gas is a leading cause of lung cancer
Flooding survey
after smoking. Radon testing followed by remediation
The O≈ce of Public Works have engaged consultants to
of housing with high levels, will save lives and it is for this
carry out a flooding study between Claregalway Bridge
reason that these meetings are being held and I urge as many
and the River Corrib. I know that many in that area were
people as possible to attend.
concerned that this was not done in the original study of flooding in the Claregalway Area. This particular study is
Claregalway Relief Road
going to take some time so I will be3 in contact with the
In order to be in a position to select a preferred route
OPW to have it carried out as soon as possible.
for this road Galway Co. Co. engineers along with the
consultants who are engaged by them will be doing traffic counts in the Claregalway area along with surveys of those
You can email me at
passing though the area.
or feel free to contact me any day or evening at
It is expected that the preferred route will become
known before the end of the year and this will be open
091 798 136 or
to public consultations then. After that process is gone
087 636 0242
through we hope that all public representatives both local and national will ensure that the funding is provided for this project. Collection of Old Electrical Goods. On September 29th Galway Co. Co. organised a collection for old electrical goods and it was regarded as being a success.
Many thanks to the committee of the Claregalway
Community Centre for allowing the grounds of the complex to be used for the collection.
24 |
Chief Fuels Claregalway Fuels for: Open Fires, Stoves, Ranges 40kg Bags From â‚Ź17 Grade A Superior Polish Coal, Magiflame Smokeless, Ecobrite (Stoves) Banking, Singles, Briquettes
Free Delivery Contact Kenny Murphy 087 670 7297 Great deals on 5+ bags | 25
Delve into Your Family History The Western Family History Association (WFHA) in conjunction with Galway County Council recently held a workshop on Family History for Heritage Week 2011. This also included the launch of
tled Sources for Tracing your Family Tree. By Bríd Higgins, WFHA Secretary,
the Association’s new website
who spoke on Administrative Divisions and the different sources for Tracing by the Deputy
Ancestry – Census, Church, Civil, and Land records including the Repositories
Mayor of County Galway Cllr.
where they are located.
Bridie Willers.
on Tracing Ancestry through a Galway’s Genealogy Centre. She examined
Huge numbers turned out for
Then Siobhan McGuiness of Galway Family History Society West spoke
this free Heritage Week event.
the history of the county genealogy centres, sources available at their centre,
The audience spanned all ages and
parishes covered and researching at the centre both commissioned research
included existing members of the
an online research.
Western Family History Asso-
ciation with lots of new faces and
WFHA Committee
newcomers to family history. It
member spoke on as-
was great to see such an interest in
sembling your Family
tracing your ancestors, a topic that
Tree together, the
is definitely gaining interest due to
importance of writ-
the genealogy programmes on our
ing down details and
national airwaves.
web records available.
Both Michael Connaughton,
Gerard Naughton,
Event organisers
WFHA Chairperson and Marie
were delighted with
Mannion, Galway County Herit-
the attendance and
age Officer welcomed everyone on
hope to see some of
the night. A brief description of
the new members and
the Western Family History As-
the wider audience again at the public meetings throughout the year. By attend-
sociation website was given by Tim
ing and participating in the meetings one gets to benefit from the experience and
expertise of members ranging from beginners to those who have several years
experience in tracing their family history.
This was followed by the launch
of website by Deputy Mayor Cllr.
Bridie Willers. The night of talks
to access family records, census data, emigrant data and the latest developments
then began with the first talk enti-
in genealogy, such as, the digitisation of family records, births, marriages, deaths
26 |
Access to the latest information presented by expert speakers including how
and information on how genetics can be used to help trace ancestry.
The Western Family History
Association is a genealogy association based in Galway. It is a self-help group for its members and does not carry out research.
The Association typically holds
five to six meetings during the year, together with a number of other activities throughout the year. Meetings are open to the general public.
In addition to these activities
it provides a continually expanding library of genealogical and
Looking for Relatives Below are emails Nuacht Chláir has received this month from readers trying to trace their family trees, which may have roots in Claregalway. Michael Long (born c. 1865–1870)
historical books for members’
My great grandfather was Michael Long born in Galway, Ireland. I am not
usage. Western Family History
exactly sure where or when but potentially in the 1865-1870 range. His
Association regular meetings are
wife’s name was Catherine Walsh, also from Galway but it is not clear if
held on the second Wednesday of
they were married before he emigrated to Boston, MA. He had 2 sisters, Mary
the month (alternating months).
and Katherine (Kate or Katie) and 3 brothers, John, Patrick and Thomas. We also know that Katie Long emigrated to Boston as well and was married to a
The next meeting takes
man with the surname of Foley, again, not sure if they were married in
place at the Claregalway Hotel
Galway or Boston. Their father, my great-great grandfather was named Thomas
on Wednesday 9th November
Long and his wife’s surname may have been Whalen. That is about all I know.
at 8.15pm.
I did some research using the 1901 and 1911 census, and the majority of
Long’s that match the first names and estimated ages, were concentrated in
There will be a talk by Michael
Claregalway, specifically in the Kiniska area. When I looked up information
Carroll on his experience research-
on Claregalway, it states that the surnames Long and Walsh were amongst the
ing his two recently published
most popular in the mid 1800’s. Anyway, I though I would e-mail you and see
family/local/school history books
if maybe you could put this in your newsletter and if anybody sees a
entitled Of Beauty Rarest which
potential relation or has information, they could contact me.
celebrates 150 years of history of
Thank you
Clydagh National School, Head-
Stephen Long
ford and Valley of The Milk, a
history of the Carroll family of Luggawannia, Headford. For further information on
John Glennon (born 1866)
the Western Family History
Dear readers,
Association look up
I was moved by Stephen Long’s post asking for help on locating his kin.
I have never considered of using this newsletter as a channel for finding
or email
Continued Overleaf | 27
Continued from page 27 relatives -- the moment of eureka on doing so must have passed me by -albeit I would like to do the same. Please consider posting this in your newsletter as well. My gratitude would be beyond words if you post this.
My great-great grandfather’s name was John Glennon. He was born in 1866 in
the Leana Clocha area of Waterdale. He emigrated to the Boston, MA area around 1893 and settled in Woburn, MA -- a city twelve miles north of Boston. He passed away in 1950 in Woburn, MA. He married my great-great grandmother Kate Glennon (née Tolan) in 1893 in Woburn, MA.
On his birth certificate (I have a copy of an official certificate from Certified
How Dare You
Copies of Birth in Oifig An Ard-Chláraitheora), his surname was spelled Glinnane.
Why could you not wait, be patient
Hold out for just a while longer
Further, on his birth certificate, his father’s name was Thomas Glinnane
and mother’s name was Mary Glinnane (née Fannon).
The fog would have lifted
The sun would have shone
I can see my great-great-great grandparents — Thomas and Mary — in the 1901
and 1911 census records. My great-great-great grandfather must have passed away
If you had just let me get what
sometime between 1901 and 1911 since I don’t see his name in the 1911 census.
I needed done
He was around 70 years of age in 1901 according to census records.
My great–great grandfather, John Glennon, had siblings. I have ascertained
Now everything is thrown into
this from multiple sources, one being the 1901 census. He had a brother Patrick —
disarray; I wake up feeling angry,
about 35 years of age in 1901 according to the census record, and a sister Bridget,
sorry, guilty; And I have no anaes-
aged 23 in 1901 according to the census record. The Glennon surname was spelled
thetic for this
Glennone in the 1901 census.
If anyone has any information on my where I can find relatives or
I tried to help you, to show you
information about my ancestors, please email me.
the way; And I just can’t get what
Best regards,
I need today
Michael Reynolds
Time will not heal my wounds Time did not heal yours
Margaret Clancy (born 1884)
You lie there in your oblivious
I am trying to get information on my wife’s Grand Mother Margaret Clancy
all; How dare you make me feel
who we are led to believe was born in Claregalway in 1884.
this small
world; While I am here feeling it
Her father was John Clancy & mother Catherine Joyce. Her older sister was
Winifred (Mary) & older brothers John & Michael. Family hearsay is that Catherine
We used to laugh, we used to kiss
died in childbirth & John the father came to Australia in 1890 on board the Port Phil-
The roses we planted are now
lip ex London. I’m not sure if you have anywhere in Claregalway that can help me or
blooming; The life we dreamt of
whether you can point me in the right direct or not?
is not; I look down on your grave
with woe;
We have employed the Clare Heritage Centre Corofin to do some searching
for us but if they came from Claregalway they won’t have the records.
Leave you one rose and let go
Regards, Mal McFarlane (Western Australia)
Fiona Place
28 |
Cookery Classes for Children & Adults Kids Courses Adult Courses School Breaks Short Courses Halloween Demo
Christmas Cooking
for kids aged 6+
Boys & Girls welcome
Suzie O’ Connor Chef Instructor, Kiniska, Claregalway.
Men & Women welcome
Part–Tim e Catering Service Available
t: 091 799 138 086 163 6540 | 29
Local Notices The Credit Union in the Cois Chláir Shopping Centre reopened on Saturday the 24th September and will be open every Saturday from 10am to 2pm.
Post Local Notices to: Nuacht Chláir, Creig Buí, Baile Chláir, Co. na Gaillimhe Phone: 086 391 3852 or 091 798 430 Email:
Local Directory To enter your business listing or details of a group or society
Badminton for adults
Bridge for Beginners
Every Tuesday from 10am to 12noon
Starting in Claregalway on
(free of charge), please visit:
in Claregalway Community Centre.
Mondays from 10am to 12noon.
Do come along — all levels welcome!
For further info contact 086 391 3852.
Contractor wanted
Contact Vincent Lyons 087 638 6432
for Riverwalk construction project in Claregalway on behalf of Claregalway Community Development Association. Works will consist of
in the locality in the 2012 Claregalway & District Directory
Nuacht Chláir — Last Month’s Solution
erection of approx. 1Km. of concrete post fencing, installation of pre-cast
Congratulations to winner
concrete footbridge and construction of boundary walls with associated gates.
Maureen Lennon of Renmore.
Guitar Lessons in
Keep up-to-date with
Claregalway area
local news & events:
—Experienced teacher
Find Nuacht Chláir on Facebook,
—Friendly atmosphere
—All ages and levels Contact Ger on 087 217 0930
30 |
or visit
Nuacht Chláir Crossword
9 11
13 16
October 2011 Crossword Editor
First Correct Cross-
Brian Place
word opened wins: A Meal for Two in the
Claregalway Hotel
22 23
25 28
Contact Number:
33 35
34 36
Across 1 Interstellar gas cloud (6) 5 Pressing (6) Down 10 Very widely used language (7) 11 Inert gas (7) 2 State12of exalted delight (7) Anger (4) 3 Pneumatic car part (4) 13 Salt water (5) 15 Very light brown colour (4) 4 Stoat's coat (6) 17 Finish (3) 5 Kill 19 (6) Unexpectedly fast (6) 21 Seclusion women fromfamily men (6) (4) 6 Aquatic bird ofofAnatidae 22 South American country (7) 7 Wash 23 (7) Astonished (6) 25 Czech capital (6) 8 Passionate (6) 28 Male offspring (3) 9 Stubby (6) 30 Makes mistakes (4) 14 Temporarily (7)(5) 31 Removeblinded all clothing Metallic(5) element (4) 16 Walk32 noisily 35 Unsettle (7) 18 Rage36(5) Have faith in (7) 37 Recessed space (6) 20 Measure of current (3) 38 Surfeit (6)
21 23 24 26 27 28 29 33
Finish (3) Stabbing knife (6) Travesty (7) Ground oats (7) Most senior (6) Groundnut (6) Constantly scolded (6) Structure built over water (4)
Send completed Crosswords to: B.D. Place, Woodleigh, Creig Buí,
Last month’s winner:
Baile Chláir,
Maureen Lennon,
Co. na Gaillimhe.
Down 2 Betrothed (7) 3 Single entity (4) 4 Stick to (6) 5 Severe (6) 6 Spanish painter (4) 7 Observed (7) 8 Aragonite bead found in molluscs (6) 9 Sufficient (6) 14 Type of tooth (7) 16 Person who resists authority (5) 18 Liquid measure (5) 20 Incline head (3) 21 Spot on dice, domino etc. (3) 23 Order of business (6) 24 Colloidal particles dispersed in a gas (7) 26 Old UK coins (worth 21 shillings) (7) 27 Corroded with acid (6) 28 Housing for horse (6) 29 Agile (6) 33 Current coinage (4) 34 Group of nations with common interest (4) | 31
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OPEN EVERY DAY 8am - 10pm 32 |
Raftery’s Centra, Claregalway
Tel: (091) 798 805 Fax: (091) 799 031 Email: Web: