We will be meeting for Lifebuilders social event at Delapre Golf Centre for the Driving Range which will be held on Pricing
160 Balls £13 for 4 or 5 people. We look forward to seeing you there. Contact Phil Edwards for further information
at 11.45 am
Downstairs Hall behind the Pulpit
Do come along with your Bible or Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of each Month
Bible Apps
Be ready to explore, learn and share the word and our faith, as its expected of us Proverbs 21:21 For further information please contact For any
Birthday Greetings to all who are celebrating a birthday in and would like us to appreciate your special day September
Marie Aransevia
Lydia Noble-Lawson
Norma Moss
Rev Phyllis Thompson
Chiko Dzwaka
Chardonaye Williams
If it’s your birthday this month, please let the Comms Team know
Please keep the following members and their families in your prayers this month
Mother Cleghorn
Sis Edris Buchanan-Edwards
Sis Gertie Williams
Sis Louise Marshall
Sis Jan Francis
Bro David Bailey
Our church family who are coping with loss, are poorly, on the road of recovery
Our Community, parents, children and young people
Prayer Line
This is my Testimony
I grew up in Jamaica with an awareness of God.
In primary school, we memorised Bible verses and recited them to our teachers. Mornings often started with a prayer with my mum.
My Dad, who we had a wonderful relationship with, was in my life but he was not a praying Dad As a dad of four, thanks to Jacqueline, their mum, and two grandchildren a main part of my life since I was called by the Lord in 2012 is to pray with my children and that has become a part of my journey with the Lord My mum attended NTCG back in Jamaica as a child. I would accompany her along with my siblings to Sunday school which is really the first journey to introduce children to God. Thank you, Sunday School Teachers!
My favourite pastime as a teenager was watching television. I regularly watched the Christian channels for at least three hours per night, so the word of God has always been in my life However, like many teenagers I was influenced by worldly interests such as dancehall music and became engrossed for many years in it. Nevertheless, I still attended church for special occasions such as Christenings, Easter, and Christmas services But I always knew something was missing from my life Going from one dancehall to another was not satisfying and as I got older, I also realised that it did not offer any valuable meaning to my life.
Following my move from Jamaica to England, I joined NTCG Luton. Whilst at this church, I attended the Bible Study classes and was encouraged to read the Bible. finally, when it finally "clicked" and I knew for sure that this blessing of peace and acceptance by God was already mine. I learnt that because God sent Jesus to earth to die in our place, we receive the blessing of salvation when we accept Jesus as saviour and Lord of our life. God forgives us of our sins and gives us eternal life as a gift of his grace (Eph. 2:8-9).
David Terrelonge
I understood that I didn't have to try to 'do' things so that God could accept and bless me, everything had already been done through Jesus. Satisfaction in life is found in our acceptance of Jesus as Lord of our lives. This is the way of my life now and what I try to impart into my family life.
I have been attending NTCG Northampton for about a year now and feel welcomed by all. I am and making my commitment as a member because I can see that this is the way to grow and develop in Christian discipleship. I currently serve on the stewarding team and thoroughly enjoy this. Who knows, there may be additional ministry areas in which I might become involved.
"I can do all things through himwhostrengthensme.”
I apply this truth to my Christian service and my effort to become a better man, father, and friend etc My aim is to do all things well in the strength of the Lord
If you have a story/testimony to share, please let Rev Phyllis Thompson know by emailing her on: phyllis.thompson2@btinternet.com
One of my favourite bible verses, is Philippians 4 v 13
Chair: Bishop John Jackson
Sunday 6 October 2024 @ 1.30 pm refreshments will be provided after service
Follow these steps to give by card machine
If possible, complete donation envelope before using card machine
Tick "Gift Aid" if UK taxpayer
Complete envelope with personal details
(Donations over £100 require your PIN)
Have your phone handy if using Apple or Google Pay
Place receipt in your envelope for evidence
Copy of receipt available on request
Envelope goes in offering receptacle
NTCG College Street Mission Statement
The Mission of NTCG College Street is to Train and Develop all members to Communicate the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20) in the Spirit and Power of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4, 6, 13-18).
Together we will fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by helping people to become fully functioning followers of Christ. We aim to help every believer to discover the gifts and talents God gave them (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Make full use of the Notice Sheet by sending your Testimonies, words of encouragement and articles. Please submit any items by 5pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Notice Sheet Are you making a donation, paying Tithes or Offering by Debit Card? https://ntcgnorthampton.org.uk/how-to-donate/ Notice
If it is a paper item such as a leaflet then please hand it to one of the Team (Sandra Heath, Viv Welsh & Paulette Wright) by the deadline. Items received after the deadline will be included in the following issue at the discretion of the Comms Team. This means that any items given on a Sunday morning for display will not be used as it will not be consistent with the published Notices.
Are you making a donation, paying Tithes or Offering by Debit Card? https://ntcgnorthampton.org.uk/how-to-donate/
also available at www.ntcgnorthampton.org.uk/about-us/news