NPH International 2015 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2015


SINCE 1954

more than 20,000 children have called

NPH home and thousands of people yearly receive assistance through our community service programs. NPH operates homes in Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and PerĂş.

VISION A world without poverty where all children develop their unique potential becoming productive members of society serving their community.

MISSION Nuestros PequeĂąos Hermanos, inspired by Christian values, nurtures orphaned and vulnerable children in a loving, stable, secure family environment. We keep brothers and sisters together and provide a quality education, healthcare, and spiritual formation. We model our values through serving the communities in which we live.


VALUES NPH is guided by the following core values:

LOVE AND SECURITY: manifested in the safety and stability of the family and realized by profound personal engagement in preparation for meaningful life and gainful employment.

RESPONSIBILITY: learning to be responsible and to respond to the needs of others, both individually and collectively.

SHARING: developing kindness, empathy and care for others, through what we say and do.

WORK: learning to contribute to one’s family and community on the path to independence.

FAITH AND SERVICE: putting Christian values into action.

PRINCIPLES Our deliberations, interactions, and decisions are founded on the Christian principles of: “…as you did to one of the least of these My brothers and sisters, you did it to Me.” and “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace…” These principles guide our actions in reinforcing the rights and responsibilities of children as expressed through:

aCompassion and empathy toward others aCare focused on the needs of each child aEstablishing and maintaining healthy family bonds aCommitment to serve our family and our community aRespect and humility in our attitudes aTransparency and accountability in our actions and reporting

aEmbracing diversity and inclusivity


NPHI BOARD CHAIR Can you imagine what would have happened if Pope Innocent III had responded to St. Francis’ request to approve the order of the Friars Minor by presenting his business plan, a three year budget and a strategic plan with clear metrics and key performance indicators? What would have happened if the judge that granted Fr. Wasson custody of the first boys, asked him to prove his financial ability to care for the boys and requested him to submit an annual operational plan before agreeing to the plan?

Reinhart Koehler with pequeños from El Salvador

Neither St. Francis nor Father Wasson met any of the bureaucratic requirements that seem indispensable in our modern day world. However, they had a vision defined by clear, practical values that inspired and guided everyone to achieve their mission.

Family-based alternative care

Many of us who joined NPH have been motivated by Father Wasson’s values and vision of an extended family to protect children from dangerous situations. Father Wasson’s faith keeps inspiring us; we derive deep satisfaction from our direct service to so many children and adults in situations of extreme vulnerability.

provides a supportive, protective and caring

is recognized as the most appropriate for children’s healthy development. NPH environment that promotes the child’s full potential. The NPH family ensures children a stable home and meets their basic need

Yet, we live in very different times than those when Father Wasson began his first home and certainly also different from the later years when he began the homes in Perú and Bolivia. This is also the reason why we decided two years ago to create a new NPH International Board to govern the NPH family and to help develop a plan to respond to the changes and challenges in our environment in a proactive and strategic way. We also needed a more independent body to enable NPH to respond strategically and efficiently to the dramatic changes in government policies, economic developments and fundraising trends. While it is difficult to predict the future accurately, the board did develop a strategic plan for the next three years addressing the most pressing issues that strongly influence our work. Even though NPH IS family, and anyone who has visited the homes and spoken with Pequeños/as knows this, NPH often finds itself catalogued as an institution, many times by those who do not know our work. The true sense of living in a family is created through Father Wasson’s philosophy, and is reinforced by practices such as keeping brothers and sisters together, and giving children, youth and young adults the opportunity to grow and develop their full potential, no matter their age. Through the development of the Vision/Mission/Values and Principles Statement, the board strives to provide an additional tool to remain true to Father Wasson’s legacy and the mission he entrusted to us. In keeping with our adherence to Fr. Wasson’s philosophy, the Mission Ministry Committee has produced a reflection guide that we use to inspire our day-to-day work.

for safe and continuous attachment to their caregivers, with permanency.

Family-style homes at NPH Dominican Republic


The impact of deinstitutionalization policies throughout the countries where NPH works are felt; the number of children living with NPH has steadily declined over the last few years, while the number of children reached through community services has increased substantially. If we want to continue to serve children in situations of vulnerability well into the future, we will need to find ways to maintain our faith–based family model centered on Father Wasson’s values, while also serving the needs of a wider range of children in different situations. Through the strategic plan, the Board is encouraging all NPH homes to increase their involvement within their communities, sharing with them Fr. Wasson’s vision for a better future. Another area that has seen tremendous change is the environment of fundraising. While more and more groups rally for many worthwhile causes to raise funds, this also makes it more challenging for fundraisers to convince potential donors to contribute to our cause. Increasingly, regulations and norms influence our fundraising work strongly. Watchdog organizations stipulate how causes and messaging can be presented creating the challenge to realistically present the hardship of those we strive to help.

Siblings at NPH Mexico

With the security to know that they will grow up with their siblings, children do develop the security they need to thrive and develop. NPH provides the children with a secure environment where they can play and pursue recreational activities in a carefree manner. In other words, NPH allows children to live their childhood to the fullest.

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Institutional grant providers will play an increasingly important role in securing resources to continue our mission. Institutions and foundations also have stringent requirements to even consider the admission of an application. The objective presentation of the results of our charitable work is one requirement that continues to be a challenge for NPH. How do you even begin to value the progress of Ernesto*, who arrived at NPH as a baby with so many physical and mental challenges, and yet today as a young adult, who while still in need of care, can move around on his own and express in his own way his most important needs? We are still searching how to objectively document the developmental progress our children make. We also feel ambiguous about spending funds on measuring results, when those funds are needed to improve the quality of care for our children. The Board has created a Fundraising Committee to explore these current trends that affect our fundraising efforts and how to respond to those trends effectively. Also, through the Board’s Haiti Task Force, we were able to provide additional assistance to NPH Haiti for an important grant application. The financial resources to accomplish our mission have been increasingly limited over the past three years. With a further Euro decline expected and an increased challenge to find additional donors, the immediate future will require difficult decisions in setting priorities defining what NPH can do. The Board has worked diligently to present budgets adapted to our financial reality and to ensure that expenses stay within budgets. We also developed a three-year operational and capital budget projection that gives us a better idea of future developments within NPH and which better enables us to set priorities for funding. One of the major strategic initiatives, to increase the NPHI operational reserves to three months of operational expenses within the next three years, has fallen behind its goal because we lack the necessary funds. Most of the Board’s work revolved around financial aspects of the organization. The Finance Committee worked closely with the NPHI Executive Director to ensure cash flow security and to develop plans to cut costs while also allocating funds to cover unforeseen expenses. 5

There are many other important tasks on which the Board continues to work. The Development Committee has been involved in initiating a capital reserve fund to cover the maintenance and repair expenses of the homes. Through another initiative of this committee, plans are being developed to better utilize assets that are currently not being used. The Governance Committee has had to revise and update our bylaws on a continual basis so that they accurately reflect the new governance structure and are also consistent with Mexican government regulations and requirements.

Like any parent, we prepare our children to grow into caring, respectful, responsible and productive adults. Each NPH home features family service programs and development opportunities to provide ongoing support and education to both staff and children.

In the end, the Board’s most important task is to safeguard our mission. Dr. Maccoby summarizes well the main challenge for the NPHI Board: “The board has the difficult task of responding to bureaucratic requirements without turning the NPH family into a bureaucracy.� While we have accomplished a lot in two years, we also know that the increased burden of financial constraints, the more detailed reporting requests for the homes, and new ways of operating, will continue to present many trials. We can only face those challenges successfully if we find ways of communicating as a family, ways that create mutual understanding and support. I know that we can accomplish this and I also know that it will require the same dedication and hard work everyone has brought to the NPH family so far. On behalf of the NPHI Board, I thank you for your support, hard work, contributions, volunteer service, and above all, for your prayers. Please know that the children always pray for all of you. Sincerely, Reinhart Koehler, NPHI Board Chair

External students at NPH Nicaragua



a glance at 2015 results

MEXICO New greenhouse Reaching more children in insecure communities Community outreach expansion First local fundraising 10K Race Development of in-house family services department


HONDURAS New gravity-fed rainwater system for irrigation Remodel of home creating room for influx of new children Services for single mothers and children New partnership secures sustainable resources for surgery center


HAITI Two new kitchen facilities Re-structure of childcare programs for greater efficiency Solar panel installation Professional formation for teachers and therapists Tilapia production for food and revenue Oxygen production


Increased community student enrollment

Consecration of Holy Family Chapel

Computer classes for community students

Government accredited certification of vocational workshops

Family Bakery to help local fundraising

21 high school graduates become year of service support

Support for indigenous youth Therapy services to special needs children Construction of tilapia tanks

Integrated learning store, the Smile Shop University students living offsite for greater independence Support for youths becoming independent and leaving home

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PERĂš First year that onsite school had high school graduates

Development of special education program

Completed construction of three vocational workshops

Construction of eighth home

Installed irrigation system Offsite internship program for 18 students Montessori program development with partner foundation

Three big brothers return to work at home Youth accepted to study abroad in Seattle Institute Online high school opportunity for a student

BOLIVIA Construction of two children’s homes Development of milking cows project

Two students entered university

Construction of second school building

First harvest of green beans

Fish production project

Offsite home rented for university students for independence

Finalized plans for second baby house


MIGUEL VENEGAS NPHI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Miguel Venegas with pequeño at NPH El Salvador

Dear Friends, Next August, Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Father Wasson’s passing. With his inspiring apostolate, he developed the solid foundation of what today is this great family, comprised of more than 3,400 children and youth, and over 20,000 Hermanos Mayores (children who grew up in our homes). One area of our work’s focus has been to support the National Directors in improving the effectiveness of our programs at our homes. This has been one of the many tasks that the NPHI Family Services and Medical Services teams have led with great success. Seven out of the nine homes have surpassed our expectations and the remaining two are on track. This past year’s improvement in our programs affirms the commitment to set high quality standards for children and youth living within the home as well as for those from the nearby communities who benefit from NPH programs.

The goal for each young person

To give you an example of progress in our Medical Services core programs, we’re constantly working to make sure our entire population is vaccinated. Dr. Pilar Silverman, our NPHI Medical Services Director, has successfully applied for grants when vaccines were not available. We also have routine public health initiatives and health education workshops.

skills to prepare them for the world of work

leaving the NPH family is to live an independent life, rich in purpose, meaning and personal fulfillment. We pay particular attention in preparing youth for their lives outside the NPH family by developing selfesteem, practical, daily life knowledge and or further and higher education.

In order to improve comprehensive care for all of NPH, we need to be able to offer financial stability to our homes, which has proven to be challenging in face of funding shortages. However, we have prepared budgets for each home that span a three-year term, and meanwhile we seek to ensure stability for all of our programs in the different countries where we are present. To improve budget stability, we need to support all fundraising efforts throughout the NPHI Community. We have expanded our sponsors’ and donors’ programs to reach new audiences. We are taking the first steps to further develop local fundraising in our homes’ countries. These efforts include having more fluent communication with our colleagues, sponsors and donors in all countries where we are present. We dream that all our donors and volunteers will become ambassadors to encourage others to also support the legacy of Father Wasson, and thus benefit thousands of children who are still in need of a family like NPH.

Vocational workshop youths with staff at NPH Guatemala


In spite of financial challenges, we have made progress in achieving many of our goals. We will continue to work diligently to make sure our children receive the best care possible.

Providing the best care possible to our children requires hundreds of highly committed staff. Through local and international trainings, we have been developing our personnel’s professional skills to enable them to meet the children’s needs and most importantly, help our children to grow and mature into caring and productive adults. Additionally, we are trying to adapt to new regulations and community needs in each country and working to provide customized programs as needed.

Every year, I spend a few days with our young leaders from all NPH homes at the Youth Development Workshop that Donna Egge, Director of NPHI Family Services, organizes with the Family Services team. This is a special moment of great satisfaction as I witness the fruit of our NPH family’s work. I am deeply impressed by the profound knowledge of Father Wasson’s philosophy and strong commitment to serve our NPH family that these young adult pequeños and pequeñas carry in their hearts. Sharing time with them and engaging them in a dialogue about the challenges and solutions in their lives and homes gives me great courage and hope for our family’s future. While talking with our young leaders, I come to know their personal stories and the crucial role NPH has played to break the cycle of poverty in their lives. It makes me realize how many children are out there that need a family like NPH. Though Father Wasson is not physically with us, we trust that he has left us the guidance and foundation to continue our mission. I want to thank the International and National Directors, staff, volunteers, fundraising offices and all of our donors for their tremendous support and work they do for the benefit of our children. Sincerely, Miguel Venegas, NPHI Executive Director Caregiver at NPH Honduras





children and youths


261 vocational



631Holy Sacraments


2,102 children from low-income households attended NPH schools




Honduras Holy Family


Surgery Center surgeries


staff and youth that received

childcare and leadership training



Children and women living with HIV that receive antiretrovirals

Services provided through community outreach programs



Seattle Institute students, Samuel (Mexico) and Magda (Honduras) class of 2015

In June of 2015, The Seattle Institute graduated its fourth class of emerging leaders from NPH. Twenty of our young adults from six countries are now graduates of this program and have returned to their home countries better prepared to serve our NPH family in a variety of roles. Because we live in a global society and economy, the ability of our Seattle graduates to communicate bilingually and biculturally, as well as their widened perspectives from living internationally for a year, will help our homes communicate with donors and deepen the work we do. Investing in leadership development now will directly impact the ability of NPH to continue to grow and adapt to changing needs in all our homes and countries. In September 2015, we welcomed our fifth class to Seattle and these six young leaders are deeply engaged in learning more about themselves, leadership, and how they can be agents of positive change for our NPH family in years to come. This year we welcomed our first International Volunteer Coordinator to the NPHI Family Service team. With her guidance, the volunteer program among our nine homes, fundraising offices and applicants from countries without NPH offices, has been able to expand and build a fluidity, which in turn has made the program run much more smoothly. One major step for the program was the implementation of the online volunteer intranet system, which is a tool created to enhance communication between the homes and offices. In 2015, we welcomed 60 international volunteers to our homes to begin their year or more with NPH. The two groups, which started in January and July, arrived from around the world including the U.S., Canada, Switzerland, Ecuador, Holland, Italy, France, Honduras, Germany, Austria and Mexico. We currently have 84 volunteers across eight of our NPH homes. Volunteers are an integral and essential part of the day-to-day lives of our children and serve as ambassadors to the greater NPH community. In 2016, we hope to see a rise in applications and also encourage NPH volunteers to stay involved even after their year of volunteering. This past June, NPH Hermanos Mayores staff (adults who grew up at a NPH home) who work in fields such as law, nursing, accounting and administration, traveled from our homes in El Salvador, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Honduras to participate in a pilot program for global leadership. Ten Hermanos Mayores were chosen from an extensive list of applicants to leave their jobs for a month of personal and professional development in the iLEAP Global Leadership Program for Nuestros Peque単os Hermanos. As these global leaders return home to NPH and to their communities, they impact and inspire their respective NPH families to have

Class of 2015-2016 Seattle Institute participants

Avriel Burlot, NPHI Volunteer Coordinator (right) with a Guatemala volunteer and kids.

Donna Egge, (far left) Family Services Director, with the ILeap participants.


greater goals in the areas of sustainability and entrepreneurship as well as in areas of collaboration and partnerships. As we move into ever changing and challenging times in our world, these essential skills and different viewpoints will help to secure the legacy of Father Wasson and as Father Wasson dreamed, these participants see themselves as contributors to not only the NPH world, but the world at large. Because of their inspiration and successes upon their return, a new group of 12 Hermanos Mayores and NPH staff will participate in January 2016 in this program.

Markus Streit, (far left) Family Services Coordinator with CPI participants

This comprehensive program trains and supports our local childcare staff to confidently practice preventive, positive discipline strategies and respond to difficult and extreme situations with the children.

Kathryn, a former NPH volunteer, who assisted with the Child Welfare Interviews.

This past February, 28 staff members representing all nine NPH homes were trained as instructors in the internationally renowned ‘Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Instructor’ training from the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI). Once certified as instructors, they returned to their NPH homes to share the knowledge with the local staff in the form of group trainings. In 2015, 14 of these trainings took place for local employees across eight of our NPH homes, which includes a bilingual training for the Seattle Institute Leadership students. By having our own NPH and NPHI staff trained as instructors, we have been able to provide ongoing training, refreshers, and integration of CPI’s positive preventive philosophy in all of our homes: Care, Security, Well-Being and Safety, to ensure that we maintain and continuously improve the quality of care we provide to our children. For 2016, our goal is that the childcare staff members in every NPH home will receive at the least one training and one refresher course by our NPH or NPHI trained instructors. In 2015, Child Welfare Interviews were conducted in seven of our NPH homes by consultants who are social workers or psychologists and who have extensive experience with our NPH family. Ten percent of children and youth were interviewed, ages 11 to 20, with the goal of measuring the children’s sense of stability, security, safety, feelings of integration and acceptance, and their level of happiness. These child well-being interviews, allows the overall NPH International team, as well as individual homes to have an understanding of how our children are feeling within each home. With this data and formal annual process in place, we are better able to care for our children, to address specific themes and needs, as well as to offer individualized follow-up in certain cases and in specific homes. Our goals for 2016 are twofold: we plan to analyze and prepare the formal data from these interviews to share with the NPH global family and set up child welfare interviews in our remaining two homes. Contributed by: Donna Egge, NPHI Family Services Director 12

MEDICAL SERVICES For the past year and a half, NPHI Medical Services have been updating the protection status of Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HPV in the Honduras home. We have immunized 69 girls older than 12 years and 300 children including the 84 new children who came from the government operated orphanage. We purchase more than 80% vaccines locally, when funds are available, due to countries not providing sufficient vaccines that NPH children need. Since 2011, NPH has received $120,000 worth of vaccine through grants. The challenge is when new children arrive at NPH, most do not have vaccination documentation. In order to receive free vaccinations from the government, the documentation is required and they do not support catch-up vaccines. Therefore it is NPH’s responsibility to provide this care, which is above and beyond what other like-minded NGO’s provide. As a result of giving vaccines, healthy children do better in school, are sick less and will be healthier and productive adults participating in the development of their own country. Our goal is to have all children vaccinated according to WHO recommendations in its EIP (extended immunization program). To achieve this, grants have been submitted for our homes in Haiti, El Salvador, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The NPHI Medical Services team works step-by-step in reaching the goal of having all NPH children well protected against preventable infectious diseases. Since 2012, NPHI Medical Services has been supporting and developing the nutritional program in the Dominican Republic for community students. In the 2014-2015 school year, 80 community children have benefited from receiving a nutritional breakfast and lunch. Their height and weight is tracked by the on-site clinic and more than 80% have gained weight and have grown. Additionally they receive basic healthcare such as deworming, annual physical exam and medical care for accidents or common illnesses.

Physician Edwin Vallecillo (who grew up in the home in Honduras) examines a patient in the internal clinic

The Mental and Reproductive Health department focused on many areas in 2015, including: • Establishing a process of communication between clinics and psychologists and standardizing the work throughout the homes • Clear guidelines for age appropriate emotional and sexual education under the international guidelines and children rights • The importance of individual care and the tools used for creating a ‘life plan’ • Stability and continuity of the therapy work from volunteer to volunteer and providing them with guidelines and peer support • Ongoing analysis on common psychological issues and training on child development and therapy strategies • Creation of tools and measurement data to make the work more quantitatively readable • Identify risk factors in the home, ages and how to better deal with individual behavior challenges

The meals that are provided and given to these community children creates recognition to NPH and its integral support, not only through education but also nutrition and basic health care. The care the children receive is personal and high quality. For the 2015-2016 school year there are already over 100 students enrolled and the goal is to increase capacity yearly. Example of meals include breakfast: oatmeal with milk, lunch: rice and beans with eggplant and red meat. Psychologist workshop – sharing best practices


Deworming occurs twice a year within the entire NPH population to help prevent gastrointestinal problems, anemia, stunting and low weight. Roughly 3,400 children receive deworming treatment which decreases parasite infestation by 50%. Parasites are a highly prevalent public health problem in developing countries with levels reaching 40%-90% depending of the type of parasite (ringworm, giardia). Since all new incoming children arrive with parasites, our goal is to control the spread among the entire population. There are also other initiatives that are done in conjunction, such as testing for clean drinking water, ensuring correct hygiene measures in food preparation, sanitation and health education (washing hands, etc.). This past year as part of the initiative to improve healthcare services, the NPHI Medical Services team supported the homes in: improving mental health and sexual education through interdisciplinary work, developing programs for adolescents and young adults, empowering girls to make right and conscientious decisions, reinforcing adequate nutrition for every child and improving water and sanitation infrastructures.

Dr. Pilar Silverman at the NPH Honduras clinic

Contributed by: Pilar Silverman, MD, NPHI Medical Services Director




chronic conditions

seminars on health education

(children living in the homes)

2,722 vaccine doses

16,617 physician

consults 11,093

nurse consults

1,596 well child



therapies (PT, OT, Speech, Psychological)



dental services



Rafael Bermúdez congratulating a student on graduation day

Dear NPH Family, One of Father Wasson’s greatest teachings was to always help the children that are the most vulnerable and underprivileged, as they are the ones who need the most guidance in this life. I learned this from Father Wasson many years ago, and it has guided the programs and care provided by NPH Mexico since its founding in 1954. One of these programs includes our life transition home called Casa Villa, which began in 2004. The Villa program ensures that youth who need extra support receive it and that they learn responsible for their lives and learn to be independent. Casa Villa is just one of our many programs that are designed to help children who are from difficult backgrounds and in great need of guidance and care. When children arrive at NPH, sometimes alone and sometime with siblings, we begin a labor of unconditional love as they slowly begin to feel at home. Many arrive without personal hygiene habits, in poor health, and with no education. But we resolve this and use our many years of experience receiving children from these circumstances. Rony* is just one of the many vulnerable children that arrived this year. Rony and his family spent their days wondering what they would eat that day, begging on the streets, and working a variety of jobs to make any money they could. Now at NPH, he is able to have a childhood without these worries, which allows his maturity and appreciation to shine through. He is not too shy to share a hug with a caregiver, start a conversation, or share a story that he has written. He knows just how difficult life can be, and he doesn’t take anything for granted.

In 2015 we built a second greenhouse to grow our own produce, to save money and provide a greater variety of healthy food options for our children. Our home has also partnered with a local technical institute to work with agronomy students so that they can complete the fieldwork required for their studies. In return, they help educate us on which fruits and vegetables to grow depending on our climate and location, how to care for the plants, and how to root plant cuttings in order to reuse them and save money on buying seeds. Half of our new greenhouse will be dedicated to didactic and educational purposes, so all of our children will have the opportunity to learn greenhouse techniques. Next year, our goal is to grow cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage and chard to enrich our childrens’ diets.

The transformation that our caregivers achieve with the children is incredible, and it is our responsibility to guide them forward in this complex life that we are living in Mexico. What surprises the children the most is when I tell them my personal story of when I arrived at NPH when I was five years old. In some way, they have the confidence to talk to me because they know that I walked in their shoes. I hope that I can give back to the children everything they need to overcome their difficult pasts and achieve success in their lives. Thank you for your support in making these transformations a reality. *Name changed to protect privacy.

Rafael Bermúdez, National Director NPH Mexico

Second greenhouse for increased food production


In order improve the quality of care for our children and build a greater sense of family, our home started a local Family Services department in July 2015. Based on the NPHI childcare guidelines, we hired 20 new caregivers and also relocated a current employee and human rights expert to be coordinator of the department. The changes put in place by this new department will help the incoming children to fully understand our home and programs and allow our current children to have someone to talk to in order to help advocate for them. Caregivers also benefit from workshops led by the department to gain a better understanding of children’s rights and protection. Throughout the year, our home accepted 96 children from insecure communities in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Children in these communities face many challenges; they are known as the poorest communities in all of Mexico, are in danger because of drug trafficking, do not have an opportunity to receive a high-quality education, and may be forced to work in order to survive. As many of these children learn Spanish as a second language when coming to our home, teachers and two students doing their year of service that came from the same communities, dedicate their time to help teach them Spanish. Currently 32 children are benefiting from extra classes after school. For 2016, we aim to help these children become fully integrated into our home and school with their Spanish language development so that they can become successful in their academics and social skills.

Vera Hornung, Coordinator of Family Services program, with two pequeños

Children from Guerrero learning Spanish

On August 2, 2015, NPH Mexico hosted our home’s first fundraising race. With the goal of spreading recognition of NPH as a premier non-profit, 25 companies sponsored our race while 800 participants walked or ran, including 138 children from our home, 84 employees, and 578 sponsors and members of our community. With the event being promoted through the newspaper and radio stations, our home has gained a lot of recognition, which has led to more support and increased local child sponsorships. In 2016, we aim to build on and maintain the relationships formed with our sponsors and supporters and find more opportunities to raise awareness of our organization. Youth development participants making food to deliver to people in need


With our Youth Development and Hermanos Mayores (former pequeños) programs, our home has found ways to serve our local communities as well as our former brothers and sisters. From our homes of Casa San Salvador and Casa Buen Señor, 64 of our children ages 11-21 are currently involved in our Youth Development program. This year, more than 640 members of our surrounding communities have benefited from this community outreach through bringing items such as food and clothing to people in need. Through our Hermanos Mayores program, 90 former pequeños received support through the form of scholarships, food, funeral costs, assistance with legal documents, and advice on business management, healthcare, and the retirement process. This year, our home also began the process of its first pilot program of providing financial support for Hermanos Mayores, former pequeños, looking to start their own small businesses. We hope to expand this support in 2016, to help more Hermanos Mayores reach their goals.

7 52 54 60 54 15 197 84

Kindergarten 6th grade 9th grade High School Vocational Certification University Holy sacraments Quinceañeras/os



Stefan Feuerstein holds a new child

Dear NPH Family, I’m not sure how many times I had picked up Hector* outside of our home on the road to the capital, and every time he had left the home in a fit of rage. I have no idea how many hours had been spent by our staff negotiating with him, consoling him, convincing him that he should stay and give his future a chance. And I can’t explain how much this boy, now almost a young man, has changed. Changed for the better. Hector came to us when he was twelve with his four brothers and sisters from a very poor, crime and gang riddled area. His mother was dying, and had long not been able to care for her children. Hector didn’t go to school because he didn’t want to, and would apply that same criteria to just about anything that was requested or asked of him. When he came to NPH he was faced with a world of opportunity – a world of possibilities and a world of future promise. But he didn’t understand that yet. Or he didn’t want it yet. His mother died shortly after his arrival, and he knew that the world had wronged him. He knew that life had been unfair to him and he was angry. But there were a number of people that would not give up on him. Finding strength in NPH’s philosophy of unconditional love and acceptance and in the words of our founder that a child is only good because of someone, they worked hard and searched deep for words that might convince Hector to give his life a chance. They tried to find a way to help him think past a moment’s rage and to find some peace. They tried hard to help him see reasons to love life, to love and appreciate himself, and to accept this life as a gift of God. The negotiations were often long and tiresome.

While most NPH homes have some form of community service, Honduras is the only home that operates a home onsite for abandoned elderly, called Casa Eva. Since 1998, this home has lovingly cared for over 20 grandparents, with some residents also being related to the children living in the home, making the program truly multi-generational. Currently eight grandparents live in the home. Thanks to the Spanish organization, INTRESS, and its trainers, the Casa Eva staff has received training on how to better care for the elders.

Hector certainly still has a long way to go in life, but he is now on the path that leads there. This next year, he starts high school. He’s a good kid on his way to being a good man. He now wants a good future and can envision a path to get there. We thank God all the time for our wonderful kids and for the opportunity that we have to be parts of their lives, and we will always continue to do so. But we should never forgot those staff members, volunteers, sponsors and benefactors who don’t give up and don’t stop believing in our children and their future promise. Our children are good because of you. Thank you for your work, support and prayers in this last year. God Bless, *Name changed to protect privacy.

Stefan Feuerstien, National Director NPH Honduras INTRESS volunteer with Casa Eva grandparent


New gravity-fed rainwater system

Each child is educated in the Christian faith and principles as a foundation for their moral development. Based on Father William Wasson’s philosophy, we maintain a strong family environment to promote the well being of our children.

New children on the playground

We completed the installation of a new gravity-fed rainwater system for irrigation. Previously water was pumped uphill from the dam. The new gravity-fed system will save $50-80 per day in electricity pumping costs during the rainy season. The new system will allow for better irrigation, which means there will be more feed for the animals and water for the garden, which in turn will boost food production. The farm runs cattle which produces the milk for the cheese and milk consumed in the home. The main crops in the vegetable garden include corn, tomatoes and cabbage. In past years our water supply often ran low, but the new system will help secure our future water supply and improve long-term sustainability. Currently there are three full-time employees and four full-time year of service students working in the vegetable garden. On the farm we have five full-time employees, one part-time employee, and one year of service student working part-time. In late 2014, the Honduran government closed many children’s homes as part of a major restructure of the governmental authorities responsible for child welfare in Honduras. Following these closures, NPH received 84 new children. This influx of children has significantly impacted all areas of operations in 2015, and necessitated the hiring of 35 new caregivers (full and part-time). The Honduran government has so far fulfilled their pledge to provide financial assistance to NPH for these children, and we will continue to make changes where needed to best accommodate our larger population and new childcare staff. With the influx of new children, we also had to make infrastructure improvements. We completed the remodel of Madre Teresa, an existing building which was refurbished to make room for the new children. The remodeled Madre Teresa is now home to around 40 children aged 8 to 11 years, who are cared for by six caregivers. This has eased pressure on our younger children’s home, Casa Suyapa, which was already at capacity. Remodeling Madre Teresa means we can offer our children a better home environment and more individualized attention. We hope that maintaining our homes to a high standard will mean that we can continue to take in children in need.



Dr. Merlin Ant炭nez, who grew up at NPH Honduras, is an orthopedic surgeon in the Holy Family surgery center.

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The Holy Family Surgery Center continues to provide medical services to those in need in our surrounding communities. The Center currently has seven full-time employees and three part-time employees, as well as three full-time and one parttime volunteer. This year we formed a relationship with Surgical Care Affiliates (SCA), which means a greater number of health professionals can hear about the opportunity to offer their services during medical brigades. Through this partnership we received health professionals who were visiting NPH Honduras for the first time, and many also began to sponsor a child within our home. Around 6,000 consults and 800 surgeries were performed, with 14 peque単os receiving surgeries, including two from NPH Nicaragua. A conference and visitor center is under construction, and its completion will allow for a more efficient experience for medical brigades and other visitors. NPH continues to support young single mothers in the capital Tegucigalpa through the Little Steps (Pasos Peque単itos) daycare center, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in November 2015. While attendance numbers are fluid, in 2015 the center averaged around 17 children each day. The center has two full-time employees, one part-time employee, one year of service working full-time, and two external university students receiving scholarships from NPH that also volunteer. The center has continued to work with the mothers of the children by providing workshops on different topics, including healthcare. Future plans include buying a property to house the center permanently, which will also eliminate renting expenses.

Holy sacraments Quincea単eras/os

Little Steps Day Care student



Kenson Kaas with kindergarten children at Fr. Wasson Angels of Light school

Dear Friends, With each passing year at NPH Haiti, I feel so lucky to see the development and progress in our children. Even with changes in the program, different structures and administration, despite all of that, our children continue to grow into wonderful human beings that will be the next leaders. One of our success stories is about a young woman named Cristell*. Cristell came to us from Port-au-Prince after being abandoned by her parents and forced to work for another family to pay for her accommodations, which wasn’t much anyway. Cristell fell ill and the people who she was working for brought her to our hospital. Shortly after, she was abandoned once again. After some time and many exams, it was diagnosed that Cristell was diabetic. She continued to live in the room for abandoned children for months after her diagnosis, figuring out a plan for maintaining her illness, and all the while, with no one in the world to claim her.

In 2015, the St. Helene home partnered with an Irish donor to begin a solar project. Sixty-four panels were installed on the school building that provide light for up to six hours and 12 others installed at the kindergarten Six solar panels are installed at Kay Christine, the special needs home, and four at the baby house for hot water. Since the panels do not generate enough energy to sustain the entire home, two generators are still used in the off hours and to operate additional machinery such as the clothes dryer and ovens in the bakery. With the addition of the solar panels the goal is to save in diesel costs.

The abandoned room at the hospital, also known as the Fish Room, is often filled with visitors. People come to play with the children, hold them, help feed them and simply to give them a break from their day-to-day routine. Many of these visitors include long-term volunteers and staff who are living in Haiti. Wynn Walent made it a point while living in Haiti and working for NPH Haiti to visit the Fish Room often and during one of his visits he met Cristell. Cristell’s story touched Wynn’s heart and he made it his mission to make her a part of our NPH family.

She was reserved, shy, and did not share information about her past. However, with time and patience, she began warming up to her new surroundings, building trust in us and making a new family. Cristell is an honest and strong young woman. I’ve had the privilege of watching her grow over the past five years to be a responsible and caring individual. She has had to overcome so much in her life, and despite all of these challenges, she still has big dreams and inspiring goals for her future. Continued next page...

Solar panels on school building at St. Helene


Wynn asked me to visit the Fish Room with him one day to meet a child who could possible live with us. The second I met Cristell and found out she was going to come to our home, I knew her adjustment would not be easy. This young teen had been forced to grow up much quicker than other children; she had been abandoned twice, forced to provide for herself and recently diagnosed with a chronic illness.

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Cristell will always have to take daily medication and check her blood levels, but through this daily task she has found motivation to do good for others.She is still in secondary school but when she goes to university, she wants to study nursing. She said, “I want to take care of sick people just like they cared for me.� I am very proud of who Cristell has become and what she will achieve. I was raised at NPH myself and I grew up knowing that Fr. Wasson wanted all the children to feel part of the family and I can only hope that I am doing the same for Cristell and our children. The work here at NPH Haiti continues despite financial setbacks. Our homes, are caring for those with the greatest need in Haiti. We are educating those who might not have another option for education, we are caring for children who have been abandoned, neglected and otherwise left to fend for themselves. However, none of our work would be possible without the support from all of the offices, donors, sponsors and supporters around the world. I am deeply touched by your love and dedication and thank you does not even begin to express my gratitude. Thank you for your friendship and continued support. It is a great comfort to know that we can count on you.

Food preparation in the new kitchen at St. Helene

With gratitude, Kenson Kaas, Deputy Director of Childcare NPH Haiti *Name changed to protect privacy.

Childen showing their gratitude for the new kitchen at St. Helene

FWAL kitchen and administration offices

The multiple NPH programs and facilities in Haiti offer a variety of solutions to vulnerable and abandoned children. This year, 13 special needs children that were previously living at the NPH St. Damien Hospital moved to the Fr. Wasson Angels of Light (FWAL) program. These children are now in a loving home environment at the St. Anne baby house. Five of the children now attend school at the NPH St. Germaine center and six attend the St. Joan Margaret Deaf and Blind school, which is operated by a partner organization (St. Luke Foundation). To accommodate this influx of children that need specialized care, FWAL hired an additional 13 childcare staff and six support staff. In August, our two main homes faced structural changes to deal with budget constraints. At our FWAL campus, 118 children living at the St. Louis homes were moved to our flagship home, St. Helene, located in the mountains in Kenscoff. In the long run, this will help save money in salaries and other expenses. The St. Louis homes are now occupied by students who attend technical school, high school and university.

At the FWAL campus, we finished the construction of a 714 m2 kitchen, which provides nutritious meals and snacks to our children including over 800 community students weekly. The food program provides seven jobs for our cooks, and support staff. For the FWAL school, this is the 6th year of offering a quality education and food program to many children in need who otherwise would not be able to afford school or a meal. The new kitchen at our St. Helene home was fully operational in 2015, with the purchasing of new equipment including the official inauguration. This facility provides 435 meals to children plus 528 community students and 165 employees. 21

92 students attend Kay Germaine school 64 receive therapy

364 patients

treated at Kay Elaine and Gabriel rehab programs


Kay Germaine school

Darlene participated and won first and third place at the Special Olympic County Games in the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Florida. Darlene has previously represented Haiti in Denmark, Germany and the US in the Special Olympics. This would not be possible without the support of Romy Tschudi-Roy and her team who has funded the trip to Florida for more than ten years. These trips are an extension of the rehabilitation program which sees an average of 60 children weekly. Equine therapy improves balance and motor skills, assists in strengthening the child’s core and increases respiratory control. For those who have more severe conditions and are confined to a wheelchair, touching and being near horses can have positive effects.

Darlene in the US at the Special Olympics games

Kay Germaine student

2015 has seen the continuation of our partnership with Handicap International. Over the last year, we developed an education program for the parents and families of those whose relatives receive treatment in our centers. Formations have included instruction and information on feeding, communication and positioning, which give parents training on how to better care for their child in their home. We have also most recently collaborated on a project to develop an easy-read pamphlet in Creole. This provides basic information on stroke warning signs and what to do if any of them occur. Overall we have had over 130 people come to our formations, while a print run of 1,500 pamphlets have been distributed. A total of 18 therapists were trained by lead physiotherapist Norma Lopez and three other volunteer physiotherapists from Sweden, France and Switzerland. Haiti currently has no schools for physiotherapy and these therapists received training to treat patients with both neurological and physiological conditions. This training is not only increasing our own programs’ sustainability, but by training therapists on other like-minded programs we are also increasing Haiti’s capacity to care for its people with special needs. In 2016, we will continue with this training which will include an additional three new therapists from Mare Rouge who began a six-month work placement in October. Two children accomplished special milestones this past year. Jerry* started to walk and talk while Myrleny* has changed from being fearful and sullen, to having a permanent smile on her face. Both children arrived from the abandoned room at St. Damien Pediatric Hospital. Over the last year, the loving family environment supplemented by regular therapy have had a huge positive impact on both children. On the first Monday of every month, we have formation for the teachers in the special needs program. Similar to the training for therapists, there are no schools/ modules for special education teacher training in Haiti. Over the years we have built up a loyal workforce who have been trained to utilize different teaching and communication techniques with the aim of advancing the children in our school. The monthly formations continue to develop the skills of our teachers and assistants in ensuring a continuous improvement in the quality of education provided. In total we have eleven teachers and six assistants from our program trained (this is including three of our older special needs kids who are working in school as assistants). Over the next year we aim to improve our teamwork and further develop the communication skills between the educational team, children and other members of staff. *Names changed to protect privacy.


Beyoncé poses with St. Damien residents


Dr. Lindsey Dorcelus with a resident in Neonatology

A new class of pediatric residents was recruited in 2015. Six new residents joined the second and third year residents, now totaling 18. The first class will graduate in September 2016. There is a severe shortage for specialty training for medical graduates in Haiti. Only 60% of them have access to a residency program. Furthermore, only 300 pediatricians are in function in a country where 30% of the 10 million inhabitants are children under 15 years of age. St. Damien, with over 20 years experience in managing pediatric healthcare, decided to work at decreasing this severe gap.

Nurse in neonatology ward

Beyoncé, the international singing star and her team visited our hospital along with Valérie Amos, undersecretary from OCHA. Following her visit a special edition Beygood Haiti t-shirt was sold for the benefit of the hospital and Beyoncé’s visit was featured in media worldwide including Good Morning America on ABC in June where a brief skype interview of Fr. Rick Frechette and Dr. Jacqueline Gautier was aired. We thank Beyoncé and her fans for all their support, and look forward to continuing the relationship. Due to support from the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, (ABF) St. Damien was able to restore vital services to families in the HIV program. With this additional funding, social services resumed that were previously suspended and five staff members were able to return to work full time. In addition, ABF also funded a nutrition program for 300 families infected and affected with HIV. Our goal is keep the same level of service to the HIV patients despite other decreased funding sources. To date, approximately 800 children are followed in the HIV program, with 484 receiving anti-retroviral therapy. Additionally, every year approximately 60 pregnant women benefit from the prevention of transmission of HIV to their babies. The HIV program employees 40 staff, of which three are part-time.

Twenty-one children received heart surgery at St. Damien led by Gift of Life International and Rotary clubs in Haiti, Akron’s Children Hospital, Haiti Cardiac Alliance and Open Heart Haiti. Together, this wonderful partnership is able to help Haitian children with heart disease. The need is great in Haiti and this program will intensify as Haitian staff are trained to provide care for the children in their own country. This is an extraordinary opportunity for St. Damien Hospital to partner with these nongovernmental organizations to implement this lifesaving program for the children of Haiti. Other vital support through our fundraising offices included: – funding for a tuberculosis program for Pulmonary and Extra-Pulmonary TB – installation of an oxygen plant – tilapia production (12 harvests, totaling 48,000 fish or 24,000 pounds)



received cancer treatment

800 oncology consults

Provided over





received cardiac surgery

Delivered 2,000 babies

Treated over 3,000

and provided neonatology

children for dehydration

care for

with an average of 50 children diagnosed

480 babies.

with cholera monthly.

Provided over


tuberculosis consults and treated 267

new cases


ICARAGUA Dear NPH Family, The mission of NPH is not only to provide children with their needs, but to help them grow as people and become fruitful adults. This is not an easy task. It is difficult to be a pequeño. It requires being open and it requires a desire to be the best person you can be. I have seen this in one particular child who continues to overcome many difficulties in his life. Everth came to us at the age of 16 after enduring an excruciating accident that left him in a wheelchair with limited movement of his limbs. His journey reminds me of the Beatitudes; he loved the freedom of movement, but is now tied to his wheelchair. To see how he has gone through several life changes and still has a desire to do something with his life and be better day by day is inspiring. He is 21 now and graduated high school this year, after which he asked for a place where he can give his year of service and be useful to the family. He reminds me of St. Francis of Assisi, ‘help me console as to be consoled, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love…’ Everth is a true example of courage, a living example of our philosophy and a reason why NPH truly exists as a family. While doing his year of service in the sponsorship office, he will be getting ready to go to university and has started to work on a plan for how he will achieve his goals. He wants to pursue computer science and I strongly believe he can achieve this because of the courage and strength he has shown. His determination has a likeness to that of Fr. Wasson. Fr. Wasson started NPH with very strong values and has taught us not to put our hearts into material things; rather into what God wants us to do based on love, kindness, tranquility, patience, and being humble. This I have learned from Fr. Wasson and this is what we try to teach our children at NPH Nicaragua. Through this I have learned that the children that are in our care in Nicaragua are our brothers and sisters, as a loan from God.

Marlon Velásquez with primary school students

The Samaritan Project, both at Casa Samaritano on Ometepe Island and at Casa Padre Wasson, continues to serve children in the community who are in need of therapy. The project currently serves a total of 36 people, 32 on the island and 4 in the home, with the majority of the patients being ages 1-14, but also serving a few patients ages 15-34. From the 2 volunteer therapists at Casa Padre Wasson and 2 employed Nicaraguan therapists at Casa Samaritano on the island, the patients receive occupational, physical, and psychological care, as well as medical exams. Based on the number of patients and a change in staffing, Casa Samaritano has new therapists who are continuing the mission of the project and of Fr. Wasson. This project helps NPH to serve the surrounding community and welcome new members into the extended family of NPH, while also teaching the internal students about service to others. The next year will show continual development in classes for parents and hopeful improvement in the quality of life for the patients the project serves.

Through Fr. Wasson I have learned many things, but it is the children that continue to teach me every day. That is why NPH is so important and why this family is important. We learn from each other and we teach other, helping people become the best they can be by challenging them and empowering them to do so. Thank you to everyone for being a part of this family; it wouldn’t be the same without you. Paz y Bien, Marlon Velásquez, National Director NPH Nicaragua

Casa Samaritano therapists



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Learning a trade in the vocational workshops

The tilapia farm tanks at Casa Padre Wasson were completed this year. A building crew came to construct the tanks, but the agriculture department will be responsible for their maintenance and upkeep. We will be able to produce our own fish rather than purchasing, thus saving money. This will also provide nutritious and vitamin rich lunches for all the students so they can be strong and healthy. With this new completion, in the next year the home hopes to provide as many fish lunches as possible.

The Vocational Workshops went through a certification and accreditation process in 2015 with INATEC, allowing us to provide certifications to students in shoe-making, sewing, residential electricity, welding, computation, and English. Accredited programs are very important in Nicaragua because a job applicant must provide a certificate in order to find a job in that trade, and this year there are 92 students participating in these programs taught by six teachers. Each workshop is a two-year program and having accreditation means that we can provide a better future for students. Thanks to Alejandra Cruz, the workshop director, the home will continue to strengthen its programs and provide certifications to students finishing their two-year workshop programs. New community outreach programs have increased the number of external students attending school at NPH Nicaragua, as well as brought a number of semi-internal students who stay at our home during the week and return home to their biological families on the weekends. The number of semi-internal and external students attending school includes 94 primary and preschool students and 54 secondary and high school students who also attend the vocational workshops. All of these students, as well as the internal students, are supported and taught by a total of 24 teachers. Through this program, the internal pequeños have created stronger relationships with their peers who live outside our community, and are more connected with and reminded of the realities of life outside of the home. In the next year, with the help of our social workers, we will continue to integrate external and semi-internal students into the NPH family and provide education to as many children as possible.

Newly constructed tilapia tanks

At the start of 2015, the government asked that the pequeños who are from the coastal tribes, the Miskitos and Mayagnans, return to their communities in order not to lose their culture. An agreement was reached between NPH, the government and their families, so that these children could live with extended family in Managua, Nicaragua’s capitol, while NPH supports them through academic scholarships and other materials. Of the 11 children ranging in age from 12-17, there are two girls and nine boys, with six of those being in primary school and five in secondary/high school. Their cases are managed through NPH social workers who have routine meetings with their families and the government to evaluate their progress and the effectiveness of the program. Miskitos and Mayagnans youths



Chris Hoyt and high school students

Dear NPH Family, For a first-time visitor to an NPH home, it may be surprising how many times our pequeños pray in one day. “Dios te damos gracias por este dia de vida” translates to “God we give you thanks for this day of life.” This most common sense of gratitude often precedes each prayer our children offer before entering school, each meal, each activity, and the day’s end. To learn of the circumstances which our pequeños have lived is to be humbled. Nevertheless, Fr. Wasson’s fervent desire that our pequeños not experience pity, but rather redemption, remains at the forefront of our daily experience. The effort becomes even more challenging in Guatemala, where the frequency of human loss has become unfathomably commonplace. Despite its natural and cultural beauty, Guatemala remains the country with the second highest homicide rate in the world among children and adolescents*. Guatemala City, the original home for the majority of NPH’s children, is the third most dangerous city in the world**. We have not been immune to the effects of violence. Like in many of our Central American homes, dealing with systemic violence has become a daily experience for our staff and young adults. In 2015, the NPH Guatemala family experienced the tragic loss in our beloved Erika Jenni. Erika’s unwavering belief in right and wrong continue to guide us each day, as do the memories of our children’s loved ones whom we have lost in this last year. Each day, we witness the true power of Fr. Wasson’s family: achieving wholeness through trust, overcoming grief through solidarity, realizing the power of our unity despite our imperfections.

Thanks to the efforts of many supporters, especially former chaplain Fr. James Hurlbert, the local bishop consecrated the Holy Family Chapel in Casa San Andres in January 2015. The chapel has been pivotal in defining a sacred worship space, and is now home not only to our Sunday mass but several voluntary masses attended by our pequeños and staff throughout the week. The chapel doors remain open 24 hours a day for adoration and prayer and are used to celebrate our most important religious events, including the Holy Sacraments and feast days. This year, we celebrated eight baptisms, ten first communions and twelve confirmations.

Our daily prayers end with an utter trust in the Lord: “Que se haga tu voluntad,” or, “May your will be done.” As Fr. Wasson believed, our pequeños have a co-responsibility to our neighbor, in addition to being responsible to themselves. May we follow the example of our pequeños to be present to the less fortunate, hope to the hopeless, and faithful in the testing of our mettle. “Dios te damos gracias por este año de vida”, / “God, we give you thanks for this year of life,” Christopher Hoyt, National Director NPH Guatemala

The Holy Family Chapel reinforces the importance of our Christian faith


The Special Education department launched the Smile Shop. With its central location, the integrated learning store is intended to foment interpersonal interactions, promote inclusivity, and teach skills for independence. Currently 15 children and young adults with physical and cognitive disabilities as well as learning difficulties work in the morning and attend training workshops in the afternoon. The students make and sell healthy snacks, attend to clients, manage resources, and operate the business with the support of therapists. When the space was constructed, the group received a loan of $100, which they have since paid off, and with the store’s profits, they have invested in a refrigerator, stove and cooking utensils. The students share their ‘tips’ and apply them to field trips for the group, and future profits will be directed to needed therapy. For 2016, our team is planning to include students who will not advance to higher learning in the store’s operations to fortify independent life skills. This past year, we revamped its university program by moving students from the Casa San Andrés property to multiple, small homes in the nearby city of Parramos. Currently, 24 of our university pequeños work during the week for NPH and study on weekends. They were responsible for identifying the homes and managing the rent, utilities, expenses and daily needs with the stipend they earn as workers. This step toward independence was critical for our pequeños who in a few short years will transition to life outside of NPH. In 2016, NPH will welcome 12 new students into this program who will take the steps to work toward building a strong, independent life. With increased funding from donors in our Spanish office, NPH Guatemala was able to assist all pequeños who have began their independent lives with an individualized support plan if needed. As our pequeños make the decision to start their new lives, they meet with the representative of the Hermano Mayor program, or “Older Brothers and Sisters program”. They revisit the “Life Project” which helps them define their goals in the short and long term. NPH offers support in preparing paperwork, identifying housing, supplying medication, and offers financial support to ensure a safe and supportive new beginning. In addition, the program supported several Hermanos Mayores with much needed financial support for surgeries, medical care, and educational scholarships.

The Family Bakery offers coffee and baked goods

All smiles from the Smile Shop!

University students lending a hand in the administrative office


With an aim to increase local fundraising, the Family Bakery was initiated in Casa San Andrés. Located in the workshops area, this productive project links our students’ technical learning to a business model. Currently two students work in the café and learn business management skills. Each day, freshly baked sweet and savory goods are available for purchase, along with a full menu of barista coffee items. The project has been highly successful among our favorite clients, which are comprised of local staff, volunteers, and visiting groups. Our students who operate the café gain professional experience, business management skills, and the opportunity to give back to the home, which thereby improves our home’s selfsustainability. Our team will add new products in 2016 and seeks to expand sales to the nearby community.

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L SALVADOR Dear NPH Family, As another year comes to an end, I take a moment to reflect on how blessed my NPH El Salvador family has been. Being the National Director certainly has a lot of responsibilities; however, it also has the opportunity to be the father of all the children. Throughout the years, I have come to realize there are different kinds of children; there are some who find it very hard to complete the tasks they are asked to do, and there are some others who finish the tasks they are assigned and want to continue helping. That is the case of our dear Pablo. He is one of the first twelve children who first came at NPH in 1999. Pablo was only 11 years old when he came to live with us. I remember that when he was assigned a task to do, like sweep or mop the floor, he would always do it fast and well and he would look for something else to do. He was trying to help all the time. I always admired his willingness to help others. Time passed and he grew to be a responsible person. He worked hard in order to reach his goals and he graduated from the university as a Physical Education Teacher this past November. I feel very proud of him and seeing him succeed in life makes me feel really happy. Pablo is now working at our school; he is an excellent teacher and he has great patience with our kids. Seeing Pablo succeed makes me think of how proud Fr. Wasson would be as well. After having the opportunity of living with Fr. Wasson for twenty years, I realized how many things I learned from him; among them, he taught me how to treat people, especially, the children from NPH. I was blessed to have the opportunity to be close to him, because all of the experiences we lived together have a special place in my heart, and it feels great to follow his model and help the children at our home.

Olegario Campos with youths celebrating Godparents day

Our peque単os continue to achieve success by receiving their high school diplomas in traditional and alternative programs. Eleven students graduated from the regular high school program and ten graduated from the Saturday high school program. Having 21 youths graduating means there will be 21 youths who will assist the home in their year of service. In El Salvador not all teenagers have the opportunity to finish high school due to different reasons; thus, seeing our peque単os finish theirs is definitely an achievement that motivates younger kids to continue studying. Our goal is to continue motivating our higher education students to reach their full potential, whether it be a high school diploma, trade certification or a university degree.

I feel very proud to watch our children grow and become good citizens in society. I am thankful for God for giving them a home like NPH and I am sure that, just as Pablo did, there will be more peque単os that will make me feel like a proud father. I am thankful to God for giving the blessings He has given to us. May we all continue to grow in humility to follow the model of our dear Fr. Wasson. Paz y Bien, Olegario Campos, National Director NPH El Salvador

High school graduates will enter their year of service to the home



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Kindergarten 6th grade 9th grade High School Vocational Certification University Holy sacraments Quinceañeras/os A caregiver walks with a pequeña

One of our pequeños, living with a chronic illness, began to attend high school online. This youth has been with us since 1996 when she was just six years old. She graduated ninth grade in 2012 and due to her illness, was unable to continue her studies. In March she began studying high school online thanks to a program that the Ministry of Education created for teens who cannot physically attend classes. She feels motivated and excited to be able to and learn more. She is happy to have this opportunity.

High school student taking online courses

In March three Hermanos Mayores decided to follow Father Wasson’s legacy and joined our NPH family once again; but this time, as employees in the boys’ house. Approximately one hundred boys and young men are happy to have their big brothers back in the home. The children have a close relationship and greater sense of trust with their caregivers when they have grown up and have walked in their shoes. Two of the Hermanos Mayores who came back have finished their studies at nursing school and the other one will graduate from the university soon, which proves a great example that reaching their dreams is possible. We hope this percentage of employees who are Hermanos Mayores increases yearly. NPH El Salvador has been helping the community based on Father Wasson’s guiding principles of sharing and service by providing computer classes to the students in a community school near our home. Twenty-three students from ninth grade benefited during the 2015 school year. In El Salvador there are many schools where the students do not have access to a computer, and these days it is really important for them to learn how to use technology. For 2016, NPH will continue to help the community in this area so children outside NPH have better opportunities. Seeing our children and youths succeed is our greatest satisfaction. Currently there is a young man from our home who was accepted to the NPHI Seattle Institute program in the United States. Julio came to NPH when he was eleven years old and as he grew up, he always demonstrated a love for his NPH family. It is very satisfying to have one of our pequeños living this unique experience, especially because he is the kind of person who will love to share what he has learned with others when he returns. In our country, traveling abroad to learn new things is not an option young men and women have; thus, having one of our pequeños in this program is definitely an accomplishment for the NPH El Salvador family. We will continue to encourage our youths to work hard and to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible.

Julio (second from left) in the US, at the Seattle Institute



Kieran Rigney is all smiles with a pequeña

Dear Friends, I would like first to thank God for the opportunity to continue growing, and learning together, in family. Looking around, having a walk in our park, I can only see dedication, commitment, and an interchange of hope and daily efforts from everybody: staff, caregivers, volunteers, and children.

We could not be happier and more satisfied witnessing the solid results of our endeavors, which in the same way becomes the best reason to carry on improving, to be able to offer the best upbringing to our children. We really think we receive from them as much as we give, and that every day they make us better human beings, better workers, and better friends. One of the most representative success stories would include Wislina, who arrived when she was nine years old. The beginning was not easy, and although she did not have problems with authority, she seemed restless and unsettled. However, as a rough diamond, she could finally adapt and find her space, polishing her energy and impulsivity through a humble character, which accepted guidance and advice. Currently she is a vibrant young lady with a lot of potential, combining Tourism studies at the Catholic University of Santo Domingo, with a job as a receptionist at the Mediterranean Shipping Company. She had already gathered experience in a similar role during her summer internship and had also worked as a receptionist in our office, during her year of service. This experience, along with her dynamic personality seemed ideal for the role, and it is indeed working out perfectly. We are proud of her, and really happy to see her return to visit us, which she does as much as her busy life allows. She is an impressive role model for all of our Pequeños, particularly for other girls. She taught us, and continues to teach us what discipline, commitment and attitude can achieve.

This is the first year we have had graduates from our high school. In total, there were 14 graduates from 8th grade, and 12 from high school, and they all passed the national exams. Moreover, 11 of these graduates were recognized for their great performance in these exams by “Learning the Value of Education”, a National Organization, cooperating with the Ministry of Education. Our school and one of the teachers have been awarded as well. Among these group of students there are also two external students, who were offered support to pursue their university education. Having a growing number of graduates presents a financial challenge, which we try to balance, most of all encouraging local fundraising.

Living here and having the opportunity to provide for these children and youth, gives all of us incredible motivation and satisfaction. This daily, common challenge, and the progress achieved with the help of friends, donors, sponsors, workers, volunteers and other supporters is a thriving and inspiring reality. Thank you! Kieran Rigney, National Director Dominican Republic First group of high school graduates from our onsite school



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Pre-primary students at our onsite school

Agreements have been reached with DREAMS, a private foundation, for the implementation of a Montessori program at our NPH DR school. Due to a generous donation (and post-evaluation and assessment) in the next few months 41 children from kinder, pre-kinder and pre-primary level will start benefiting from the Montessori educational system. Our youngest external and internal pequeños are going to be strengthened by this model of early childhood development, as they take their first academic steps. The initial goals for this program will be management and teacher training. In October 2015, the construction of the first of three workshops buildings was completed to accommodate the new Vocational Program, which will include Carpentry, Welding, Sewing, Cooking, Mechanics and Cosmetology training. Pequeños from 9th grade onwards (the number of participants will be determined in January 2016) will be able to learn a trade. Each one of the buildings will cover an area of 280 sqm. If children choose not to pursue higher education, this is a vocational option for them to obtain technical certification in the field they like. For the house, it is also an advantage to be able to produce and fix our own household items. NPH DR hopes to reach an agreement with INFOTEP (Instituto Nacional para la Formación Técnico Profesional, a state agency), which will establish the regulations of the program. NPH DR aims to have the building fully equipped in the next few months, in order to start classes in January 2016. The two other buildings will be finished and equipped with the help of donations by 2017.

Kindergarten 6th grade 9th grade High School Holy sacraments Quinceañeras/os

With the help of a donation from BAYER Company, and in collaboration with Koor Caribe, in October 2015 the first phase of an integrated irrigation system was initiated, covering an area of approximately 10,100 sqm. It will be planted with rows of both bananas and plantains, which produce after 9 months. In between, there will be short cycle plantings of okra, squash and eggplant. All this produce is included in our budget, so this will imply significant savings for the house. Because of the extreme drought this past summer, all food prices have risen, especially those of plantains. The goal of this first phase is to produce 100% of the kitchen needs of okra, squash and eggplant beginning in January of 2016, and 100% of plantains and bananas beginning in July.

Local donation supports new irrigation system

This summer a group of 18 high school students were working hard in an varied internship program we started six years ago. The fields of work were very different: hairdressing, shop assistance, tourism and hospitality, administration...our pequeños gain practical experience, and the internship can even help point them in a direction of their studies. Social services aims to extend and diversify the program in the future, trying to make new contacts with other companies and businesses so that our young adults have a broader list of available positions.

High school students working at their internship


ERÚ Dear Friends, At the close of the year, we reflect on the progress that took place in our home as well as the many challenges faced by our small family. As I think about the growth of our children and adolescents, one boy in particular comes to mind. When he arrived four years ago, he was hostile toward the other children, would run away from his casita, and exhibited extremely difficult behavior. Our caregivers and staff took him under their wings and have supported and cared for him since he arrived. He has come such a long way since then, and we see great improvement in his attitude, behavior, and ability to concentrate at school. As with all our children, we still need to show him patience and unconditional love. We also want him to see and feel that we are committed to his wellbeing and above all, his integral development. Though he still has a long road ahead of him, small steps reflect a victory and our plan is that he will successfully finish primary school. He has also overcome some health obstacles but there is deep faith that he is on the right track with all the support he is getting from all our staff of collaborators. One piece of wisdom that I learned from Fr. Wasson was to have strong patience with the many issues that happen in our family of over a hundred children. The philosophy of Fr. Wasson was, ”a child is good because of someone”, and that certainly is truthful because if we show our children the love and patience they need, they begin to trust in those who care about them and grow into responsible adults. Fr. Wasson was an outstanding person that no matter how bad you behaved, he still saw positive in each child. Thank you to all of our benefactors who support our work and continue to assist us in making positive changes in the lives of children who need us most.

Alfredo Hernandez, with one of over 100 pequeños

A full-time special education teacher joined our team in February, 2015. She is currently working with 21 students to improve their reading, writing, and mathematical skills as well as with the youngest children to improve their vocabulary and concentration. As an on-site educator, she is able to tailor her specific lessons to the needs of the students. By primarily teaching in groups no more than five, she is able to provide more one-on-one instruction than what the children would typically have in an external school setting. Next year, this program aims to continue to focus on the needs of children who are behind in school or facing learning difficulties, while also working on early intervention with the youngest.

God Bless you always, Alfredo Hernandez, National Director NPH Perú

Special education teacher - lesson on geography


Our eighth home was constructed with the support of Canadian donors and was repurposed to be used as a clinic and office. Our healthcare team is now able to treat and examine our children in a more sanitary, comfortable, and private location. Now, if a child is not feeling well, he or she has the space to recuperate during the day, minimizing the chances of other children getting sick as well. We will continue to utilize this space for our clinic and to provide public health education presentations, until the day we have an official clinic constructed. This year two students, the only youth in their year of service the previous year, entered higher education studies. Currently, a total of 11 students are studying in technical school or university. Mirella is studying to become a midwife at a local university and Ernulfo is studying agronomy at a technical school; both are professions that will benefit the community. Each young adult that enters higher education or a career track is setting the example of a goal-oriented future for the younger children here at NPH PerĂş. We also have two other year of service students who are both aspiring to enter higher education studies next year per the success of their entrance exam.


Friends in from of the new home

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Kindergarten 6th grade High School University Holy sacraments QuinceaĂąeras/os

Mirella working on her schoolwork

In March 2015 we successfully harvested our first beans. In total, about 100 kilos were harvested in our small garden by our entrance door. Since we were able to produce our own product, we were able to alleviate the expenses of purchasing the beans in the market. As we have only been on our current property since 2011, the success of this harvest shows that we have the potential to be self-sustainable. Next year we plan on continuing to utilize this plot of land to plant more vegetables to feed our family. Harvesting beans

An offsite home was rented for our university students. Now, five male students are living independently while pursuing degrees in accounting, law, computer system engineering, agronomy, administration and international business. Their independent living will help prepare them for an easier transition to the community and further strengthen their responsibilities as autonomous young men. These youths are exemplifying the traits of dedication and focus, which are setting the example for the younger children in the home. We have one more male who is finishing up his year of service and after taking a successful entrance exam, our goal is for him to move to the rented home along with his brothers. University students in their rented home



Jose Luis Gúzman sharing a moment with two boys

Dear Family, This year had many beautiful and memorable moments, but also tested our strength as a family and community. Due to a rise in minimum wage, we struggled with financial problems, which had a big impact on our day-to-day life at the home. Our resources were low and we all worked on limiting our budgets. In moments like these, remembering what Father Wasson said is really important – stay together as a family, be strong, motivated and have faith, because in hard times you can always find hope and happiness. In our case, we found these gifts when two-month old Miche* and his four siblings arrived, right at the low point of our financial crisis. It is beautiful to see the children, volunteers and caregivers spending time with Miche. He never spends a moment alone; there is always someone holding him, rocking him, giving him a bottle, or talking to him. He is receiving all the loving care and attention that a baby needs, and in return he brightens our day and fills our hearts with love. Though he is just a little baby, he is always able to bring a smile to everyone’s faces and reminds us why we are here, helping to give us the strength to overcome the obstacles of the current year. Father Wasson never talked about numbers; he talked about principles, values, and about lending a hand to those in need. There will always be obstacles in our way, but there will also always be children in need of our help. Through it all, he showed us his unshakable volition, his positive attitude, and above all his love. At the end of the road the light of hope is always shining, showing us that better times will come. We pray for help and the strength to carry on from above and within. The answer to our prayers can come in many different forms, and this time it happened to come in the form of a sweet little boy, our angel, Miche.

We completed the construction of the second module of our school, which is located directly on our property. With the second school module, we will have three additional classrooms and a computer room/library, in order to better accommodate our 63 kindergarten and primary school students. The new classrooms allow each grade to have its own space and for the educators to have a room to prepare their lessons. Additionally, we are looking for ways to finance the furniture and other equipment. In the future we may include community students but we are also working on the legal requirement to have the school recognized as a public catholic school, a very common school type in Bolivia. A big advantage of this is that with this type of school, the government would pay salaries of the teachers. The flip side, we can’t choose the numbers of teachers we want to hire; this always depends on the numbers of students.

Thank you for all you do for our NPH Family. José Luis Gúzman, National Director NPH Bolivia

*Name changed to protect privacy. Newly constructed classrooms



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Kindergarten 6th grade 9th grade High School Holy sacraments Quinceañeras/os


New house for teenage girls

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This year we built two new buildings, which are now being used as homes for our children. By doing so, we can improve the quality of life of our children and solve the problem of overcrowded bedrooms. The house “San Martín de Porres” for our boys from six years through eight years and the house “Mariana de Jesús” for our young female adults (18+) offer 32 new sleeping and living places. By now, eight little boys and eight young ladies (including three university students) are using the new facilities, leaving space for 16 more children to be admitted in the future.

Kindergarten 6th grade 9th grade High School Holy sacraments Quinceañeras/os

In October of 2015, with the cooperation of the nearby town of San Ignacio del Sara, we began a fish production project to raise “Pacu”, a type of fish native to lowland Bolivia with a high demand in the local market. This will help us to be more self-sustainable, both by being able to add fish to our diet, and by alleviating our operational budget through the sale of fish. We completed digging the two ponds (each 2500 sq meters) and the next steps are following quickly: a well for water supply, electricity lines and illumination, and work on a solid fence to protect the project from any theft. Soon to follow, we will put in 2,500 young fish and if things go well, the first fish can be harvested by the end of 2016.

Pacu fish production project

In 2015, we finalize the plans for a second baby house, received the required construction funds and broke ground. The house will be finished in January 2016 which give us the capacity to give 16 more children a welcoming home and safe environment to grow up in. However, due to our current financial situation there is a very small chance that we will be able to receive new children in the following months. But either way, we will still make use of the new facility due to expected renovation on other homes or by splitting the youngest girls house into two houses. Thanks to the contribution of a local agricultural company Grupo Unión Columbia, we will soon start to have milking cows, which is another project that will help us become more self-sustainable. The consultants of Grupo Unión have been helping us to put up electric fencing and gave us a workshop on how to graze the cows. We are expecting a donation of up to 10 milking cows in the next couple of months, which would enable us to completely cover our milk consumption and add more dairy products to our diet, next to selling a possible leftover. Our agriculturist, who is also caring for our goats, cows, horses and pigs, will manage the milk cow project.

Milking cows will provide fresh milk for our kids


“Everyone needs attention and deserves it. Individual attention, concern for each individual child in their uniqueness, when actively applied is what allows us to maintain a balance between our four principles: security, sharing, work, and responsibility.” Fr. William Wasson (Quien Verá Por Los Niños/as).

Haiti / Opened: 1987 Children living in home: 898, Total supported population: 2,613

Mexico / Opened: 1954 Children living in home: 825 Total supported population: 1129

Dominican Republic / Opened: 2003 Children living in home: 233, Total supported population: 344

Guatemala / Opened: 1996 Children living in home: 274, Total supported population: 409 El Salvador / Opened: 1999 Children living in home: 269, Total supported population: 329 Honduras / Opened: 1985 Children living in home: 560, Total supported population: 811 Nicaragua / Opened: 1994 Children living in home: 154, Total supported population: 340

Perú / Opened: 2004

Children living in home: 105

Bolivia / Opened: 2005

Children living in home: 124

Totals are as of December 31, 2015. Total supported population reflects external children and youths who receive support by either attending our onsite schools, receive scholarships, or other consistent support services. Youths that left the homes that receive ongoing services are also included.

This document was designed and produced by NPH International Communications. NPHI thanks the numerous National Directors, department directors and Communication Officers for their valuable contributions to this production. Photo Credits: Front cover: Hunter Johnson/NPH International Inside pages: Erin Stuckey, Avriel Burlot, Kara King, Markus Streit, Monica Gery/NPH International; NPHI Medical Services Team/NPH International; Amanda Thomas, Konstantin Bilozertsev, Kim Wassil /NPH Mexico; Amanda Thomas,/NPH Honduras; Kay Bodmer/NPH Nicaragua; Carmina Salazar,/NPH El Salvador; Miguel Martinez/NPH Guatemala; Denso Gay, Ted Stevens, Giles Ashford/NPH Haiti; Isabel Puchades/NPH Dominican Republic; Anna Hester/ NPH Perú; Jamila Noeprick/NPH Bolivia. Copy: Reinhart Koehler, Donna Egge, Dr. Pilar Silverman, Miguel Venegas/NPH International; Konstantin Bilozertsev, Rafael Bermúdez/NPH Mexico; Ross Egge, Stefan Feuerstein, Amanda Thomas/NPH Honduras; Kenson Kaas, Gena Heraty, Colin Brennan, Jacqueline Gautier, MD, Denso Gay/NPH Haiti; Kay Bodmer, Marlon Velasquez/NPH Nicaragua; Carmina Salazar, Olegario Campos/NPH El Salvador; Miguel Martinez, Christopher Hoyt/NPH Guatemala; Isabel Puchades, Kieran Rigney/NPH Dominican Republic; Anna Hester, Alfredo Hernández/NPH Perú; Jamila Noeprick, Jose Luis Guzman/NPH Bolivia.

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