All the answers needed to sate your burgeoning curiosity about the new school year!
2023-2024 NCS
Dear Northwest Christian School community,
What if there was just one relatively simple thing that we could do that would guarantee fulfillment and flourishing in the lives of our children?
Do Ihaveyour attention?
Flourishing and hope. We call them Expected Student Outcomes Everything that we do as a school--every classroom lesson, every musical, every assignment, every team, and every club--if we're doing it right, should point a student towards a specific, culminating, objective fruition so that, at the end of their Northwest Christian journey, these ESO's are fully realized in their lives
The American Bible Society released Chapter 3 of its annual "State of the Bible 2023" report on Thursday, June 8th. Titled “Flourishing and Hope,” their findings have a direct bearing on our course as a school and your course as a family: “Our research confirms something millions of Christians know through personal experience that the Bible has the power to transform our lives and make us happier, healthier, and whole,” said American Bible Society Chief Ministry Insights and Innovation Officer John Farquhar Plake “We have found that Christians who are committed to their faith, fully engaged in the Bible and transformed by its message, flourish in every domain of human experience.”
Given this critical information and the encouragement given to us through God's word itself, as we prepare to start the new school year, it is imperative that we each--faculty, family, and students--double-check our calibration, our alignment. Whether we design and teach lessons, learn those lessons, or drive our kids through the school's insane drop-off so that they can get to the classrooms where they will hear those lessons, let's each double-down on our commitment to God's word Let's each find the time within our own busy schedules, within our busy homes, and within our busy school, to slow down and remind each other about what matters most
To be sure, God's word is, in and of itself, its own treasure. As we learn within its own pages, it is beautiful beyond measure and it shall endure across the span of time. Given the promise and principles in God's word, and now the research that objectively points to what all of time and eternity have already known, this summer, as a community, let's commit ourselves afresh to the trustworthy truths of scripture.
Annual spiritual emphasis theme. Our Student Council has done an amazing job of capturing this sense of priority within the annual spiritual emphasis theme that they have chosen for this school year: “Fix Your Focus” The verse that they have chosen to be our annual cue is Colossians 3:2 and it is nestled within a wonderful series of verses that I have been praying come to mean so much more on our campus this year than vinyl banners and t-shirts on Fridays: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory”
Is your summer homework done? Our annual “Crusaders Charge into Summer Reading” campaign has also been beautifully aligned with our efforts to double-down on Biblical worldview. “Kingdom Education” by Dr. Glen Schultz is a foundational work emphasizing the potency of Christian education. Every Monday throughout the summer, you should be receiving an email in which our own Chris “Mr G” Gardiner interviews Schultz and week-by-week they have been walking through a book which I know could yield real fruit in your home if you follow along. These conversations are available via both video and our school podcast, Kingdom Culture Conversations.
This year, you can follow along! For the last several years, I’ve described our partnership with RightNow Media as the “Netflix of Northwest Christian” And, over those years, our channel on RightNow Media has become truly special Its charm lies in the fact that you can use this tool as a resource to “follow along” within the adventures that your children are enjoying on campus Within RightNow, we’re featuring all of our chapels, fine arts events, and so much more If you have not already, I’d urge you to consider taking advantage of the complementary or you at this link Once you are signed up, you will have access to all n your phone, tablet, or Smart TV
pac Speaking of resources, what follows my cover letter is literally pages and pages of all the information that you will need to start the 2023/2024 school year. Its name, “What’s Next?”, is drawn from the fact that, in hopes that we do not intrude upon a memorable summer, we attempt to time the publication of this information so that it is balanced between that breath of satisfaction and relief that comes just after the conclusion of the last school year and the first musings about the upcoming year.
If you are still relishing in a sunny summer doldrum of relaxation and have not given the coming year a single thought, please set this digital packet aside and come back to it when you are ready! However, if your mind has already started churning in anticipation of the adventures in learning that lie ahead, simply turn the digital page and off you shall go…
Geoff Brown Superintendent Northwest Christian
(623)225-5573 (cell)
(602)978-5134x505 (office)
TABLE OF CONTENTS NCS All School Early Education Elementary Middle School High School Online/Flex
Northwest Christian School
Calendar 2023-2024
Parent/Teacher Conferences
a m Dismissal – ALL GRADES, All Early Ed 5 day classes & all Mini Crusaders (2/3 day Preschool, Ex Care No School) 6
All Early Ed 5 day classes & all Mini Crusaders (2/3 day Preschool, Ex Care No School)
2 MS & HS Registration 3 Elementary “Meet the Teacher” Day 7 School Begins – Including Early Ed 9-11 HS Camp 14 Elementary “Back to School Night” 15 EE Parent Orientation MS & HS “Back to School Night” 25 No School - Teacher In-Service 29 K-5 Picture Day 31 6-12 Picture Day
Labor Day – No School 15 No school - Teacher In-Service
Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-5:00pm
How to Afford a Christian Education Workshop
Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences No School for Elementary, Mini Cru, Preschool MS and HS – 11:00 a.m. Dismissal 9-13 Fall Break – No School 18-19 Early Education Picture Day NOVEMBER 3 No School - Teacher In-Service 10 Veterans Day Observance- No School 20-21 Grandparents Days 22 Thanksgiving Vacation Begins –11:00 a m Dismissal 23-24 Thanksgiving Vacation DECEMBER 15-19 High School Final Exams –11:00 a.m. Dismissal HS 20 Christmas Break Begins –11:00 a.m. Dismissal (All Grades) First Semester Ends JANUARY
School Resumes
No school - Teacher In-Service
Martin Luther King,
Day –
No School
Teacher In-Service Online Re-enrollment & Deposit Due
Presidents’ Day – No School
Open House & Curriculum Showcase
Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences
11:00 a.m. Dismissal – ALL GRADES
11-15 Spring Break 18 School Resumes 29 Good Friday – No School
1 Easter Monday – No School 26 No School - Teacher In-Service MAY 13-17 Senior Final Exams 21-24 High School Final Exams –11:00 a.m. Dismissal (9th-11th Grade) 23 8th Grade Promotion 24 Last Day of School – 11:00 a.m. Dismissal Senior Graduation – 7:00 p m NorthwestChristian School Calendar 2023-2024 RevisedJanuary 2023
Elementary Parent/Teacher ConferencesNo School for Elementary, Mini Cru, Preschool, MS and HS – 11:00 a.m. Dismissal
Northwest Christian School
Online Calendar 2023-2024
*Flex students who attend classes on campus will only have online classes on this day and should not report to campus. **Flex students who attend classes on campus will have an adjusted schedule for their on-campus classes.
On-Campus School Begins
Online School Begins 25 No On-Campus Classes*
K-5 Picture Day
6-12 Picture Day
Labor Day NCS Offices Closed
No On-Campus Classes*
Fall Break No School
No On-Campus Classes* 10 Veteran’s Day Observance NCS Offices Closed 22 On-Campus Half Day** 23-24 Thanksgiving Vacation No School DECEMBER
8th and 9th Grade Finals 18 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 19 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 20 On-Campus Half Day**
Christmas Break Begins First Semester Ends
On-Campus School Resumes
No On-Campus Classes*
Online School Resumes
No On-Campus Classes* Re-enrollment & Deposit Due 19 Presidents’ Day NCS Offices Closed MARCH 7-8 Online Parent / Facilitator Conferences On-Campus Half Days** 11-15 Spring Break No School 29 Good Friday No School APRIL 1 Easter Monday No School 26 No On-Campus Classes* MAY
8th and 9th Grade Finals 22 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 23 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 24 On-Campus Half Day** 23 8th Grade Promotion 24 Last Day of School
OCTOBER 3 How to Afford a Christian Education Workshop 5-6 Online Parent /
Christian School
Calendar 2023-2024 Revised June 2023
To sign forms, access schedules, review school documents and announcements, and check posted grades, use the BlackbaudStudentPortalor BlackbaudParentPortalaccessible from the Login button at the top right of the school’s website or directly at This web-based portal allows users to easily toggle between their roles, if applicable (Student - Parent - Faculty - Alum) and to see the features relevant to that role
Blackbaud requires all users to login with Blackbaud ID, which is setup during the admissions process.
● Enter your primary email address listed in Blackbaud for your Blackbaud ID Click Next
○ If you see an option to enter your password, an error has occurred
● On the second login page, continue to login by entering the same email address and your chosen password or by using the Sign in with Google or Apple ID options.
○ If you forget your password, there is a link on this page where you may reset it.
● Enter your school email address for your Blackbaud ID then click Next
● You will be routed to a second login page. Click the Sign in with Google button at the bottom.
○ If you need help resetting your password, contact and mention your first and last name and that you are requesting a password reset for your Google email
Troubleshooting Tips
● If having trouble with login using a Google account or Apple ID, verify that all similar accounts are signed out.
● If Blackbaud is not loading correctly, try using a different device or a different browser.
● If you receive a specific error message, please take a picture and contact
If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact the Tech Team at for additional support.
Please note: At this time, there is not an app for the Blackbaud Portal; however, a mobile browser should enable necessary features of the website.
You may use your ID number or name when using the link above.
How to find your Student ID number
Grades 6-12
Students may follow the process to take their Selfie ID. If students are unable to get their picture completed by 7/24, GRADS Photography will be on site for registration day to take ID pictures as usual.
Grades K-5
Parents may follow the process to take their student’s Selfie ID. If they are unable to complete the process, GRADS Photography will be on site for Meet the Teacher Day to take pictures for the ID cards
Accessing the Student ID Number
There are two methods to access the student ID number.
Log in to the student portal or parent portal via or
After you log in to the parent portal, you will find your student profiles just under the NCS header.
The ID number is embedded within the web address of the student’s profile page. It is a 7-digit number that begins with 5.
Students in grades 10-12 have already logged in to their portal to complete their course requests. For other students, they can register with their student email address - lastname+first inital (or first two initials if they have a sibling with the same first initial) (ex. or
Parents can see their student’s email address by clicking on the student profile (the same method shown above).
If the student logs in to their profile, the ID is also located on the General Information section on the Profile screen.
• Click on the tiny triangle beside the student's name at the upper right of the screen
• Choose “Profile” from the drop-down menu
• General Information is located on the left side of the screen
• USER ID is the last option
Once again, there have been several changes in the Business Office this past year! ESA funding and AAA scholarship coordination with tax credits have provided great support for the funding of private education! Tricia Mucklow has assumed the role of NCS Business Manager and Monette Mason is managing tuition accounts as the Accounts Receivable Assistant Diane Shulda will continue to assist families with their MySchoolBucks lunch account needs.
As we go into the 23-24 school year, we want to remind our families that payments are due on the 1st of each month A late fee of $25 will be charged to the tuition account after the 7th of every month, if the monthly payment is not received in full. The tuition accounts of families awaiting tax credits or ESA funding are still subject to late fees. Any credit balances from the 22-23 school year will be applied to the 23-24 school year in July. Credit balances are refunded if your students graduate or are withdrawn from NCS. If your student is a Senior in the 23-24 school year, the ENTIRE family tuition balance through May AND the Senior’s portion of June tuition, is due by May 17, 2023 to guarantee participation in the graduation ceremony For your convenience, tuition charges for seniors have been prorated over 10 months to assist families with meeting this deadline.
If a family pays the full tuition amount before August 7, 2023, a 3% discount of the full tuition amount will be applied at a later date Please click here for the 23-24 tuition schedule, the totals that reflect the 3% discount, and for details regarding family discounts. Tuition payments are made through your Blackbaud portal on the NCS website. If you use a credit or debit card, Blackbaud Tuition Management (BTM) charges a 3% convenience fee, however payments made with a checking account are free. Automatic payments are available through BTM and can be set up via the portal on our website If you prefer to mail a check, please send it directly to NCS (not Blackbaud Tuition Management.) For your convenience, a secure drop box is available in the administration building.
We receive tax credits starting in July and award cycles continue throughout the school year. Awards are available when they are posted to your NCS family tuition account. Once you are notified of an award by the STO, it can take up to four weeks for that award to be received by the finance office and posted to your account. For more information regarding tax credits and some of the STO’s we work with, please click here. The tuition accounts of families awaiting tax credit funding are still subject to late fees.
Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA) are available to all K-12 students through the Arizona Department of Education Preschoolers reaching age 5 by January 1 are also eligible for ESA funding ESA funding is PROHIBITED in the same school year that a student receives any tax credit funding. To learn more about this program or to apply, please visit the AZ Department of Education Website In order to assist families with compliance, please inform the Business Office if you apply for ESA Funding. (Monette Mason, ext 527). ESA funding is available at the beginning of each quarter in July, October, January and April The funding should be disbursed QUARTERLY as soon as you receive notification that funds are available. Parents may choose to disburse funding to the school or reimburse themselves for tuition payments that have already been paid to the school. For detailed instructions regarding how to disburse ESA funding, please email Monette Mason The Business Office is unable to provide the documents needed to disburse ESA funding. Those documents may only be obtained by parents through their Blackbaud Tuition Management portal. The tuition accounts of families awaiting ESA funding are still subject to late fees.
The Business Office is unable to direct your decision regarding Tax Credits or ESA. This is a personal choice based on the circumstances of individual families We are happy to assist with information as needed.
Early Education students will have a (BTM) tuition account that is now combined with your student(s) in K-12! If your student(s) utilize our extended care program, those charges will be paid through your Procare App and are due weekly
Activity fees will be added to your tuition account sometime this summer. Those fees vary by grade level and are due by AUGUST 7th Late fees of $25 per month will be charged for unpaid activity fees. Activity fees will be collected on Registration Day or may be paid through your Tuition Management portal. Activity fees are nonrefundable and are not eligible to be covered by tax credits.
We appreciate your continued support! The timely payment of tuition is essential to the financial wellbeing of our school. We are blessed beyond measure to have teachers, faculty and community at a school like NCS!
We know families sometimes have financial difficulties and we are here to help. Please contact the Business Office if you have an extenuating circumstance such as illness, loss of a job, death, divorce, etc. We appreciate communication and may be able to offer assistance.
We are looking forward to another great year!
Trish Mucklow (Ext 507), Diane Shulda (Ext 517) & Monette Mason (Ext 527)
Northwest Christian School Early Education Tuition/Fee Schedule
pm Pre-Scheduled Extended Care is $6 50/hr Drop-in Extended Care is $7 00/hr
am and 12:30 pm -
*Students in all grade levels with late re-enrollment agreement submissions may be subject to a wait list
Multi-Student Discounts (Preschool Only)
1st Child Regular price
2nd Child 10% to both students
3rd Child + 18% to all students
*Early Education/Preschool is not included in any K-12 discount
Enrollment Refund Policy
Enrollment and re-enrollment fees are non-refundable for the 23-24 school year.
Tuition Payment Policy
• The Early Education program runs from August - May (10 months); however, the tuition for Early Education students is divided into eleven monthly payments. The first payment is due on August 1 and the last payment is due on or before June 1.
• Any payment received after the seventh of the month will be considered late and the account will be assessed a $25 late charge
• If an account becomes more than 60 days past due, the student may not be allowed to attend class until the account is brought current.
• There is a $25 charge on all checks returned by the bank.
• If annual tuition is paid in full by the first day of school, the family will receive a three percent discount
• Mini Crusaders are not eligible for any discounts
• Parents must inform the finance office upon acceptance of an ESA contract in any quarter.
Updated 1/19/2023
Grade/Age Levels Annual Annual if paid in full by 8/7 Monthly Tuition Payment Mini Crusaders Half Day Option (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) - Walkers & 2’s Tuesday/Thursday $ 3,157 Not eligible $287 - Eleven months, August - June Monday/Wednesday/Friday $ 4,246 Not eligible $386 - Eleven months, August - June Monday through Friday $ 6,611 Not eligible $601 - Eleven months, August - June Preschool Half Day Option (8:30 am - 11:30 am) - 3’s, 4’s/Pre-K Tuesday/Thursday $ 3,476 $3,372 $316 - Eleven months, August - June Monday/Wednesday/Friday $ 4,675 $4,535 $425 - Eleven months, August - June Monday through Friday $ 7,271 $7,053 $661 - Eleven months, August - June Preschool Full Day Option (8:30 am - 3:00 pm) - 3’s, 4’s/Pre-K Tuesday/Thursday $ 5,335 $5,175 $485 - Eleven months, August - June Monday/Wednesday/Friday $ 7,667 $7,437 $697 - Eleven months, August - June Monday through Friday $10,043 $9,742 $913 - Eleven months, August - June Extended Care is available between the hours of 7:30 am - 8:30
Fees Application Fee (non-refundable) $ 50 Enrollment fee (non-refundable), due upon acceptance $205 Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable), by 2/13 $205 Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable),
2/13 $250
Northwest Christian School
K-12 Tuition/Fee Schedule
50 Enrollment Fee (non-refundable), due upon acceptance
Application Fee (non-refundable)
Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable), by 2/13
Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable), after 2/13
Testing Fee, if applicable (due at sign-up)
*Students in all grade levels with late re-enrollment agreement submissions may be subject to a wait list
Registration Day and Activity Fees
K-5 (non-refundable) $50
6-8 (non-refundable) $120
9-12 (non-refundable) $220
*Registration Day and Activity Fees will be charged to Tuition Management accounts.
*Fees are due in full before the first day of school.
*Registration Day and Activity Fees are subject to late fees after the 7th of August
Multi-Student Discounts (Kindergarten – 12)
1st Child Regular price
2nd Child 10% to both students
3rd Child 18% to all three students
4th Child + Families will receive a discounted tuition rate of $4,000 for Kindergarten and $7,000 for grades 1-12 for the 4th child and beyond. Online/Flex students will receive an 18% discount on their tuition. Early Education, Preschool, or Frameworks are not included in the multi-student discount.
Enrollment Refund Policy
Enrollment and re-enrollment fees are non-refundable for the 23-24 school year
Tuition Payment Policy
• Tuition for Kindergarten through 12th Grade on the ground students will be divided into eleven monthly payments. The first payment is due Aug 1 and the last payment is due on or before June 1
• Any payment received after the seventh of the month will be considered late and the account will be assessed a $25 late charge
• If an account becomes more than 60 days past due, the student may not be allowed to attend class until the account is brought current
• There is a $25 charge on all checks returned by the bank.
• Tuition for graduating seniors must be paid in full by May 15th in order for the student to participate in graduation ceremonies. Additionally the remaining family account must be paid through May. (For your convenience, tuition charges for seniors have been prorated over 10 months to assist families with meeting this deadline )
• If annual tuition is paid in full by the first day of school, the family will receive a three percent discount.
• Parents must inform the finance office upon acceptance of an ESA contract in any quarter Tax credits and ESA funding are prohibited from being utilized in the same school year.
Updated 6/8/2023
Grade/Age Levels Annual Annual If paid in full by 8/7 Monthly Tuition Payment Full Day K-5 $10,285 $ 9,976 $ 935 – Eleven months, August through June Middle School (6-8) $12,430 $12,057 $1,130 – Eleven months, August through June High School $13,882 $13,466 $1,262 – Eleven months, August through June Extended Care (K-8) $6 50/hr Pre scheduled Available dismissal through 5:30pm $7 00/hr Drop in AM Extended Care for Kinder only 7:30am to 8am Fees
$ 30
Northwest Christian School
K-12 Online School Tuition/Fee Schedule
in all
levels with late re-enrollment agreement submissions may be subject to a wait list
Multi-Student Discounts (Kindergarten - 12, Online/Flex)
1st Child Regular price
2nd Child 10% to both students
3rd Child + 18% to all students
*Early Education/Preschool/Frameworks are not included in the multi-student discount
Enrollment Refund Policy
Enrollment and re-enrollment fees are non-refundable for the 23-24 school year.
Tuition Payment Policy
• Tuition for Kindergarten through 12th grade for full time online and flex students will be divided into eleven monthly payments The first payment is due August 1 and the last payment is due on or before June 1
• Any payment received after the seventh of the month will be considered late and the account will be assessed a $25 late charge
• If an account becomes more than 60 days past due, the student may not be allowed to attend class until the account is brought current
• There is a $25 charge on all checks returned by the bank.
• Tuition for graduating seniors must be paid in full by May 15th in order for the student to participate in the graduation ceremonies. Additionally the remaining family account must be paid through May.
• If annual tuition is paid in full by the first day of school, the family will receive a three percent discount.
• Mini Crusaders are not eligible for any discounts. .
• Parents must inform the finance office upon acceptance of an ESA contract in any quarter.
Updated 1/19/2023
Grade/Age Levels Annual Annual if paid in full by 8/7 Monthly Tuition Payment Full-Time NCS Online (K-8) $2,500 $2,425 Eleven months, August $250, September - June $225 Full-Time NCS Online (9-12) $3,500 $3,395 Eleven months, August $350, September - June $315 Full-Time NCS Flex (K-8) $3,500 $3,395 Eleven months, August $350, September - June $315 Full-Time NCS Flex (9-12) $4,500 $4,365 Eleven months, August $450, September - June $405 NCS Online Single Course Options NCS Frameworks Courses (9-12) $250/Per Course/Per Semester NCS Online Single Course (K-8) $425/Per Course/Per Semester NCS Online Single Course (9-12) $500/Per Course/Per Semester Fees Application Fee (non-refundable) $ 50 Enrollment fee (non-refundable), due upon acceptance $205 Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable), by 2/13 $205 Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable),
$250 Testing Fee,
$ 30
after 2/13
(due at sign-up)
Dear NCS Family,
Due to the consistent efforts of NCS parents, Northwest Christian School continues to be the leading private, Christian school in the State with regard to both the number of tuition assistance awards received by students and in student annual award totals. Together, NCS has helped make Arizona a “parent choice, school choice” leader I am encouraged by the many praise reports each year and with the new Universal Empowerment Scholarship, the impact and reach of tuition assistance has never been stronger. Your successful efforts to make a Christ-centered, private education an affordable reality are both an inspiration to others and a testimony of God’s perfect provision.
There are several ways to learn more about the various private school tuition assistance programs.
1) Consider self-scheduling a phone consultation: Schedule Tuition Assistance Consult. Additional appointment dates will be posted in August.
2) Review the 5-Step Action Plan here.
3) For K-12th grade students, consider applying for the Universal ESA. To learn more, go to: The ESA cannot be combined with tax credits for the same student during the same fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
4) Review the following links to learn more about the various tuition assistance options in Arizona: Ways to Afford A Christian Education, Tax Credits "At A Glance".
5) Watch a tuition assistance webinar coming in October.
6) Review the AZTO Applicant Guide as well as the materials from other STO’s such as: ACSTO, APESF, IBE, PSTF123, and STO4KIDZ
7) Consider creating a family landing page unique to your student(s) This tool allows you to promote the tax credit program easily to family, friends, and colleagues. See the samples available from AZTO, ACSTO, and STO4Kidz.
8) Low to medium income families may want to apply for Corporate Tax Credits: AAA, ALF, SCA, APSTO, ATC, Pwww.NorthwestChristianSchool.orgSTF123, and AZTO. The best time to apply is in the spring. Corporate awards cannot be combined with ESA. Each Corporate STO posts income guidelines.
If you have questions about the Arizona tuition assistance programs, login into your NCS portal and review the tuition assistance tile under the “Resource” tab Resource links are updated throughout the year. You may also contact the tax credit or ESA organizations directly. If you are a current family with questions relating to your tuition account balance or if you would like to discuss a financial hardship, please contact the NCS finance office at 602-978-5134 ext. 507. Our team is happy to assist you.
Whether you are new to NCS or a long-time NCS family, there is a tuition assistance program for you You are a valued part of the NCS family and it is our privilege to partner with you as you seek to provide an affordable, Christ-centered education of excellence for your family.
Joyfully Serving Him,
Michelle Reddy Director of Admissions
Northwest Christian School
16401 N. 43rd Ave. | Phoenix, AZ 85053
Phone: 602-978-5134 | Ext: 515
Extended Care is available at the Early Ed facility before school from 7:30 to 8:30 and after school from 3:00 to 5:30. This is a licensed program and requires the student to be registered before attending. There is a cost for Extended Care. You can find the Extended Care Enrollment form here or in your BlackBaud portal under the Resources tab Please contact the Early Education office for information
Before School - The Elementary Library is open from 7:30 until school begins each day This space allows students to study and take AR tests before school The Elementary Playground is supervised for students from 7:30 to 8:00 each day Parents may drop off students as early as 7:30 as the school day begins at 8:00
After School - There are four options for students at the end of the school day In the elementary program students are not allowed to wander the campus without a parent, secondary sibling or identified adult. Students that are alone are walked to the elementary office and parents are contacted
● Students are to be picked up from their classrooms by a parent, secondary sibling or identified adult no later than 3:15 each day.
● Students are walked by an aide to a scheduled ASAP program on its scheduled day. Parents are expected to pick their children up at the end of the ASAP program Students who are not picked up are walked to the elementary office and parents are contacted.
● Students are walked to Extended Care by an aide. Extended Care is a licensed program. Parents are required to register their child for Extended Care before the child can attend the program You can find the Extended Care Enrollment form here or in your BlackBaud portal under the Resources tab. Extended Care is available from 3:00 to 5:30 and there is a cost for the program. Please contact the Early Education office for more information as that office administers the After School Extended Care program for 15 months of age – 5th grade students.
● Students may utilize the Elementary Library from 3:00 to 4:00 each day. Elementary students must be accompanied by a parent, secondary sibling or identified adult while in the library after school This time is dedicated for AR testing, tutoring, studying and research. The Elementary Library closes at 4:00 daily.
Before School - Secondary Students can utilize the Teen Space before school Monday through Friday from 7:00 to 7:45 The before school Teen Space is located in room 201 and is staffed by an NCS staff member The Teen Space is available for studying, research, test make-up, tutoring and homework.
After School - Secondary Students can utilize the Teen Space after school Monday through Friday from 3:00 to 5:00. The after school Teen Space is located in room 120 and is staffed by an NCS staff member. The Teen Space is available for studying, research, test make-up, tutoring and homework.
All Sections - NCS works to provide space and care for our students before and after school during the typical school day. On Early Release Days space and care is provided in the morning as mentioned above. After school on an early release day, Extended Care may be provided for the Early Education program only, there is a cost for Extended Care The ASAP program, Library and Teen Space are not available after school on Early Release Days.
Northwest Christian School is delighted that our families have benefited from our community carpool program. Whether you are seeking to meet other NCS families in your neighborhood, or if you are looking for an occasional ride home or a regular pick-up and/or drop-off schedule, an NCS carpool might be just what you are looking for. There is no commitment for expressing interest in sharing a ride
Click here to sign-up for the carpool interest list.
A link to the list of carpool participants will be emailed to all registrants by August 18th Please contact the admissions office if you have any questions. (602) 978-5134, option 3
Monday – Samurai Sam’s
Teriyaki Steak and Rice
Teriyaki Chicken and Rice
Orange Chicken
Asian Chicken Salad
Tuesday – Chick-fil-A
5 count Nuggets
Spicy Sandwich
Chef Salad
Wednesday – Federico’s
Cheese Quesadilla
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Chicken & Bean Burrito
Chicken Taco Salad
Thursday – Sardella's Pizza
Small Slice of Pepperoni Pizza
Large Slice of Pepperoni Pizza
Italian Salad
Corn Dog
Chicken Pot Pie
Caesar Salad
These items are subjectto change. Acomplete menu willbe available on registration day.
Cashless Payment
The Crusader Cafe utilizes a cashless payment system for all students and staff MySchoolBuckscom will be usedexclusively as thepaymentmethodas cashis notaccepted.
All elementary students will have an ID to present at the Cafe to purchase items All students (including elementary) will have a barcode on their ID which will be scanned to allow servers access to your student's account to purchase their snacks/lunches. MySchoolBucks gives parents the convenience and flexibility of one account to securely pay for all their student's meals with a credit card, debit card or electronic check MySchoolBucks accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.
Below, we hope to answer questions you might have about signing your student(s) up for MySchoolBucks account. There are a few options available to load money onto your student's account :
Pay As You Go: You may choose to load your child's account with any dollar amount up to $120 00 per student There is a $2 75 fee each time you load your students account, however that fee is per transaction only - not per student. For example, you have three children, you may load all three accounts at one time for only $2.75 total. The pay as you go option accepts credit or debit card and echeck.
Pay by Year Per Student: You may choose to pay a yearly membership fee of $12 95 per student which enables you to add funds up to $120.00 at any time. This would be ideal for households with one or two students. Available by e-check only.
Pay by Year Per Family: You may choose to pay a yearly membership fee of $26 95 for your "family" which enables you to add funds up to $120 00 at any time This plan is ideal for families of three or more students. Available by e-check only.
To take advantage of the yearly membership plan when setting up your students account, "click" your name at the upper right corner on your screen, then "my user profile", then "update membership". You may also choose AutoPay when you are setting up your account by selecting "setup AutoPay" from the meal payment options page During the setup process, you may set up payments to occur when the account balance falls below your specified amount or on a set schedule For example, when the account balance reaches an amount of your choice or on a given schedule, such as, on the first of every month, $X amount is deposited into your student's account After you have chosen your payment type and entered your settings, click "complete setup" to enable the settings This convenient option lets you set it up once and lets MySchoolBucks handle the rest.
Three Easy Steps to Setting Up MySchoolBucks Account
1 Go to MySchoolBucks com or download the app and click on "sign up today"
2. Create a user profile with your email address, establish a password and add your students.
3. Pay with your credit/debit card or Echeck.
Once you have created your account and selected your payment type, you're ready to go. Payments will show as "pending" on your meal account page until they post to your student's account at their school. Meal funds are generally available for your student to use in 1-2 business days At this time, you may also set up email reminders to add funds when your balance reaches a chosen amount.
MySchoolBucks also has a FREE Mobile app for both iPhone and Android at App Store or Play Store You can quickly and securely add funds to your students account, using the same username and password you use on MySchoolBucks website.
Ifyou have anyquestions, please contactDiane Shulda 602-978-5134ex 517or dshulda@ncsaz org
3rd and 4th Grade - San Diego Floating Lab Trip, March 2024
Description: The annual elementary excursion to San Diego has become a family favorite each Spring Break Centered around time aboard a half-day harbor excursion the Floating Lab allows students to see the wonders of God’s marine creations up close. The trip affords families discounted opportunities to visit a creation museum, Scripps Aquarium, and the San Diego Zoo Costs are varied based upon the activities and events each family chooses. Additional information will become available to families in September.
5th Grade Camp
Description: Traveling to a sleep-away camp in northern Arizona, the fifth graders will enjoy a time of fellowship and learning that is centered around a distinctively Christian science-based curriculum. Students will spend two nights at the camp Though the final prices will be determined after some fundraising this fall, historically, the camp has been in the neighborhood of $150 per student
6th through 8th Grades - Serve the City
Description: This is an amazing opportunity for all MS students to serve those in need in our local community! Students spend 2 nights and 3 days together as we serve and partner with various ministries around town to help our fellow community members who are in need.
8th Grade - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor. With additional info to follow from 8th grade Bible, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support
8th Grade - End-of-the-Year trip
Description: It is a tradition for many years that 8th grade students end the school year with an exciting event (local or out of town)! Watch your email for more information
9th through 12th Grades - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours. The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor With additional info to follow, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support. Additional information regarding the orphanage can be found at:
9th through 12th Grades - Fine & Performing Arts Trip
Description: The every-other-year HS choir trip is an incredible opportunity for high school students to experience major cities around the world This year’s trip will include musical instruction and performances that speckle the itinerary promoting skill development and a greater appreciation of the arts. For more information, please email Julie Dennis at Don’t miss out on this one in a lifetime experience!
9th through 12th Grades - Washington D.C. Trip
Description: Faith, history, and education come together in Washington, D.C. on this school trip! Students grow in their personal faith while exploring the nation’s capital Devotionals, prayer time, and scripture are integrated into this educational Christian student travel program to ensure that students have a unique and spiritually rewarding experience while learning about our nation’s history and culture. For more information, please email Mrs Waymire at dwaymire@ncsaz org
There are two programs that all parents should access regularly: Canvas, also called NCS Plus, and Blackbaud. Canvas is similar to a digital classroom, developed by teachers with information relevant to their classes. Blackbaud is similar to a report card and bulletin board, developed by the administrators with school announcements, forms, and class grades. For our younger Crusaders, these programs are primarily accessed by parents. As students mature, they will independently utilize these programs to complete coursework, review additional learning resources, and to check grades, building skills to support their own academic success
This year, we are working to tailor NCS Plus to the grade-level needs of students and families in conjunction with teachers’ goals.
○ K-3 Equip families withresources to supportlearning
○ 4-5 Engage students withdigitaltools andcitizenship
○ 6-8 Enhance learning andpractice responsible use oftechnology
○ 9-12 Extendopportunities beyondcampus inpreparation for the future Students can access NCS Plus using their account at Parents and guardians can view NCS Plus at To create an account, you will need a student’s pairing code, which can be found in a student’s Canvas account or by contacting me and the Tech Team at
Another program to know about is Clever. This system streamlines a student’s login for educational tools, such as Canvas, IXL, or Naviance, saving teachers’ time and reducing the number of usernames and passwords students require. Students in using their school Google email address and password, same as they do for NCS Plus Blackbaud. For Kindergarten through 3rd grade, students can skip keying in their email a password by using their Clever Badge
For parents of secondary students in our 1:1 iPad program, Screentime and Jamf Parent can be employed to monitor or restrict features beyond the programmed restrictions designated by administration.
I appreciate your input as we continue to develop resources to equip our students and support their families. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or feedback regarding the technologies utilized at Northwest Christian School.
Have a great summer!
Allison Van Liew
Instructional Technology Coordinator avanliew@ncsaz org
Technology Technology
Integrated suite of programs selected to reinforce and accelerate mastery of content for K-12
Robust learning management system tailored to needs of each grade level
K-3 Equip families with resources to support learning
4-5 Engage students with digital tools and citizenship
6-8 Enhance learning and practice responsible use of technology
9-12 Extend opportunities beyond campus in preparation for the future
Integrated student information system
Managed accounts for secure and seamless access to school digital tools
Variety of managed devices deployed to both classrooms and 1:1 for instruction and extra-curricular uses
Dedicated technology team to support students, parents, and staff in all facets of technology integration at Northwest Christian School
Join Us!
The following events are an opportunity for both our new and existing families to connect and get "stitched" into the NCS family and meet others with children of the same age. Both parents and children are welcome to attend events and are responsible to arrange supervision as needed. If you plan to attend an event, please RSVP here!
Friday, June 9, Early Ed, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:00am
Pizza and tokens will be available for purchase. Peter Piper Pizza on 75th Ave. and Bell Road.
Friday, June 23, EE to Elementary, Uptown Jungle, 12:00noon
Uptown Jungle for Early Ed to Elementary. Uptown Jungle at Cactus and 75th Ave. Water and snacks will be available
Details and RSVP here!
Thursday, June 8, Elementary, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:00am
Pizza and tokens will be available for purchase Peter Piper Pizza on 75th Ave and Bell Road.
Tuesday, June 13, Elementary, Paqua Park at Lake Pleasant, 9-10:30am
This event is intended for elementary students 7 years of age and older. The cost will be $20 or $50 max for a family. Unless your child completed the Red Letter Reading Challenge, then their admission will be paid for! Please fill out a waiver before you come to save time at the park.
Friday, June 23, Early Ed to Elementary, Uptown Jungle, 12:00noon
Uptown Jungle for Early Ed to Elementary. Uptown Jungle at Cactus and 75th Ave. Water and snacks will be available
Details and RSVP here!
Tuesday, June 13, Adventure Cru H2WHOA at Lake Pleasant, 7-9:00pm
Join the adventure crew for our annual trip to the world’s largest floating water slide. The cost for this event will be $20 or $50 max for a family. Limited transportation to the lake will be provided, or you can meet us there. Please fill out the waiver before you come. If you want a ride, email Mr. G and I will give detail on when and where to meet. If not, see you at the Lake a bit before 7 on the 13th! Find directions here.
Monday, June 26, Bows and Arrows with Adventure Cru, 10:00am
Secondary students will head to the archery range at Arizona Archery Club. Please bring $$ for lunch, archery costs will be covered.
Friday, June 30, Adventure Cru to serve at St. Mary’s, 7:00am
Secondary students join Mr. G on his birthday and serve the vulnerable at St. Mary’s food bank. We will enjoy lunch afterwards.
Tuesday, July 25, 40th Annual WildBurro Adventure Cru Hike, 8:00am
Well, maybe the 3rd or 4th annual, but fun nonetheless. Join us for a great hike, some swimming in the lake and lunch as well. Lunch will be covered for all who attend.
Tuesday, August 1, Donuts and Donut Boats, 8:30am
Adventure Cru is starting the year off right with a MS & HS event called Donuts and Donut Boats. We will be getting donuts at Hurts Donuts (It’s a real thing) then heading to Tempe Town Lake for some time in the Donut Boats. We will leave NCS at 8:30am, and return about 12:00. Cost for this event is $20, and we are limited to the first 25 people!
Details and RSVP here!
Tuesday, June 13, Adventure Cru H2WHOA at Lake Pleasant, 7-9:00pm
Join the adventure crew for our annual trip to the world’s largest floating water slide. The cost for this event will be $20 or $50 max for a family. Limited transportation to the lake will be provided, or you can meet us there. Please fill out the waiver before you come. If you want a ride, email Mr. G and I will give detail on when and where to meet. If not, see you at the Lake a bit before 7 on the 13th! Find directions here.
Monday, June 26, Bows and Arrows with Adventure Cru, 10:00am
Secondary students will head to the archery range at Arizona Archery Club. Please bring $$ for lunch, archery costs will be covered.
Friday, June 30, Adventure Cru to serve at St. Mary’s, 7:00am
Secondary students join Mr. G on his birthday and serve the vulnerable at St. Mary’s food bank. We will enjoy lunch afterwards.
Tuesday, July 25, 40th Annual WildBurro Adventure Cru Hike, 8:00am
Well, maybe the 3rd or 4th annual, but fun nonetheless. Join us for a great hike, some swimming in the lake and lunch as well. Lunch will be covered for all who attend.
Tuesday, August 1, Donuts and Donut Boats, 8:30am
Adventure Cru is starting the year off right with a MS & HS event called Donuts and Donut Boats. We will be getting donuts at Hurts Donuts (It’s a real thing) then heading to Tempe Town Lake for some time in the Donut Boats. We will leave NCS at 8:30am, and return about 12:00. Cost for this event is $20, and we are limited to the first 25 people!
Tuesday, August 1, New High School Girls Dinner at Sauce, 5:00pm
New High School girls to NCS are invited to join us at Sauce at Norterra for dinner. This will be a great time to meet some other new faces, as well as some current NCS high school girls. See you there!
Details and RSVP here!
2023/2024 MISSION TRIPS!
COST: 275
TEAM CAPACITY: 35 for each trip
register please visit
Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris Sonora has been a light in that community the last 14 years. In that time Arturo and Lilia Jimenez have had the charge of caring for the children in the DIF system as well as families in the surrounding community. NCS has been partnering with Kids Kingdom for the last 10 years and we have built a pretty fantastic relationship. There will be a parent info meeting on Aug 29 at 7:15 a.m. OR 3:15 p.m. in room 203
For more information please email Chris Gardiner
COST: $325
1 Mission is a community development organization that gives people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community. This team of students will travel to Rocky Point Mexico and work side by side with a family in the construction of their very own home. The home will be completed by the time the team leaves on Sunday. For more information please email Chris Gardiner
COST: 275
Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris Sonora has been a light in that community the last 14 years. In that time Arturo and Lilia Jimenez have had the charge of caring for the children in the DIF system as well as families in the surrounding community. NCS has been partnering with Kids Kingdom for the last 10 years and we have built a pretty fantastic relationship. There will be a parent info meeting on Aug 29 at 7:15 a.m. OR 3:15 p.m. in room 203
For more information please email Chris Gardiner
COST: $150
We will be serving together at several local ministries in Phoenix such as St Vincent de Paul, St. Mary’s Food Bank, Phoenix Rescue Mission, Deep Within Rehab etc...We will be staying at a local church and make that our home base.
For more information please email Chris Gardiner
In keeping with the mission and purpose of NCS “to enable students to develop a Christian world view and prepare them to fulfill their God ordained role in the home, the church, their country, and the world.” We are excited to offer several trips during the school year to support that purpose. Here are the trips offered for 6-12 grades at NCS. To
WyldLife . . . You were made for this . . .
What is WyldLife?
The WyldLife experience is a middle school version of Young Life open to all NCS Middle School students. In WyldLife, we love middle school kids! They are full of life and yet experiencing profound emotional and physical changes. Middle school is a time when kids make important decisions about who they are and what they believe. And so WyldLife leaders seek to model and express God's love to our young friends by learning their names, hearing their stories and honoring their God-given desire for a life of fun, adventure and purpose.
How do I get information about upcoming events?
Add your email to the WyldLife email distribution list for monthly reminders. The NCS Week at a Glance will have Save the Dates in the Middle School section. Pick up a flyer from Mr. Woods 1 week prior to the event.
How often does WyldLife meet?
1-2 times a month. Come when you can and just have fun.
Where are WyldLife Clubs/Events held?
Clubs are held at a NCS parent’s home. There is no charge and no need to bring anything.
There are a couple of events at Jump Street and Great Skate (these range from $10-$12).
Who runs Clubs/Events?
Mr. Woods and Jr. Leaders (HS and College Leaders)
Where do I see pictures from clubs/events?
Follow NCSWyldLife on Instagram
Annual BBOC Kick-off breakfast
7:00 a.m. - Friday, August 18th
on the Crusader Legacy Plaza (weather permitting)
B.B.O.C. is the monthly prayer group for the men of NCS. Each month we will enjoy wonderful fellowship, a complementary breakfast, time in God’s word and a time of prayer for our students, faculty, families and churches.
Please make plans to attend and bring a friend!
*4/25 is a Thursday
Proudly sponsored by our friends at Arizona Christian University
Northwest Christian’s
Future BBOC dates are: 9/22, 10/27, 11/17, 1/19, 2/23, 3/22, 4/25*
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. - Matt 18:20
We are moms and grandmothers coming together every week to connect and pray for our children and NCS, impacting them for Christ. First Meeting on August 16th
Wednesdays at 8:05 AM
Where: Stan Cook Building Room C-206 (2nd Floor)
(Up-to-date Information will be in NCS Week-At-A-Glance Emails)
are not
WHO is?
your child,
MoneyGate Concessions
Sign Up to Volunteer here!
With a strong history of world-changing alumni, a thriving on-campus culture, demonstrably strong academic outcomes, and a vibrant spiritual atmosphere, Northwest Christian School is one of the largest private schools in the state of Arizona.
Northwest Christian School serves preschool - high school students and their families. NCS is made up of families with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and circumstances all united in Christ.
Northwest Christian School has been serving families in the Phoenix area for more than 40 years.
Contact Holli Barnes
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AUCTION DONATIONS SPRING PLAYBILL FALL SPORTS PROGRAM $700 Back Cover $500 Inside Cover $300 Inside Back Cover $225 Full-page Ad $125 Half-page Ad $75 Quarter-page Ad $100 Full-page Ad $75 Half-page Ad $50 Quarter-page Ad Organizations that donate a product or service to our annual auction will receive recognition in the program.
PURPLE Summer Stitching 500 Auction NXNW Film Festival (limit 3) Monday Folders Football Magnet Spirit Shirts Homecoming Alumni Tent Taco Tailgate F A L L W I N T E R S P R I N G S U M M E R Big Boys on Campus (limit 3) Homecoming (limit 1) Auction Jogathon NXNW Film Festival Spring Musical Spring Musical (limit 3) Staff Appreciation Week (limit 4) SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 3,500 1,000 1,000 10,000 3,000 750 1,000 5003,000 250 500 400 SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES JR. CRUSADER CRUSADER CORPORATE 1/4 Ad Fall Sports Program or Spring Playbill Athletic Family Pass for home games* Spotlight Advertisement (12 months) $800 $1000 $1400 1/4 Ad Fall Sports Program or Spring Playbill Athletic Family Pass for home games* Spotlight Advertisement (12 months) 2 NCS T-shirts Outdoor Banner (4x5) 1/4 Ad Fall Sports Program or Spring Playbill Athletic Family Pass for home games* Spotlight Advertisement (12 months) 2 NCS T-shirts Outdoor Banner (4x5) Indoor logo signage **Table at any 3 NCS Events *Immediate Family Only ** Sponsor is responsible for scheduling Homecoming is on a first come first serve basis 3,500
TITLE (limit 1) EVENT
Monday Folders - SOLD
Football Magnets - SOLD
Spirit Shirts - SOLD
Homecoming - Title - SOLD
Informational table at event
Logo on all emails promoting the event
Logo on postcards sent to the neighborhood surrounding NCS regarding our fireworks and event
Organization mentioned/thanked by emcee during the football game
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Homecoming - Event (1 available)
Logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization logo included in exciting, top-secret game ball delivery
Organization mentioned/thanked by emcee during the football game
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Alumni Tent
Informational table at event
Logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization mentioned/thanked by emcee during the football game
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Sponsorship banner hung at Alumni Tent
Taco Tailgate
Organization logo on all emails about the event
Organization mentioned/thanked by emcee during the football game
Big Boys on Campus
Logo on all emails promoting BBOC each month
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Sponsorship banner hung each week of the event
Auction - Title
Organization acknowledged as the "Title Sponsor" of event in program
Organization logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Organization logo included in post-event video
Auction - Event
Multiple Opportunities Available - contact Holli Barnes for details if interested
Logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
NXNW Film Festival - Title
Organization acknowledged as the "Title Sponsor" of event
Informational table at event
Organization logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
NXNW Film Festival - Event
Organization logo on all emails promoting the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Spring Musical - Title
Full-page ad in Spring Playbill
Informational table at event
Organization logo on all emails about the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Spring Musical - Event
Organization logo on all emails about the event
Organization will receive a quarter-page ad in the Spring Playbill
Staff Appreciation Week (4 days)
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Organization logo displayed in Staff Lounge
Organization logo in daily email that goes out to all faculty & staff
Summer Stitching
Organization logo on all emails about the event
Organization mentioned/thanked on social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Please review the Sponsorship Opportunities available. To confirm your selection, contact Holli Barnes 602 978 5134 x 128
Ways to Support NCS We are grateful for these partnerships! Looking for an easy way to earn money toward your child's tuition? Check out or email Questions? Contact Holli Barnes
Northwest Christian School Fundraising Policy
It is the policy of Northwest Christian School (NCS) that any group, club, or individual interested in fundraising on the NCS campus or through the NCS community must receive approval from the Development Office.
Interested parties must submit a completed Fundraising Request Form to the Development Office for approval at least two weeks prior to the event and/or sale. A review will be made for approval or denial of each request.
Each group, club, or individual is limited to one fundraiser per school year Exceptions may be made for additional fundraisers at the discretion of the Development Office.
Fundraising activity/event signage and marketing materials (including digital materials) must be approved by the Development Office prior to use. Use of the school logo in material is permissible, pending approval of the Development Office.
Fundraising efforts that too closely match another fundraiser may be denied in the interest of both groups, clubs, or individuals fundraising success.
Fundraising Request Forms are available at the request of the Development Office.
Contact Information
Holli Barnes, Director of Marketing Athletic Office
602 978 5134 x 128
Tricia Mucklow, Business Manager Main Office
602 978 5134 x 507
AUGUST 3, 2023
Please plan to stop by the uniform exchange during Meet the Teacher. This event is complimentary to our current elementary families.
If you would like to donate items during this event, please be sure to only bring in the following:
ONLY GOOD CONDITION! Please no holes, stains, rips or pilling!!!
ORDER YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND SUPPORT NCS Order today to have all of your supplies sent directly to your house!
Teams of 3 or 4 $100 per team High Scho and abov Questions? Text Tyler Collins NORTHWESTCHRISTIANSCHOOL Saturday August 12, 2023 DON SANDERSON GYMNASIUM 9AM - 12:30PM
25 AUG - home VS WALDEN GROVE *HOME OPENER* 01 Sep - @ sahuaro 08 Sep - @ prescott 15 Sep - home vs carl hayden *TACO TAILGATE* 22 SEP - @ eastmark 29 SEP - @ Buckeye 06 Oct - HOME VS LAKE HAVASU 13 Oct - BYE 20 Oct - @ ST. MARY'S 27 OCT - home vs THUNDERBIRD *HOMECOMING* 03 Nov - HOME VS YUMA CATHOLIC *Senior NIGHT 7:00PM KICK-OFF FOR ALL GAMES 2023 VARSITY FOOTBALL 2023 VARSITY FOOTBALL S C H E D U L E S C H E D U L E
Hi NCS Early Ed Families!
Welcome to the Early Ed world at Northwest Christian School. We thank God for His presence at NCS as we teach God's Word and principles every day on campus Thank you for joining us this year as we continue to provide a dedicated Christian education to your children We look forward to partnering with you this year as we help your child grow developmentally, cognitively, academically, and spiritually
Extended Care
Extended Care is available for all students aged 15 months through kindergarten from 7:30 a m to the start of class. At the end of the school day Extended Care is available for students 15 months through 5th grade until 5:30 p.m. There is no student supervision prior to 7:30 a.m. If you will need extended care for your children, please contact the Early Education Office to make these arrangements. Parents must fill out new paperwork each school year if Extended Care is desired. Paperwork must be filed with the Early Ed Office prior to a student's first day of Extended Care. All children Kindergarten through 5th grade must be either picked up from the classroom, from an ASAP class, taken to Extended Care or in an adult’s care. Secondary student’s may pick a student that is in K - 5th grade. Early Ed students may only be picked up by an adult listed on the blue card.
You can find the Extended Care Agreement Form here, or you can click on the Extended Care tile in your Blackbaud account under the Resources Tab
Emergency Forms
The state of Arizona requires that a state required emergency contact blue card is filled out; the emergency form used for elementary is not sufficient for the Office of Child Care Licensure that oversees the Extended Care program. These blue cards will only be accepted by the Early Education Office to ensure appropriate compliance to all details. No child may attend Extended Care until the required blue card is received.
Dress Code*
Please remember when buying school clothes that our children, from the walkers to the Pre-K program will enjoy getting messy and dirty as they learn. We ask that all clothing not have logos contrary to our Christian testimony, that shoes have easy access with Velcro or slip on access unless the student can independently tie his/her own shoes. Footwear is limited to tennis/athletic style shoes, without a stacked heel, in order that our children play safely throughout the day. For details, be sure to refer to the dress code on the website If your child has enjoyed a summer hairstyle or color, please plan to have the style/color conform to the NCS school dress code by the first day of school
*Kindergarten students- please refer to the Elementary Dress Code guidelines for details
Meet the Students: August 2nd through 4th
You will be invited to come on campus and meet your child's teacher in the classroom. This letter will arrive mid-summer and give you your child's teacher's name and a time for meeting. At this time, you may pick up the Early Education Handbook, information for ASAP (After School Advantage Program), or other school related activities that might interest you The teacher will provide you with necessary information for the upcoming year Families will be able to access online information via NCS Plus and Canvas during the school year through our school student information system. Our staff will facilitate parents in understanding how to access this electronic reporting forum during this time.
Important Dates in August
August 2nd - 4th
Meet the Students time for all Early Ed students
August 3rd Early Education Parent Orientation
Time TBD by teacher: Check letter to be received mid-summer
5:00 - 5:30 pm or 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm (Check letter to be received mid-summer for details)
August 7th or 8th First day of school 8:30 a.m.
Partnering Together in Christ, Bree Tarbutton
Director of Early Education and Kindergarten
Welcome to Kindergarten and First Grade!
Our teachers are excited to begin the new school year with your children! In preparation for the upcoming year, we ask that you plan to attend our Kindergarten and First Grade Information Night This meeting is scheduled on the Thursday evening before school begins for teachers to share about the Kinder and First Grade entry points into school. The teachers will help you all begin the year with the information you will need for a strong and confident start to the school year.
On Thursday, August 3rd there are two separate meetings for you to attend. We are asking that you attend both events as you prepare for Kindergarten and First Grade at NCS.
● Meet the Teacher is scheduled from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. This is intended for both you and your child to attend. Feel free to come any time during this time frame. This is an opportunity for your child to meet their teacher, enjoy the classroom and see friends that will be in their classroom.
● Kinder and First Grade Back to School Night is scheduled from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM This evening is intended for parents only. It will help parents prepare their children for the first day of school. There are so many new things for our Kinder and First graders to know that we provide a time to educate parents about lunches, homework, curriculum and even where kids play and line up before the first day of school
During the evening session on Thursday, August 3rd at 6:00 PM your child’s teacher will cover important topics such as:
● How to help the first week be a special one for your child.
● Classroom management and general expectations for your child in class.
● Lunch ordering and what is available for lunch for your child.
● Volunteering in the classroom.
● Homework expectations and Math Fact Mastery
● Reading Rangers, RAZ Kids and IXL
● Reading logs and grade level expectations.
● Red Word lists for reading.
● Curricular expectations for the year.
Please join us on these events to best support you and your child in the upcoming school year. We look forward to talking with each of you. Parents of Second through Fifth grade students will have their Back to School/Curriculum Night on the evening of Monday, August 14h from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
In His Service, The Kindergarten Team The First Grade Team Mrs. McClure Mrs. Stone Mrs. Getz Ms. Skinner
Hively Mrs Trueblood
AUGUST 3 7 & 8 Parent Orientation (5:30 pm) School begins 25 No school- all day teacher in-service SEPTEMBER 4 No school- Labor Day 15 20, 21 No school- all day teacher in-service Preschool Picture Day OCTOBER 5 6 No school*- Parent-Teacher Conferences *Valerius/Brown classes end at 11am No school- Parent-Teacher Conferences 9-13 18, 19 No school- Fall Break Dad’s Day - watch for details NOVEMBER 3 No school- all day teacher in-service 10 20, 21 No school- Veteran’s Day Grandparent’s Day- watch for details 22 11 am school wide dismissal- no EC after class 23, 24 No school- Thanksgiving Break DECEMBER 20 11 am school wide dismissal- no EC after class 21- Jan 5 No school- Christmas Break JANUARY 8, 9 School resumes 12 No school- all day teacher in-service 15 No school- Martin Luther King Day 19 Snow Night- watch for details FEBRUARY 9 No school- all day teacher in-service 19 29 No school- President’s Day Rodeo Day- watch for details MARCH 1 7 8 Rodeo Day- watch for details No school*- Parent-Teacher Conferences *Valerius/Brown classes end at 11am No school- Parent-Teacher Conferences 11-15 No school- Spring Break 29 No school- Good Friday APRIL 1 No school- Easter Monday 26 No school- all day teacher in-service MAY 2, 3 24 Mother’s Tea- watch for details 11 am dismissal- last day of school
2023- 2024 Mini Crusader “No School” Dates
AUGUST 25 No school- all day teacher in-service
SEPTEMBER 4 No school- Labor Day 15 No school- all day teacher in-service
OCTOBER 5, 6 No school- Parent-Teacher Conferences 9-13 No school- Fall Break
NOVEMBER 3 No school- all day teacher in-service
No school- Veteran’s Day
11 am dismissal- no Extended Care (EC) after class
DECEMBER 20 11 am school wide dismissal- no EC after class 21- Jan 5 No school- Christmas Break
MARCH 7, 8 No school- Parent-Teacher Conferences
23, 24 No school- Thanksgiving Break
12 School resumes
day teacher in-service 15
Day 19
Night- watch for details
8, 9
Martin Luther King
9 No school- all day teacher in-service 19 No school- President’s Day
No school- Spring Break
No school- Good Friday
day teacher in-service
APRIL 1 No school- Easter Monday
MAY 25 Last day of school for 2
Last day of school; 11am school-wide dismissal
Student Educational Services
Student Educational Services provides services to the students at NCS in a variety of capacities. It is our desire to provide a Christian education to students and to serve those students whose needs can be met within the classrooms on campus. While we fully recognize that we cannot meet every child’s needs, we do seek to provide services to those children who can function in a traditional classroom with some support
The scope of SES has grown to meet the needs of students at every age and stage Most of the time SES vendors work with families through direct pay from the family to the vendor. A few of the vendors work with us to provide consultative services for those times when a teacher needs more information as to how to help a child in class. Each vendor is professionally and educationally qualified to provide the services described. The vendors are able to work within our Statement of Faith, are fingerprinted and certified The following provides a description of service provided through Student Educational Services
Outside Services
Southwest Human Development: NCS partners with SWHD to provide support for teachers in the early education program, Preschool and Mini Crusaders SWHD provides a coach that works with the classroom teacher Teachers are provided suggestions to increase student engagement and success in the early education classroom No students are worked with directly, the teacher is provided the support to better understand student needs. Parents are supported through the education provided by the teacher.
AzEIP: NCS works with Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) This statewide interagency system of supports and services helps us with children through age 3 with identified developmental delays or disabilities and their families. AzEIP partners with community providers like NCS to support families.
Contact the Director of Early Education for information regarding the services mentioned above.
SES Facilitators on the NCS Campus
Professional Tutors: NCS has worked with several tutors to provide academic support for children in the K - 12 program. Our tutors ascribe to our Statement of Faith and provide background checks or fingerprint clearance cards as they work on campus. A few of the programs like The Barton Reading Program and other programs help to support student achievement. Tutors work on a “pull out’’ basis with students, providing academic support for those needing individual assistance on an occasional basis as well as reading instruction through the Barton program. Contact the principal for a list of Professional Tutoring Services we have worked with on campus
Student Tutors: Our high school students involved with the National Honor Society often agree to provide tutoring services for our elementary students at a very reasonable rate Please check with the elementary principal for a list of student tutors if you might be interested in services for your child. Contact our Guidance Services Director, Maggie Kipp, for more information mkipp@ncsaz org
DIBELS and PELI: NCS provides screening through DIBELS and PELI testing for students as we continue to provide excellence in reading education at NCS These screenings provide information for teachers on growth in reading processes. Contact your grade specific administrator for more information.
Barton Tutoring: Barton Tutoring provides reading tutoring through the Barton Reading Program. This systematic and phonological approach to reading has a verifiable positive impact on students struggling to read in the first years of school. Parents may use the materials for their own child on campus, they can trade services with other parents for tutoring or parents can utilize a paid tutor. The program must be used on campus as it is a site licensed program and training in the program is available. Students will be pre and post tested at each level of Barton Tutoring prior to moving on to the next level Contact Colleen Pfitzinger for more information
Outside Assessment Services
School Districts: Washington Elementary School District (WESD), Glendale Union High School District (GUHSD), and Northwest Christian School (NCS) works directly with the districts surrounding it to provide academic testing as well as information on academic support from the Gifted Program to students with learning disabilities. Each district provides TAP meetings, follow-up testing when appropriate and consequent information on student needs The relationships with the districts are positive Districts only provide testing when parents request the information, NCS does not initiate these conversations. For more information contact the high school guidance counselor, Magge Kipp for the high school program with GUHSD mkipp@ncsaz org For the K – 8 program, please contact Melissa Burkert, the NCS liaison for testing services with WESD.
Academic Testing and Services: There are times when parents prefer to use direct pay or insurance to cover the cost of academic testing as the school and family work together to determine the scope of a child’s needs in school. NCS works with a number of off-site services that provide testing and information on student learning abilities Contact your grade specific administrator for a list of providers
Services Available at NCS or Near NCS
Occupational Therapy: School based: NCS partners with Cornerstone Pediatric in both consultative services as well as school based services for children with identified needs. For questions about the process for involvement with school based OT at NCS please contact one of the principals Contact Cornerstone Pediatric for more information.
Speech and Language: Building Blocks, Inc. provides speech and hearing assessments at NCS followed up with services on campus for those students with identified needs The program is direct pay as the speech therapist works with students in the SES classroom during the school day For questions about the process for involvement with speech, language and hearing with school based services at NCS please contact the elementary principal or early education director. Contact Building Blocks for more information.
Counseling: NCS works with a variety of counseling services on campus For a list of services available at parent cost please contact your grade-specific administrator.
Vision Therapy: NCS works with Accent Eye Care to direct students with identified needs for vision therapy. This program provides screening and services for students who struggle with vision and tracking. Contact Accent Eye Care for more information
Dr Aleta Gong
Extended Care is designed for children currently registered at NCS who need additional care outside of the regular school day This service is provided for students in preschool, 15 months, through fifth grade at NCS Extended Care teachers are background checked and provide a safe and less structured environment for our before and after school program This program is also a licensed program and meets all state requirements
Extended Care is available from 7:30 a.m. until the start of school for the K and younger aged child and from the end of the school day until 5:30 p.m. for the 15 months to 5th grade aged child. While this program is available to all students, requests for Extended Care must be reserved so that the appropriate adult to student ratio is maintained. If a parent is signing their child up for Extended Care on a regular basis, the parent will be charged $6.50 an hour for scheduled hours; if a child is absent, the fee remains the same. With space availability, extended care may be used on a “drop in” or occasional basis at $7.00 an hour. All requests for occasional care must be pre-approved on a daily basis through the Early Education Office; this ensures that state mandated room ratios are maintained. There is a minimum daily charge of one hour whether the student is scheduled for a regular schedule or drop-in basis.
Each child in Extended Care must be signed out on the teacher’s iPad through ProCare ProCare will automatically calculate your balances based on your sign-in/out times However, per state regulation, each parent must still physically sign in and out on the daily log sheets with a first initial and full last name These are state requirements; with no sign out time, all students will be automatically clocked out at 5:30 p m
The state of Arizona requires that a state required emergency contact blue card is filled out; the emergency form used for elementary is not sufficient for the Office of Child Care Licensure that oversees the Extended Care program. These blue cards will only be accepted by the Early Education Office to ensure appropriate compliance to all details. No child may attend Extended Care until the required blue card is received.
If you are in need of Extended Care, please fill out the Extended Care Agreement Form. You can find this form as a tile located in your BlackBaud account under the Resources Tab You can also follow this link to fill out the Extended Care Agreement Form
If you have further questions about Extended Care please contact the Early Education Office We will provide the application, blue card, and answer any questions you may have about Extended Care.
Bree Tarbutton Director of Early Education and Kindergarten
NCS Extended Care is using Procare as the method for signing students in and out. Procare will also serve as the method for collecting payment. Below is an outline of how the Procare billing system works.
Mini Crusader Extended Care
The Procare system begins charging for Extended Care for sign-ins before 8:25 am. If your child has not been enrolled in the Extended Care program, please do not sign your child in before 8:25 am. The system will also automatically charge for late pick-ups or missed sign-out punches. Extended Care options include Before Care (7:30 am - 8:35 am); Nap Room (12:30 pm - 3:00 pm); After Care (3:00 pm - 5:30 pm).
Preschool Extended Care
The Procare system begins charging for Extended Care for sign-ins before 8:25 am. If your child has not been enrolled in the Extended Care program, please do not sign your child in before 8:25 am The system will also automatically charge for late pick-ups or missed sign-out punches. Extended Care options include Before Care (7:30 am - 8:25 am); Lunch Flex* (11:30 am - 12:30 pm); After Care (3:00 pm - 5:30 pm).
*Lunch Flex is available for Mrs. East, Mrs. Zakarian, and Mrs. Brown classes only
Elementary Extended Care
The Procare system begins charging for Extended care for sign-ins before 8:00 am The system will also automatically charge for late pick-ups or missed sign-out punches Extended Care options include Kindergarten Before Care (7:30 am - 7:55 am); Kindergarten - 5th Grade After Care (3:00 pm - 5:30 pm)
Extended Care
Extended Care is approved based on availability and requires specific forms to be filled out and submitted before attendance. Prior approval must be obtained within the Early Education office for each attended day. Extended Care is not designed to be a holding place for late pick-ups, but rather a class for parents who need additional care in the morning/afternoon.
Extended Care Billing vs. Tuition Billing
Extended Care will be billed through Procare. Any questions you have can be directed to the Early Education office
Tuition will be billed through BlackBaud Any questions you have regarding tuition can be directed to the Finance department
NCS Early Education uses an electronic record keeping system called Procare. Procare developed the Sign In-Out and Daily Activities program to meet the needs of preschools and after school programs It assists us with accurate record keeping while reducing the workload of the staff, allowing them to spend more time interacting with the students.
Our campus is using Wi-Fi internet connections to ensure that Procare is operational In the event of power outages or Wi-Fi disruptions, a paper copy of our Sign-In/Out form is kept for parents to use.
Procare App: You will receive an email from Procare with a unique 10-digit code and instructions on how to download and log into the app. Be on the lookout for this email, it should arrive within the next few weeks.
Procare Details: The Procare system has the ability to send sign in-out confirmations and daily activity alerts to parents through the Procare App. Along with saving paper, this is a much more efficient process in communicating effectively with parents. Coupled with additional communication tools through Procare, we are committed to achieving a more transparent relationship with our families.
Compliance: For Sign In-Out, each caregiver is given a unique 4-digit pin. Parents are encouraged to download the app where you can utilize the unique QR code Authorized pickups will only need their unique 4-digit pin These pin numbers will be kept confidential All caregivers, parents, and authorized pick-ups are required to provide a digital signature to remain in compliance with State regulations To ensure child safety, we will ask for identification for any pickup not recognized and verify that they are listed on the Blue Card before releasing the child to the caregiver. In the event of a missed sign-in or sign-out, the classroom teacher or administrator will sign the student in/out on the iPad.
Storage Use: The Sign In-Out Attendance and Daily Activities are available securely on the Procare website/App. They can be viewed online and printed immediately. This will assure that the records are available upon demand well beyond the minimum 3-year requirement. This continues to support our compliance with licensing and State regulations.
Child safety, efficiency, and communication are priorities in our Early Ed program Procare allows us the ability to meet those expectations while remaining in compliance with State Please reach out to the Director with any questions
Together in Christ, Bree Tarbutton
Director of Early Education and Kindergarten
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program provides NCS students from Pre-K through 8th grade with a fantastic opportunity to pursue their passion of sports in a safe, competitive, fun, andChrist-centered environment. Students who sign up to be part of the Junior Crusaders Program will have the unique privilege and experience of representing their school as Crusaders in a competitive and fun athletic environment. Our Junior Crusader teams will play under the umbrella of CCV STARS and NYS.
Seasons start September 2023
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program is an inclusive program. It welcomes and encourages all Pre-K through 8th grade boys and girls from Northwest Christian, regardless of their ability and prior experience, to participate and enjoy the fun, community-building and great learning experiences that come from being involved in team sports.
Fall 2023 Sports Programs
Sport Grades Gender Registration
CCV Flag Football Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th Co-ed Online Registration: ccvstars com Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Soccer Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5/6/7 Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Basketball (Peoria Campus only) Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th 7th/8th Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team Jr. Crusaders Cross Country Grades 2nd - 5th Co-ed ASAP Clubs Tuesdays starting September 12th for 8 weeks Sign up link in August Week at a Glance NYS Volleyball Grades 3rd/4th 5th/6th Girls Online Registration: *Request NCS team Now Open
Please note: • Most of the supplies must fit in the desk or cubby, so please DO NOT buy anything in larger quantities or sizes than indicated.
• There will be some additional items needed in various classes that are not on this list. Teachers will give you a list of those items on "Meet the Teacher Day" or the 1st day of school.
1 pencil box
1 pencil pouch
1 single subject spiral bound notebook
1 - 24 pack Crayola colored pencils
3 - 10 count Crayola washable markers (regular size)
2 – 24 pack Crayola crayons
1 Plastic crayon box (found at Walmart)
12 Dixon Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
12 glue sticks (non-scented)
2 Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes
1 box of tissues
1 pack black Expo dry erase markers (fine tip)
1 box sandwich size Zip-loc bags
1 box of 1 gallon size freezer Zip-loc bags
2 rolls of paper towels
Last names A-J – spoons
Last names K-P – forks
Last names Q-Z - knives
Last names A-K - large paper plates (not Styrofoam)
Last names L-Z – small paper plates (not Styrofoam)
1 set of headphones (labeled with student name)
No Backpacks
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school
Please log into Tuition Management to pay (Fee includes cooking, craft supplies and gifts ) Bring ALL Supplies on “Meet the Teacher” day and Kindergarten students do not use backpacks.
2 - 24 pack crayons
1 – 12 pack colored pencils
1 Fiskar scissors (for kids)
1 primary journal (Mead) with picture box and dotted lines ONLY! Can be found at Target
1 plastic pencil box (approx. 11 x 7 x 2)
1 hand sanitizer
1 set of headphones for the computer (no earbuds)
1 set of 8 washable markers
2 pack Expo dry erase markers (black, fine tip)
1 large box of tissues (250 count)
2 container disinfecting wipes
6 glue sticks
3 soft white erasers
12 - #2 Ticonderoga brand pencils (sharpened)
1 paper towel
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school
Please log into Tuition Management to pay. Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
1 NIV Bible
2 vinyl folders with pockets (any solid color)
1 composition notebooks
1 pack crayons
1 pack colored pencils
1 pack washable markers
2 lg. white erasers
1 small Fiskar scissors with sharp point
4 pack highlighters – assorted colors
1 large plastic school box (approx 11 x 7 x 2)
1 pack of large black Expo markers
24 sharpened pencils
12 glue sticks
1 container disinfecting wipes
BOYS: 1 large box of tissues (250 count)
BOYS: 1 roll paper towels
GIRLS: 1 lg hand sanitizer pump bottle
GIRLS: 1 box of Zip-loc bags (sandwich, quart, or gallon)
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school. Please log into Tuition Management to pay
Please plan to replenish all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all folders and notebooks with your name Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
Please note: • Most of the supplies must fit in the desk or cubby, so please DO NOT buy anything in larger quantities or sizes than indicated.
• There will be some additional items needed in various classes that are not on this list. Teachers will give you a list of those items on "Meet the Teacher Day" or the 1st day of school.
1 NIV Bible
1 composition notebook
2 pkgs wide ruled notebook paper
1 plastic folder with bottom pockets
8 tab set – two pocket plastic dividers
1.5 inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
12 mechanical pencils (9mm lead)
2 red pens
1 small box crayons
12 colored pencils
2 yellow highlighters (not markers)
1 soft white pencil eraser
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
1 pack of 4 thin Expo markers (bold colors)
1 small box of thin markers
4 glue sticks
1 pointed scissors
1 small school box for pencils, crayons, scissors, etc
1 container disinfectant wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
GIRLS: 1 roll of paper towels
BOYS: 1 large box of tissue
GIRLS: Zip-loc gallon size baggies
BOYS: Zip-loc sandwich size baggies
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school. Please log into Tuition Management to pay. Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day *Replace all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all items with your name (except pencils, and tissues) We may request more wipes, glue sticks, and tissues in January
1 NIV Bible
5 subject spiral notebook or (5) 1-subject notebooks
5 plastic folders w/bottom pockets & prongs (different colors if possible)
1 ½ inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
8 colored pens
12 colored pencils
8 Crayola thin washable markers
#2 pencils or mechanical ( 7mm lead)
2 non-erasable red pens
8 pack Expo white board markers (black)
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
4 thin highlighters (different colors)
2 zipper pouches or pencil boxes
1 scissors (student size)
12 glue sticks
Math facts flash cards ( x, ÷)
3X3 Post-It notes
20 pack sheet protectors
WIDE-ruled notebook paper
1 roll of paper towels
1 large box of tissues (250 count)
1 container of bleach wipes (Clorox)
1 small sharpener with holder for shavings
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
*BOYS: Zip-loc gallon size baggies
*GIRLS: Zip-loc sandwich size baggies
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school Please log into Tuition Management to pay Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
*Replace all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all items with your name (except paper towel and tissues)
1 NIV Bible
1 5 inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
8 tab Avery big tab pocket insertable plastic dividers
2 pkgs WIDE ruled notebook paper
2 composition notebooks
1 FLAT-HINGED clipboard
1 pointed scissors
1 soft white pencil eraser
1 SMALL school box for cubby supplies
3 Inkjoy colored pens
2 different colors of highlighters
2 plastic folders with bottom pockets (any solid color)
24 colored pencils
25 page protectors
1 set of earbuds (computer)
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
*4 glue sticks
*10 white board markers – wide tip
*BOYS 3X3 Post-It notes
*GIRLS 1.5X1.75 Post-it notes
*3 containers of disinfectant cleaning wipes
*2 large boxes of tissues (250 count)
*48 - #2 pencils (regular or mechanical)
*BOYS: paper towels
*GIRLS: gallon size Zip-loc bags
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school Please log into Tuition Management to pay
*These items will be collected for class supply. Replace all supplies as needed.
Northwest Christian School: Elementary Program
It is our goal that all students find academic success at NCS. For elementary students we have provided the necessary tools for academic readiness and success for the next school year online. Research has shown that academic student engagement over the summer break can provide the skills needed for greater success the next school year We encourage you to have fun with your kids this summer On those days that you have some free time please consider using some of these academic activities to keep their skills sharp for the next school year.
Summer Success Boosters
Go to our website and navigate to the Elementary Program to access the Summer Success Boosters. These activities were created by our teachers for each incoming grade from kindergarten through fifth grade. On the website there is a tab for each grade level. Each grade level tab has resources to help sustain engagement over the summer and prepare for the upcoming school year. These activities provide families the tools needed to assist with the grade that their child will be entering in the fall. Academic content varies by grade level. Information for how to implement the various components is included in the introductory page at each grade level.
Spanish 3rd – 5th Grade
You and your student are able to practice Spanish during the summer Whether you have a rising third, fourth or fifth grader, we have created a website to simplify your child’s self-study NCS students can review what they have already learned in cycle 1 or practice what they will be learning, cycle 2, in the upcoming year. You need only to visit and search for NCS Elem Spanish. Once at the site, students can work openly or create their own username and password.
● 3rd Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 1)
● 4th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 2)
● 5th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 3) *Apple users there is a free app for Quizlet.
IXL, VMath, RAZ Kids and Reading Rangers
If your child participated in IXL in our kindergarten through second grade program this last school year, or VMath in our third through fifth grade program, you can continue to enjoy the opportunity to have your children practice their understanding of math concepts and practice math facts through the end of July The login information that was used during the school year is available to students through July of this school year. If your child participated in RAZ Kids or Reading Rangers they may continue with their login information through the end of July to help practice reading.
Summer Reading Program for Students Entering 1st – 5th Grade
The NCS Summer AR Reading Program will be available on campus from Tuesday, June 6th through Thursday, June 29th, 2023. Your children may read and then test on campus on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the month of June to earn points and prizes for fun on campus in the next school year These prizes include, but are not limited to, our school T-shirt and pizza lunches Check out our NCS Elementary Summer AR Reading Program information on our website
Northwest Christian School has worked to identify a reading program that brings value to struggling readers on campus. NCS has identified, through reputation and practice, the Barton Reading and Spelling System to meet that need.
NCS has invested in 8 levels within the Barton program for supporting students in early reading systems There is a campus administrator, Hillary Allion, who provides information on Barton tutors and the use of the materials and monitors who is currently getting tutoring through the Barton program Barton tutors on the Northwest Christian School campus can be parents, high school students, grandparents, volunteers, teachers and/or aides. The program is scripted and allows for a pre-test and post-test at the end of each level. This testing helps to assure all students are progressing before moving to the next level within the Barton program.
There is no cost to a tutor to use the Barton materials The materials are available to be used on campus by request of the campus administrator of the Barton program Tutors may request payment by parents, agreed to before tutoring begins, or volunteer at the discretion of the tutor. Each tutor must be able to sign the Statement of Faith for NCS and have a fingerprint clearance card that is current or agree to a background check. All tutoring will occur in a public place on campus, like the picnic tables, or in a classroom with a camera. This allows for protection of the tutor and the student Barton progress is best seen when the tutor meets with the student twice a week for 45 to 60 minutes each time
The elementary principal may give approval for Barton tutoring to occur during the school day. No other tutoring will be allowed during the school day. The tutor and the classroom teacher will agree to meeting times. The tutor will be provided a place to work, either in the tutoring room in the NCS Early Ed building, in the library or at a table outside After school, the tutor may be given space in a classroom with a camera or in one of the other rooms provided Students tutored with the Barton Tutoring Program will typically need tutoring for a year or two to see the value and retention of the Barton Reading and Spelling System
Often teachers or parents misunderstand who will benefit from Barton tutoring. The following provides information on who best will benefit from the Barton program and when the program is not a fit for students.
The Barton System was designed for students of any age who have, or are suspected of having reading issues mirroring the signs of dyslexia Students with dyslexia struggle to easily and accurately decode words when reading, despite being taught phonics. They also are slow and inaccurate readers and often miss the oral reading fluency benchmarks, and have always struggled with spelling – especially when writing sentences, stories, and compositions.
The Barton System has been used successfully with children as young as 5 years of age who are in kindergarten. Yet nothing in the Barton System will offend a teenager or an adult. This is not a “teach yourself” system. A student must work with a tutor.
A Barton student must:
● Be at least 5 years old and in kindergarten.
● Speak and comprehend spoken English.
● The program is not for children with a receptive or expressive language disorder.
● The program is not intended to be an ESL program.
○ The program might work for a non-native English speaker who can speak and understand spoken English at a second grade level.
● Have an IQ of 71, or higher.
● Struggle with spelling when writing stories, and cannot easily sound out unknown words when reading.
○ If someone can already read accurately and rapidly, and spells well, but only has trouble with comprehension, then the Barton System would not be needed or appropriate
● Be able to pass the Barton Student Screening.
○ This screening is offered on campus by the campus administrator for Barton.
The process for enrolling a student in Barton Tutoring at NCS includes the following:
● The teacher/parent will look at DIBELS scores Is the student in the red and not improving with Progress Monitoring?
● The teacher/principal will ask the parents for vision screening We recommend seeing Dr Gong for vision screening for tracking and muscle development in the eye.
● The teacher/principal will ask the parents for recent Speech Screening to rule out articulation and language processing issues.
● The teacher will then refer the parent to the Campus Administrator for the Barton Tutoring Program, Hillary Allion, for Barton Screening. In kindergarten students must know all letters.
● Parents are asked to consider utilizing a high school student, family friend, grandparent or educational aide to tutor with the Barton after school tutoring
Students who will benefit from the Barton Reading and Spelling System include:
● Students who have reading difficulties that mirror signs of dyslexia
● Students who struggle to put sounds together
● Students who are failing in retaining sounds and spelling patterns
● Students who are not improving with DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Students who are not likely to benefit from the Barton Reading and Spelling System include:
● Students who are low readers and have not been Progress Monitored with DIBELS
● Students who are naturally slower at grasping concepts or fluency
● Students who have attentional issues
● Students considered "bubble" kids in DIBELS who just need more exposure/practice
○ Those students who need extra practice should not be pulled out during the school day
○ Parents are asked to consider utilizing a high school student, family friend, grandparent or educational aide to tutor with after school tutoring.
As we park, walk, wait, and watch in the parking lot during each school day, the process can be frustrating, and we will inevitably frustrate others as well from time to time. If you walk in, please park in a designated spot. If you drop off or pick up, please use the Drop Off and Pick Up Lane. We ask that drivers do not utilize driving pathways for drop off and pick up. We also ask that NCS families respect church parking and curbs restricted for church use only.
As you enter the elementary area you will find two gates for children to enter the elementary area from the parking lot. Children will enter from the safe walking area within the parking lot to enter the elementary school area If you park and walk your children to class we ask that you use the north sidewalk on the north side of the south parking lot and walk together. If you use the drop-off zone we ask that you use the designated zone and not create secondary drop-off zones along the Cook Field/new constructed church building or other areas that could impede traffic and keep people from being able to move easily into and out of the parking lot
There is a pickup and drop-off zone on the far east side of the south parking lot. Parents may choose to park and walk their children to class or they may choose to drive their children through the designated drop-off zone.
● The drop-off zone on the east side of the south parking lot will have duty assistants to help students get out of their cars and move safely to the elementary school area behind the fence. We ask that parents follow the drive along the south retaining wall to the fence on the east side of the south parking lot, to drop off their children As you proceed in these drop lanes, we ask that you do not back up or exit your vehicle and that you observe the 5-mile-an-hour speed limit to protect our children.
● The pick-up zone at the end of the day is in the same area. For the end-of-day pickup, we have partnered with PikMyKid. PikMyKid is an app that parents download on their phones. At the end of the day, when parents arrive on campus, the app is used to notify the assistants and teachers that the parent is on campus. The students will not be released from their class until the app is utilized This helps to limit the number of students in the waiting area and the amount of time our students must wait in the heat after school. Please review the PikMyKid flyer for more information about the program and how to download the app.
Students may be picked up directly from their classroom Students will be held in class for parents, secondary siblings, or identified adults to come and pick up the children unless they are using the Pick Up Zone with the drive-through area.
Those parents choosing to use the drive-through pick-up procedure will have their children waiting in the classroom until the teacher is notified using the PikMyKid app They will be dismissed to the designated area, where they will meet with duty assistants and wait to safely enter their vehicle in the pick-up zone. Parents are asked to display a placard behind their front windshield to notify our staff of your family name for pick up. We will provide this placard to you at the Meet the Teacher event.
We appreciate your willingness to work within these systems for drop off and pick up in the elementary parking lot and hope that this will provide safety and convenience for your family this year. Please feel free to drop by the office or give us a call if you have any questions.
Eric Dowdle
Northwest Christian School
Elementary Principal
Pursuing His Purpose
Since 1980 Northwest Christian School has been a light in this valley and in recent decades, a model for Christian schools in Arizona and the surrounding states. I know this because I’ve been one of those Christian school administrators who has learned from NCS and the great people here, people like Dawna Underwood, Samantha Maszton, and Geoff Brown! It is a privilege for me to follow Mrs. Underwood in her role, and for me to join what God and this community have established here at NCS. It is also a privilege to begin this journey with your children as they are encouraged to pursue the plan our God has for them by discovering the gifts and talents He has given them!
As our students experience struggle, challenge, and success during the course of a school year (while in the context of this covenantal Christian community), let’s encourage them to know these are important opportunities for our God to shape us so we can proceed thereafter with confidence and courage according to His will and the Word of God. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purposes” (Phil 2:13). Thankfully, we can trust Him to accomplish these purposes in us.
Even though we still have some time before school begins on August 7, we are already excited to meet you and launch the beginning of our 2023-2024 school year. Mrs. Bree Tarbutton (Director of Early Education and Kindergarten), Mr. JT Barnes (1st-8th Assistant Principal) and I are excited for the opportunity to greet you at the MeettheTeacher event on August 3rd!
Meet the Teacher Event – Thursday, August 3rd Kindergarten – 5th grade students and their families are invited to the Don Sanderson gymnasium!
● If your last name begins with A-L, please join us at 9:00!
● If your last name begins with M-Z, please join us at 10:00!
We begin in the gymnasium where class rosters will be posted and you learn the name of your child’s teacher for the first time. You may also pick up the Elementary Handbook, and learn about the After School Advantage Program (ASAP), or other enrichment opportunities that might interest you and your child After you have received this information, please visit your child’s classroom and meet his/her teacher for the first time! We want to thank Mrs. Bo Hovda for facilitating this extensive event for our elementary students and families!
Eric Dowdle
Elementary Principal Northwest Christian School
Welcome to Kindergarten and First Grade!
Our teachers are excited to begin the new school year with your children! In preparation for the upcoming year, we ask that you plan to attend our Kindergarten and First Grade Information Night This meeting is scheduled on the Thursday evening before school begins for teachers to share about the Kinder and First Grade entry points into school. The teachers will help you all begin the year with the information you will need for a strong and confident start to the school year.
On Thursday, August 3rd there are two separate meetings for you to attend. We are asking that you attend both events as you prepare for Kindergarten and First Grade at NCS.
● Meet the Teacher is scheduled from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. This is intended for both you and your child to attend. Feel free to come any time during this time frame. This is an opportunity for your child to meet their teacher, enjoy the classroom and see friends that will be in their classroom.
● Kinder and First Grade Back to School Night is scheduled from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM This evening is intended for parents only. It will help parents prepare their children for the first day of school. There are so many new things for our Kinder and First graders to know that we provide a time to educate parents about lunches, homework, curriculum and even where kids play and line up before the first day of school
During the evening session on Thursday, August 3rd at 6:00 PM your child’s teacher will cover important topics such as:
● How to help the first week be a special one for your child.
● Classroom management and general expectations for your child in class.
● Lunch ordering and what is available for lunch for your child.
● Volunteering in the classroom.
● Homework expectations and Math Fact Mastery
● Reading Rangers, RAZ Kids and IXL
● Reading logs and grade level expectations.
● Red Word lists for reading.
● Curricular expectations for the year.
Please join us on these events to best support you and your child in the upcoming school year. We look forward to talking with each of you. Parents of Second through Fifth grade students will have their Back to School/Curriculum Night on the evening of Monday, August 14h from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
In His Service, The Kindergarten Team The First Grade Team Mrs. McClure Mrs. Stone Mrs. Getz Ms. Skinner
Hively Mrs Trueblood
Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Families!
As mentioned in the Welcome Back Letter, we are made on purpose, for a purpose. One of the goals in the Elementary Program is to provide a rigorous program of education to help the students at NCS become strong students in order that they enjoy the purpose for which God made them. During Back to School Night the teachers provide information on what is taught, classroom academic expectations, classroom management and things to look forward to throughout the year
Please join us on Monday, August 14th at Back to School/Curriculum Night. During this time your child’s teacher will cover important topics such as:
● Projects and presentations expected during the year.
● Classroom management and general expectations for your child in class.
● Lunch ordering and what is available for lunch for your child.
● How you can support the educational plans on campus each day.
● Homework expectations and Math Fact Mastery.
● Accelerated Reader and Math Online opportunities.
● Curricular expectations for the year
The following will provide the times for events that will be covered that evening.
5:00 PM
AR info in the Library and Specials Teachers available to meet in the library. Set up your Canvas Account as a Parent Observer
5:00 PM
August 14th
Elementary Back to School Night for Parents of 2nd through 5th grade Students
Kinder and First Grade Parents met the evening of Meet the Teacher on Aug 3rd.
5:30 PM
3rd & 4th Grade Floating Lab Information Band Room
5:30 - 6:40 5th Grade Camp Info
Curriculum Information Band Room for all sessions
Session One: Curriculum Night in the Classrooms: Grades 2nd – 4th 6:45 PM
6:00 PM
Session Two: Curriculum Night in the Classrooms Grades 2nd – 4th
*Repeat from 6:00 PM time
As always, we look forward to getting to know you better Thank you for choosing NCS for your child’s education!
In His Service, The Elementary Team at NCS!
Please help us by checking your child’s appearance each morning before they leave for school.
Dress code K - 5th
● Shorts, slacks , & capris
○ Black, navy blue & tan only
○ Heavy cotton or twill fabric only
○ Shorts length - fingertips to the bend on the knees
○ Cargo shorts are permitted (not cargo pants)
○ No overalls or jeans
○ No brand restriction on cargo shorts
○ Leggings are not permitted
○ Fingertip length
● Jumpers, skirts and skorts
○ Black, navy blue, & tan only
○ Cotton fabric only (no jersey or polo shirt fabric)
○ Approved Dennis uniform or Educational Outfitters plaids (there are only two)
○ Fingertip length
○ Polo Dresses are acceptable, solid color.
● Shirts
○ Button polo (no snaps, zippers, laces)
○ Polo shirts can be layered
○ Any one solid color
○ Logos smaller than a credit card
● Footwear
○ Tennis/athletic shoes only (no wheels)
○ Shoes are to be laced tightly and tied securely
● Hats
○ May be worn outside for protection from the sun. They may not be worn in the classroom or any other school building. Any logo needs to be smaller than a credit card.
● Hair
○ Needs to be the students’ natural color.
○ When combed out, boys must show earlobes, collars and eyebrows
○ No extreme hairstyles.
General: During “dress down” days students must comply with the basic dress code of covering necessities and length of shorts and skirts. No torn pants/jeans/clothing may be worn during dress down days. Most dress down days occur on Fridays.
As we park, walk, wait, and watch in the parking lot during each school day, the process can be frustrating, and we will inevitably frustrate others as well from time to time. If you walk in, please park in a designated spot. If you drop off or pick up, please use the Drop Off and Pick Up Lane. We ask that drivers do not utilize driving pathways for drop off and pick up. We also ask that NCS families respect church parking and curbs restricted for church use only.
As you enter the elementary area you will find two gates for children to enter the elementary area from the parking lot. Children will enter from the safe walking area within the parking lot to enter the elementary school area If you park and walk your children to class we ask that you use the north sidewalk on the north side of the south parking lot and walk together. If you use the drop-off zone we ask that you use the designated zone and not create secondary drop-off zones along the Cook Field/new constructed church building or other areas that could impede traffic and keep people from being able to move easily into and out of the parking lot
There is a pickup and drop-off zone on the far east side of the south parking lot. Parents may choose to park and walk their children to class or they may choose to drive their children through the designated drop-off zone.
● The drop-off zone on the east side of the south parking lot will have duty assistants to help students get out of their cars and move safely to the elementary school area behind the fence. We ask that parents follow the drive along the south retaining wall to the fence on the east side of the south parking lot, to drop off their children As you proceed in these drop lanes, we ask that you do not back up or exit your vehicle and that you observe the 5-mile-an-hour speed limit to protect our children.
● The pick-up zone at the end of the day is in the same area. For the end-of-day pickup, we have partnered with PikMyKid. PikMyKid is an app that parents download on their phones. At the end of the day, when parents arrive on campus, the app is used to notify the assistants and teachers that the parent is on campus. The students will not be released from their class until the app is utilized This helps to limit the number of students in the waiting area and the amount of time our students must wait in the heat after school. Please review the PikMyKid flyer for more information about the program and how to download the app.
Students may be picked up directly from their classroom Students will be held in class for parents, secondary siblings, or identified adults to come and pick up the children unless they are using the Pick Up Zone with the drive-through area.
Those parents choosing to use the drive-through pick-up procedure will have their children waiting in the classroom until the teacher is notified using the PikMyKid app They will be dismissed to the designated area, where they will meet with duty assistants and wait to safely enter their vehicle in the pick-up zone. Parents are asked to display a placard behind their front windshield to notify our staff of your family name for pick up. We will provide this placard to you at the Meet the Teacher event.
We appreciate your willingness to work within these systems for drop off and pick up in the elementary parking lot and hope that this will provide safety and convenience for your family this year. Please feel free to drop by the office or give us a call if you have any questions.
Eric Dowdle
Northwest Christian School
Elementary Principal
Extended Care is designed for children currently registered at NCS who need additional care outside of the regular school day This service is provided for students in preschool, 15 months, through fifth grade at NCS Extended Care teachers are background checked and provide a safe and less structured environment for our before and after school program This program is also a licensed program and meets all state requirements
Extended Care is available from 7:30 AM until the start of school for the K and younger aged child and from the end of the school day until 5:30 PM. for the 15 months to 5th grade aged child. While this program is available to all students, requests for Extended Care must be reserved so that the appropriate adult to student ratio is maintained. If a parent is signing their child up for Extended Care on a regular basis, the parent will be charged $6.50 an hour for scheduled hours; if a child is absent, the fee remains the same. With space availability, extended care may be used on a “drop in” or occasional basis at $7.00 an hour. All requests for occasional care must be pre-approved on a daily basis through the Early Education Office; this ensures that state mandated room ratios are maintained. There is a minimum daily charge of one hour whether the student is scheduled for a regular schedule or drop-in basis.
Each child in Extended Care must be signed out on the teacher’s iPad through ProCare ProCare will automatically calculate your balances based on your sign-in/out times However, per state regulation, each parent must still physically sign in and out on the daily log sheets with a first initial and full last name These are state requirements; with no sign out time, all students will be automatically clocked out at 5:30 PM
The state of Arizona requires that a state required emergency contact blue card is filled out; the emergency form used for elementary is not sufficient for the Office of Child Care Licensure that oversees the Extended Care program. These blue cards will only be accepted by the Early Education Office to ensure appropriate compliance to all details. No child may attend Extended Care until the required blue card is received.
If you are in need of Extended Care, please fill out the Extended Care Agreement Form. You can find this form as a tile located in your BlackBaud account under the Resources Tab You can also follow this link to fill out the Extended Care Agreement Form
If you have further questions about Extended Care please contact the Early Education Office We will provide the application, blue card, and answer any questions you may have about Extended Care.
Bree Tarbutton Director of Early Education and Kindergarten
602-978-5134 ext 600
Student Educational Services
Student Educational Services provides services to the students at NCS in a variety of capacities. It is our desire to provide a Christian education to students and to serve those students whose needs can be met within the classrooms on campus. While we fully recognize that we cannot meet every child’s needs, we do seek to provide services to those children who can function in a traditional classroom with some support
The scope of SES has grown to meet the needs of students at every age and stage. Most of the time SES vendors work with families through direct pay from the family to the vendor. A few of the vendors work with us to provide consultative services for those times when a teacher needs more information as to how to help a child in class. Each vendor is professionally and educationally qualified to provide the services described. The vendors are able to work within our Statement of Faith, are fingerprinted and certified The following provides a description of service provided through Student Educational Services
Outside Services
Southwest Human Development: NCS partners with SWHD to provide support for teachers in the early education program, Preschool and Mini Crusaders SWHD provides a coach that works with the classroom teacher Teachers are provided suggestions to increase student engagement and success in the early education classroom. No students are worked with directly, the teacher is provided the support to better understand student needs. Parents are supported through the education provided by the teacher.
AzEIP: NCS works with Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) This statewide interagency system of supports and services helps us with children through age 3 with identified developmental delays or disabilities and their families. AzEIP partners with community providers like NCS to support families.
Contact the Director of Early Education for information regarding the services mentioned above.
SES Facilitators on the NCS Campus
Professional Tutors: NCS has worked with several tutors to provide academic support for children in the K - 12 program. Our tutors ascribe to our Statement of Faith and provide background checks or fingerprint clearance cards as they work on campus. A few of the programs like The Barton Reading Program and other programs help to support student achievement. Tutors work on a “pull out’’ basis with students, providing academic support for those needing individual assistance on an occasional basis as well as reading instruction through the Barton program. Contact the principal for a list of Professional Tutoring Services we have worked with on campus
Student Tutors: Our high school students involved with the National Honor Society often agree to provide tutoring services for our elementary students at a very reasonable rate Please check with the elementary principal for a list of student tutors if you might be interested in services for your child. Contact our Guidance Services Director, Maggie Kipp, for more information.
DIBELS and PELI: NCS provides screening through DIBELS and PELI testing for students as we continue to provide excellence in reading education at NCS. These screenings provide information for teachers on growth in reading processes. Contact your grade specific administrator for more information.
Barton Tutoring: Barton Tutoring provides reading tutoring through the Barton Reading Program This systematic and phonological approach to reading has a verifiable positive impact on students struggling to read in the first years of school. Parents may use the materials for their own child on campus, they can trade services with other parents for tutoring or parents can utilize a paid tutor. The program must be used on campus as it is a site licensed program and training in the program is available Students will be pre and post tested at each level of Barton Tutoring prior to moving on to the next level. Contact Colleen Pfitzinger for more information.
cpfitzinger@ncsaz org
Outside Assessment Services
School Districts: Washington Elementary School District (WESD), Glendale Union High School District (GUHSD), and Northwest Christian School (NCS) works directly with the districts surrounding it to provide academic testing as well as information on academic support from the Gifted Program to students with learning disabilities. Each district provides TAP meetings, follow-up testing when appropriate and consequent information on student needs. The relationships with the districts are positive. Districts only provide testing when parents request the information, NCS does not initiate these conversations. For more information contact the high school guidance counselor, Magge Kipp for the high school program with GUHSD. For the K – 8 program, please contact Melissa Burkert, the NCS liaison for testing services with WESD.
Academic Testing and Services: There are times when parents prefer to use direct pay or insurance to cover the cost of academic testing as the school and family work together to determine the scope of a child’s needs in school. NCS works with a number of off-site services that provide testing and information on student learning abilities Contact your grade specific administrator for a list of providers.
Services Available at NCS or Near NCS
Occupational Therapy: School based: NCS partners with Cornerstone Pediatric in both consultative services as well as school based services for children with identified needs. For questions about the process for involvement with school based OT at NCS please contact one of the principals. Contact Cornerstone Pediatric for more information.
Speech and Language: Building Blocks, Inc provides speech and hearing assessments at NCS followed up with services on campus for those students with identified needs. The program is direct pay as the speech therapist works with students in the SES classroom during the school day. For questions about the process for involvement with speech, language and hearing with school based services at NCS please contact the elementary principal or early education director. Contact Building Blocks for more information.
Counseling: NCS works with a variety of counseling services on campus. For a list of services available at parent cost please contact your grade-specific administrator.
Vision Therapy: NCS works with Accent Eye Care to direct students with identified needs for vision therapy. This program provides screening and services for students who struggle with vision and tracking Contact Accent Eye Care for more information. Dr. Aleta Gong 602-547-3255.
Northwest Christian School: Elementary Program
It is our goal that all students find academic success at NCS. For elementary students we have provided the necessary tools for academic readiness and success for the next school year online. Research has shown that academic student engagement over the summer break can provide the skills needed for greater success the next school year We encourage you to have fun with your kids this summer On those days that you have some free time please consider using some of these academic activities to keep their skills sharp for the next school year.
Summer Success Boosters
Go to our website and navigate to the Elementary Program to access the Summer Success Boosters. These activities were created by our teachers for each incoming grade from kindergarten through fifth grade. On the website there is a tab for each grade level. Each grade level tab has resources to help sustain engagement over the summer and prepare for the upcoming school year. These activities provide families the tools needed to assist with the grade that their child will be entering in the fall. Academic content varies by grade level. Information for how to implement the various components is included in the introductory page at each grade level.
Spanish 3rd – 5th Grade
You and your student are able to practice Spanish during the summer Whether you have a rising third, fourth or fifth grader, we have created a website to simplify your child’s self-study NCS students can review what they have already learned in cycle 1 or practice what they will be learning, cycle 2, in the upcoming year. You need only to visit and search for NCS Elem Spanish. Once at the site, students can work openly or create their own username and password.
● 3rd Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 1)
● 4th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 2)
● 5th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 3) *Apple users there is a free app for Quizlet.
IXL, VMath, RAZ Kids and Reading Rangers
If your child participated in IXL in our kindergarten through second grade program this last school year, or VMath in our third through fifth grade program, you can continue to enjoy the opportunity to have your children practice their understanding of math concepts and practice math facts through the end of July The login information that was used during the school year is available to students through July of this school year. If your child participated in RAZ Kids or Reading Rangers they may continue with their login information through the end of July to help practice reading.
Summer Reading Program for Students Entering 1st – 5th Grade
The NCS Summer AR Reading Program will be available on campus from Tuesday, June 6th through Thursday, June 29th, 2023. Your children may read and then test on campus on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the month of June to earn points and prizes for fun on campus in the next school year These prizes include, but are not limited to, our school T-shirt and pizza lunches Check out our NCS Elementary Summer AR Reading Program information on our website
Northwest Christian School has worked to identify a reading program that brings value to struggling readers on campus. NCS has identified, through reputation and practice, the Barton Reading and Spelling System to meet that need.
NCS has invested in 8 levels within the Barton program for supporting students in early reading systems There is a campus administrator, Hillary Allion, who provides information on Barton tutors and the use of the materials and monitors who is currently getting tutoring through the Barton program Barton tutors on the Northwest Christian School campus can be parents, high school students, grandparents, volunteers, teachers and/or aides. The program is scripted and allows for a pre-test and post-test at the end of each level. This testing helps to assure all students are progressing before moving to the next level within the Barton program.
There is no cost to a tutor to use the Barton materials The materials are available to be used on campus by request of the campus administrator of the Barton program Tutors may request payment by parents, agreed to before tutoring begins, or volunteer at the discretion of the tutor. Each tutor must be able to sign the Statement of Faith for NCS and have a fingerprint clearance card that is current or agree to a background check. All tutoring will occur in a public place on campus, like the picnic tables, or in a classroom with a camera. This allows for protection of the tutor and the student Barton progress is best seen when the tutor meets with the student twice a week for 45 to 60 minutes each time
The elementary principal may give approval for Barton tutoring to occur during the school day. No other tutoring will be allowed during the school day. The tutor and the classroom teacher will agree to meeting times. The tutor will be provided a place to work, either in the tutoring room in the NCS Early Ed building, in the library or at a table outside After school, the tutor may be given space in a classroom with a camera or in one of the other rooms provided Students tutored with the Barton Tutoring Program will typically need tutoring for a year or two to see the value and retention of the Barton Reading and Spelling System
Often teachers or parents misunderstand who will benefit from Barton tutoring. The following provides information on who best will benefit from the Barton program and when the program is not a fit for students.
The Barton System was designed for students of any age who have, or are suspected of having reading issues mirroring the signs of dyslexia Students with dyslexia struggle to easily and accurately decode words when reading, despite being taught phonics. They also are slow and inaccurate readers and often miss the oral reading fluency benchmarks, and have always struggled with spelling – especially when writing sentences, stories, and compositions.
The Barton System has been used successfully with children as young as 5 years of age who are in kindergarten. Yet nothing in the Barton System will offend a teenager or an adult. This is not a “teach yourself” system. A student must work with a tutor.
A Barton student must:
● Be at least 5 years old and in kindergarten.
● Speak and comprehend spoken English.
● The program is not for children with a receptive or expressive language disorder.
● The program is not intended to be an ESL program.
○ The program might work for a non-native English speaker who can speak and understand spoken English at a second grade level.
● Have an IQ of 71, or higher.
● Struggle with spelling when writing stories, and cannot easily sound out unknown words when reading.
○ If someone can already read accurately and rapidly, and spells well, but only has trouble with comprehension, then the Barton System would not be needed or appropriate
● Be able to pass the Barton Student Screening.
○ This screening is offered on campus by the campus administrator for Barton.
The process for enrolling a student in Barton Tutoring at NCS includes the following:
● The teacher/parent will look at DIBELS scores Is the student in the red and not improving with Progress Monitoring?
● The teacher/principal will ask the parents for vision screening We recommend seeing Dr Gong for vision screening for tracking and muscle development in the eye.
● The teacher/principal will ask the parents for recent Speech Screening to rule out articulation and language processing issues.
● The teacher will then refer the parent to the Campus Administrator for the Barton Tutoring Program, Hillary Allion, for Barton Screening. In kindergarten students must know all letters.
● Parents are asked to consider utilizing a high school student, family friend, grandparent or educational aide to tutor with the Barton after school tutoring
Students who will benefit from the Barton Reading and Spelling System include:
● Students who have reading difficulties that mirror signs of dyslexia
● Students who struggle to put sounds together
● Students who are failing in retaining sounds and spelling patterns
● Students who are not improving with DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Students who are not likely to benefit from the Barton Reading and Spelling System include:
● Students who are low readers and have not been Progress Monitored with DIBELS
● Students who are naturally slower at grasping concepts or fluency
● Students who have attentional issues
● Students considered "bubble" kids in DIBELS who just need more exposure/practice
○ Those students who need extra practice should not be pulled out during the school day
○ Parents are asked to consider utilizing a high school student, family friend, grandparent or educational aide to tutor with after school tutoring.
Please note: • Most of the supplies must fit in the desk or cubby, so please DO NOT buy anything in larger quantities or sizes than indicated.
• There will be some additional items needed in various classes that are not on this list. Teachers will give you a list of those items on "Meet the Teacher Day" or the 1st day of school.
1 pencil box
1 pencil pouch
1 single subject spiral bound notebook
1 - 24 pack Crayola colored pencils
3 - 10 count Crayola washable markers (regular size)
2 – 24 pack Crayola crayons
1 Plastic crayon box (found at Walmart)
12 Dixon Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
12 glue sticks (non-scented)
2 Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes
1 box of tissues
1 pack black Expo dry erase markers (fine tip)
1 box sandwich size Zip-loc bags
1 box of 1 gallon size freezer Zip-loc bags
2 rolls of paper towels
Last names A-J – spoons
Last names K-P – forks
Last names Q-Z - knives
Last names A-K - large paper plates (not Styrofoam)
Last names L-Z – small paper plates (not Styrofoam)
1 set of headphones (labeled with student name)
No Backpacks
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school
Please log into Tuition Management to pay (Fee includes cooking, craft supplies and gifts ) Bring ALL Supplies on “Meet the Teacher” day and Kindergarten students do not use backpacks.
2 - 24 pack crayons
1 – 12 pack colored pencils
1 Fiskar scissors (for kids)
1 primary journal (Mead) with picture box and dotted lines ONLY! Can be found at Target
1 plastic pencil box (approx. 11 x 7 x 2)
1 hand sanitizer
1 set of headphones for the computer (no earbuds)
1 set of 8 washable markers
2 pack Expo dry erase markers (black, fine tip)
1 large box of tissues (250 count)
2 container disinfecting wipes
6 glue sticks
3 soft white erasers
12 - #2 Ticonderoga brand pencils (sharpened)
1 paper towel
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school
Please log into Tuition Management to pay. Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
1 NIV Bible
2 vinyl folders with pockets (any solid color)
1 composition notebooks
1 pack crayons
1 pack colored pencils
1 pack washable markers
2 lg. white erasers
1 small Fiskar scissors with sharp point
4 pack highlighters – assorted colors
1 large plastic school box (approx 11 x 7 x 2)
1 pack of large black Expo markers
24 sharpened pencils
12 glue sticks
1 container disinfecting wipes
BOYS: 1 large box of tissues (250 count)
BOYS: 1 roll paper towels
GIRLS: 1 lg hand sanitizer pump bottle
GIRLS: 1 box of Zip-loc bags (sandwich, quart, or gallon)
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school. Please log into Tuition Management to pay
Please plan to replenish all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all folders and notebooks with your name Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
Please note: • Most of the supplies must fit in the desk or cubby, so please DO NOT buy anything in larger quantities or sizes than indicated.
• There will be some additional items needed in various classes that are not on this list. Teachers will give you a list of those items on "Meet the Teacher Day" or the 1st day of school.
1 NIV Bible
1 composition notebook
2 pkgs wide ruled notebook paper
1 plastic folder with bottom pockets
8 tab set – two pocket plastic dividers
1.5 inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
12 mechanical pencils (9mm lead)
2 red pens
1 small box crayons
12 colored pencils
2 yellow highlighters (not markers)
1 soft white pencil eraser
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
1 pack of 4 thin Expo markers (bold colors)
1 small box of thin markers
4 glue sticks
1 pointed scissors
1 small school box for pencils, crayons, scissors, etc
1 container disinfectant wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
GIRLS: 1 roll of paper towels
BOYS: 1 large box of tissue
GIRLS: Zip-loc gallon size baggies
BOYS: Zip-loc sandwich size baggies
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school. Please log into Tuition Management to pay. Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day *Replace all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all items with your name (except pencils, and tissues) We may request more wipes, glue sticks, and tissues in January
1 NIV Bible
5 subject spiral notebook or (5) 1-subject notebooks
5 plastic folders w/bottom pockets & prongs (different colors if possible)
1 ½ inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
8 colored pens
12 colored pencils
8 Crayola thin washable markers
#2 pencils or mechanical ( 7mm lead)
2 non-erasable red pens
8 pack Expo white board markers (black)
1 set of earbuds or headphones (computer)
4 thin highlighters (different colors)
2 zipper pouches or pencil boxes
1 scissors (student size)
12 glue sticks
Math facts flash cards ( x, ÷)
3X3 Post-It notes
20 pack sheet protectors
WIDE-ruled notebook paper
1 roll of paper towels
1 large box of tissues (250 count)
1 container of bleach wipes (Clorox)
1 small sharpener with holder for shavings
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
*BOYS: Zip-loc gallon size baggies
*GIRLS: Zip-loc sandwich size baggies
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school Please log into Tuition Management to pay Supplies may be brought on “Meet the Teacher” day
*Replace all supplies as needed Please be sure to label all items with your name (except paper towel and tissues)
1 NIV Bible
1 5 inch 3 ring durable clear view binder (no zipper)
8 tab Avery big tab pocket insertable plastic dividers
2 pkgs WIDE ruled notebook paper
2 composition notebooks
1 FLAT-HINGED clipboard
1 pointed scissors
1 soft white pencil eraser
1 SMALL school box for cubby supplies
3 Inkjoy colored pens
2 different colors of highlighters
2 plastic folders with bottom pockets (any solid color)
24 colored pencils
25 page protectors
1 set of earbuds (computer)
1 Spanish – green folder with 2 pockets and 3 brass fasteners
*4 glue sticks
*10 white board markers – wide tip
*BOYS 3X3 Post-It notes
*GIRLS 1.5X1.75 Post-it notes
*3 containers of disinfectant cleaning wipes
*2 large boxes of tissues (250 count)
*48 - #2 pencils (regular or mechanical)
*BOYS: paper towels
*GIRLS: gallon size Zip-loc bags
An activity fee will be charged to tuition accounts and are due by the 1st day of school Please log into Tuition Management to pay
*These items will be collected for class supply. Replace all supplies as needed.
NCS is proud to continue with the work of the Northwest Christian Elementary School Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society. This is an exciting program at NCS that offers students opportunities to pursue academic excellence and recognition of the development of strong Christian character through service.
The purpose of NEHS, a national organization dedicated to academic achievement and character development, is to recognize students for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstration of personal responsibility, to provide meaningful service to the school and community, and to develop essential leadership skills within the students of Northwest Christian Elementary School
● Students must be enrolled in grades 4 or 5.
● Students must have been enrolled for at least one semester at NCS.
● Students must have a minimum of 90% grade in all subjects, including specials, based on a minimum of two semesters’ performance prior to candidacy.
● Students must have earned an ‘E’ in both conduct and work habits in all classes, based on a minimum of two semesters’ performance prior to candidacy
● Students must have a track record of personal responsibility on campus.
Upon meeting the requirements of grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates will be notified and asked to complete a Candidate Form for further consideration for membership. The Faculty Council, anonymous faculty appointed by the principal, shall then review the Candidate Forms, Faculty Evaluation Forms, and other relevant information to determine membership. Membership is not to exceed twenty-five students for each school year.
If a student meets the eligibility requirements listed above, he/she will receive a Candidate Form in July At that point, the form is to be completed and submitted on or prior to the specified due date on the form In August candidates will receive notification of acceptance or non-acceptance as a member
Members will be received into the NCS chapter of the NEHS at an annual Induction Ceremony held each fall. This will be a special time for NCS and invited guests to honor these highly excelling students.
Select elementary teachers will serve as the NCS Advisors to the NCS Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society.
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program provides NCS students from Pre-K through 8th grade with a fantastic opportunity to pursue their passion of sports in a safe, competitive, fun, andChrist-centered environment. Students who sign up to be part of the Junior Crusaders Program will have the unique privilege and experience of representing their school as Crusaders in a competitive and fun athletic environment. Our Junior Crusader teams will play under the umbrella of CCV STARS and NYS.
Seasons start September 2023
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program is an inclusive program. It welcomes and encourages all Pre-K through 8th grade boys and girls from Northwest Christian, regardless of their ability and prior experience, to participate and enjoy the fun, community-building and great learning experiences that come from being involved in team sports.
Fall 2023 Sports Programs
Sport Grades Gender Registration
CCV Flag Football Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th Co-ed Online Registration: ccvstars com Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Soccer Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5/6/7 Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Basketball (Peoria Campus only) Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th 7th/8th Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team Jr. Crusaders Cross Country Grades 2nd - 5th Co-ed ASAP Clubs Tuesdays starting September 12th for 8 weeks Sign up link in August Week at a Glance NYS Volleyball Grades 3rd/4th 5th/6th Girls Online Registration: *Request NCS team Now Open
Specific days and weeks will be available via online registration the first week of August.
Intro to Lacrosse
Arizona Lacrosse Academy will be hosting a Learn to Play Lacrosse clinic at Northwest Christian School this fall! Try out the fastest game on two feet! A mixture of soccer, basketball and hockey, Lacrosse is for student-athletes that love action and excitement. We'll provide all the necessary equipment for you to play the oldest North American sport! Grab your friends and join today Grades 3-6th
Jr. Robotics
The Bricks 4 Kidz Junior Robotics class offers all the fun of building with our B4K Lego® Bricks, plus the challenge of computer programming! WeDo 2.0, a drag-and-drop, icon based program is used to introduce kids to computer programming and robotics! Grades K-3
Lego Robotics
The Lego Robotics club will be incorporating Lego® and technology using the Lego® Spike Essential kits! Get ready to build carnival models, cars, games and more! Using the Lego® Spike app, students will use coding skills to add music, movement, and lights to their models for a fun filled class every time! Grades 3-5
Chapel Cherubs
Unlike other clubs, this club meets sporadically throughout the year. This club is an opportunity for those kids who love to praise the Lord through movement and music! Mrs. Barrett will enthusiastically lead this group of children to use the Holy Spirit's power and presence in singing praises to the Lord during four to five elementary school chapels, beginning in October-May Dates are TBD. Grades 1-5
Drone Programming
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas. Most importantly, learn it as fun. We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun. Grades 5-8
Soccer @ Growth Soccer Club
NCS now has an opportunity with an indoor soccer facility. Growth Soccer Training (GST) is a 12,000 sq feet state-of-the-art indoor soccer training facility that provides a fun and exciting soccer training experience. Our highly trained team of coaches focus on tactical & technical skills, ball control/ball mastery, and footwork that is meant to grow your athlete's individual skill level. No matter what their level of play is currently, GST will grow your athlete's soccer skills the right way. Grades 1-4
Each week students will get to create a craft and take it home. Grades 4-5
Running Club
This running club is designed to help our students become stronger, faster, and smarter runners. Grades 2-5
Crusaders Chess
Chess Emporium teaches a fun and exciting introduction to the game of chess. Chess Club begins by teaching students how to play the game, chess openings, tactics, and endgames, while allowing students to practice with their friends. This class provides chess strategies and tournament play.
Grades K-8
STEM Robotics
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas Most importantly, learn it as fun We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun. Grades 3-5
Littles Happy Hour
Happy Hour will be an hour full of fun for primary students who love games and growing in their social skills. We will be playing a variety of games, reading fun books and doing some hands-on activities while having fun! Each week will be a different theme so we will be learning while having fun! Grades K-2
Homework Club
Mrs Roman and high school helpers will give students extra help with practicing spelling words, Bible verses, vocabulary, extra AR time and assistance with any worksheets or assignments. This is not individual tutoring. Grades K-5
PE Play
If you love PE class, then this is the club for you! PE club will consist of all of your favorite games and activities that we play throughout the school year. Some of those games will include kickball, dodgeball and capture the chicken! Grab a friend as we have fun playing and competing each week on the big solar panel field. Grades 1-5
Learn self-defense skills and unshakable confidence to overcome bullies without violence This program teaches verbal assertiveness to deter bullies and non-violent self-defense techniques to stay safe if physically assaulted. Importantly, we do not teach how to punch or kick, since this often does more harm than good. Instead, we use leverage-based control holds to neutralize threats without violence. We help prepare children to defend themselves against bullies without turning them into one! Grades 1-5
Snazzy Snacks
Students will create kid-friendly recipes and enjoy eating what they create! Grades K-5
3rd and 4th Grade - San Diego Floating Lab Trip, March 2024
Description: The annual elementary excursion to San Diego has become a family favorite each Spring Break Centered around time aboard a half-day harbor excursion the Floating Lab allows students to see the wonders of God’s marine creations up close. The trip affords families discounted opportunities to visit a creation museum, Scripps Aquarium, and the San Diego Zoo Costs are varied based upon the activities and events each family chooses. Additional information will become available to families in September.
5th Grade Camp
Description: Traveling to a sleep-away camp in northern Arizona, the fifth graders will enjoy a time of fellowship and learning that is centered around a distinctively Christian science-based curriculum. Students will spend two nights at the camp Though the final prices will be determined after some fundraising this fall, historically, the camp has been in the neighborhood of $150 per student
6th through 8th Grades - Serve the City
Description: This is an amazing opportunity for all MS students to serve those in need in our local community! Students spend 2 nights and 3 days together as we serve and partner with various ministries around town to help our fellow community members who are in need.
8th Grade - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor. With additional info to follow from 8th grade Bible, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support
8th Grade - End-of-the-Year trip
Description: It is a tradition for many years that 8th grade students end the school year with an exciting event (local or out of town)! Watch your email for more information
9th through 12th Grades - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours. The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor With additional info to follow, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support. Additional information regarding the orphanage can be found at:
9th through 12th Grades - Fine & Performing Arts Trip
Description: The every-other-year HS choir trip is an incredible opportunity for high school students to experience major cities around the world This year’s trip will include musical instruction and performances that speckle the itinerary promoting skill development and a greater appreciation of the arts. For more information, please email Julie Dennis at Don’t miss out on this one in a lifetime experience!
9th through 12th Grades - Washington D.C. Trip
Description: Faith, history, and education come together in Washington, D.C. on this school trip! Students grow in their personal faith while exploring the nation’s capital Devotionals, prayer time, and scripture are integrated into this educational Christian student travel program to ensure that students have a unique and spiritually rewarding experience while learning about our nation’s history and culture. For more information, please email Mrs Waymire at dwaymire@ncsaz org
AUGUST 3, 2023
Please plan to stop by the uniform exchange during Meet the Teacher. This event is complimentary to our current elementary families.
If you would like to donate items during this event, please be sure to only bring in the following:
ONLY GOOD CONDITION! Please no holes, stains, rips or pilling!!!
Dear NCS Family,
The new school year is just around the corner! In this packet you will find some helpful information to make the start of the school year a success. Please don’t hesitate to call or email the office with questions.
Wednesday, August 2nd, will kick off the new school year with Secondary Registration Day. Please attend during the time set aside for your child. MS and HS are combined to support families with students in both areas.
Secondary Registration Group
Last name beginning with A, B, or C
Last name beginning with D, E, F, or G
Last name beginning with H, I, J, or K
Teacher Lunch Break
Last name beginning with L, M, or N
Last name beginning with O, P , Q, R, or S
Last name beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z
When you enter the Don Sanderson Gymnasium on Registration Day, you will get a list of stations offered and their location. Some of the stations offered that day are listed below:
Lunch Menu Club Offerings
Bell Schedule Health Office
PE Uniforms to purchase Driver Registration Forms (HS)
Volunteer Sign-Up Table Senior Lunch Release Forms (HS)
Student Schedule High School Camp Rooming
Registration Day Fee: This year, we will be assessing a flat fee to your student’s Blackbaud Tuition Management Account, which can be paid with a debit or credit card. You can also pay your fee on Registration Day by cash or check
Middle School: $120 High School: $220
Optional Items to be purchased on Registration Day (cash or check only):
-MS PE Uniform $25 - required for all MS students taking PE
-HS Parking Permit $60 - required for HS students to park on campus
-MS and HS 2023-2024 NCS Theme T-shirt Students may wear jeans with this letter throughout the year
Health Office and Emergency Form
Earlier this year (during re-enrollment for returning students), you received a notification in Blackbaud to complete a Health Emergency Form for each of your students. You can check the status of your students forms by logging in, then clicking on “files and forms.” You will then be able to see if any forms are pending, or you can click to see completed forms. Your student is not permitted to start the school year without an updated Health Emergency Form on file If you have any questions please email the School Nurse, Anna Johnson, at
New this year, the health office will have over-the-counter medications on hand for any student that has parental permission on file. Each student was assigned a medication permission form in their Blackbaud forms, and if permissions were given, the dose available to that student will be as prescribed on the bottle. Please provide any medications that your student might need only if it is not listed on the form
If your child requires a prescription medication to be available at school, please plan to stop by the Health Office table on Registration Day or visit the Health Office directly to provide that medication and to ensure that all applicable forms are completed and on file.
If you are unable to attend Registration Day on August 2nd, please feel free to contact Tammy Collins at or 602-978-5134 ext. 514 to make an appointment prior to the first day of school.
We are looking forward to another great year at Northwest Christian School!
Samantha Maszton Middle School Principal/Assistant Superintendent
Jeff Parsons High School Principal
Dates in August Date Time Event Location August 2rd See Previous Page Secondary Registration Day Don Sanderson Gymnasium August 3rd 12:00 - 1:00 PM New Student Welcome Party Grades 6-2: MS Hallway Grades 9-12: Don Sanderson Gymnasium August 7th 7:45 AM First Day of School Report to First Hour August 15th 5:30 PM Secondary Back-to-School Night More details to come August 31st During School Hours Secondary Picture Day - Watch for more details in the Week-at-a-Glance Don Sanderson Gymnasium
Dear NCS Secondary Families,
I hope everyone is doing well and finding ways to escape the heat! As Secondary Dean of Students, I am tasked with upholding our school’s practices and policies in regards to attendance and discipline. Please familiarize yourself with these policies prior to the start of the school year. Below you will find a brief explanation of our philosophy and points of emphasis
Much of the day to day discipline at NCS is handled using a systematic approach. The handbook clearly defines minor violations, major violations, and zero tolerance violations, and prescribes a general course of action as infractions are encountered Progress and reform are both high priority goals in the implementation of such disciplinary steps. Most importantly, the desire for the student to grow in their walk with Jesus Christ through loving discipline is the fundamental aim of the disciplinary policies of NCS
God clearly establishes boundaries throughout scripture. There are consequences for stepping outside these boundaries God does not do this because He is overbearing, but rather because He loves us so much and wants us to live abundantly in a right relationship with Him. Every boundary, rule, or policy we have at NCS is set in place for the safety of the student, stewardship of our campus, and to provide a Christ-centered atmosphere that is conducive to learning
Punctual and regular attendance at school is necessary for quality education to occur, and is the shared responsibility between the student and his/her parent or guardian. Punctual and regular attendance prepares the student for the world of work and adult responsibilities
A student may be tardy 3 times to each class per semester without consequence There will be a consequence for each tardy starting on the fourth The progression of consequences is listed in the handbook. Tardies are excused only by a note from a doctor, an emergency, or a pass from the previous teacher, admin, or nurse. Credit will be lost on the 10th tardy.
A student coming late to class more than 10 minutes through the class is considered absent. The administration has determined that a student who accumulates more than 12 absences (regardless of excused or unexcused) in a given subject in a semester may lose credit for the class Please submit verification to the school office of any chronic/acute illnesses documented by a physician Class missed for school functions does not count as an absence.
Minor and major violations are listed in our handbook, as well as the subsequent consequences Two minor violations per semester are given without consequence. However, on the third minor, the progression of consequences will begin. Major violations are subject to immediate disciplinary action.
Thank you so much for your support of our practices and policies at NCS. We value the opportunity to partner with you to assist your student to become the person God intended him/her to be. It is my desire for the Dean’s Office to be a safe place for your student to come for help when needing assistance in handling a difficult situation at school. You and your student are always welcome to contact me if clarification on any of our philosophies or “boundaries and consequences” are needed.
Partnering in Christ,
Jim James Dean of Students
Shirts – All Students
All students are required to wear a solid color or striped polo shirt. Non-offensive logos are acceptable as long as the size of the logo does not exceed the size of a credit card. Any brand of solid color or striped polo is acceptable In addition, any NCS/NC polo is also acceptable (i e striped golf polo is acceptable) Shirts must be long enough so that if a student’s arms are raised straight above their head, no beltline may be showing. Polo shirts may be purchased from any store as long as the requirements above are met. Students may layer shirts under the required polo Students may wear a sweater or sweatshirt over their polo for warmth; however, no shirt is to be worn over the polo unless it is for warmth.
Pants – All Students
Pants must be of a dress pant, twill/cotton or corduroy material. Pants may not be made of spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon or other material that have a tendency to cling to the body No jeggings are permissible Jeans are not allowed, nor are pants made of denim or blue jean material. Pants must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only. Capri pants or cargo shorts/pants are acceptable. Overalls are not acceptable
Shorts – All Students
Shorts may be worn throughout the school year Shorts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side. Shorts must be loose-fitting and of a dress pant, twill/cotton, or corduroy material Shorts may not be made of denim, spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon, mesh, flannel, velour, or terry-cloth Shorts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only Furthermore, shorts must be of a solid and non-extreme color; white is considered an extreme color and is not allowed.
Skirts – Girls
Skirts may be worn by girls. The skirt must be “uniform style”. All skirts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side. Skirts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color Skirts may be purchased from Dennis Uniforms These skirts may be navy, blue, khaki tan, or Dennis Uniform approved plaid in color and must meet appropriate length and fit criteria. The only plaids permitted are the two from Dennis. No other plaids are permitted.
On Campus Out-of-Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-No yoga pants/leggings
-No holes in jeans, shorts, or skirts
*Modesty is the general rule
Spirit Week Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-Yoga pants/leggings may be worn with shorts over top
-No holes above the fingertips in jeans, shorts, or skirts
-Face paint and temporary hair color may be worn during this week if it goes with the dress theme (we encourage you to apply at home)
-No type of weapon (Real or Fake) is allowed
*Modesty is the general rule
Dresscodeissuesrelatedtomodestyand/orjudgmentcallsareatthediscretionofthefacultyandadministration. Modestyisthepriority
Below, you will find a MS Supply List. These are items that each student in grades 6-8 will need for the first day of school. Included in the list are items that each MS student will use to build two binders on the first day of school that will serve as an organizational system for all of their classes. One binder will be used for the first half of the day and the other for the second half of the day. This is a complete list of supplies. No additional supplies will be needed.
6th - 8th Grade Supplies:
● Planner purchased at Registration Day ($5.00)
● 2 - 1.5 inch binders
● 10 page dividers - Avery Plastic Two-Pocket Insertable 5 Tab Index Dividers AVE11906
● 8 5 x 11 college ruled filler paper with three hole punch
● 2 - 3-hole pencil pouches to be clipped inside the binders
● 1 composition notebooks -for language arts
● 1 pack 200 count of 3 x 5 notecards
● Pens
● Pencils (refill lead if mechanical)
● Colored pencils
● Pink Pearl Eraser
● 1 pack red pens/pencils for grading
● 2 highlighters
● 1 scissors
● 4 Whiteboard markers
● 4 glue sticks
● Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator (If your student is in a high school math, please see the calculator requirement below)
● Bible NASB or ESV
● 1 box tissues - to be taken to first hour on the first day of school
● 1 pack of surface wipes - to be taken to first hour on the first day of school
6th Grade
● 2 Spiral notebooks – 70 sheets -for science and social studies
● 2 pocket folder for science
● 1 Composition notebook for SS- 100 sheets
● 1 Composition book w/grid paper for math
● Inexpensive pair of earbuds
7th Grade
● 1 Composition book for Math
● 1 Spiral notebook - 70 sheets - for science
● 2 pocket folder for science
● 3x3 sticky notes for English
8th Grade
● Graph Paper
● 3x3 sticky notes for English
Choir/Art Students
● Boys Choir Blue 2 pocket plastic folder, Girls Choir Red 2 pocket plastic folder, and Advanced Choir Purple 2 pocket plastic folder
● Worship Arts 1inch binder
● 9x12 Sketchbook for Art 8th Grade only
Band Students
● 1 inch black 3 ring binder
● 1 pack dividers
● Kleenex for the band room please!
Algebra and Geometry Students
● All middle school students in geometry will need a TI-84 graphing calculator
*Students needto come to schoolon the firstday withtheir binder organized.
The middle school teachers are committed to assisting students in organizing their work. This will help them to get the most out of their academic experience. Part of this is a uniform binder organizational system that we have designed for every middle school child Please have your child’s binders organized for the first day of school in the following manner
1. Each child should have 2 - 1.5 inch view binders or 1 - 4 inch binder
2. Each binder should contain 5 page dividers with pockets and notebook in the back.
3. Using your child’s class schedule attained at Registration Day, please label the tabs for the classes that your child will have before lunch. Your child will have the first four classes on his or her schedule before lunch. Please keep in mind that their classes will likely change for next semester.
4 In the second binder, please do the same with your child’s afternoon classes which are the last three classes of the day
5. The last pocket divider in each binder needs to be labeled “Keep at Home”.
6. In each binder, please place a pencil pouch with the following items: pens (including a red one for grading), pencils, a whiteboard marker, and a highlighter. The items found on the supply list that are not in the binder should be kept in the student’s locker and taken to class at the teacher’s request.
7 8th GRADE ONLY - Please include the graph paper in the math section of your binder
8 Each student should take their planner to every class
9. Students should take their Bible with them to Bible class.
Purpose of Lockers
The purpose of having student lockers is to provide storage for students during the day. The lockers are to be used to store student items that are school related. No items that may interfere with the school program may be stored in the lockers. This includes any potentially hazardous or illegal materials.
All students will receive a lock to use for the year but will be expected to return the lock on the last day of school. The lock, including the combination, will be retained by the school so that locker inspections can be done throughout the year Any other lock will be removed by the school administration Students should not give their combination to another classmate and the student must keep the locker locked at all times. No student is to be in another’s locker for any reason.
Students must keep their locker clean and orderly taking any edible items out on a daily basis The school administration has the right to inspect any locker without prior notice given to the student. Regular locker inspections will be done throughout the year to ensure proper maintenance.
Decoration of Lockers
Students may personalize the inside of his or her locker with temporary embellishments. No decorations will be permitted on the outside of the lockers. Students may personalize the inside by using magnets to decorate using school appropriate materials that are not contrary to our school’s mission. No tape, stickers, or permanent markings may be placed on or in the lockers.
Visit to Lockers
Students will be permitted to visit their locker between classes. No student will be permitted to leave class to retrieve items from their locker. In the event that items are left in the locker, the policies that apply to late work will also apply in this scenario
No items may be stored on the hallway floor or ground of the locker cages without prior approval from the principal The hallway must be kept clean at all times and all items are to be stored in the student’s locker Oversized athletic totes can be stored neatly in the designated place at the north end of the hallway or in the appropriate locker room.
Use of Backpack
No backpacks will be permitted to be carried throughout the day into the classrooms The backpack must be left in the locker.
Dear Middle School Family,
The middle school years of a child are so incredibly important. I am so thrilled that the MS staff here at NCS feel called to this age and work tirelessly at connecting with students and pointing them to Christ!
Here at Northwest Christian School, we are blessed to be a part of a community where students are living in Christian homes, involved in the local church, and attending a Christian school. However, we know that students within the age range of 10-15 years old are forming their own opinions about faith and what they believe
As a way of partnering with our families, each middle school student is part of an ImpactGroup. These groups are composed of a teacher and a small group of kids that are the same grade level with the simple goal of building meaningfulrelationships
Every Wednesday following Chapel, Impact Groups are dismissed to head to their chosen destination on campus. Here teachers have an opportunity to follow-up on Chapel with discussion questions and get to know their group of kids outside of the classroom setting. This may look like Just Dance, Extreme Pictionary, Minute to Win It Games, or Relays but all of it intentionally serves a much deeper purpose. It’s a time for our kids to see us cheering them on, excited that they are “ours” and on our team . . . a time to buildmeaningfulrelationships.
We are privileged to develop relationships with students, build community, and walk them through this stage of life as they enter into a deeper relationship with Christ I would ask that you pray for Impact Groups throughout the year.
God bless you,
Samantha Maszton
Students are expected to appear in class, on time, and prepared. Assignments are due on the day and hour in which the student has the class. If the work is submitted after class, then the work will be considered late.
Formative Assignments/Daily Work
1 day late = 20% off
2 days late = no credit
Summative Assignments/Projects or Tests
1 day late = 20% off
2 days late = 50% off
3 days late = no credit
Each student will be given two “oops passes” per class per semester. This will allow the student to turn in a formative assignment one day late for full credit with no penalty. The passes may be used on formative assignments only. Students may not use another student’s pass.
Students who are scheduled to be absent from classes due to athletics or field trips are required to turn in any work due on the determined day/time prior to their departure Additionally, these students must take all quizzes or tests that are due that day, or make arrangements with their teacher to take them on the next school day It is also the responsibility of the student to obtain all assignments that will be given on that day and due the next day in class.
When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make up for missed work. If work is incomplete due to an excused absence, a student will have the number of days plus one to make up assignments.
If a student is absent the day before a long-term project is due, it is still due on the original assigned date by the end of the school day. Long-term assignments are to be turned in the day they are due. Students must make arrangements to have projects delivered to school Students who are scheduled to be absent from classes due to athletics or field trips are required to turn in any work due on the determined day/time prior to their departure If a situation calls for an exception to this policy, the student must contact the teacher before the long-term project is due.
Thepolicies, procedures, andinformation within this documentapply to allNCS-ownediPads.
Parents&StudentsmustelectronicallysigntheiPadAcceptableUseForminBlackbaudpriortotheissuanceofan iPad. Thestudentandoneparentmustsigntheformwhileloggedintotheirindividualaccounts. Annual TechnologyFeepaidwithinRegistrationDayFee.
Students who violate this Acceptable Use Policy may be subject to: disciplinary action, confiscation, or removal of content. Devices and passcodes must be surrendered immediately upon request by any NCS staff member. Unauthorized use of technology during class time will result in a minor
User Responsibilities
● Charge it. Starteachday at100%
● Keep the case on and without decorations. The caseprotects the screen anddevice andmust remain ingoodcondition. Do notaddstickers or decorations to the case.
● Handle with care Don'tspin or drop, putheavy objects, food, or drinks on top, or subjectto extreme coldor heat - like insideyour car.
● Be responsible. Obtainpermission before taking video orpictures ofothers, including teachers. Useyour iPadas a toolduring class andfor entertainmentwhenpermitted.
● Don’t lose it. Know whereyour iPadis ifitis misplaced
● Don’t lend it. You shouldbe the only user ofyour iPad.
● Back it up. Follow iPadSetup Instructions to backupyour workin Google Drive andiCloud Data may be lostatany moment.
○ Malfunctions or technical issues are not acceptable excuses for failing to complete school work. NCS is not responsible for work that is lost or corrupted on the iPad.
● Troubleshoot. You willneedto establishany internetconnections offcampus Be resourceful andaskfor help when needed
Please see the Student Handbook for related policies regarding school-owned and personal technologies, as well as submission of original work
Division Specific Policies
Middle School
● iPad may not be used during break, lunch, or school events, such as chapel and Impact Groups
● Do not change the Home Screen or Lock Screen images
● Hard iPad shield must be kept on iPad when not in use
High School
● Home Screen and Lock Screen images must be appropriate, not distracting, and in accordance with the mission of the school.
● Case may be substituted for a compatible, hard case with attached keyboard. iPad must be returned with original Otterbox case. Standard damage fees will apply.
Loaner iPads
In the event that a student forgets their iPad or brings it to class uncharged, a loaner iPad may be borrowed for the day Loaners should be returned at the end of the day
A technology minor will be recorded for each instance of a borrowed iPad, except when authorized by the technology team. Additional minors may be issued for failure to return the loaner iPad by the end of the day. Please review the Student Handbook for additional information regarding consequences for minors.
Lost, Damaged, or Stolen
If your iPad is misplaced or stolen, SoS or should be contacted as soon as possible, so that the tech team can help to locate it. Do not attempt to repair or disassemble any part of the iPad or take it to be repaired by an outside agency In the event that the iPad is damaged, promptly notify SoS or email HelpDesk@ncsaz org
The following fee structure applies to any school-owned iPad that is either lost, damaged, or stolen:
1. Damaged iPads, student will pay
● $100 (1st time)
● $300 (2nd and subsequent times)
2. Lost or stolen iPads, student will pay
● $300
If a plan for payment has not been established within a week the Principal and Finance Office will be contacted
NCS iPad Network and Internet Policy Prohibited Uses
All prohibited uses may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
● Accessing Inappropriate Materials – Users are notallowedto access, save, or distribute offensive, obscene, disruptive, abusive, profane, illegal, or sexually explicitmaterials.
● Inappropriate Activities – Use ofthe school’s internet/emailaccounts for financialor commercialgain or for any illegalactivity iPadcannotbe usedas a hotspotor internet connection for non-schooluses. Any attemptto modify or destroy hardware/case, software, or data willbe subjectto disciplinary action.
● Misuse of iPads – Use ofthe camera to take inappropriate, illicitor sexually explicitphotographs or videos, or to embarrass anyone in any way. Any use ofa camera in restrooms or changing rooms, regardless ofintent, isprohibited Takingpictures ofotherpeople withoutthe permission ofthose in thephotographand/orposting ofimages/videos in apublic forum, withoutpermission from those recorded, isprohibited. Use ofthe microphone to recordwithout consentisprohibited.
Parent/Guardian and Student Usage Agreement (SignElectronicallyviaBlackbaudpriortoRegistrationDay)
We have read the Northwest Christian School iPad Acceptable Use Policy and have discussed the expectations. We understand and support the student’s responsibility for abiding by each policy. We understand that access is being provided to the students for educational purposes and activity may be monitored. However, we also understand that it is impossible for the school to filter out all offensive and controversial materials. We will not hold NCS (or any of its employees, administrators, or officers) responsible for materials students may acquire or come in contact with while on the Internet We agree to the replacement costs as outlined in the lost, damaged, or stolen section of the iPad Acceptable Use Policy. We agree that the iPad will be returned in good working condition with its original case when collected by NCS.
Northwest Christian Middle School offers the following sports programs as extra-curricular activities for middle school students.
Fall Sports:
-Girls Volleyball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Co Ed Soccer (6th, 7th and 8th)
-Boys Tackle Football (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cheer (7th and 8th)
Winter Sports:
-Girls Softball (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Boys Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Boys Baseball (7th and 8th)
Spring Sports:
-Boys Basketball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Girls Basketball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Co Ed Golf (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cheer (7th and 8th)
-Boys Wrestling (6th, 7th, and 8th)
Sports Fee: The Middle School sports fee is $75.00 per sport per season with the exception of football which is $125.00
Fall Try-Outs:
Football equipment handout if in town - Saturday August 5, 2023
Football begins the first day of school Aug 7.
Try-outs for girls volleyball - 7th & 8th grade W & Th 8/9 & 10. 6th grade Fri 8/11 & Wed 8/16
Tryouts for soccer and cheer will begin the second week of school TBD
Sign ups for fall athletics will be at Registration Day 8/2. Specific tryout info will be available then
Grades are taken from gradebooks every week after the first four weeks of the start of the semester to determine the athlete’s eligibility. If the athlete is earning a “F” in any course, they are deemed ineligible, and he or she will not be permitted to play in games for one week. The grades will be reevaluated by the athletic department or principal at the beginning of every week. The athlete may still participate in practice
Specific days and weeks will be available via online registration the first week of August.
Intro to Lacrosse
Arizona Lacrosse Academy will be hosting a Learn to Play Lacrosse clinic at Northwest Christian School this fall! Try out the fastest game on two feet! A mixture of soccer, basketball and hockey, Lacrosse is for student-athletes that love action and excitement. We'll provide all the necessary equipment for you to play the oldest North American sport! Grab your friends and join today Grade 6th
Drone Programming
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas Most importantly, learn it as fun. We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun. Grades 5-8
Men’s Jiu-Jitsu
Although the art of jiu-jitsu consists of over 600 techniques, studies of real fights conducted by members of the Gracie Family have shown that 36 techniques have been used more often and with greater success than all the other techniques combined. Originally developed for the U.S. Army, Gracie Combatives is the only course that is entirely dedicated to the mastery of these 36 essential techniques. In this program, you will learn the 36 core techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a fun, safe, and cooperative environment Open to all 6th to 8th Grade
Women’s Jiu-Jitsu
Learn how to neutralize the most common attacks ranging from having your hair grabbed to being pinned to the ground by an assailant Unlike most self-defense systems that rely heavily on strength, speed, and coordination, the techniques in the Women Empowered program employ leverage, technique, and timing, so anyone, regardless of age or athletic ability, can make them work against larger opponents Open to all female students 6th to 12th grade, female staff and moms
As Seen on Pintrest
As Seen on Pinterest Club-- Come join Mrs Coughlin as we make fun crafts from Pinterest! We will work with clay, paint, crochet, and make other fun projects you get to take home with you!
Crusaders Chess
Chess Emporium teaches a fun and exciting introduction to the game of chess. Chess Club begins by teaching students how to play the game, chess openings, tactics, and endgames, while allowing students to practice with their friends This class provides chess strategies and tournament play Grades K-8
STEM Robotics
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas. Most importantly, learn it as fun. We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun Grades 6-8
Amateur Radio Club
This club will help students learn the necessary skills for obtaining FCC amateur radio license Students will learn about the radio arts through a multitude of science, technology, and math-related fields directly and indirectly related to amateur radio. Students may also participate in the Northwest Christian Amateur Radio Club (NCARC). Students will also be able to study for and (hopefully) pass the FCC Amateur Radio License (no fee charged) Open to all 6th to 8th Grade students Wednesdays for 10 weeks.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is more than just an honor roll. Each Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character (plus Citizenship for NJHS) These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built. The advisors for our chapter are Mrs. Coughlin and Mrs. Shepherd. If you are new to NCS and have been inducted into NJHS in your previous school, please bring your certificate to be accepted into NCS NJHS. Inductions for NJHS are held in March.
Students who have made Principal’s Honor Roll, as determined by the local school's Faculty Council, meet the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character (and citizenship for NJHS)
This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others
The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.
The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic involvement, has a high regard for freedom, justice, and equal opportunity, and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs.
For NJHS, students in the second semester of the sixth grade, or in grades 7 through 9 in a school with both an official charter of the National Junior Honor Society and an up-to-date affiliation with the NJHS national office are eligible for consideration for membership in NJHS. Students must have completed the equivalent of one semester of enrollment.
3rd and 4th Grade - San Diego Floating Lab Trip, March 2024
Description: The annual elementary excursion to San Diego has become a family favorite each Spring Break Centered around time aboard a half-day harbor excursion the Floating Lab allows students to see the wonders of God’s marine creations up close. The trip affords families discounted opportunities to visit a creation museum, Scripps Aquarium, and the San Diego Zoo Costs are varied based upon the activities and events each family chooses. Additional information will become available to families in September.
5th Grade Camp
Description: Traveling to a sleep-away camp in northern Arizona, the fifth graders will enjoy a time of fellowship and learning that is centered around a distinctively Christian science-based curriculum. Students will spend two nights at the camp Though the final prices will be determined after some fundraising this fall, historically, the camp has been in the neighborhood of $150 per student
6th through 8th Grades - Serve the City
Description: This is an amazing opportunity for all MS students to serve those in need in our local community! Students spend 2 nights and 3 days together as we serve and partner with various ministries around town to help our fellow community members who are in need.
8th Grade - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor. With additional info to follow from 8th grade Bible, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support
8th Grade - End-of-the-Year trip
Description: It is a tradition for many years that 8th grade students end the school year with an exciting event (local or out of town)! Watch your email for more information
9th through 12th Grades - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours. The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor With additional info to follow, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support. Additional information regarding the orphanage can be found at:
9th through 12th Grades - Fine & Performing Arts Trip
Description: The every-other-year HS choir trip is an incredible opportunity for high school students to experience major cities around the world This year’s trip will include musical instruction and performances that speckle the itinerary promoting skill development and a greater appreciation of the arts. For more information, please email Julie Dennis at Don’t miss out on this one in a lifetime experience!
9th through 12th Grades - Washington D.C. Trip
Description: Faith, history, and education come together in Washington, D.C. on this school trip! Students grow in their personal faith while exploring the nation’s capital Devotionals, prayer time, and scripture are integrated into this educational Christian student travel program to ensure that students have a unique and spiritually rewarding experience while learning about our nation’s history and culture. For more information, please email Mrs Waymire at dwaymire@ncsaz org
Dear NCS Family,
The new school year is just around the corner! In this packet you will find some helpful information to make the start of the school year a success. Please don’t hesitate to call or email the office with questions.
Wednesday, August 2nd, will kick off the new school year with Secondary Registration Day. Please attend during the time set aside for your child. MS and HS are combined to support families with students in both areas.
Secondary Registration Group
Last name beginning with A, B, or C
Last name beginning with D, E, F, or G
Last name beginning with H, I, J, or K
Teacher Lunch Break
Last name beginning with L, M, or N
Last name beginning with O, P , Q, R, or S
Last name beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z
When you enter the Don Sanderson Gymnasium on Registration Day, you will get a list of stations offered and their location. Some of the stations offered that day are listed below:
Lunch Menu Club Offerings
Bell Schedule Health Office
PE Uniforms to purchase Driver Registration Forms (HS)
Volunteer Sign-Up Table Senior Lunch Release Forms (HS)
Student Schedule High School Camp Rooming
Registration Day Fee: This year, we will be assessing a flat fee to your student’s Blackbaud Tuition Management Account, which can be paid with a debit or credit card. You can also pay your fee on Registration Day by cash or check
Middle School: $120 High School: $220
Optional Items to be purchased on Registration Day (cash or check only):
-MS PE Uniform $25 - required for all MS students taking PE
-HS Parking Permit $60 - required for HS students to park on campus
-MS and HS 2023-2024 NCS Theme T-shirt Students may wear jeans with this letter throughout the year
Health Office and Emergency Form
Earlier this year (during re-enrollment for returning students), you received a notification in Blackbaud to complete a Health Emergency Form for each of your students. You can check the status of your students forms by logging in, then clicking on “files and forms.” You will then be able to see if any forms are pending, or you can click to see completed forms. Your student is not permitted to start the school year without an updated Health Emergency Form on file If you have any questions please email the School Nurse, Anna Johnson, at
New this year, the health office will have over-the-counter medications on hand for any student that has parental permission on file. Each student was assigned a medication permission form in their Blackbaud forms, and if permissions were given, the dose available to that student will be as prescribed on the bottle. Please provide any medications that your student might need only if it is not listed on the form
If your child requires a prescription medication to be available at school, please plan to stop by the Health Office table on Registration Day or visit the Health Office directly to provide that medication and to ensure that all applicable forms are completed and on file.
If you are unable to attend Registration Day on August 2nd, please feel free to contact Tammy Collins at or 602-978-5134 ext. 514 to make an appointment prior to the first day of school.
We are looking forward to another great year at Northwest Christian School!
Samantha Maszton Middle School Principal/Assistant Superintendent
Jeff Parsons High School Principal
Dates in August Date Time Event Location August 2rd See Previous Page Secondary Registration Day Don Sanderson Gymnasium August 3rd 12:00 - 1:00 PM New Student Welcome Party Grades 6-2: MS Hallway Grades 9-12: Don Sanderson Gymnasium August 7th 7:45 AM First Day of School Report to First Hour August 15th 5:30 PM Secondary Back-to-School Night More details to come August 31st During School Hours Secondary Picture Day - Watch for more details in the Week-at-a-Glance Don Sanderson Gymnasium
Dear NCS Secondary Families,
I hope everyone is doing well and finding ways to escape the heat! As Secondary Dean of Students, I am tasked with upholding our school’s practices and policies in regards to attendance and discipline. Please familiarize yourself with these policies prior to the start of the school year. Below you will find a brief explanation of our philosophy and points of emphasis
Much of the day to day discipline at NCS is handled using a systematic approach. The handbook clearly defines minor violations, major violations, and zero tolerance violations, and prescribes a general course of action as infractions are encountered Progress and reform are both high priority goals in the implementation of such disciplinary steps. Most importantly, the desire for the student to grow in their walk with Jesus Christ through loving discipline is the fundamental aim of the disciplinary policies of NCS
God clearly establishes boundaries throughout scripture. There are consequences for stepping outside these boundaries God does not do this because He is overbearing, but rather because He loves us so much and wants us to live abundantly in a right relationship with Him. Every boundary, rule, or policy we have at NCS is set in place for the safety of the student, stewardship of our campus, and to provide a Christ-centered atmosphere that is conducive to learning
Punctual and regular attendance at school is necessary for quality education to occur, and is the shared responsibility between the student and his/her parent or guardian. Punctual and regular attendance prepares the student for the world of work and adult responsibilities
A student may be tardy 3 times to each class per semester without consequence There will be a consequence for each tardy starting on the fourth The progression of consequences is listed in the handbook. Tardies are excused only by a note from a doctor, an emergency, or a pass from the previous teacher, admin, or nurse. Credit will be lost on the 10th tardy.
A student coming late to class more than 10 minutes through the class is considered absent. The administration has determined that a student who accumulates more than 12 absences (regardless of excused or unexcused) in a given subject in a semester may lose credit for the class Please submit verification to the school office of any chronic/acute illnesses documented by a physician Class missed for school functions does not count as an absence.
Minor and major violations are listed in our handbook, as well as the subsequent consequences Two minor violations per semester are given without consequence. However, on the third minor, the progression of consequences will begin. Major violations are subject to immediate disciplinary action.
Thank you so much for your support of our practices and policies at NCS. We value the opportunity to partner with you to assist your student to become the person God intended him/her to be. It is my desire for the Dean’s Office to be a safe place for your student to come for help when needing assistance in handling a difficult situation at school. You and your student are always welcome to contact me if clarification on any of our philosophies or “boundaries and consequences” are needed.
Partnering in Christ,
Jim James Dean of Students
Shirts – All Students
All students are required to wear a solid color or striped polo shirt. Non-offensive logos are acceptable as long as the size of the logo does not exceed the size of a credit card. Any brand of solid color or striped polo is acceptable In addition, any NCS/NC polo is also acceptable (i e striped golf polo is acceptable) Shirts must be long enough so that if a student’s arms are raised straight above their head, no beltline may be showing. Polo shirts may be purchased from any store as long as the requirements above are met. Students may layer shirts under the required polo Students may wear a sweater or sweatshirt over their polo for warmth; however, no shirt is to be worn over the polo unless it is for warmth.
Pants – All Students
Pants must be of a dress pant, twill/cotton or corduroy material. Pants may not be made of spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon or other material that have a tendency to cling to the body No jeggings are permissible Jeans are not allowed, nor are pants made of denim or blue jean material. Pants must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only. Capri pants or cargo shorts/pants are acceptable. Overalls are not acceptable
Shorts – All Students
Shorts may be worn throughout the school year Shorts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side. Shorts must be loose-fitting and of a dress pant, twill/cotton, or corduroy material Shorts may not be made of denim, spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon, mesh, flannel, velour, or terry-cloth Shorts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only Furthermore, shorts must be of a solid and non-extreme color; white is considered an extreme color and is not allowed.
Skirts – Girls
Skirts may be worn by girls. The skirt must be “uniform style”. All skirts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side. Skirts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color Skirts may be purchased from Dennis Uniforms These skirts may be navy, blue, khaki tan, or Dennis Uniform approved plaid in color and must meet appropriate length and fit criteria. The only plaids permitted are the two from Dennis. No other plaids are permitted.
On Campus Out-of-Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-No yoga pants/leggings
-No holes in jeans, shorts, or skirts
*Modesty is the general rule
Spirit Week Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-Yoga pants/leggings may be worn with shorts over top
-No holes above the fingertips in jeans, shorts, or skirts
-Face paint and temporary hair color may be worn during this week if it goes with the dress theme (we encourage you to apply at home)
-No type of weapon (Real or Fake) is allowed
*Modesty is the general rule
Dresscodeissuesrelatedtomodestyand/orjudgmentcallsareatthediscretionofthefacultyandadministration. Modestyisthepriority
● Bible (Physical ESV)
● 4 packages loose leaf paper (wide or college ruled)
● 1 package of colorful Expo markers
● 3 composition notebooks
● A journal
● Earbuds
● Highlighters
● 3 packages lined index cards (3x5)
● Pens and Pencils
● Colored pencils
● Clear Sheet Sleeves (at least 10)
● 1 package of thin markers
● 1 package of 3x3 post it note (100 sheets)
● Several one inch binders w/dividers (5)
● Several large 3 inch binders w/dividers (5)
● Several one subject spiral notebooks (Five Star brand preferred)
● Hard copy (paper) academic planner of your choice
● TI-84 Calculator (required)
● Graph paper
● Pencils
● College ruled notebook paper
● Pens (black or blue and red)
● Black Ultra Fine Point Sharpie pen or gel pen
● Colored Pencils (Crayola preferred. 12 colors)
● Highlighter (2 colors)
● White-out
● Erasers
● 5 tabbed dividers
● Sticky Notes (1”x1”)
● Ear Phones/Ear Buds
● Correction Tape
● 3- 1” three ring binders
● Clear Sheet Sleeves (at least 10)
● TI-84 Calculator (required)
● Graph Paper
● Large 3 ring binder
● College ruled notebook paper
● Pens (black or blue and red)
● Pencils
● Colored Pencils
● Highlighters (3 different colors)
● White-out
● Erasers
● 3 packages index cards (3x5)
● TI-84 Calculator (required)
● Graph Paper
● College ruled notebook paper
● Pens (black/blue AND colored)
● Pencils
● Highlighters (3 colors)
● 3- 1 ½” three ring binders
● 100- 3x5 index cards
● Clear Sheet Sleeves (at least 30)
● Tab Dividers (3 sets of 5 tab)
● EarBuds
● Bluetooth Keyboard (Optional)
● TI-84 Calculator (Required)
● Graph Paper
Students are expected to appear in class, on time, and prepared. Assignments are due on the day and hour in which the student has the class. If the work is submitted after class, then the work will be considered lat
HS Daily Work/Homework
No late work accepted
HS Short Term Assignments/Labs (2-5 days)
1 Day late = 50 % off
2 Days late = no credit
HS Long Term Projects/Assignments (6 or more days) No late work accepted
Each student will be given a minimum of two “oops passes” per class per semester This will allow the student to turn in a formative assignment one day late for full credit with no penalty The passes may be used on formative assignments only. Students may not use another student’s pass.
Students who are scheduled to be absent from classes due to athletics or field trips are required to turn in any work due on the determined day/time prior to their departure. Additionally, these students must take all quizzes or tests that are due that day, or make arrangements with their teacher to take them on the next school day. It is also the responsibility of the student to obtain all assignments that will be given on that day and due the next day in class.
When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make-up for missed work If work is incomplete due to an excuse
If a student is absent the day before a long-term project is due, it is still due on the original assigned date by the end of the school day. Long-term assignments are to be turned in the day they are due. Students must make arrangements to have projects delivered to school. Students who are scheduled to be absent from classes due to athletics or field trips are required to turn in any work due on the determined day/time prior to their departure. If a situation calls for an exception to this policy, the student must contact the teacher before the long-term project is due.
Thepolicies, procedures, andinformation within this documentapply to allNCS-ownediPads.
Parents&StudentsmustelectronicallysigntheiPadAcceptableUseForminBlackbaudpriortotheissuanceofan iPad. Thestudentandoneparentmustsigntheformwhileloggedintotheirindividualaccounts. Annual TechnologyFeepaidwithinRegistrationDayFee.
Students who violate this Acceptable Use Policy may be subject to: disciplinary action, confiscation, or removal of content. Devices and passcodes must be surrendered immediately upon request by any NCS staff member. Unauthorized use of technology during class time will result in a minor
User Responsibilities
● Charge it. Starteachday at100%
● Keep the case on and without decorations. The caseprotects the screen anddevice andmust remain ingoodcondition. Do notaddstickers or decorations to the case.
● Handle with care Don'tspin or drop, putheavy objects, food, or drinks on top, or subjectto extreme coldor heat - like insideyour car.
● Be responsible. Obtainpermission before taking video orpictures ofothers, including teachers. Useyour iPadas a toolduring class andfor entertainmentwhenpermitted.
● Don’t lose it. Know whereyour iPadis ifitis misplaced
● Don’t lend it. You shouldbe the only user ofyour iPad.
● Back it up. Follow iPadSetup Instructions to backupyour workin Google Drive andiCloud Data may be lostatany moment.
○ Malfunctions or technical issues are not acceptable excuses for failing to complete school work. NCS is not responsible for work that is lost or corrupted on the iPad.
● Troubleshoot. You willneedto establishany internetconnections offcampus Be resourceful andaskfor help when needed
Please see the Student Handbook for related policies regarding school-owned and personal technologies, as well as submission of original work
Division Specific Policies
Middle School
● iPad may not be used during break, lunch, or school events, such as chapel and Impact Groups
● Do not change the Home Screen or Lock Screen images
● Hard iPad shield must be kept on iPad when not in use
High School
● Home Screen and Lock Screen images must be appropriate, not distracting, and in accordance with the mission of the school.
● Case may be substituted for a compatible, hard case with attached keyboard. iPad must be returned with original Otterbox case. Standard damage fees will apply.
Loaner iPads
In the event that a student forgets their iPad or brings it to class uncharged, a loaner iPad may be borrowed for the day Loaners should be returned at the end of the day
A technology minor will be recorded for each instance of a borrowed iPad, except when authorized by the technology team. Additional minors may be issued for failure to return the loaner iPad by the end of the day. Please review the Student Handbook for additional information regarding consequences for minors.
Lost, Damaged, or Stolen
If your iPad is misplaced or stolen, SoS or should be contacted as soon as possible, so that the tech team can help to locate it. Do not attempt to repair or disassemble any part of the iPad or take it to be repaired by an outside agency In the event that the iPad is damaged, promptly notify SoS or email HelpDesk@ncsaz org
The following fee structure applies to any school-owned iPad that is either lost, damaged, or stolen:
1. Damaged iPads, student will pay
● $100 (1st time)
● $300 (2nd and subsequent times)
2. Lost or stolen iPads, student will pay
● $300
If a plan for payment has not been established within a week the Principal and Finance Office will be contacted
NCS iPad Network and Internet Policy Prohibited Uses
All prohibited uses may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
● Accessing Inappropriate Materials – Users are notallowedto access, save, or distribute offensive, obscene, disruptive, abusive, profane, illegal, or sexually explicitmaterials.
● Inappropriate Activities – Use ofthe school’s internet/emailaccounts for financialor commercialgain or for any illegalactivity iPadcannotbe usedas a hotspotor internet connection for non-schooluses. Any attemptto modify or destroy hardware/case, software, or data willbe subjectto disciplinary action.
● Misuse of iPads – Use ofthe camera to take inappropriate, illicitor sexually explicitphotographs or videos, or to embarrass anyone in any way. Any use ofa camera in restrooms or changing rooms, regardless ofintent, isprohibited Takingpictures ofotherpeople withoutthe permission ofthose in thephotographand/orposting ofimages/videos in apublic forum, withoutpermission from those recorded, isprohibited. Use ofthe microphone to recordwithout consentisprohibited.
Parent/Guardian and Student Usage Agreement (SignElectronicallyviaBlackbaudpriortoRegistrationDay)
We have read the Northwest Christian School iPad Acceptable Use Policy and have discussed the expectations. We understand and support the student’s responsibility for abiding by each policy. We understand that access is being provided to the students for educational purposes and activity may be monitored. However, we also understand that it is impossible for the school to filter out all offensive and controversial materials. We will not hold NCS (or any of its employees, administrators, or officers) responsible for materials students may acquire or come in contact with while on the Internet We agree to the replacement costs as outlined in the lost, damaged, or stolen section of the iPad Acceptable Use Policy. We agree that the iPad will be returned in good working condition with its original case when collected by NCS.
Wednesday, August 9th - Friday, August 11th
This year, High School Camp will kick off the school year Wednesday through Friday of the first week of school! It gives us an opportunity to welcome our new classmates to NCS, introduce the school-wide spiritual theme, and begin to establish our year-long community groups. This is an amazing opportunity for us to start the year united together as an entire school
Lost Canyon Camp, 1450 Perkinsville Rd., Williams, AZ 86046
Basic Travel Information
● We will be traveling in charter buses to Lost Canyon
● Meet on Wednesday, August 9th at 11:45 am at the Ramadas
● We will be returning to NCS sometime between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm on Friday, August 11th
Wednesday, Aug 9th
● We will not have high school classes on August 9th
● Students will not be required to come to school prior to 11:30 am
● Any student who arrives prior to the check-in will be asked to wait in the office or room 308
● Camp check in for students will be at 11:45 am at the Ramadas
● Make sure you eat lunch before you arrive
High School Camp Expectations/Packing List:
Dress code is relaxed, but modest
● Pants, jeans or modest shorts; t-shirts
● Jacket or sweatshirt for mornings and evenings
● Athletic shoes, flip flops, and/or water shoes
● Swimsuit (no two piece swimsuits- guys or girls)
● No earrings for guys, no visible tattoos, no facial piercings
What to bring:
● Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc…)
● Lost Canyon will provide Pillow, Pillow Case, Sheets, Blanket & Towel
● Flashlight
● Bible, notebook, pen
● Money for Snack Bar/ Coffee Shop at Lost Canyon
● Clothes for Western Night
● Cell phone – We ask that cell phones be left in the cabin during worship sessions Cell phones may be used during free time, but you should be making memories, not on your phone.
Cabin Policy:
● Male students MAY NOT go into a female student cabin and female students MAY NOT go into male cabins.
● All students are expected to be in their cabins by 11:30 p m each night Lights out by Midnight
● All students are expected to remain in their cabins after lights out until 5:30 a.m. the next morning
● Students who are missing from their cabins on Wednesday night at bed check will be transported back to Phoenix first thing Thursday morning
● Students who are missing from their cabins on Thursday night at bed check will return as scheduled on Friday, but will receive an in-school suspension
Friday, Aug 11th
● We will be returning to NCS sometime between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm on Friday, August 11th
Student Parking Fee: $60.00
Those students who drive to school must follow the following regulations:
1. Students must park in designated areas.
2. Students are not to enter cars during the school day without office approval.
3. Each student driver is to register their driver’s license number, car description, and license plate number with the school office at the beginning of the school year or when they begin to drive. Students will be issued a parking permit, which must be displayed in their front windshield
4. Students are to observe a speed limit of 5 mph while on school properties, operate vehicles in a safe manner at all times, and obey all parking lot procedures and traffic flow.
Violations of the above regulations may result in the following:
● First offense - Warning
● Second offense- Saturday school
● Third offense- Loss of driving privileges for the remainder of that semester
Personal vehicles and contents are the responsibility of the owner. NCS is not responsible for any lost or stolen vehicles or contents of vehicles.
A key component in providing Northwest Christian high school students the opportunity to develop a biblical worldview is experiencing biblical community. One of the primary values of the early church was their dedication to fellowship, or “living life together” (Acts 2:42) We believe that sustained life change happens most effectively within the context of intentional relationships- to grow spiritually, one must be connected relationally One area of campus life that offers a place for students to connect and grow with one another is Community Groups.
Community Groups provide an environment where high school students can develop personal, intentional relationships within a core community Groups are composed of students within the same grade and gender (a typical group size is 5-8 students) Freshmen and Sophomore groups are guided by Juniors and Seniors who have been trained and mentored in small group leadership; Junior and Senior groups are led by Northwest Christian faculty and staff. Groups meet every Wednesday after chapel to discuss and apply biblical truth, pray together, and encourage one another. Opportunities also exist throughout the school year for groups to serve together in the community as well as enjoy friendly competition and activities with other groups.
Learning to invest in biblical relationships is an integral part of a high school student’s spiritual development- we believe Community Groups provide an outlet for students to connect relationally as they grow spiritually in following Jesus.
Northwest Christian High School offers the following sports programs as extra-curricular activities for high school students.
Annual Spiritual Emphasis Theme
Fall Sports:
● 3A Girls Volleyball – F, JV, Varsity
● D-IV Girls Cheer – JV, Varsity
● 4A Boys Football – JV, Varsity
● D-IV Girls Cross Country - Varsity
● D-IV Boys Cross Country - Varsity
Winter Sports:
● D-IV Girls Cheer – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Soccer – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Basketball –JV, Varsity
● 3A Boys Basketball – F, JV, Varsity
● 3A Boys Soccer – JV, Varsity
● D-IV Boys Wrestling – JV, Varsity
Spring Sports:
● D-IV Girls Track – Varsity
● D-IV Boys Track – Varsity
● D-III Golf Coed – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Softball – Varsity
● D-III Girls Tennis – Varsity
● D-II Girls Beach Volleyball - Varsity
● 3A Boys Baseball – JV, Varsity
● 4A Boys Volleyball- JV, Varsity
Eligibility: Grades are taken from gradebooks every week after the first four weeks of the start of the semester to determine the athlete’s eligibility. If the athlete is earning a “F” in any course, they are deemed ineligible, and he or she will not be permitted to play in games for one week. The grades will be reevaluated by the athletic department or principal at the beginning of every week. The athlete may still participate in practice.
All Athletes –speed, conditioning & agility Tuesday & Thursday 6/7-7/21 on the NCS softball field 7:00AM – 8:00AM Football is required to do the above conditioning along with the summer weight lifting 4 days a week M-TH - also open to other sports
Summer open gyms in June- those interested in trying out for a High School Team – Contact the Athletic Office for changes
● HS Girls Volleyball Tuesday & Thursday 4:00-6:00 PM Boys Volleyball – Friday 4:00-6:00 PM
● HS Girls Basketball Monday & Wednesday 4:00-6:00 PM HS Cheer Team – T & TH 6-8:00 PM
● HS Boys Basketball Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM
● HS Cross Country Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 6:30 AM contact athletic office for locations
****All incoming 9th graders and new to NCS girls in 10th-12th grade –the second HS CHEER tryout will be early August Contact the Athletic Office for the tryout packet, to sign up and get times
High School Basketball may also play some summer games in June– Basketball coaches set these up –players determined from those at open gyms High School Football will play some 7 on 7 passing league games and possibly attend a Tonto Rim camp the end of July – players by invitation from Coach
High School Cross Country practice and Volleyball tryouts begin on August 7th , 2023-physicals due before to start (Girls volleyball will hold a highly recommended mini-camp for tryouts 8/2 & 3 - prior to the Monday tryouts on 8/7 Sign- ups for season start and tryouts will be at Registration Day in August
High School Football begins their official first day of practice –July 31st, 2023
Completed physicals & RMA accounts due July 28
Those invited to FB camp by Coach Inness will need their physicals in by 7/24 before you leave for camp
Summer is a good time to take care of a few things to be ready for ALL seasons of sport
High School Winter Season begins on October 31st and Spring Season begins on February 6th
NCS will host a sports physical day July 22nd- SignupGeniuslinkforphysicals
$25 paid to NCS and the cost will be donated back to your sport.
● All High School Athletes that participate in a sport are required to have a yearly sports physical prior to trying out-these are loaded on the Register My Athlete website
● ALL Athletes participating in a sport need to have a “Register My Athlete” Account set up online to be cleared to participate the first day. Your physical forms and certificate of completion from the concussion and opoid course will upload here. Link to get started- Register My Athlete | Northwest Christian School (
AIA Requirements to be eligible to participate
All 9th graders and any new student to athletics in 10th-12th grade must take the concussion & opiod course on the AIA website under AIA Academy & Brainbook and upload a copy of the certificate of completion-(if you did this last year you do not have to retake it)
1) If you are a 9th grader you do not need to fill out any other forms for AIA besides the physical & take the concussion and opiod course
2) If you are a new 10th – 12th grader transferring and plan to try to participate in Athletics you need to fill out a 550 transfer form on the AIA website
3) 10th-12th graders that are transferring in from another school - contact the NCS athletic office for eligibility status
HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS- Summer and Clearance Info
Fall Play (Grades 9-12)
Come out and audition for the 2023 Fall Play! Audition dates are tentatively set for Late August. Performance dates are to be determined (Fall 2023). Watch for more information to follow.
NXNW Film Festival (Grades 9-12)
Make a short film of your own to be shown at the annual NXNW High School Film Festival. Submission guidelines will be posted in the fall and the deadline for entries will be early January, 2024.
Spring Musical: Auditions (Grades 9-12)
Come out and audition for the 2024 Spring Musical! Audition dates are tentatively set for early December. Performance dates are to be determined (Spring 2024). Watch for more information to follow.
The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization for high schoolers that promotes leadership, service, character, and scholarship. There are over one million students participating in NHS activities today, in all 50 states and territories of the United States
The National Honor Society started in 1921 by an association of principals. It was the first honor society created across the country At almost 100 years old, the NHS is one of the most well-known educational and leadership groups.
The purpose of the National Honor Society is to elevate students’ and schools’ academics, leadership, and community engagement. NHS benefits students, communities, and colleges. Colleges have a way of seeing the academic and service commitment of an applicant through his or her Membership.
Per NCS guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.65
This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without Compensation.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for Others.
The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.
For more information, please see the NHS Advisor.
3rd and 4th Grade - San Diego Floating Lab Trip, March 2024
Description: The annual elementary excursion to San Diego has become a family favorite each Spring Break Centered around time aboard a half-day harbor excursion the Floating Lab allows students to see the wonders of God’s marine creations up close. The trip affords families discounted opportunities to visit a creation museum, Scripps Aquarium, and the San Diego Zoo Costs are varied based upon the activities and events each family chooses. Additional information will become available to families in September.
5th Grade Camp
Description: Traveling to a sleep-away camp in northern Arizona, the fifth graders will enjoy a time of fellowship and learning that is centered around a distinctively Christian science-based curriculum. Students will spend two nights at the camp Though the final prices will be determined after some fundraising this fall, historically, the camp has been in the neighborhood of $150 per student
6th through 8th Grades - Serve the City
Description: This is an amazing opportunity for all MS students to serve those in need in our local community! Students spend 2 nights and 3 days together as we serve and partner with various ministries around town to help our fellow community members who are in need.
8th Grade - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor. With additional info to follow from 8th grade Bible, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support
8th Grade - End-of-the-Year trip
Description: It is a tradition for many years that 8th grade students end the school year with an exciting event (local or out of town)! Watch your email for more information
9th through 12th Grades - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours. The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor With additional info to follow, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support. Additional information regarding the orphanage can be found at:
9th through 12th Grades - Fine & Performing Arts Trip
Description: The every-other-year HS choir trip is an incredible opportunity for high school students to experience major cities around the world This year’s trip will include musical instruction and performances that speckle the itinerary promoting skill development and a greater appreciation of the arts. For more information, please email Julie Dennis at Don’t miss out on this one in a lifetime experience!
9th through 12th Grades - Washington D.C. Trip
Description: Faith, history, and education come together in Washington, D.C. on this school trip! Students grow in their personal faith while exploring the nation’s capital Devotionals, prayer time, and scripture are integrated into this educational Christian student travel program to ensure that students have a unique and spiritually rewarding experience while learning about our nation’s history and culture. For more information, please email Mrs Waymire at dwaymire@ncsaz org
Dear NCS Online Family,
The new school year is just around the corner! We are excited to announce our school theme for this upcoming year as “Fix Your Focus” The theme is based on Colossians 3:2 that says “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth ” We are so excited to see how God grows the student body as we ponder this verse. In this packet you will find some helpful information to make the start of the school year a success. Please don’t hesitate to call or email with any questions.
NCS Online Orientation
Monday, August 7th, will kick off the new school year with the NCS Online Orientation The elementary orientation includes a series of videos for parents and learning coaches to watch The secondary orientation includes a series of videos for parents as well as a student orientation given through our learning management system, Canvas. You will be able to complete the orientation at your convenience, but it must be completed before classes begin on August 14th.
The NCS Online Orientation will include the following sessions:
● How To Navigate the Canvas LMS
● How To Access and Navigate Your Courses
● How To Access Online Course Materials
● How To Be Successful As an Online Student
● And More!
More information will be coming out about the orientation as well as accessing your NCS Google account, Canvas, and textbooks so please watch your email.
Important Dates in August
Secondary Registration Day Secondary (6-9th grades)
Online and Flex Students
August 3rd Elementary Meet the Teacher Day Elementary (K-5th grades) Online and Flex Students
Location: NCS Gym
Please see the Secondary Principal Welcome letter for more details and your Registration Day time slot.
Location: NCS Gym
Please see the Elementary Principal Welcome letter for more details.*
August 7th-11th NCS Online Orientation All Online and Flex Students Online - Canvas LMS
August 14th First Day of School Online and Flex Students Online - Canvas LMS
*You will be able to pick up your books during the Elementary Meet the Teacher Day. If you are not local and would prefer to have your books shipped, we are happy to do that Please email jgake@ncsaz org to arrange shipping
We are looking forward to another great year at Northwest Christian School!
Samantha Maszton Assistant Superintendent
Jessica Gake Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Online
Date Event Who Additional Details
Northwest Christian School
Online Calendar 2023-2024
*Flex students who attend classes on campus will only have online classes on this day and should not report to campus. **Flex students who attend classes on campus will have an adjusted schedule for their on-campus classes.
On-Campus School Begins
Online School Begins 25 No On-Campus Classes*
K-5 Picture Day
6-12 Picture Day
Labor Day NCS Offices Closed
No On-Campus Classes*
Fall Break No School
No On-Campus Classes* 10 Veteran’s Day Observance NCS Offices Closed 22 On-Campus Half Day** 23-24 Thanksgiving Vacation No School DECEMBER
8th and 9th Grade Finals 18 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 19 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 20 On-Campus Half Day**
Christmas Break Begins First Semester Ends
On-Campus School Resumes
No On-Campus Classes*
Online School Resumes
No On-Campus Classes* Re-enrollment & Deposit Due 19 Presidents’ Day NCS Offices Closed MARCH 7-8 Online Parent / Facilitator Conferences On-Campus Half Days** 11-15 Spring Break No School 29 Good Friday No School APRIL 1 Easter Monday No School 26 No On-Campus Classes* MAY
8th and 9th Grade Finals 22 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 23 On-Campus Half Day - High School** 24 On-Campus Half Day** 23 8th Grade Promotion 24 Last Day of School
OCTOBER 3 How to Afford a Christian Education Workshop 5-6 Online Parent /
Christian School
Calendar 2023-2024 Revised June 2023
NCS Online students should have a designated workspace and regular access to a desktop or laptop computer that meets the following minimum requirements:
For best performance, you should access the learning management system and other digital tools with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer.
● PC with Windows 10
● Mac with OS 10 14 or later
● Chromebook*
System Requirements
● 250 GB Hard Drive
● 4 GB RAM
● Updated Anti-virus program
Web Browsers
It is recommended to use the current or first previous major release of one of the following web browsers. Javascript must be enabled in order for Canvas to run
● Chrome
● Firefox
● Edge
● Safari on Mac
It is recommended to have a minimum Internet speed of 512kbps.
Additional Recommended Technology
● Printer - recommend for printing worksheets, resources, and learning coach scripts
● Scanner - either a scanner app on a mobile device or a physical scanner
● Headphones
● Webcam
● Microphone
● Second monitor or device to view any digital textbooks
*A chromebook will work for NCS Online and Frameworks, but please research whether a chromebook will be right for your student and family before purchasing one Chromebooks are web-based only and do not have the capability to download and use non web-based applications
NCS K-5 Online
Within the Online Program students are provided content for two weeks at a time to provide flexibility to families if they choose to work ahead. A weekly schedule is provided by the Facilitator to help students progress through the course at an appropriate rate We recommend that students complete assignments daily, but parents may choose to turn in assignments to the facilitator by the weekly due date in the learning management system. Math assignments may be required to be turned in daily in order for the facilitator to provide feedback and ensure that students are making adequate progress. Work turned in after the due date may result in a 10% deduction in points the following day and given no credit on the second day after it was due All work must be submitted, whether or not it is given credit, as the learning of content resulting in grades is reflective of a student’s achievement, not simply of the grades earned If an assignment earns less than 73% for a grade, a student may redo and make up the work to earn up to a 75% for a grade in order to provide the opportunity to master the content. If an assignment is redone it must be submitted within a week of the original due date. No work may be given credit for a redo after that date. No other “redos’ will be considered to raise grades.
When there are extenuating circumstances the student/family must contact the facilitator or area principal to discuss the circumstances to determine how each situation might be handled.
Secondary: Grades 6-9
NCS Online is an asynchronous program that allows flexibility to complete school work from anywhere in the world Regular participation is required to ensure academic success within the program The student is expected to complete work daily in each course. Lessons are published weekly with due dates and a task list for the week. The student must submit work by the due dates set in each course. Because the program is asynchronous, no exceptions will be made for planned absences such as vacations or appointments. Students are encouraged to work ahead to prepare for planned absences. For specific questions related to upcoming work, please contact each facilitator directly The student may be required to repeat the grade if academic readiness is not evident
Each assignment is given a due date in the learning management system. If an assignment is not submitted by its posted due date, the grade may be recorded as a 0 in the grade book. The student will be given until the following Sunday at 11:59 PM to make up the assignment without penalty after which the assignment will remain a 0
Long-term projects are expected to be turned in on their original assigned date and time. If a situation calls for an exception to this policy, the student must contact the facilitator before the long-term project is due.
To excuse any unexpected absence (i.e. sickness, bereavement, etc), a parent(s)/guardian(s) must email the student’s facilitators. Students will have the number of days they are absent plus one to make up any absent work Communication is of the utmost importance in the case of unforeseen absences
Having a routine and daily schedule is very important for student success We highly recommend having a daily schedule that you follow to keep you organized and on track with your school work. This is a sample schedule that you can use or adjust as needed. Time frames may need to be altered due to the varying lengths of daily lessons.
K-5th Grade
8:15 - 9:15
Vocabulary/Reading (5 Min Stretch or Brain Break) 9:15 - 9:45
Spelling/Foundational Skills 9:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00 ELA Grammar/Writing (5 Min. Stretch or Brain Break) 11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
12:30-1:30 Math (5 Min. Stretch or Brain Break)
1:30 - 1:45
1:45 - 3:00
Please note that ELA will be the largest portion of your day as it encompasses many different subcategories (reading, vocabulary, grammar, writing, spelling, and other foundational skills).
6-9th Grade
Time Subject
8:00 - 8:15
Studies / Science
Time Subject 8:00 - 8:50 Bible 8:50 - 9:40 Math 9:40 - 9:50 Break 9:50 - 10:40 ELA 10:40 - 11:30 Elective 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch 12:00 - 12:50 Social Studies / Elective 12:50 - 1:40 Science 1:40 - 2:30 Elective
K-5th Grade Supplies
● Computer - see Minimum Technology Requirements document
● Inexpensive pair of earbuds
● 5 Spiral journals or composition notebooks
● Pencils
● Pink Pearl Eraser
● Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
● Glue sticks
● Index Cards
● White Board
● Dry Erase Markers
● Bible NASB or ESV
● Optional Dictionary/Thesaurus (primary or intermediate)
● Ruler with inches and centimeters
● Math manipulatives
○ Playing Cards
○ Dice
○ Counters
○ Unifix Cubes
○ Base Ten Blocks
○ Fraction Pie Pieces (intermediate)
● Science lab supplies - varies by quarter, common household items)
6th - 8th Grade Supplies
● Computer - see Minimum Technology Requirements document
● Inexpensive pair of earbuds
● NCS Planner (provided)
● 1 5 inch binder
● 7 Plastic Two-Pocket Insertable Index Dividers
● 8.5 x 11 college-ruled filler paper with three-hole punch
● 1" binder - for language arts
● 8 plastic binder dividers - for language arts
● 2-3 Spiral notebooks - for social studies and electives
● 1 graph paper composition notebook - for math
● 1 pack 200 count of 3 x 5 notecards
● 3x3 sticky notes - for language arts
● Pens
● Pencils (refill lead if mechanical)
● Colored pencils
● Pink Pearl Eraser
● 1 pack of red pens/pencils for grading
● 2 highlighters
● 1 scissors
● 4 glue sticks
● Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator (All middle school students in Algebra or Geometry will need a TI-84 graphing calculator
● Bible NASB or ESV
● Science lab supplies - varies by quarter, common household items
9th Grade Supplies
● Computer - see Minimum Technology Requirements document
● Inexpensive pair of earbuds
● Hard copy (paper) academic planner of your choice
● Several one-inch binders w/dividers (5)
● Several large 3-inch binders w/dividers (5)
● 4 packages loose leaf paper (wide or college-ruled)
● 3 composition notebooks
● Several one-subject spiral notebooks (Five Star brand preferred)
● A journal
● Graph paper
● 3 packages lined index cards (3x5)
● 1 package of 3 x 3 post-it note (100 sheet pad)
● Pens
● Pencils (refill lead if mechanical)
● Colored pencils
● Pink Pearl Eraser
● Highlighters
● One package of thin markers
● TI-84 Calculator (required)
● Bible (Physical ESV)
The Middle School facilitators are committed to assisting students in organizing their work This will help them to get the most out of their academic experience. Part of this is a uniform binder organizational system that we have designed for every middle school child. Please have your child’s binder organized for the first day of school in the following manner.
1 Each child should have two 1 5-inch view binders or one 4-inch binder
2. After creating a schedule for your child’s school day, please add dividers and label the tabs of the dividers accordingly:
a. 2 binders: the first 4 classes in the first binder and the last 3 classes in the second binder.
b 1 binder: all 7 classes
3. The last pocket divider in each binder should be labeled “Keep”.
4. In each binder, please place a pencil pouch with the following items: pens (including a red one for grading), pencils, a whiteboard marker, and a highlighter. The items found on the supply list that are not in the binder should be kept in the student’s study area and used when appropriate
5. Each student should keep their NCS planner with their binder(s) and use it for each class.
Google Workspace for Education
Google Workspace for Education will allow access to Gmail, Google Drive, Google Apps, and Google Calendar It is designed especially for schools with productivity and safety in mind These accounts are managed by Northwest Christian School staff and NCS reserves the right to view these accounts without prior notice Only authorized staff will have access to student accounts As the parent of a student at Northwest Christian School, you are entitled to access to your child’s account
Some of the key benefits of Google Workspace for Education are:
1. Increase in communication and collaboration between students and teachers.
2. Storage of student work will be on the Internet and will be accessible from anywhere in the world.
3. No software needed – students will be able to work on projects from home just as they would at school with no extra software needed, Google provides a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, and more!
4. A student’s Google account also provides simplified access to Canvas learning management system and Blackbaud student information system with one username and password.
Additional Services
In addition to utilizing Google's Core services (Drive, Docs, Slides, and Sheets), students may also interact with additional Google services (YouTube, Maps) as well as other education related platforms.
In collaboration with the Technology and Curriculum Directors, teachers may select new platforms to use with their students. These products have been assessed for curricular alignment and age-appropriateness. These services may store and share student data for instructional purposes, such as recording grades to a teacher's account.
For more information regarding instructional technologies, including privacy policies and age-enforced restrictions, contact Allison Van Liew at*
*This document is for information purposes only Parental permission will be given via a fillable version of this form in Blackbaud
Northwest Christian School: Elementary Program
It is our goal that all students find academic success at NCS. For elementary students we have provided the necessary tools for academic readiness and success for the next school year online. Research has shown that academic student engagement over the summer break can provide the skills needed for greater success the next school year We encourage you to have fun with your kids this summer On those days that you have some free time please consider using some of these academic activities to keep their skills sharp for the next school year.
Summer Success Boosters
Go to our website and navigate to the Elementary Program to access the Summer Success Boosters. These activities were created by our teachers for each incoming grade from kindergarten through fifth grade. On the website there is a tab for each grade level. Each grade level tab has resources to help sustain engagement over the summer and prepare for the upcoming school year. These activities provide families the tools needed to assist with the grade that their child will be entering in the fall. Academic content varies by grade level. Information for how to implement the various components is included in the introductory page at each grade level.
Spanish 3rd – 5th Grade
You and your student are able to practice Spanish during the summer Whether you have a rising third, fourth or fifth grader, we have created a website to simplify your child’s self-study NCS students can review what they have already learned in cycle 1 or practice what they will be learning, cycle 2, in the upcoming year. You need only to visit and search for NCS Elem Spanish. Once at the site, students can work openly or create their own username and password.
● 3rd Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 1)
● 4th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 2)
● 5th Grade – NCS Elem Spanish (cycle 3) *Apple users there is a free app for Quizlet.
IXL, VMath, RAZ Kids and Reading Rangers
If your child participated in IXL in our kindergarten through second grade program this last school year, or VMath in our third through fifth grade program, you can continue to enjoy the opportunity to have your children practice their understanding of math concepts and practice math facts through the end of July The login information that was used during the school year is available to students through July of this school year. If your child participated in RAZ Kids or Reading Rangers they may continue with their login information through the end of July to help practice reading.
Summer Reading Program for Students Entering 1st – 5th Grade
The NCS Summer AR Reading Program will be available on campus from Tuesday, June 6th through Thursday, June 29th, 2023. Your children may read and then test on campus on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the month of June to earn points and prizes for fun on campus in the next school year These prizes include, but are not limited to, our school T-shirt and pizza lunches Check out our NCS Elementary Summer AR Reading Program information on our website
Elementary K - 5th
● Shorts, slacks , & capris
○ Black, navy blue & tan only
○ Heavy cotton or twill fabric only
○ Shorts length - fingertips to the bend on the knees
○ Cargo shorts are permitted (not cargo pants)
○ No overalls or jeans
○ No brand restriction on cargo shorts
○ Leggings are not permitted
○ Fingertip length
● Jumpers, skirts and skorts
○ Black, navy blue, & tan only
○ Cotton fabric only (no jersey or polo shirt fabric)
○ Approved Dennis uniform or Educational Outfitters plaids (there are only two)
○ Fingertip length
○ Polo Dresses are acceptable, solid color
● Shirts
○ Button polo (no snaps, zippers, laces)
○ Polo shirts can be layered
○ Any one solid color
○ Logos smaller than a credit card
● Footwear
○ Tennis/athletic shoes only (no wheels)
○ Shoes are to be laced tightly and tied securely
● Hats
○ May be worn outside for protection from the sun. They may not be worn in the classroom or any other school building. Any logo needs to be smaller than a credit card.
● Hair
○ Needs to be the students’ natural color.
○ When combed out, boys must show earlobes, collars and eyebrows.
○ No extreme hairstyles.
General: During “dress down” days students must comply with the basic dress code of covering necessities and length of shorts and skirts. No torn pants/jeans/clothing may be worn during dress down days. Most dress down days occur on Fridays.
Secondary 6 - 9th
Shirts – All Students
All students are required to wear a solid color or striped polo shirt. Non-offensive logos are acceptable as long as the size of the logo does not exceed the size of a credit card Any brand of solid color or striped polo is acceptable In addition, any NCS/NC polo is also acceptable (i e striped golf polo is acceptable) Shirts must be long enough so that if a student’s arms are raised straight above their head, no beltline may be showing. Polo shirts may be purchased from any store as long as the requirements above are met Students may layer shirts under the required polo Students may wear a sweater or sweatshirt over their polo for warmth; however, no shirt is to be worn over the polo unless it is for warmth.
Pants – All Students
Pants must be of a dress pant, twill/cotton or corduroy material Pants may not be made of spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon or other material that have a tendency to cling to the body. No jeggings are permissible. Jeans are not allowed, nor are pants made of denim or blue jean material. Pants must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only Capri pants or cargo shorts/pants are acceptable Overalls are not acceptable
Shorts – All Students
Shorts may be worn throughout the school year. Shorts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side Shorts must be loose-fitting and of a dress pant, twill/cotton, or corduroy material
Shorts may not be made of denim, spandex, lycra, nylon, rayon, mesh, flannel, velour, or terry-cloth. Shorts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color only. Furthermore, shorts must be of a solid and non-extreme color; white is considered an extreme color and is not allowed
Skirts – Girls
Skirts may be worn by girls. The skirt must be “uniform style”. All skirts must extend past the fingertips when the student’s arms are fully extended at their side. Skirts must be of a navy blue, gray, black, khaki green, khaki tan or brown color Skirts may be purchased from Dennis Uniforms These skirts may be navy, blue, khaki tan, or Dennis Uniform approved plaid in color and must meet appropriate length and fit criteria. The only plaids permitted are the two from Dennis. No other plaids are permitted.
On Campus Out-of-Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-No yoga pants/leggings
-No holes in jeans, shorts, or skirts
*Modesty is the general rule
Spirit Week Dress Day Guidelines
-No tank tops
-Shorts/Skirt length must be a minimum of a 4 inch inseam
-Yoga pants/leggings may be worn with shorts over top
-No holes above the fingertips in jeans, shorts, or skirts
-Face paint and temporary hair color may be worn during this week if it goes with the dress theme (we encourage you to apply at home)
-No type of weapon (Real or Fake) is allowed
*Modesty is the general rule
Dress code issues related to modesty and/or judgment calls are at the discretion of the faculty and administration
Modesty is the priority
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program provides NCS students from Pre-K through 8th grade with a fantastic opportunity to pursue their passion of sports in a safe, competitive, fun, andChrist-centered environment. Students who sign up to be part of the Junior Crusaders Program will have the unique privilege and experience of representing their school as Crusaders in a competitive and fun athletic environment. Our Junior Crusader teams will play under the umbrella of CCV STARS and NYS.
Seasons start September 2023
The Junior Crusaders Sports Program is an inclusive program. It welcomes and encourages all Pre-K through 8th grade boys and girls from Northwest Christian, regardless of their ability and prior experience, to participate and enjoy the fun, community-building and great learning experiences that come from being involved in team sports.
Fall 2023 Sports Programs
Sport Grades Gender Registration
CCV Flag Football Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th Co-ed Online Registration: ccvstars com Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Soccer Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5/6/7 Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team CCV Basketball (Peoria Campus only) Pre-K/K 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th 7th/8th Boys & Girls Teams Online Registration: Opens June 13th *Request NCS team Jr. Crusaders Cross Country Grades 2nd - 5th Co-ed ASAP Clubs Tuesdays starting September 12th for 8 weeks Sign up link in August Week at a Glance NYS Volleyball Grades 3rd/4th 5th/6th Girls Online Registration: *Request NCS team Now Open
Northwest Christian Middle School offers the following sports programs as extra-curricular activities for middle school students.
Fall Sports:
-Girls Volleyball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Co Ed Soccer (6th, 7th and 8th)
-Boys Tackle Football (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cheer (7th and 8th)
Winter Sports:
-Girls Softball (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Boys Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Boys Baseball (7th and 8th)
Spring Sports:
-Boys Basketball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Girls Basketball (6th, 7th, and 8th)
-Co Ed Golf (7th and 8th)
-Girls Cheer (7th and 8th)
-Boys Wrestling (6th, 7th, and 8th)
Sports Fee: The Middle School sports fee is $75.00 per sport per season with the exception of football which is $125.00
Fall Try-Outs:
Football equipment handout if in town - Saturday August 5, 2023
Football begins the first day of school Aug 7.
Try-outs for girls volleyball - 7th & 8th grade W & Th 8/9 & 10. 6th grade Fri 8/11 & Wed 8/16
Tryouts for soccer and cheer will begin the second week of school TBD
Sign ups for fall athletics will be at Registration Day 8/2. Specific tryout info will be available then
Grades are taken from gradebooks every week after the first four weeks of the start of the semester to determine the athlete’s eligibility. If the athlete is earning a “F” in any course, they are deemed ineligible, and he or she will not be permitted to play in games for one week. The grades will be reevaluated by the athletic department or principal at the beginning of every week. The athlete may still participate in practice
Northwest Christian High School offers the following sports programs as extra-curricular activities for high school students.
Annual Spiritual Emphasis Theme
Fall Sports:
● 3A Girls Volleyball – F, JV, Varsity
● D-IV Girls Cheer – JV, Varsity
● 4A Boys Football – JV, Varsity
● D-IV Girls Cross Country - Varsity
● D-IV Boys Cross Country - Varsity
Winter Sports:
● D-IV Girls Cheer – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Soccer – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Basketball –JV, Varsity
● 3A Boys Basketball – F, JV, Varsity
● 3A Boys Soccer – JV, Varsity
● D-IV Boys Wrestling – JV, Varsity
Spring Sports:
● D-IV Girls Track – Varsity
● D-IV Boys Track – Varsity
● D-III Golf Coed – JV, Varsity
● 3A Girls Softball – Varsity
● D-III Girls Tennis – Varsity
● D-II Girls Beach Volleyball - Varsity
● 3A Boys Baseball – JV, Varsity
● 4A Boys Volleyball- JV, Varsity
Eligibility: Grades are taken from gradebooks every week after the first four weeks of the start of the semester to determine the athlete’s eligibility. If the athlete is earning a “F” in any course, they are deemed ineligible, and he or she will not be permitted to play in games for one week. The grades will be reevaluated by the athletic department or principal at the beginning of every week. The athlete may still participate in practice.
All Athletes –speed, conditioning & agility Tuesday & Thursday 6/7-7/21 on the NCS softball field 7:00AM – 8:00AM Football is required to do the above conditioning along with the summer weight lifting 4 days a week M-TH - also open to other sports
Summer open gyms in June- those interested in trying out for a High School Team – Contact the Athletic Office for changes
● HS Girls Volleyball Tuesday & Thursday 4:00-6:00 PM Boys Volleyball – Friday 4:00-6:00 PM
● HS Girls Basketball Monday & Wednesday 4:00-6:00 PM HS Cheer Team – T & TH 6-8:00 PM
● HS Boys Basketball Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM
● HS Cross Country Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 6:30 AM contact athletic office for locations
****All incoming 9th graders and new to NCS girls in 10th-12th grade –the second HS CHEER tryout will be early August Contact the Athletic Office for the tryout packet, to sign up and get times
High School Basketball may also play some summer games in June– Basketball coaches set these up –players determined from those at open gyms High School Football will play some 7 on 7 passing league games and possibly attend a Tonto Rim camp the end of July – players by invitation from Coach
High School Cross Country practice and Volleyball tryouts begin on August 7th , 2023-physicals due before to start (Girls volleyball will hold a highly recommended mini-camp for tryouts 8/2 & 3 - prior to the Monday tryouts on 8/7 Sign- ups for season start and tryouts will be at Registration Day in August
High School Football begins their official first day of practice –July 31st, 2023
Completed physicals & RMA accounts due July 28
Those invited to FB camp by Coach Inness will need their physicals in by 7/24 before you leave for camp
Summer is a good time to take care of a few things to be ready for ALL seasons of sport
High School Winter Season begins on October 31st and Spring Season begins on February 6th
NCS will host a sports physical day July 22nd- SignupGeniuslinkforphysicals
$25 paid to NCS and the cost will be donated back to your sport.
● All High School Athletes that participate in a sport are required to have a yearly sports physical prior to trying out-these are loaded on the Register My Athlete website
● ALL Athletes participating in a sport need to have a “Register My Athlete” Account set up online to be cleared to participate the first day. Your physical forms and certificate of completion from the concussion and opoid course will upload here. Link to get started- Register My Athlete | Northwest Christian School (
AIA Requirements to be eligible to participate
All 9th graders and any new student to athletics in 10th-12th grade must take the concussion & opiod course on the AIA website under AIA Academy & Brainbook and upload a copy of the certificate of completion-(if you did this last year you do not have to retake it)
1) If you are a 9th grader you do not need to fill out any other forms for AIA besides the physical & take the concussion and opiod course
2) If you are a new 10th – 12th grader transferring and plan to try to participate in Athletics you need to fill out a 550 transfer form on the AIA website
3) 10th-12th graders that are transferring in from another school - contact the NCS athletic office for eligibility status
HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS- Summer and Clearance Info
NCS is proud to continue with the work of the Northwest Christian Elementary School Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society This is an exciting program at NCS that offers students opportunities to pursue academic excellence and recognition of the development of strong Christian character through service
The purpose of NEHS, a national organization dedicated to academic achievement and character development, is to recognize students for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstration of personal responsibility, to provide meaningful service to the school and community, and to develop essential leadership skills within the students of Northwest Christian Elementary School
● Students must be enrolled in grades 4 or 5
● Students must have been enrolled for at least one semester at NCS
● Students must have a minimum of 90% grade in all subjects, including specials, based on a minimum of two semesters’ performance prior to candidacy
● Students must have earned an ‘E’ in both conduct and work habits in all classes, based on a minimum of two semesters’ performance prior to candidacy
● Students must have a track record of personal responsibility on campus.
Upon meeting the requirements of grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates will be notified and asked to complete a Candidate Form for further consideration for membership The Faculty Council, anonymous faculty appointed by the principal, shall then review the Candidate Forms, Faculty Evaluation Forms, and other relevant information to determine membership Membership is not to exceed twenty-five students for each school year
If a student meets the eligibility requirements listed above, he/she will receive a Candidate Form in July At that point, the form is to be completed and submitted on or prior to the specified due date on the form In August candidates will receive notification of acceptance or non-acceptance as a member
Members will be received into the NCS chapter of the NEHS at an annual Induction Ceremony held each fall. This will be a special time for NCS and invited guests to honor these highly excelling students.
Select elementary teachers will serve as the NCS Advisors to the NCS Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society for 2022 – 2023.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is more than just an honor roll. Each Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character (plus Citizenship for NJHS). These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built. The advisors for our chapter are Mrs. Coughlin and Mrs Shepherd If you are new to NCS and have been inducted into NJHS in your previous school, please bring your certificate to be accepted into NCS NJHS Inductions for NJHS are held in March
Students who have made Principal’s Honor Roll, as determined by the local school's Faculty Council, meet the scholarship requirement for membership These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character (and citizenship for NJHS).
This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.
The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic involvement, has a high regard for freedom, justice, and equal opportunity, and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs
For NJHS, students in the second semester of the sixth grade, or in grades 7 through 9 in a school with both an official charter of the National Junior Honor Society and an up-to-date affiliation with the NJHS national office are eligible for consideration for membership in NJHS. Students must have completed the equivalent of one semester of enrollment.
The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization for high schoolers that promotes leadership, service, character, and scholarship. There are over one million students participating in NHS activities today, in all 50 states and territories of the United States.
The National Honor Society started in 1921 by an association of principals. It was the first honor society created across the country. At almost 100 years old, the NHS is one of the most well-known educational and leadership groups.
The purpose of the National Honor Society is to elevate students’ and schools’ academics, leadership, and community engagement NHS benefits students, communities, and colleges Colleges have a way of seeing the academic and service commitment of an applicant through his or her Membership.
Per NCS guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.65
This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without Compensation.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for Others.
The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record
For more information, please see the NHS Advisor.
Middle School Impact Groups
Here at Northwest Christian School, we are blessed to be a part of a community where students are living in Christian homes, involved in the local church, and attending a Christian school. However, we know that students within the age range of 10-15 years old are forming their own opinions about faith and what they believe. As a way of partnering with our families, each middle school student is part of an Impact Group. These groups are composed of a teacher and a small group of kids of the same-gender and same grade level with the simple goal of building meaningful relationships
Every Wednesday following Chapel, Impact Groups are dismissed to head to their chosen destination on campus. Here teachers have an opportunity to follow-up on Chapel with discussion questions and get to know their group of kids outside of the classroom setting. This may look like Just Dance, Extreme Pictionary, Minute to Win It Games, or Relays but all of it intentionally serves a much deeper purpose. It’s a time for our kids to see us cheering them on, excited that they are “ours” and on our team . . . a time to build meaningful relationships. We are privileged to develop relationships with students, build community and walk them through this stage of life as they enter into a deeper relationship with Christ
High School Community Groups
A key component in providing Northwest Christian high school students the opportunity to develop a biblical worldview is experiencing biblical community One of the primary values of the early church was their dedication to fellowship, or “living life together” (Acts 2:42). We believe that sustained life change happens most effectively within the context of intentional relationships- to grow spiritually, one must be connected relationally. One area of campus life that offers a place for students to connect and grow with one another is Community Groups.
Community Groups provide an environment where high school students can develop personal, intentional relationships within a core community. Groups are composed of students within the same grade and gender (a typical group size is 5-8 students) Freshmen and Sophomore groups are guided by Juniors and Seniors who have been trained and mentored in small group leadership; Junior and Senior groups are led by Northwest Christian faculty and staff. Groups meet every Wednesday after chapel to discuss and apply biblical truth, pray together, and encourage one another. Opportunities also exist throughout the school year for groups to serve together in the community as well as enjoy friendly competition and activities with other groups.
Learning to invest in biblical relationships is an integral part of a high school student’s spiritual development- we believe Community Groups provide an outlet for students to connect relationally as they grow spiritually in following Jesus.
Specific days and weeks will be available via online registration the first week of August.
Intro to Lacrosse
Arizona Lacrosse Academy will be hosting a Learn to Play Lacrosse clinic at Northwest Christian School this fall! Try out the fastest game on two feet! A mixture of soccer, basketball and hockey, Lacrosse is for student-athletes that love action and excitement. We'll provide all the necessary equipment for you to play the oldest North American sport! Grab your friends and join today Grades 3-6th
Jr. Robotics
The Bricks 4 Kidz Junior Robotics class offers all the fun of building with our B4K Lego® Bricks, plus the challenge of computer programming! WeDo 2.0, a drag-and-drop, icon based program is used to introduce kids to computer programming and robotics! Grades K-3
Lego Robotics
The Lego Robotics club will be incorporating Lego® and technology using the Lego® Spike Essential kits! Get ready to build carnival models, cars, games and more! Using the Lego® Spike app, students will use coding skills to add music, movement, and lights to their models for a fun filled class every time! Grades 3-5
Chapel Cherubs
Unlike other clubs, this club meets sporadically throughout the year. This club is an opportunity for those kids who love to praise the Lord through movement and music! Mrs Barrett will enthusiastically lead this group of children to use the Holy Spirit's power and presence in singing praises to the Lord during four to five elementary school chapels, beginning in October-May. Dates are TBD. Grades 1-5
Drone Programming
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas Most importantly, learn it as fun We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun. Grades 5-8
Soccer @ Growth Soccer Club
NCS now has an opportunity with an indoor soccer facility. Growth Soccer Training (GST) is a 12,000 sq feet state-of-the-art indoor soccer training facility that provides a fun and exciting soccer training experience Our highly trained team of coaches focus on tactical & technical skills, ball control/ball mastery, and footwork that is meant to grow your athlete's individual skill level. No matter what their level of play is currently, GST will grow your athlete's soccer skills the right way Grades 1-4
Each week students will get to create a craft and take it home Grades 4-5
Running Club
This running club is designed to help our students become stronger, faster, and smarter runners. Grades 2-5
Crusaders Chess
Chess Emporium teaches a fun and exciting introduction to the game of chess Chess Club begins by teaching students how to play the game, chess openings, tactics, and endgames, while allowing students to practice with their friends. This class provides chess strategies and tournament play. Grades K-8
STEM Robotics
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas
Most importantly, learn it as fun. We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun. Grades 3-5
Specific days and weeks will be available via online registration the first week of August.
Littles Happy Hour
Happy Hour will be an hour full of fun for primary students who love games and growing in their social skills. We will be playing a variety of games, reading fun books and doing some hands-on activities while having fun! Each week will be a different theme so we will be learning while having fun! Grades K-2
Homework Club
Mrs. Roman and high school helpers will give students extra help with practicing spelling words, Bible verses, vocabulary, extra AR time and assistance with any worksheets or assignments. This is not individual tutoring. Grades K-5
PE Play
If you love PE class, then this is the club for you! PE club will consist of all of your favorite games and activities that we play throughout the school year. Some of those games will include kickball, dodgeball and capture the chicken! Grab a friend as we have fun playing and competing each week on the big solar panel field Grades 1-5
Learn self-defense skills and unshakable confidence to overcome bullies without violence. This program teaches verbal assertiveness to deter bullies and non-violent self-defense techniques to stay safe if physically assaulted Importantly, we do not teach how to punch or kick, since this often does more harm than good. Instead, we use leverage-based control holds to neutralize threats without violence. We help prepare children to defend themselves against bullies without turning them into one! Grades 1-5
Snazzy Snacks
Students will create kid-friendly recipes and enjoy eating what they create! Grades K-5
Specific days and weeks will be available via online registration the first week of August.
Intro to Lacrosse
Arizona Lacrosse Academy will be hosting a Learn to Play Lacrosse clinic at Northwest Christian School this fall! Try out the fastest game on two feet! A mixture of soccer, basketball and hockey, Lacrosse is for student-athletes that love action and excitement. We'll provide all the necessary equipment for you to play the oldest North American sport! Grab your friends and join today Grade 6th
Drone Programming
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas. Most importantly, learn it as fun We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun Grades 5-8
Men’s Jiu-Jitsu
Although the art of jiu-jitsu consists of over 600 techniques, studies of real fights conducted by members of the Gracie Family have shown that 36 techniques have been used more often and with greater success than all the other techniques combined. Originally developed for the U.S. Army, Gracie Combatives is the only course that is entirely dedicated to the mastery of these 36 essential techniques. In this program, you will learn the 36 core techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a fun, safe, and cooperative environment Open to all 6th to 8th Grade
Women’s Jiu-Jitsu
Learn how to neutralize the most common attacks ranging from having your hair grabbed to being pinned to the ground by an assailant Unlike most self-defense systems that rely heavily on strength, speed, and coordination, the techniques in the Women Empowered program employ leverage, technique, and timing, so anyone, regardless of age or athletic ability, can make them work against larger opponents. Open to all female students 6th to 12th grade, female staff and moms
As Seen on Pintrest
As Seen on Pinterest Club-- Come join Mrs. Coughlin as we make fun crafts from Pinterest! We will work with clay, paint, crochet, and make other fun projects you get to take home with you!
Crusaders Chess
Chess Emporium teaches a fun and exciting introduction to the game of chess Chess Club begins by teaching students how to play the game, chess openings, tactics, and endgames, while allowing students to practice with their friends This class provides chess strategies and tournament play Grades K-8
STEM Robotics
Neotech mission is to build a global STEM labs platform for students to learn, build and express their ideas. Most importantly, learn it as fun. We focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications. The curriculum is built around 5 principles - Leadership, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity & Learning it as a Fun Grades 6-8
Amateur Radio Club
This club will help students learn the necessary skills for obtaining FCC amateur radio license. Students will learn about the radio arts through a multitude of science, technology, and math-related fields directly and indirectly related to amateur radio Students may also participate in the Northwest Christian Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) Students will also be able to study for and (hopefully) pass the FCC Amateur Radio License (no fee charged). Open to all 6th to 8th Grade students Wednesdays for 10 weeks
3rd and 4th Grade - San Diego Floating Lab Trip, March 2024
Description: The annual elementary excursion to San Diego has become a family favorite each Spring Break Centered around time aboard a half-day harbor excursion the Floating Lab allows students to see the wonders of God’s marine creations up close. The trip affords families discounted opportunities to visit a creation museum, Scripps Aquarium, and the San Diego Zoo Costs are varied based upon the activities and events each family chooses. Additional information will become available to families in September.
5th Grade Camp
Description: Traveling to a sleep-away camp in northern Arizona, the fifth graders will enjoy a time of fellowship and learning that is centered around a distinctively Christian science-based curriculum. Students will spend two nights at the camp Though the final prices will be determined after some fundraising this fall, historically, the camp has been in the neighborhood of $150 per student
6th through 8th Grades - Serve the City
Description: This is an amazing opportunity for all MS students to serve those in need in our local community! Students spend 2 nights and 3 days together as we serve and partner with various ministries around town to help our fellow community members who are in need.
8th Grade - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor. With additional info to follow from 8th grade Bible, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support
8th Grade - End-of-the-Year trip
Description: It is a tradition for many years that 8th grade students end the school year with an exciting event (local or out of town)! Watch your email for more information
9th through 12th Grades - Kids Kingdom Orphanage in Imuris, Mexico, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Description: This is a service opportunity for students to experience a culture that is different from ours. The goal of the trip is to help give NCS students a new perspective of service in hopes of fostering a love for serving the poor With additional info to follow, the cost of the trip varies but students will be involved in raising their support. Additional information regarding the orphanage can be found at:
9th through 12th Grades - Fine & Performing Arts Trip
Description: The every-other-year HS choir trip is an incredible opportunity for high school students to experience major cities around the world This year’s trip will include musical instruction and performances that speckle the itinerary promoting skill development and a greater appreciation of the arts. For more information, please email Julie Dennis at Don’t miss out on this one in a lifetime experience!
9th through 12th Grades - Washington D.C. Trip
Description: Faith, history, and education come together in Washington, D.C. on this school trip! Students grow in their personal faith while exploring the nation’s capital Devotionals, prayer time, and scripture are integrated into this educational Christian student travel program to ensure that students have a unique and spiritually rewarding experience while learning about our nation’s history and culture. For more information, please email Mrs Waymire at dwaymire@ncsaz org