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Chapter 2: Installation


cp /usr/local/share/asymptote/asy.vim ~/.vim/syntax/asy.vim and add the following to their ~/.vimrc file: augroup filetypedetect au BufNewFile,BufRead *.asy setf asy augroup END filetype plugin on If any of these directories or files don’t exist, just create them. To set vim up to run the current asymptote script using :make just add to ~/.vim/ftplugin/asy.vim: setlocal makeprg=asy\ % setlocal errorformat=%f:\ %l.%c:\ %m Syntax highlighting support for the KDE editor Kate can be enabled by running in the /usr/local/share/asymptote directory and putting the generated asymptote.xml file in ~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/.

2.8 Subversion (SVN) The following commands are needed to install the latest development version of Asymptote using Subversion: svn co cd asymptote ./ ./configure make all make install To compile without optimization, use the command make CFLAGS=-g.

2.9 Uninstall To uninstall an Linux i386 binary distribution, use the commands tar -zxvf asymptote-x.xx.i386.tgz | xargs --replace=% rm /% texhash To uninstall all Asymptote files installed from a source distribution, use the command make uninstall

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