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FEBRUARY 24, 2014








NISG candidates receive support

Jacinda Ruggles/Northern Iowan

Presidential and vice presidential candidates Kevin Gartman and Paul Anderson (left) debate alongside presidential and vice presidential candidates Coorey Cooling and Eric Boisen.

With the opening of UNI’s LGBT* Center on Dec. 10 of last year, we began a conversation about what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or any number of other spectrum identities as a student at UNI. The center is a bold and necessary first step towards the safety and success of every queer student at UNI, and it will strengthen the

They understand that diversity is a complex issue involving a number of identities. entire university community in its contribution to diversity and inclusion.

There is much progress yet to be made to fully support LGBT* students, however, and that is why I am endorsing Corey and Eric for NISG president and vice president. They understand the strong and urgent need for genderneutral housing and restrooms, and have pledged their support to the cause so that every student may be safe and comfortable in

the spaces in which they live and do their business. They understand that diversity is a complex issue involving a number of identities and they understand the part they may play as advocates and allies for communities like my own. If you are an LGBT* student, or an ally to our community, I encourage you to vote for Corey and Eric on Feb. 25

and 26 on MyUNIverse. I have been involved in the LGBT community at UNI for almost four years now, and I trust that they will work with our community to continue moving forward toward making our entire campus a truly safe space. -Daye Pope Senior political communication major and former UNI Proud president

Former senator impressed by candidates’ work The Norther n Iowa Student Government election is in full swing and all the candidates are busy campaigning. Both tickets have been speaking to different student groups and promoting their platforms. It is important for the student body to be aware of what is happening on campus. NISG plays an important role, from handling student fees to lobbying for students to faculty, administrators and even

It is important for the student body to be aware of what is happening on campus

state legislators. So, who becomes the president and vice president of NISG is indeed an important question.

I am supporting Corey and Eric for this year’s election. As a part of this year’s NISG Senate, I not only believe this ticket has the balance between the understanding of the functions and the operations of NISG, but also their experience with the student body and the ideas they bring on the table. Corey, as election commissioner, was able to successfully conduct the NISG elections for 2012-13 where

Eric has been a phenomenal senator for College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Both of them have invested their time in NISG from their freshman year and that gives me the confidence that they will be able to formulate their platform into action. Given their “7 years of combined experiences with NISG” I can depend on them. I’m sure you have heard why they are running and what makes them qualified.

If you have not or want further detail please visit their election site www. coreyeric.com. This is an important time of the year and they need your support to make your experience at UNI even better. I am voting for them because I believe that they can deliver what they are promising. -Parash Upreti, Former senator of the College of Business Administration.

Dance Marathon director takes a stance on NISG For those of you who haven’t heard, the Northern Iowa Student Government elections are upon us and are your opportunity to have a voice in who makes decisions for you this upcoming year. You have the chance to make a difference on this campus and decide who will be your leaders, your voice and your representatives on campus, to the Board of Regents and across the nation. The people we elect as our next presi-

dent and vice president will be given a task greater than most of us are willing to take on. They will make major decisions that will change the face of our campus. We need people who are willing to serve from their first day in the office. We need dedicated, responsible, positive and passionate students to help lead our student government. We need Corey Cooling and Eric Boisen! Corey Cooling — passion-

They will make major decisions that will change the face of our campus

ate, hard-working, a natural born leader. These are all words people would use to describe the characteristics of this great presidential candidate. Standing next to

him, Eric Boisen, who can be described as caring, dedicated and willing to do whatever it takes to make a difference for students. It has been my honor to work with both of them over the past year and a half and I don’t know any two students that would make a better team than these outstanding campus leaders. NISG experiences are critical for someone to be successful in these roles. Corey and Eric are the only

team running that has NISG experience; the experience I believe is necessary to have a successful term. They have done their part reaching out to share their story. It’s now up to us to make a decision. Join me in making a difference by voting for Corey and Eric! -Nate Dobbels UNI Dance Marathon Co-Executive Director and former ISU student government vice president

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