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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: •

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityherald.corn • classifiedsObakercityherald.corn• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 230 - Help Wanted out of area

330 - Business Op­ portunities

355 - Day Care Union 360 - Schools & Co. Instruction LIBBY'S CHILD CARE 2012-2013

360 - Schools & Instruction

380 - Service Direc­ tory OAK HAVEN ICindergar­ SEWING ALTERA­


':g I".

2 days prior to publication date


470 - Tools

I NDUSTRIAL L I N D E has openings for all Beckie's Studio of Dance ten registration open TIONS 8E REPAIRS. wire welder i n g r eat ages. Mon. t h rough 211 Fir, La Grande. for Fall, Mon — Thurs. Hems, pockets, zippers, cond. 541-519-7658 F ri. W a r m , l o v i n g , Offers: Tumble ballet, 12-3, M. Ruth Daven­ suits & gowns, any homelike atmosphere. b allet, p o i n te , t a p , item. Leave msg: port, 5 4 1-663-1528, 480 - FREE Items I ND EPEND ENT 541-805-4972. 541-786-5512. LG Call (541)786-8790 for Iazz/hip-hop, modern. CONTRACTED details. All skill levels ages 3 710 - Rooms for FREE GOLF: 380 - Service Direc­ SPRING CLEANING. No HAULER 1/2 to adult. Rent SIGN UP NOW needed forthe Reigstration: Thurs. tory Iob too big or small. 8 vvvvvv.quailndqeqreens.corn 360 Schools & NOTICE Baker City Herald on yrs experience & ex­ Aug 23, Fri. Aug 24, ANYTHING FOR All real estate adver­ Monday, Wednesday Instruction and Mon, Aug 27. cellent r e f e r e nces. A BUCK tised here-in is sublect and Fnday afternoons. 541-519-5120, BIC 9am-10am 8r ACCREDITED, PRIVATE Same owner for 21 yrs. DRIVERS: C H O OSE to th e F e d e ral F a ir Please fill out an 5:30pm-6:30pm. C hristia n S c hoo l , y ou r ho m e t i m e : information sheet at the 541-910-6013 H ousing A ct , w h i c h 385 Union Co. Ser­ 541-962-0800, grades 1-8. Now ac­ weekly, 7 / o n-7/off, CCB¹101518, LG makes it illegal to ad­ Baker City Herald, 541-805-831 7 vice Directory cepting a p p l ications 1 4/on-7/off, f u l l o r vertise any preference, 1915 First St., for 2012-2013 school DANCE ARTS Inc. Reg­ BOONE'S WEED 8r Pest DIVORCE $135. Com­ p art-time. $ 0 .0 1 i n ­ limitations or discnmi­ Baker City year. A l l d e n o mina­ istration 2012-2013 Control, LLC. Trees, crease per mile after 6 7:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. plete preparation. In­ nation based on race, tions accepted. Call months. Requires 3 Season. Classes begin Orna m e n t a l & cludes children, cus­ c olor, r e ligion, s e x , Monday through Friday 523-4165 or 519-1715 Turf-Herbicide, Insect September 10th: Crea­ months recent experi­ tody, support, property 505 - Free to a good h andicap , f a mi l i a l & Fungus. Structural ence. 800-414-9569, tive dance, m o dern, and bills division. No home status or national on­ ballet, Iazz, hip hop, Insects, including Ter­ court appearances. Di­ INDEPENDENT g in, o r i n t e n t io n t o traveling competition mites. B a r e g r o u nd vorced in 1-5 w e eks 5 KITTENS: 6 wks old. MONTESSORI CONTRACTED make any such prefer­ Super fnendly. Baker. PRESCHOOL teams. Ages 3 and up. weed control: noxious NEWSPAPER possible. e nces, limitations o r 541-51 8-1 042. Classes taught by Pa­ w ee ds , a q uat i c is now enrolling 3­ 503-772-5295. CARRIERS WANTED discnmination. We will DRIVERS:INEXPERI­ tricia Sandlin, over 35 weeds. Agriculture & and 4-year olds for www. pa raega I laIt erna­ Deliver The Obserer not knowingly accept ENCED/EXPERI­ COW/BIRD DOG cross R ight of W a y . C a l l tives.corn, Tuesday, W ednes­ years of teaching ex­ to homes in any advertising for real ENCED, U N BEAT­ pups. 3 mo. old. 2M. D ou g Bo o n e , COVE day, and Thursda penence. Visit the new divorce©usa.corn. estate which is in vio­ ABLE career opportu­ 541-571-7186. Baker 541-403-1439. B IC morning classes in website for more infor­ Mon. Wed. & Fn. lation of this law. All n ities. Trainee, c o m ­ m at i o n at t he Fal l . Ope n The Observer persons are hereby in­ pany driver, lease op­ Contact FOUR KITTENS, 8 wks C EDAR/Chain Li n k d O r 541-963-31 61. H ouses a t 16 12 erator, lease tnaners. old, Call after 4pm for fences, new construc­ F ourth St. w i l l b e call 541-910-2205 or 877-369-71 04, m ore i nf o r m a t i o n , t ion , re m od e l i n g , 541-963-7383. Monday, Aug. 13th, 541-786-8684 www.centraltruckdnv­ INVESTIGATE BEFORE h andyman s e r v i c e . 6:00-8:OOPM, Thurs­ formed that all dwell­ in gl ob s. co m. YOU INVEST! Always HEIDI HO Christian Pre­ G reat ref e r e n c e s . i ngs a d vertised a r e d ay, A u g . 23r d , G ORG E O U S G RA Y a good policy, espe­ school & Kindergarten CCB¹ 60701 Ihip Car­ 11:OOAM-1:OOPM available on an equal m ale k i t t e n , po t t y is celebrating 40 years cially for business op­ t er Cons t r u c t i o n , and 6:00-8:OOPM, opportunity basis. t rained & ke nne l ortunities & f ran ­ of education and car­ 541-519-6273, BIC. HOUSING OPPORTU­ TIME FOR CHANGE? p and W e d nesday, trained. Needs a very EQUAL chises. Call OR Dept. ing for young children. NITYY H aney Truck Line i s A ug. 2 9 t h , f ro m 435 Fuel Supplies g oo d h o m e ! Now enrolling chil­ COLTON seeking top-quality, o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) 11:OOAM-1:OOPM 541-605-0265 G REAT W EEKL Y dren ages 3-5 for the 378-4320 or the Fed­ COMPUTERS professional truck driv­ and 6:00-8:OOPM. RATES: Ba ke r City eral Trade Commission 2 012-2013 s c h o o l offers affordable, ers. Positions available P lease bring y o u r A MIXED SPLIT, $175. Motel. Wi-Fi, color TV, at (877) FTC-HELP for year. W e a r e S t a t e reliable computer now. CDL-A, hazmat, c hild fo r a vis i t . Red fir in round $175, m icrowave , f ri d g e . f ree i nformation. O r C ertified a n d o f f e r services. Call doubles required. Call Phone 963-6908 for split $200. 541-910-4661 541-523-6381 o n-site c h ildcare f o r v isit our We b s it e a t 1-541-406-0380 now, 1-888-414-4467, more information. Free to good home ads students before and or visit us at: www. Go Ha ney. corn. F IREWOOD $ 18 5 8 E ROOM FOR rent, $320. are FREE! after school. Contact www.coltonre air.corn $200 in t h e r o u nds; Utilities included, par­ 3 lines for 3 days. us for more informa­ PIANO LESSONS 345 - Adult Care $210 & $225 split, sea­ tially furnished, plus tion CT LAWN Service: Mow Ages 48r Up soned, delivered in the Union Co. cable. 541-962-7708. weed eat & f l o w e r­ schoolhh©eoni.corn or Jo ul Sounds Studio valley. L a G r a n d e, LG beds 541-519-5113 or ADULT FOSTER home Where students develop a (541 ) 963-8795. (541 ) 786-0407. SPAYED, GENTLE (ex­ 541-523-9006. Ba ker love of music & in La Grande has im­ 720 - Apartment cept w/ cats) 5 yr Irish enjoy learning ro play m ediate opening f o r There's an easy way for FIREWOOD TAMARAK, Wolf Hound. Doesn' t Rentals Baker Co. piano! D 5. H Roofing 5. male or female resi­ you to sell that bicycle R ed Fi r m i x , $ 1 6 5 541-91 0-3992 bite, bark, lump up, or ADULT LIVING. Quiet 1 d ent, p r i vat e r o o m . you no longer use. Just Construction, inc c ord. $2 0 0 s pl i t . chew. Housebroken, joyfulsounds88.corn bdrm, 1 b at h a part­ Ca II 541-91 0-7557. advertise it in classified! CCB¹192854. New roofs 541-805-1 971 . had all shots. Doc Sav­ ment. Laundry on site. & reroofs. Shingles, agee — 541-962-1596. B eautifu l b ui l d i n g . metal. All phases of S EASONED FI R E ­ construction. Pole build­ WOOD, deli v e r e d. YELLOW LAB & black W/S/G included. Close by Stella Wilder to park & downtown. ings a specialty. Mixed $150, Tamarack newfoundland, older & 2134 G r o v e St . Respond within 24 hrs. $180. 541-786-2112. f ixed, n e e d good hasn't done his orher part to secure some­ MONDAY, AUGUST20, 20)2 your eyes on the prize at all times today. $ 600/mo p lu s d e p . 541-524-9594 B IC home! 541-962-7134. 541-523-303 5 or 440 - Household Born today, you have such a strong and LIBRA (Sepc 23-Oct. 22) — Once you thing valuable for you. 541-51 9-5762 DO YOU NEED - You' ll come Items progressive sort of creative energy that it is make a start, you' ll find it easier than expect­ ARIES (March 21-April 19) ­ 550 - Pets Affordable Denture very likely you will be at the vanguard of all ed tokeep the momentum up.A body in to a better understanding of circumstances AVAILABLE SEPT. 1st. FOR SALE: 2 refreigera­ Service? that is new and exciting in whatever line of motion tends to stay in motion. that are changing all around you. Someone tors, 1 upright freezer. AKC Y ELLOW La bs. 2-bdrm. W/S/G paid. $ 100/ea. 1 k i t c h e n 5-M, 3-F. Ava ilab le $470/m o p I u s $300 work you adopt as your own. It is likely a SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — A partner­ else seems to becalling the shots. Troy Stewart, LD now. Parents on site. dep. 541-980-5553 range, $50. All in good certain line of work will adopt you at anearly shipofsortsmay be forged,and both parties TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You will BLUE MOUNTAIN w orkin g order. 541-519-6515 DENTURE CENTER age, and not the other way around. You are will be surprised at how easy it is to fall into a find yourself welcoming someone into your CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm.: 541-524-1 637 21 94 Co urt St. something of a visionary, and you are con­productive rhythm. home who, only recently, was aloose cannon S tove, f r i dge, d i s h­ Baker City, Or 97814 w asher, $ 4 0 0 / m o . stantly coming up with notions that have SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) threatening you in someway. REFRIGERATOR FOR (541) 519-4696 or Contact Nelson Real re concerned with safety and security ­ never been thought of before; some of them You' GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -­You' ll be sale. $50/OBO. Clean (541)523-4752 Estate, 541-523-6485 a nd w o r k s gr e a t ! may never amount to anything, and someare both personal and professional. You want to asked to chime in about a problem that is 0I e ven i n g s 509-641-2227 YOU TOO can use FRANCES ANNE sure to come to fruition —but all will be valu­ be sure that your money is being spent wisely. developing in the personnel department­ 541-856-3932. t his attention g e t ­ YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E - You but your ideas may berather unorthodox. able to you in the development of your skills CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19) ­ ter. Ask a classified EXTERIOR PAINTING, 445- Lawns & Gar­ IN BAKER: Studio, $300 and talents. can accomplish something that means agreat CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You' ll get dens r ep how yo u c a n Commercial @ rent. Most utilities pd. TUESDAY, AUGUST21 deal to you, if not others. In time, however, it what is needed today — but only just in time. get your ad to stand Residential. Neat & No pets. $ 300/dep. 4X12 G R AY Te r r ace LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You'll want to will be widely acknowledged. You may have little time to prepare before out like this! efficient. CCB¹137675. 541-853-231 3 bncks. 200 plus. $1/ea. look at things more closely than usual. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You' 541-524-0369 ll you are in the spotlight. 541-523-9021 TAKING A p plications Putting everything into proper perspective receive information that doesn't mean much fEDIIORSF ch dq u pl » t n Hc w t g t h t e for two 2-bdrm, 1 bath may take more brainpower than expected. at first ­ - but it is likely to matter a great deal K.C. Home Repair 450 Miscellaneous COPYRIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC a partments . Q u i e t , VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepc 22) ­ - You know before the day isouu DISIRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICK FORUFS No Job too small completely remodeled. lllOWd tSt K » Q t y l AOall0a Mtl25567l4 Fences, decks what you want, and you' ll know how to get it PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) —Youmaybe AVAILABLE AT No pets. D ow ntown & total remodel when the time comes — but you must keep disappointed to learn that someone else THE OBSERVER l ocation. $ 6 9 5 / m o . Inter ior/Exterior Please call between NEWSPAPER Painting 8 a.m. ­ 5 p.m. BUNDLES 541-519-8875 541-523-4435 Burning or packing? CC B¹1 71 31 2 $1.00 each Baker City 605 - Market Basket 725 - Apartment NEWSPRINT Rentals Union Co. ROLL ENDS KERNS RASPBERRIES: JACKET 8r Coverall Re­ DORM R OOM $2 0 0 . Art prolects & more! $25/FLAT. You p i ck pair. Zippers replaced, Economical off-street p ossible o r plac e p atching an d o t h e r Super for young artists! 41 Nothing at all ACROSS $2.00 8r up o rders b y c all i n g office spaces, . All heavy d ut y r e p a irs. utilites paid. Northeast 42 Heifer's Stop in today! 541-523-547 8 or Reasonable rates, fast Propert y M g mt 541-856-3595, Haines. service. 541-523-4087 1406 Fifth Street 1 Handlebar mouthful Answer to Previous Puzzle 541-91 0-03 54. or 541-805-9576 BIC 541-963-31 61 44 Friction easer feature TACO TUESDAYS AN Y A L EC C R E E CENTURY 21 5 Word­ 46 Enroll Tacos — $1.50 JIM'S COMPUTERS CEMETERY PLOTS PROPERTY Golf 1/2 pnce after 2 PM 51 Drop behind processor BY E L I RA H A L S On site service & repair w ill t a k e a n i n­ MANAGEMENT vvvvvv.quailndgegreens.corn Wireless & wired function 52 DOWntoWn crease as of July 1, ES C A L L OP I N FO networks 2 012. I have t w o 9 Brief craze ChiCago 620 - Farm Equip­ La Virus & Spam Removal T E H E E S E A L side-by-side lots for 12 Imported car 53 Compare notes ment & Supplies Jim T. Eidson s ale that a ls o i n ­ 13 Brain, maybe 55 Nay opposite GNU GI D D Y 541-519-7342 - Baker c lude p e r p e t u a l FORKS, HEAVY duty (541)963-1210 59"x 6", $1500. Snow 14 Feel grateful 56 Singer www.jimeidson.corn care a t a good QU O I R CO R I 0 P low, 10'x 3' , g o o d — Brickell pnce. 541-523-7523 15 LugoSi Of CIMMARON MANOR UR L S D AH Y A NG c ondition , $ 1500 . "Dracula" ICingsview Apts. 57 Bath decor L oader bucket 9 3 " x DO YOU need papers to 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century AG A DU N E E T T A 58 Okra morsel 16 OahL! neighbor 1 1/8 yd., fair condi­ start your fire with? Or 21, Eagle Cap Realty. 59 Wildlife 17 Be a burglar tion, $4 00 . O p t ional D E FO E ZE N a re yo u m o v i n g & 541-963-1210 18 Thrilling hangouts coupler system for all need papers to wrap URS A U T T E R 3. Pictures available those special items? CLEAN 1 bdrm in 60 Vigorous 21 Mantra chants email kkh711©q.corn. Tn-Plex, w/s/g pd, I LK S P RQ B A B L E The Baker City Herald enthusiasm 22 Expected 541-523-449 9 o r at 1915 F i rst S t r eet HUD approved, $350, CO A T A LA I S I L any time 541-519-1670. Baker 541-963-4071 . sells tied bundles of LAWN SERVICE, flower DOWN 23 Dandy papers. Bundles, $1.00 HU N S M OT E PA Y beds, tree t r i m ming, CLOSE TO EO U, 1 each. 26 Luau strummer 630 - Feeds rototilling. Baker City, bdrm, most u t i lites 6-20-12 © 2012 !JFS, Dist. by Univ. !Jclick for !JFS 1 Chatter 28 Hot COffee 541-523-1677 pd. No smoking/ pets, GREAT PRICES CERTIFIED WEED free 2 Wishes hazard c oin-o p l au nd r y , We buy all scrap OREGON STATE law re­ Alfalfa an d o r c hard $375/month $300 dep, one hadn' t 32 Theory 6 Without the ice 10 Errant Gl metals, vehicles & g rass, $ 1 0/bale o r q uires a nyone w h o 541-91 0-3696. 3 Doing nothing 34 Command 7 Stonehenge 11 New socialite, batteries. Site contracts for construc­ $180/ton. 4 Stevie cleanups & drop off tO Fido 541-523-5081 worshipper for short t ion w o r k t o be CLOSE T O E O U2 , bins of all sizes. Wonder's 36 Elbow OPPOSite censed with the Con­ bdrm, 3rd floor, most 8 Repugnant 19 Dallas campus Pick up service HAY FOR Sale: 1st Crop utilities paid, coin-op struction Contractors instrument 37 CoaCh 9 ­ — song 20 Site of a tie available. Alfalfa & Alfalfa-Grass, Board. An a c t ive laundry, no smoking, 5 Reveals 39 D.C. gun lobby (cheaply) 23 Be adapted to Sam Haines Enter­ $150/ton. Small bales. no pets, $450/month. cense means the con­ 24 Kind of poem pi ises No chemicals. Some tractor is bonded & in­ $400 dep. 541-51 9-8600 lower quality hay avail. sured. Venfy the con­ 541-91 0-3696. 25 Green veggie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 541-403-2897 (541)519-0693, Baker. tractor's CCB license 27 Munich single CLOSE TO EOU, studio, all through the CCB Con­ 29 Fay's role in 12 13 14 MEAT FOR dogs. Raw u tilities p d . $425 . s ume r W eb s i t e "King Kong" 91 0-0811 hamburger, frozen. www.hirealicensed­ 650 - Horses, Mules $ .50/lb. 541-403-4249 30 Grass skirt contractor.corn. 15 16 17 CLOSE TO park & pool, go-With AND horse sale: 2 bdrm , no TYPES scrap iron, MULES POE CARPENTRY ALL H e I I s C a n y o n M u I e smoking/pets,coin op 31 Mid-Atlantic st. car batteries, a p p li­ 18 19 20 laundry, $405/month, 33 CheCkbOok no. • New Home ances, old cars & elec­ Days, Saturday, Sept. Construction 8th at 6:00pm, Enter­ $300 dep. 910-3696. 35 Road-show tronics. Free drop-off • Remodeling 21 22 pnse. Managed by In­ a nytime. 4 0359 O l d givers "WELCOME HOME" • Additions termountain Livestock. Hwy. 30, (off the 306 38 Flung • Shops, Garages More info/consigning, exit, 2nd d rive w ay) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 • Tile & Intenor Finish Call call IML 541-963-2158 40 Catch a bug M oye s p l ac e , • Decks & Fences or 800-824-5298. Sale (541) 963-7476 43 Vacuum tube 541-51 9-41 20. Fast Response forms online at hells­ 32 33 34 35 36 45 Espresso & Quality Work can onmuleda s.corn NORTHEAST OREGON GREEN TREE with milk Wade, 541-523-4947 CLASSIFIEDS re­ 38 39 40 41 APARTMENTS or 541-403-0483 46 Famous clinic serves the nght to re­ 660 - Livestock 2310 East Q Avenue CCB¹176389 47 Like good I ect ads that d o n o t La Grande, OR. 97B50 42 43 44 45 comply with state and WE BUY all classes of tmana cheddar er@ slcommun>t>es.c federal regulations or horses, 541-523 — 6119; 48 Pocket change that a r e o f f e n s ive, J.A. Bennett L i v e­ 46 47 48 49 50 49 Lobster order false, misleading, de­ stock, Baker City, OR. Income Restnctions Ap­ 50 Miss Cinders l ly ceptive or o t herwise Professionally Managed 51 52 53 54 unacceptable. of old comics 690 - Pasture by 51 — of luxury 460 - Musical Col­ GSL Properties 55 56 57 54 Howard or SCARLETT MARY LMT WANTED: SPRING or Located Behind La umn 3 massages/$100. summer pasture for 25 Berry Grande Call 541-523-4578 2 00 p l u s c o w s . OLD UPRIGHT piano in 58 59 60 Town Center Gift Certificates 541-889-585 3 or g ood condition w i t h Baker City, OR stool. 541-51 9-7658 208-741-0800. ATTN E L K Hu n t e r s. Guide Iobs avail. If you are a n e x p e rienced "archery" elk hunter w/ good e l k c a lling skills & 6-15 wks avail­ ability for the CO sea­ s ons contact u s a t : 41 7-594-081 6.




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