Membership Application Enclosed April 2016 Issue 2
A Quarterly Publication of the Northcrest Civic Association
Northcrest Civic Association Becomes a Reality ~ by Jim Taylor
Calendar of Events Monday, April 18, 2016 - 6:30 p.m.
These are good times for Northcrest. As property values grow, new neighbors move in and businesses recognize the opportunities available in this community. Motivated neighbors have donated considerable time and effort to establishing a clear and powerful voice for Northcrest. The Northcrest Civic Association now serves as an official communications conduit for all Northcrest neighbors who want to affect change in this beautiful and unique neighborhood. Neighbors who choose to show their support with a yearly $20 household membership have first-hand access to pertinent information concerning potential issues, improvements and developments in and around Northcrest. While the civic association is not political in nature and imposes no rules or requirements on neighbors, it does stand ready to assist members with information, contacts and a unified community voice should they ever need it.
DeKalb County Council Meeting Chamblee Library(Chamblee Tucker Rd.) DeKalb County Council Meeting to discuss Embry Village, Kroger renovations and SLUPs. Saturday, April 16 - 9:00 a.m. to noon Northcrest Spring Clean up Days — sponsored by Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club Come out and help make our neighborhood looks great! Saturday, April 16; Sunday April 17th and Saturday, April 23rd Suggested neighbor clean up prior to the Tour of Homes.
On March 15, nearly 100 Northcrest residents gathered at the Northcrest Golf Driving Range to learn about the new Northcrest Civic Association. The case for the organization was presented and bylaws were approved by those in attendance. Over 60 households have already pre-registered as members to show their commitment. An interim board has been appointed to serve through the fall while basic association functions are established. The meeting was led by longtime Northcrest neighbor Chuck Hunt, who served on the previous Northcrest-Pleasantdale Civic Association’s board in a variety of roles before the group dissolved about a decade ago. A core group of volunteers presented initial ideas for reviving the association based on months of research and diligence. Those volunteers included Debora Knott, Sheryl Nelson, Ingrid Nuss and Jim Taylor. Several other members contributed to the discussion with their own ideas and opinions. Again, neighbors were assured that a civic association is not and will not be an HOA. Volunteers stressed that the primary objective of the association has always been to serve as a communications tool for all neighbors. The association is intended to represent the interests of all participating members to a variety of outside businesses, government agencies and other organizations who may have an effect on our lives as residents in Northcrest. Significant topics included the size of the board, term limits and re-election schedules. After a few tweaks, those in attendance agreed to move forward with a set of bylaws that closely resemble bylaws used by previous civic associations in Northcrest. A follow-up meeting of new volunteers appointed an interim board to serve until elections in the fall. The new interim board is: Ingrid Nuss, president Debora Knott, vice-president Diane Buchanan, secretary Colleen Walsh, treasurer Chuck Hunt, immediate past president Con’t on Page 2 Northcrest News
Sunday, April 24th - 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Northcrest Tour of Homes Four Homes, see brochure for details, rain or shine Sunday, April 24 - 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club Open House — Light refreshments and restrooms available Sunday, April 24 - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Northcrest Meet Your Neighbor Potluck — sponsored by the Northcrest Civic Association, Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club, and Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club - Bring a fun dish to share with neighbors! Sign up and learn more at Saturday, May 14 - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Neighborhood Treasure and Plant Sale — sponsored by the Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club (3490 Bowling Green Way – Rain or Shine) Tuesday, April 26th, 2016 7:30 p.m. Northcrest National Historic Registry Nomination Presentation (Northcrest Golf and Driving Range) Georgia State University (GSU) Heritage Preservation student presentation of the Northcrest filing.
Northcrest News
National Register Nomination Update ~ by Paige Lozier Georgia State University (GSU) Heritage Preservation students have finished preparing Northcrest’s National Register Nomination and submitted the first draft to the State Historic Preservation Division for review and comments. The final draft of the Nomination will be complete this month and students will soon present their findings to the neighborhood. Please join us at the Northcrest Golf Driving Range on Tuesday, April 26th at 7:30 PM for a presentation of the National Register Nomination. Presenters will discuss what the National Register is, the advantages of our listing, the history of Northcrest, the types and styles of architecture found in the neighborhood, the recommended boundaries, contributing and non-contributing properties, as well as a discussion of the next steps in the process. Let’s show our gratitude and support for all of the hard work these students have put in on April 26th!
UPS Noise Abatement Update ~ LaToya Johnson The first meeting with UPS took place at Commissioner Jester’s office on March 2, 2016. The issues of noise pollution, light pollution, flooding, exhaust and property value were discussed. The noise ordinance violation of the business along with the previous out-of-court settlement due to the noise was brought to their attention. The petition of 86 signatures was given to them as physical representation of the number of people negatively impacted by business operations and as evidence that the negative impact is not limited to one or two streets. The alternatives of white noise back-up alerts and spotters were provided to them. Spotters are currently in the written OSHA regulation for their type of business. They have declined hiring spotters due to constraints of needing to hire several people at various hours and due to safety concerns. The white noise back-up alerts wil be be evaluated by OSHA to determine if they are within regulation. Mark Green and Frank Morris of UPS visited the homes of Mark Ostrowski, David King and myself on Thursday, March 31, 2016 after 10:30 p.m. in order to experience first-hand the disturbance to our community’s quality of life near the business. Their busiest times at night are 10:30 p.m. -12:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. due to shift operations prepping for truck arrivals and truck departures. UPS is conducting noise studies and reviewing mitigations presented during the meetings and home visits. A tentative date for the next meeting is the first week of May. In an effort to bring UPS more into the community fold, we suggested the meeting be held at the library or golf range. Once a meeting date, time and location are firm, the community will be notified. Please continue to call and e-mail both of them about your concerns, as they are responsive. Mark Green Email: Phone: 678-746-3771
Frank Morris Email: Phone: 678-746-3771
Northcrest Civic Association Becomes a Reality
Con’t from p1)
Other members volunteered to chair various initial committees including community affairs, communications, schools, and a neighborhood watch. Neighbors who are interested in getting involved in these or other committees should reach out to the association via e-mail at Members can learn more about what the Northcrest Civic Association can do for them at
Calendar of Events(con’t) Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Pleasantdale Elementary STEM Day Looking for Neighborhood Volunteers! Please email me at Julie_R_Jacobusse@
Emily GILSTRAP, Northcrest Neighbor and Active Hoe n’ Hope Garden Club Member Emily Varina Anderson Gilstrap, age 93, passed away recently. “Emily was a sweet, amazing Northcrest neighbor and friend who lived a very wonderful, full life, with many of those years on Eaglerock Drive. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation,” reports Amanda Wollnick, Hoe n’ Hope Garden Club President. The Hoe n’ Hope Garden Club will send a $50 donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in honor of Emily. An abbreviated obituary follows: Emily was born on October 6, 1922, in Americus, GA. Emily helped her father run the Anderson Floral Shop in Americus when she was a teenager. She attended Harper’s School of Floral Designing in Atlanta in 1940, and received her Associates degree from Georgia Southwestern College in 1941. The Gilstrap family lived in the Northcrest subdivision in Doraville, GA, from 1977 thru 2011. Emily’s husband, John, passed away in 1987, shortly after their 45th anniversary. Emily was a homemaker, wife and mother, and enjoyed volunteering. Emily loved planting flowers and plants, tending her yard, feeding the birds, playing bridge, and enjoying her family and friends. She was always a ready helper with decorating for special church events and is especially known for the remarkable bows she tied during the holidays. In lieu of flowers, Emily requested that donations be made to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, www. Arrangements entrusted to Crowell Brothers Funeral Homes. Services took place on April 11th. Online condolences may be expressed at
Northcrest News
Northcrest Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club ~ by Amanda Wollnick and Debora Knott On October 22, 1963, a group of women in Northcrest gathered for the first time to form the Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club. Several of those original members are still active at meetings and social events today. The group now meets monthly from September through May. In addition to monthly topics of discussion, there is always ample social time to share a glass of wine and usually awesome food!
bor” potluck dinner at the Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club. This is a great opportunity to share Northcrest history, enjoy our active clubs and meet your neighbors. The Hoe N’ Hope Treasure and Plant Sale – Saturday, May 14 The Northcrest Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club is collecting “treasures” for another fabulous sale. If you would like to donate “great stuff” please contact Debora Knott at and we will make a point to come pick it up—or have your own yard sale and tag on to free advertising to make Northcrest the hot place to shop. The Garden Club does a great job of getting the word out on social media and creates a neighborhood sale map.
Meetings often feature an expert speaker on a variety of topics related to gardening, as well as the history of Northcrest. February speaker was a representative of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and the March speaker is our own neighbor and landscape architect, Danna Cain, speaking about “Pets and Landscaping.” Hoe N’ Hope has always been active in Northcrest and the surrounding communities. One of our proudest accomplishments is the planter box and Northcrest sign at the Northcrest – Regalwoods entrance. The club maintains the flower beds and keeps the box in good repair all year round. For more information about the Garden Club and meeting dates, find us on Facebook. Search for “Hoe n’ Hope Garden Club” and ask to join the group.
Don’t forget the plant sale! – Tomatoes, chocolate beauty and golden peppers, Japanese red maple, creeping fig, irises, camellias, shasta daisies, dollar plants, succulents, nandina and many, many more! Save up for your spring plantings or donate your extra plants to sell.
This year we are very proud to be the sponsor of the National Historic Registry. Funds raised from the 2016 Tour of Homes will go towards the upcoming National Register Nomination for Northcrest to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Please consider giving a generous donation to support this important work! Donations will help cover the costs of filing the nomination AND allow the neighborhood to retain a copy of the submittal. A donation jar will be provided at each home featured on the Northcrest Tour of Homes. Northcrest Spring Clean-Up Days - April 16 – 17th, April 23
In recognition of our Tour of Homes event, the Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club is promoting Northcrest Spring Clean-Up Days. We are requesting that neighbors beautify our neighborhood by helping to ensure the curbs and surrounding areas are picked up. We know many of you walkers already do this as you make your rounds. The club is available to help those in need – contact Debora Knott ( or 267-872-3495). We are also happy to come and help divide plants, and replant. If you wish to thin out your yard or garden, we will sell any extra perennials you may choose to donate at our Treasure and Plant Sale!
Northcrest Hoe ‘n’ Hope Garden Club EVENTS Northcrest Spring Clean Up Days Saturday and Sunday, April 16 – 17th, Saturday, April 23rd Northcrest Tour of Homes Sunday, April 24th, 2016, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Four Homes - See Brochure - Rain or Shine
Tour of Homes – Sunday, April 24, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club Open House Sunday, April 24th, 2016, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00p.m. Light refreshments and restrooms available
Please note the Tour of Homes flyer in the Northcrest Celebrates Spring Package. It contains the history of the homes and a handy map. Neighbors are invited to tour the homes between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Northcrest Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club thanks the four homeowners who have volunteered to be on the tour! There will be shoe booties at each site, as well as Hoe N’ Hope volunteers. The owners are typically happy to discuss the remodeling and restoration of their homes.
Northcrest Meet your Neighborhood Potluck (Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club) Sunday, April 24th, 2016, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Bring a fun dish to share with neighbors! Neighborhood Treasure ‘n’ Plant Sale Saturday, May 14, 2016, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. 3490 Bowling Green Way – Rain or Shine
To make this a truly neighborly day be sure to tour the Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club and take advantage of snacks and public restrooms. The evening will conclude with a “Meet Your Neigh3
Northcrest News
Northcrest Origins ~ by John Eaton
Planting for a Wildlife Sanctuary
Resident Frank Vego
~ by Sigrira Sivitsky
When entering Northcrest via the north entrance to Regalwoods Dr., the first thing one sees is the lovely Northcrest sign dividing the entry and exit lanes. The second thing one sees are the brick entry posts to either side of the driveway to the first house – if one isn’t paying attention (or maybe a little intoxicated), those posts are an easy target (and have been hit by inbound traffic on more than one occasion). It’s especially easy to become distracted by the oriental-fantasywonderland of the house behind the driveway, the house customized by Frank Vego.
In the last newsletter I shared how my husband and I have created a Wildlife Sanctuary here in Northcrest that has been certified by the National Wildlife Federation and by The Audubon Society. I want to discuss in more detail what steps we took to get started to help anyone else who is interested in doing the same. When we moved in, we had a lawn, sweetgums, tulip poplars and many tall pine trees. The mature trees are great, and it is important to keep them all unless they are diseased. Tall trees are considered the “canopy” of the garden. For wildlife to thrive in the garden they also need “understory” trees and “groundcover,” which we were lacking. We started by waiting to see what was already there without anyone weed trimming or using pesticides (which is best avoided to create a healthy environment for our birds and other creatures). Our patience was rewarded, and there were lots of understory tree seedlings, especially native redbuds, sugar berry, mulberry and some dogwoods. We simply thinned them out and transplanted some to the front yard. We only bought a few trees/shrubs, such as the native mayhaw and sweetshrub, and planted native winterberries, beauty berry, blueberries and blackberries as food for the birds.
Figure 1: Georgia Shaker at the 1964 NHRA Nationals
Frank Vego was a WW2 pilot and survived two plane crashes before becoming the proprietor of Frank Vego Ford on Buford Hwy and becoming friends with Howard Hardrath and Paul Edwards. He maintained many radio and TV ads with his tag line: “AAwwayy Ve-go!! “ which is both fondly remembered (and sometimes less so) by local residents. At one time during his 50 year career Frank Vego Ford was the world’s largest Thurnderbird dealer and also the original sponsor of Hubert Platt and his 1964 Ford Thunderbolt “Georgia Shaker.” The Vego Ford logo can be found on the car and remains on the die-cast and plastic model-kit renditions of the “Georgia Shaker.”
If you don’t already have seedlings coming up or prefer not to wait, there are lots of local native plant sales in the spring. It is also good to have some evergreens for the birds to nest in during winter. Ground cover was a bit more challenging because much of what was there was ornamental non-native grass and lawn. The ideal of big lawns is becoming outdated as more people realize the positive environmental impact of having more ground cover and also how much value it adds to our homes. It is not necessary to get rid of all the lawn. Simply begin by creating native perennial flowerbeds. We are gradually increasing these and choosing plants based on what they provide for wildlife and what we like.
In 1965, “Warren Field” was developed for Pop Warner Football and Little League team play. It was renamed “Vego Field” in 1966 after Frank Vego donated additional acreage – Frank worked with football legend Johnny Unitas, who was instrumental in starting Pop Warner Football in Georgia. The 24 ½ acre park was later renamed “Pleasantdale Park” and managed by Dekalb county. The park includes a press box built by P&H Builders. Northcrest residents raised money to put in the walking trails and pay for playground equipment. Frank passed away at age 89 in 2013, but his legacy still remains in some of the architecture and beauty that makes Northcrest unique.
For example, finches love the seeds from black-eyed Susans, hummingbirds enjoy native coral honeysuckle and butterflies need host plants like milkweed for the caterpillars to survive and transform. We were lucky to discover native passionflower in our backyard which is amazing and looks like an alien plant. It is a host plant to the exotic looking fritillary, which starts out as a cool spiky caterpillar and becomes a pretty orange butterfly. Some plants that we consider weeds are actually rich sources of food for the bees and for us. Dandelion greens, for example, are delicious in salad (as long as you don’t use pesticides) and taste kind of like arugula. They are one of the first sources of food for bees in the spring. Dandelion greens are served in restaurants and are for sale at the farmer’s market, but can effortlessly be grown in our gardens. 4
Northcrest News If you are interested in creating your own Wildlife Sanctuary, these spring months are the perfect time to allow your garden to show you what treasures it holds. It may be a pleasant surprise that what you may have thought of as unwanted “weeds” could become some of your most prized native beauties.
gaming and lottery equipment and providing security cameras. Many thanks are in order to the neighbors who made the trek to Decatur during rush hour and met at private homes and public venues to discuss and present ideas to the owners of the property. Special thanks go as well to Commissioner Nancy Jester and staff for mediating. One of the negotiated points was that a contact person hold regularly scheduled meetings to ensure this business abides by the negotiated settlement and addresses any future concerns.
A few resources:
We look forward to a great new business coming into our community and their establishment of a positive working relationship with its customers from Northcrest.
Books: A Blessing of Toads by Sharon Lovejoy & The Naturalist’s Garden by Ruth Shaw Ernst GA native plant society: Beech Hollow Native Plant Farm: http://www.beechhollowfarms. com/ National Wildlife Federation SE: Audubon Society Atlanta:
Pleasantdale Elementary Update ~ Mrs. Julie Jacobusse Thanks Northcrest Neighbors for being so supportive of our Zoo Atlanta partnership. Our science teacher Ms. Drukman had a GoFundMe account that many of you contributed to, and the account raised over $500 in one day. Thanks to all of you who donated to help support our STEM program. We are also having a STEM Day on Wednesday, May 11. If anyone would like to be a presenter or set up a booth in the cafeteria on this day please e-mail me at
Development and SLUPS ~ by Debora Knott A group of concerned citizens from surrounding neighborhoods recently convened regarding the changes occurring with the Chevron station at the corner of Northcrest and Chamblee-Tucker Roads. They negotiated what they hope was the best outcome between the concerns of neighbors and welcoming a new business enterprise to our neighborhood. The Chevron station is empty, but will soon be dismantled and a shiny new shop will take its place.
The Toddler Time we hosted in March went very well. We read the Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, made caterpillar headbands and decorated flower pots, planted flowers and ate snacks. Thanks again to those who came.
These meetings were held and decision-making had begun prior 1 FRONT ELEVATION A02 to the formation of the Northcrest Civic Association. During this process, those involved clearly recognized the need for more efficient neighborhood organization and improved communication in these types of situations. SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"
Primary concerns about the proposed new gas station/convenience store/drive through restaurant were: traffic, a family friendly environment and an upscale, attractive building with quality services. Neighbors asked that the physical building take on an MCM design. Thanks to the suggestions of a resident architect, Kathleen Curry, the design was changed and now represents an “MCM look” that better aligns with the architecture of the neighborhood. Many compromises were reached including designing an entrance and exit system to ensure efficient traffic flow during rush hour. A commitment was received from Commissioner Nancy Jester that traffic flow would be monitored and improved. This is even more important now that the Kroger may be expanding. Other decisions included: keeping alcohol limited (no “singles” sold), minimizing
Thanks to all our sponsors and advertisers in this second issue of the Northcrest News. Your contributions help cover the cost of our printing, distribution and other expenses. If you are interested in advertising in future issues, please contact Debora Knott at knottdebora@ Special thanks to these good neighbors for lending their talents towards this issue: Debora Knott, Jim Taylor, Sheryl Nelson, Ingrid Nuss, John Eton, Sigrira Sivitsky, LaToya Johnson and Amanda Wollnick.
Northcrest News
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If you’d like to sponsor an upcoming edition of Northcrest News and advertise your business or organization to Northcrest neighbors, please contact Debora Knott for a media kit.
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If you’d like to sponsor an upcoming edition of Northcrest News and advertise your business or organization to Northcrest neighbors, please contact Debora Knott for a media kit.
Northcrest News
Membership Application Please Print Clearly Member Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Member Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________ Mobile Number:________________________________ Email: ________________________________________Email: _______________________________________ If you have supplied an email address we will automatically sign you up for online newsletters and updates. Please check if you DO NOT wish to be enrolled in this new service. Please check box if you DO NOT want your name, address, telephone number and email address to appear in the Northcrest Civic Association directory. Yearly Dues: $20 per household. Please make your check payable to Northcrest Civic Association and return this completed form along with your dues payment, to the address below. Thank you! Committee Interests: Communications - pr, social media, website, marketing, branding and digital media Community Affairs - this will include zoning, local government, and community outreach Neighborhood Watch - crime and safety Social - welcoming committee, social events planning, and membership School Issues
Northcrest Civic Assocaition 3577 Chamblee Tucker Rd Ste A, #295 Atlanta, GA 30341 15
Northcrest News
Helping Northcrest sellers get the HIGHEST price for their homes - one sale at a time! 4O4.556.1733 4O4.975.955O