North Star Vol. 4, No. 3 (1985)

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I was routnded by Art HoILand tn hls lctter of Januaql 2?, L985, that he uantod evel1rone OUI THERE to knov that the trortb Cormtry

1. Jln l,Iarnels, Iresldent,

helf of

lot us glvo prlorlty to tbls natter at orrr Sprlng meetlng.

Tral1 has not gono alralr non that tflnter ts hore. ft tg true that ln some parts lt 1g undcr up to two fest of snou. The Pennsrylvanl Ieg of the trall has been htbernatlng under about a foot and a Enout

soft, tfilte,


crlbably beauttful". out tJeere, at ttrls tLnc of the year, ls ln poesesolon of a speclal beauty, lnconparable to an;r other saasotr. If you bave not experlenced the NCT ln the t{lntcr, I reconnard 1t to you nost btghly, on your ona tvo fcet, on crosscountry skils, on snouohoes, snou camPlnsr your carlera. GO FOn If. It ts there, Just for YOU! The North

Uestern Mtcbtgan

2. A Eeprcscntativc

frorn: 8r Hestcra Pcnnr. tratLs Assoc. b. Tbc Blngcr lc.kcg & Gr.oups ln l{cu fork c. Tbc 0h1o Buckcyc tral1 Group d. A Mtnncsota Pcrson c. A North Dakota Pcrson



thts Etlttor of the NCTA NELISIEIIER n111 be plana{ng to recetvez frou any and q]1 meubers present at tbe Sprlng ncetlngr speclflc lnfor:natlon of arJroue that ls lnterested ln advertlstug I.n the I{EIISLEf,TER. EDilOTE


The crrment NEJSTEITB, v111 be


In the eyes of tbls Edttor, shose celvcd by all those ubo are on tbe nalllng llst as provlded bY our Yislon 7s n/zo corrected wlth Ileasuron, f,en Gaclclcr. ff, aayl{0I End-to-tad tJre bifocal lensee, Hlke ls slovly and srrely shapLng one has bcen Dtssed, pleaee let thls Edttor knov. up ntth a target date for about five yoars hence. I vould ltkc to HIKEA,SI LTVE IOITGER ses us set the'year at our Sprlng (f raeetlng. an uonderlng hor 199O sounds and

feels to the rest of

Ihc corulttee for the End-to-hd

Hlke Lncludesi


Bob Drles - l{CtA Preetdent Peter tlolfo - I{0I4 l.Icnber #1 Art Holland - NCTA Hero of tbc



at Ea:rard and Stanford lhtvsrslttes report that exerclgc keepa peopJ-e allve longer. The two unlvcrslt!.ss foll-oved the habits and health of 171000 Bldill aged and older nea, and found a dlrect rclatlonshlp betuecn the Ievel of physlcal actlvlty and the length of l:lfe. The studlr also

Jobn Btpps, N0TA Nersletter Edltor IlDked high blood pressurc and ton Gllbert,l U.D1 Dept. of Parks cardllo-vascular dlsoase to the


to sec eddltlonal members of th{s comltteo to uould I!.ke


of physical fltness. Thts ls un-

doubtedly nhy ne have gs na\y hca.Ithy, actlve sontor cltlzens ln tho hlklng and trall organlzat{ons through out thc country.

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