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40 廖詠蕙 / 父親 / 21歲 / 演講社學生 有一張照片它對我來說很重要的原因是,我從來沒有想過我的父親會那麼早離開我。那當 我長這麼大再回來看小時後的照片,這是一張很親密的照片,我就發現好像過了這個年紀 之後我就和媽媽比較親了,所以等到父親離開我,我就覺得這些過去的日子好像就永遠不 會再有了,時間一直在往前走,所以這張照片永遠讓我記得我是如何成長過來的,這就是它 對我很重要的原因。 她的父親大約在六十歲時過世,當時的Halley只有十來歲。因此她對父親的印象滿模糊的。 在父親過世後,她母親向她說了很多關於爸爸的事,這些幫助她對父親有更深一層的認識。 在她心理,她一直知道爸爸很愛她,但在母親說了這些後,她才漸漸懂得爸爸過去的用心良 苦,開始感激起爸爸過去所作的一切。

Yung-Huei Liao / Father / Age 21 / Student in speech communication The reason this picture means so much to me is I never thought that my father would leave me so early. When I already grown up and look back on the picture of my childhood, this is the one which was so intimate. And I found that I seemed to be closer to my mother after that age in the picture. Therefore, when my father left me, I suddenly found that these past days would never come again. Time is always moving forward. So this picture reminds me of how I become who I am now. That’s why it’s so important to me. Her father died at around sixty when ‘Halley’ was only about 10 years old. She remembers very little about her father. Her mother was instrumental in rediscovering her father because she used to tell her stories about him after he died. She always knew in her heart that she had a strong feeling that her father loved her but she started to really appreciate and know him only after hearing about what he did from her mother.

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