Nor Or 11 April 2013

Page 9


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 11, 2013

A TIMELY BOOK; WHAT WAS WRITTEN IN IRAN DURING THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE YEARS. By, Sarkis Mahserejian As the sun was setting on the last days 2H& 8"1"3!"-& <?><9& & (& 46!)#,0#$%& 026,"&& 1())"*& PM6$-#,"Q& & #$& R"-"'($9& & 46!)#,0"*&& S-3#$"& :5& T26$*(FU#($O,& & ,"12$*& !22F& /#/)"*9&&PV0(/&V(,&V-#//"$&W$&W-($&86-#$%& D0"&S-3"$#($&7"$21#*"&R"(-,Q5&D0#,&!22F& is a much needed addition for the Genocide documentation. D0"& (6/02-O,& ,4"1#()/+& #,& 10"3#,/-+9& !6/& 642$&-"/#-"3"$/&H-23&/"(10#$%9&,0"&)#'",&#$& S-3"$#(&H2-&/0"&32,/&4(-/5&8""4&*2.$&,0"& #,&'"-+&3610&#$/"-",/"*&#$&/0"&,/6*+&2H&#3@ 42-/($/&$(/#2$()&#,,6",&/0(/&0('"&12$,63"*& +"(-,&2H&-","(-10&#$&/0"&'(-#26,&(-10#'",5&D2& /0#,&"$*9&,0"&46!)#,0"*&0"-&G-,/&0#,/2-#1()@ *2163"$/(-+&&!22F&#$&<?>?9&/#/)"*9&&P&DXY&& ZY[ZYMMW\;&\J&&ZY[SDZWSDY8&SZ]Y@ ;WS;M& 8LZW;7& DXY& MDS^W;& YZSO& (& '"-+&,2-"&,6!U"1/&/0(/&0(,&-(-")+&!""$&12$@ sidered. S-3#$"O,& ,"12$*& !22F& #,& *#'#*"*& #$& C& ,"1/#2$,5& W$& /0"& G-,/& 4(-/9& /0"& (6/02-& "N@ plains the purpose and the usefulness of /0"&"$*"('2-&(,&(&-"H"-"$1"&!22F&H2-&H6-/0"-& studies. The second section includes the reports 2H&())&W-($#($&4-",,&2H&/0"&)(,/&1"$/6-+&/0(/& printed the day to day happenings of the massacres and deportations of the Armeni@ ($,&!+&/0"&\//23($&H2-1",&#$&/0"&21164#"*& territories of western Armenia. The earliest -"42-/& 123",& H-23& >_?`& 4-#2-& /2& /0"& G$()& !)2.&2H&>_>A&())&26/&%"$21#*"5&W/&#,&$2/".2-@ thy to mention that some of these newspa@ 4"-,& ."-"& & 4-2@D6-F#,09& !6/& $"'"-& /0"& )",,& 102,"& /2& -"42-/& /0"& 02--"$*26,& "'"$/,& #$& /0"&2//23($&Y34#-"5 The third section includes the eye wit@ ness accounts of Persian historians, liter@

(-+&($*&42)#/#1()&G%6-",&.02&)#'"*&*6-#$%& the Armenian Genocide years. These eye@ witnesses are, Mohamad Ali Jamalzadeh, Z"K(& 8#'($!"%#9& Y,3(#)& Z(+#O$& & ($*& 8-5& D26-(U&&[(-1#5&D0"-"&#,&!(1F%-26$*&#$H2-3(@ /#2$&&(!26/&/0","&H26-&&4"-,2$()#/#",5 D0#,&<B?&4(%"&)2$%&!22F&#,&#$&C&)($%6(%@ ",9& D0"& 2-#%#$()& J(-1#& a["-,#($b9&S-3"$#($& ($*&Y$%)#,0&/-($,)(/#2$,5&D0"&36)/#&)#$%6()& $(/6-"&2H&/0#,&!22F&3(F",&#/&(11",,#!)"&/2&(& wide range of readership. W$& /0"& 12$1)6,#2$9& /0"& (6/02-& 4#1F,& ($& issue and criticizes those who try to mini@ 3#K"&&D6-F"+O,&%6#)/&!+&!)(3#$%&7"-3($,9& E-#/#,0& ($*& /0"& c".,& (,& 12@12$,4#-(/2-,& 2H& the genocide. The main fact is that, it was Turkey that occupied the Armenian home land and from the inseption of the Young turks rise from Salonica, they were intent on annihilating the endogenous peoples of those lands, namely the Armenians and 2/0"-&3#$2-#/#",&)#'#$%&#$&0#,/2-#1()&.",/"-$& Armenia.

Turkish Banks Not Immune From Suit From Page 7

!"#$%&'()#*)+&,"-'"*&.#/0&/0"&1234)(#$/5 The recent decision also applies to a related case, styled as a purported class (1/#2$& 6$*"-& $(3"*& 1)(,,& -"4-","$/(/#'"& 7(-!#,& 8('2+($9& :(,"& ;63!"-& <=>?@1'@ ?ABCB5& D0"& E($F,& G)"*& ,#3#)(-& 32/#2$,& /2& *#,3#,,&#$&!2/0&1(,",&($*&/0"&126-/&#,,6"*&(& joint opinion focused on the facts alleged in 8('2+($& ($*& /0"& ,"4(-(/"& (-%63"$/,& *"@ '")24"*&!+&/0"&/.2&,"/,&2H&4)(#$/#I,5 &J2))2.#$%&)2$%@",/(!)#,0"*&-6)",&2H&#3@ 36$#/+&-"12%$#K"*&!+&())&$(/#2$,9&L5M5&)(.& (!-2%(/",& /0"& #336$#/+& H-23& ,6#/& #$& L5M5& 126-/,&/0(/&#,&/-(*#/#2$())+&(I2-*"*&/2&H2-@ eign states and their agencies and instru@ mentalities in a few limited situations. The 126-/& .(,& $2/& 4"-,6(*"*& !+& (-%63"$/,& that the Banks were not immune from suit !"1(6,"&/0"&())"%(/#2$,&12$1"-$"*&1233"-@ 1#()&(1/#'#/+&.#/0&(&12$$"1/#2$&/2&/0"&L$#/"*& States. The court also rejected an argument 46-,6"*&!+&/0"&8('2+($&4)(#$/#I,&/0(/&/0"& "N4-24-#(/#2$& "N1"4/#2$& /2& /0"& #336$#/+& -6)"& (44)#"*& !"1(6,"& /0"& 4)(#$/#I,O& ($1",@ /2-,& 0(*& "I"1/#'")+& !""$& ,/-#44"*& 2H& /0"#-& Ottoman nationality at the time of the tak@ ing. Rather, the court adopted the Bakalian 4)(#$/#I,O& (-%63"$/& /0(/& H216,"*& 2$& /0"& ."))@*"'")24"*&!2*+&2H&063($&-#%0/,&)(.& that has emerged in recent decades and argued successfully that international law #,&'#2)(/"*&"'"$&.0"$&(&,/(/"&"N4-24-#(/",& the property of its own nationals, if the tak@ #$%&2116-,&#$&/0"&12$/"N/&2H&3(,,#'"&063($& -#%0/,&(!6,",5&D0#,&*"1#,#2$&#,&#$&)#$"&.#/0& those of other federal courts around the country, as well as human rights treaties

/0(/&D6-F"+&0(,&,#%$"*&($*&-(/#G"*5 Although the court’s jurisdiction to hear /0"&1(,"&#,&$2.&",/(!)#,0"*9&/0"&126-/&6)/#@ 3(/")+& *"/"-3#$"*& /0(/& !2/0& 1(,",& ,026)*& !"&*#,3#,,"*&!"1(6,"&/0"+&4-","$/"*&42)#/#@ 1()&d6",/#2$,5&D0(/&#,,6"&#,&$2.&,6!U"1/&/2& (44"()& !"H2-"& /0"& ;#$/0& :#-16#/& :26-/& 2H& Appeals.

Stepan Partamian The Fervent Researcher Book Review by Dr. Minas Kojayan V0"$& ."& ,4"(F& 2-& .-#/"& (!26/& M/"4($& Partamian, one of our community’s most #$/-#%6#$%& G%6-",9& ."& 36,/& $2/& !()F& H-23& 6,#$%& (*U"1/#'",& ,610& (,& P6$#d6"9Q& P6$@ common,” “singular,” or “strange,” since all are apt descriptions of his character and (11234)#,03"$/,e(,&($&(-/&(1/#'#,/9&(&/")@ "'#,#2$& 02,/9& ($*9& ",4"1#())+9& (& -","(-10"-5& S&1(,"&#$&42#$/&#,&0#,&)(/",/&,"-#",&2H&!22F,9& dedicated to the history and culture of the S-3"$#($@S3"-#1($&12336$#/+5 W$& <??_& [(-/(3#($& 46!)#,0"*& R",9& V"& X('"9& .0#10& .(,& H2))2."*& !+& R",9& V"& X('"& D22& ($*& #/,& S-3"$#($& /-($,)(/#2$9& S+29&]"$F&Y$F5&M6!,"d6"$/)+9&#$&<?><9&/0"& (6/02-& -")"(,"*& 0#,& 32,/& 12)2-H6)& '2)63"& yet, The Armenian in America. All of these 46!)#1(/#2$,& (//",/& /2& /0"& *#,/#$1/$",,& 2H& [(-/(3#($O,& .2-F9& !6/& (),29& #$& 4(-/#16)(-9& his passion as a researcher. The Partamian ."&0('"&123"&/2&"$U2+&2$&/")"'#,#2$&,1-""$,& 126)*&$2/&0('"&2I"-"*&($+/0#$%&)",,5 [(-/(3#($O,& R",9& V"& X('"& ,"-#",& 4-"@ ,"$/,& (& ,.""4#$%& 2'"-'#".& 2H& S-3"$#($@ S3"-#1($& (10#"'"3"$/,& #$& ,1#"$1"9& /"10@ nology, art, literature, politics, journalism, 1233"-1"9& ,42-/,9& ($*& 2/0"-& G")*,5&S,& H2-& his latest work, The Armenian in America, #/& -"%#,/"-,& (,& (& !-"(/0/(F#$%& '#,6()& 4($2@ -(3(&2H&S-3"$#($@S3"-#1($&)#H"9&#$&.0#10& the author presents, with the passion of a pilgrim, hundreds of photographs that de@ 4#1/&S-3"$#($&)($*3(-F,&(,&."))&(,&46!)#1& signs containing Armenian references. [(-/(3#($&0(,&*-#'"$&/026,($*,&2H&3#)",& across the United States to compile the ma@ /"-#()&H2-&/0"&4-2U"1/5&X"&0(,&'#,#/"*&(&/2/()& 2H& `A& ,/(/",9& 402/2%-(40#$%& "'"-+& S-3"@ nian school, church, cultural or commercial landmark, monument, and street or high@ .(+&,/-"/10&!"(-#$%&($&S-3"$#($&$(3"5&X"& 0(,&/0"$&*#,/#))"*&/0"&3(,,#'"&402/2&12))"1@ /#2$& #$/2& /0"& >f<@4(%"& D0"& S-3"$#($& #$& America, complete with detailed captions, which are sometimes sprinkled with his !#/#$%&1233"$/(-+5 The Armenian in America is a documen@ tary work of outstanding meticulousness, /0"&/+4"&2H&'2)63"&/0(/&-"d6#-",&46!)#,0#$%&

houses to deploy *2K"$,&2H&"N4"-/,& and spend a great deal of money. W/& #,& -"3(-F(!)"9& therefore, that /0#,& !22F& #,& /0"& work of a sin@ gle author, pho@ tographer, and *",#%$"-5& S,& W& leaf through The Armenian in S3"-#1(9& W& #3(%@ ine Stepan Par@ tamian, with his ,#%$(/6-"&!"(-*&($*&%)"(3#$%&0"(*9&*#%#/()& camera dangling from his neck, rushing out of his car and taking photos of a geno@ 1#*"&F0(/10F(-&a,/2$"&1-2,,b5 Partamian has spared neither time nor "N4"$,"&H2-&/0"&3(F#$%&2H&D0"&S-3"$#($&#$& America, hoping that, through it, the world .#))& )"(-$& /0(/& 0#,& 4"24)"& 0('"& $2/& 2$)+& %#'"$& #$'"$/2-,& ($*& #$*6,/-#()#,/,& /2& /0"& L$#/"*& M/(/",9& !6/& 0('"& 0")4"*& "$-#10& /0"& American landscape with structures and )($*3(-F,&6$#d6"&/2&S-3"$#($&16)/6-"5 W$& [(-/(3#($O,& .2-*,9& H-23& /0"& 4-"H(1"& 2H& /0"& !22F=& PS-"& 26-& %)2-#G"*& :0-#,/#($& 4"*#%-""& ($*& /0"& 7"$21#*"& ())& /0(/& ."O'"& g%#'"$O&/0"&.2-)*h&S,&#342-/($/)+9&1($&."& (I2-*& /2& !"& ,2& 3+24#1& (,& /2& #%$2-"& /0"& "N/-(2-*#$(-+9& 2H/"$& 0#,/2-+@3(F#$%9& 12$@ /-#!6/#2$,& 2H&S-3"$#($& #$*#'#*6(),& /2& 06@ 3($#/+9& ($*& /2& H(#)& /2& "$126-(%"& /0"& $"N/& generation of outstanding Armenians to 1-"(/"& ($*& #$'"$/& /0#$%,& /2& /0"#-& 0"(-/,O& 12$/"$/hQ D0"&S-3"$#($&#$&S3"-#1(&.(,&"*#/"*&!+& W,0F0($& c#$!(,0#($5& [(-/(3#($& 0(,& *"*#@ 1(/"*&/0"&!22F&/2&/0"&)(/"&X(-26/&R"-"/,#($9& 0#,&!")2'"*&H-#"$*&($*&*-#'#$%&H2-1"&!"0#$*& ^2,&S$%")",O&#12$#1&S!-#)&E22F,/2-"5 D0"&S-3"$#($&#$&S3"-#1(9&4-#1"*&(/&i`?9& #,&('(#)(!)"&H2-&46-10(,"&(/&S-3"$#($&!22F@ stores and online at www.TheArmenian. com.

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