Glimmering Puzzles: Science Images 2018~2019/浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿2018~2019

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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019


Insect Mohawk 張旭

熱帶雨林是一個物種多樣性極高的生態系,生 存在這裡每個物種的個體,每天都面臨存亡的 挑戰。為了生存,每個物種都發展出各種方法 來隱蔽或保護自己避免被捕食者掠食。這種生 活在枯葉堆中的菱蝗(枝背菱蝗亞科),便是

技術說明 Technical Introduction

攝 於 馬 來 西 亞 婆 羅 洲 熱 帶 雨 林。 使 用 Olympus EM5

MARK II 相機 + 60mm 微距鏡頭,配合雙頭閃光燈,微 調色彩明暗度。拍攝個體不到 2 公分較為微小,且顏色




區 2 公分,前胸背板向後延伸成半月板狀,看

This image was photographed in a tropical rainforest on the


island of Borneo, Malaysia. Olympus EM5 MARK II camera + 60mm macro lens with double-headed flash were used.


Fine tuning of color and shading was carried out. This


insect is small, less than 2 cm in length. Moreover, its color matches with the surrounding environment. It took a

Tropical rainforests are ecosystems of high of biodiversity. Every organism faces the daily challenge of survival. To avoid being eaten by predators, each species develops various strategies of camouflage or defense. This pygmy Paraphyllum grasshopper (subfamily Cladonotinae) inhabits piles of fallen leaves. It is a delicious meal for various predators. Its body is about 2 cm in length. The pronotum extends into a crescent shape like a Mohawk. Its color is similar with that of its surroundings and its shape resembles a withered leaf, providing perfect camouflage.


第四屆 佳作

lot of time to find this animal subject during a search of the leaves lying next to a path.

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