25 Year Anniversary Giving Edition

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25 years

twenty-five years of making a difference

Northwest Minnesota Foundation -

Resource - Anniversary Giving Edition


25 Years of Making a Difference page


Celebrating 25 Years of Making a Difference Dear Friends, Thanks to each of you, Northwest Minnesota Foundation is helping to make our region a better place to live and work. Your support as colleagues and donors has been instrumental in our achievements. Our success is a testament to how the spirit of generosity and community engagement can drive regional fund development, bringing innovative ideas and leadership together for the good of the region. Not only is it our 25th anniversary, this Resource Anniversary Giving Edition highlights our 25 members in the Circle of Vision. We hope you enjoy reading about the people and organizations that are making a difference. Together, their gifts total more than $7.3 million dollars! I think our early board members and first partners would agree we have exceeded any and all expectations with this achievement in keeping local dollars working in our own backyards. The board and staff look forward to the future as we continue to build a culture of philanthropy in Northwest Minnesota. Nancy Vyskocil President

Since 1986 to September 2011

The early 1980’s were changing times for Minnesotans. A national recession severely impacted mining, manufacturing and agriculture throughout the state. Declines in the farming and mining economies were stripping rural communities of people, jobs and hope. The roots of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation track back to early 1984, when The McKnight Foundation announced that it was exploring a major new initiative to help rural Minnesota by stimulating local giving and encouraging local responsibility for the long-term welfare of each region. This led to a discussion about the future with representatives of McKnight and 35 Northwest Minnesota leaders from a 15-county area who met in Crookston in November of 1984.

Total Net Assets.................... $43.2 million Dollars Leveraged................... $82 million Total Loans = 462................. $21.2 million Jobs Created/Retained ..................... 2,433 Total Grants = 4,299............. $27.3 million

The Northwest Minnesota Task Force on Rural Issues incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in April 1986 in order to prepare for receipt of a $2.1 million dollar award from McKnight and begin implementing strategies developed in a year-long process. This was the start of what is now the Northwest Minnesota Foundation. Time has shown that the early days set the organization on the right course. Today NMF is still charting the way as a convener, bringing together resources, influential groups and individuals, and new partners.

Mission & Values

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The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is a public charitable foundation dedicated to creating a brighter future for Northwest Minnesota.

Our Mission : The Northwest Minnesota Foundation invests resources, creates opportunities and promotes philanthropy to make the region a better place to live and work.

Our Values : Excellence - We strive for the highest standards in all our programs and services. Integrity - We are a trusted resource demonstrating honesty and fairness in our relationships with partners, clients and colleagues. Passion - We are committed to the region and mission-driven in all our endeavors. Innovation - We are forward thinking and proactive in seeking out opportunities. Wisdom - We apply knowledge of the region and historical perspective to make sound decisions. Partnerships - We are most effective when working in cooperation with others.

Table of Contents: Introduction........................................... page 1 Mission & Values................................... page 2 Message from the Chair......................... page 3 Fund Growth......................................... page 4 Why Donate.......................................... page 6 Circle of Vision...................................... page 7 List of Funds.......................................... page 18 Online Donations.................................. page 22


Message from Chair

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Hello, all! As I finish my tenure as Chairman of the Board of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, I am grateful to have learned a lot more than I have contributed. As chair, your prime responsibility is to make sure the meetings end on time. But as a member of the NMF board, you also get a front row seat to watch the bee-hive of activity and progress that has developed in our 12-county region. As we have toured the region to see first-hand just a fraction of the activities sponsored by NMF, I have met many great people who do great things for their communities and the region. I remember visiting the dental clinic for low income patients. I remember the Boys and Girls Clubs in Bemidji and Red Lake. I remember the Head Start in White Earth. I remember the initiative to prepare people for the job market in Akeley. We have toured businesses both new and established, many started or reinvigorated with a boost from NMF; businesses that have added thousands of jobs to our region. As a member of NMF’s board, I have enjoyed visiting Wells Technology in Bemidji, Mattracks in Karlstad, Digikey in Thief River Falls, Marvin Windows in Warroad, the new theater complex in East Grand Forks, the fishery in Red Lake, and many others. In addition, I have been able to participate in programs sponsored by NMF. Last fall, I attended the innovative new LeaderImpact program developed in part by the foundation. My community of Fertile-Beltrami has benefitted from a grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation to NMF which has helped our Fertile-Beltrami Community Fund get off the ground.

Eric, on a board tour of the Mount St. Benedict CSA garden in Crookston

and get to work, and the people with creative ideas for new business or philanthropic enterprises. And then we have the final piece: Our donors. As you can see in this publication, we have had an incredible number of visionary donors who have given to NMF, not just to support the organization, but to support efforts near and dear to their hearts and local communities. Many people have donated to NMF without knowing it. Why? Because we now house over 340 component funds that NMF is privileged to assist by managing their assets and enhancing their programs. Finally, I have learned that NMF is nothing less than a clearinghouse for philanthropic activity in our region.

I have learned, above all, that in 25 years, there are few corners of our region that NMF has not touched.

We help donors get done what they want to get done to improve our region’s Quality of Place.

But NMF’s reach has little to do with the organization and everything to do with the people we serve.

It is an honor just to watch what you all accomplish and anticipate big things in the next 25 years.

Our every initiative depends upon the people doing the work on the ground, the people with ideas for ways to help their communities, the people willing to roll up their sleeves

With thanks, Eric Bergeson

Minnesota are best positioned to decide how to charitably support their communities and interests. NMF’s board believed that we had the expertise to help build permanent resources to meet future 25 Years of Making a Difference page 4 needs for the region.

Growth of the Foundation

To meet a growing need to keep local resources working for local programs and projects, in 1989 the first component funds were added to the slate of services NMF offered. One donor requested a The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is anchored In this case, the donor came to the foundation. At the charitable fund to support specific areas of interest, anonymously. NMF was able to respond to this by a belief that the people who live and work in same time, NMF staff began to actively seek out people request with theareestablishment donor advised fund. rural Minnesota best positioned of to adecide how to and organizations interested in developing endowed charitably support their communities and interests.

funds to benefit a particular nonprofit, community

InNMF’s this case, donor the foundation. time, staff began actively seek boardthe believed thatcame we hadtothe expertise to help At theorsame special areaNMF of interest. NMF to would invest theout people and build permanentin resources to contributions restricteda particular donations received and people andorganizations organizations interested developing endowed fundsfrom to benefit nonprofit, meet future needs for the region. work with local advisory committees to determine community or special area of interest. NMF would invest the contributions from restricted donations projects that would receive support from the funds. received work with locallocal advisory committees to determine projects that would receive support To meet aand growing need to keep resources working for local programs and projects, in 1989 the first In 1997, the belief that a culture of local philanthropy from the funds.

component funds were added to the slate of services would preserve regional prosperity impelled a NMF offered. One donor charitable fund name change reflecting the increased need for an a In 1997, the belief that arequested cultureaof local philanthropy would preserve regional prosperity impelled to support specific areas of interest, anonymously. organization that could assist donors. The Northwest name change reflecting the increased need for an organization that could assist donors. The Northwest NMF was able to respond to this request with the Minnesota Initiative Fund became the Northwest Minnesota Initiative Fund became Foundation, ourresolve resolve to serve establishment of a donor advised fund. the Northwest Minnesota Minnesota Foundation, signifying signifying our to serve as a regional community foundation. as a regional community foundation.


Endowment Growth

$35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000


$15,000,000 $10,000,000

Component Funds

$5,000,000 $-

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

Fiscal Year

NMF administered just over 13 component funds in 1997 with assets totaling nearly $600,000. Today, NMF administered just over 13 component funds NMF has committed resources to promote NMF assets total more than $43 million. Over $16.4 million of that amount represents the endowed and in 1997 with assets totaling nearly $600,000. Today, philanthropy in our region by encouraging the project (spendable) of million. over 340 component funds housed of atmore NMF.funds, the continued charitable NMF assets total moredollars than $43 Over $16.4 establishment million of that amount represents the endowed support for these funds, and perhaps most significant, and project (spendable) dollars of resources more thanto340 use of these funds, awards, to make Since then NMF has committed promotethe philanthropy in ourthrough regiongrant by encouraging the component funds housed at NMF. Northwest Minnesota a better place to live and work.

establishment of more funds, the continued charitable support for these funds, and perhaps most significant, the use of these funds, through grant awards, to make Northwest Minnesota a better place

Growth of the Foundation

$1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0

25 Years of Making a Difference page

Com mponent Fund Grants: Total Amou unts and Number of Awards 1,244





243 10



Type or Interest Area of Fund

A sampling of the grants making an imp pact in the region:

A sampling of the grants making an impact in the region: Cultural Funds Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund Cultural Funds Grant: Bemidji Community Arts Council $1,500 Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund20100-11 Project: First City of Arts Studio Cruise Grant: Bemidji Community Arts Council $1,500 Roseau County Historical Society Fund Project: First City of Arts Studio Cruise 2010-11 ,200 Grant: Roseau County Historical Society $4, Roseau County Historical Society Fund Project: Pine Creek Lutheran Church Restoration 2008 Grant: Roseau County Historical Society $4,200 Project: Pine Creek Lutheran Church Restoration 2008 Community Funds Park Rapids Area Community Fund Community Funds Grant: City of Park Rapids $30,000 Park Rapids Area Community Fund tion 2009 Project: Park Rapids Downtown Rehabilitat Grant: CityArea of Park Rapids $30,000 Greenbush Community Fund Project:City Park Rapids Downtown Grant: of Greenbush $1,725 Rehabilitation 2009 Project: Greenbush Community Nature Greenbush Area Community Fund Trail 2009 Grant: City of Greenbush $1,725 Community Service Funds Project: Greenbush Community Nature Trail 2009 Fertile Veteran’s Memorial Fund Grant: City of Fertile $113,580 Community Service Funds orial 2007 Project: Develop, maintain Veteran’s Fertile Veteran’s Memorial Fund Memo HRDC Successful Communities Challenge Fu und Grant: City of Fertile $113,580 Grant: Earthmaintain Reservation $10,000 Project:White Develop, Veteran’s Memorial 2007 Project: White Earth Land Use Plan HRDC Successful Communities 2010 Challenge Fund

Grant: White Earth Reservation $10,000 Donor Advised Project: WhiteFunds Earth Land Use Plan 2010 Fourth & Robbins Fund Grant: Bemidji Community Food Shelf $500 Project: General Operations 2009 Ole & Ruth Tweet Family Fund uncil $500 Grant: Thief River Falls Community Arts Cou Project: Summer Musical “Anything Goes!” 2008

Education Funds Fosston Education Foundation Fund Donor Funds Grant: FosstonAdvised Public Schools $110 Fourth & Robbins Fund Project: Rocket Science Project 2009 Grant: Bemidji Community Frances Drivold Special Education Food Fund Shelf $500 Project: General Operations 2009 Grant: Crookston Public School $5,000 Ole Special & RuthEducation Tweet Family Project: ProjectFund 2009 Grant: Thief River Falls Community Arts Council $500 Project: Summer Musical “Anything Goes!” 2008 Health Care Funds LifeCare Medical Center Fund Education Funds $ Grant: LifeCare Medical Center, Roseau $5,000 Project: Neo Pap Infant CPAP System 200 08 Fosston Education Foundation Fund North Valley Health Center Fund Grant: Fosston Public Schools $110 00 Grant: NorthRocket Valley Health Project: ScienceCenter Project$25,00 2009 Project: Radiology equipment purchase 2008 2 Fund Frances Drivold Special Education Grant: Crookston Public School $5,000 Environmental FundsEducation Project 2009 Project: Special Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund Grant: BeltramiCare CountyFunds Lake & River Assocc. $850 Health Project: Shoreland Restoration Guideboo k 2007-08 LifeCare Medical Center Fund - Maggi Adams Fund

Grant: LifeCare Medical Center, Roseau $5,000 Project: Neo Pap Infant CPAP System 2008 North Valley Health Center Fund Grant: North Valley Health Center $25,000 Project: Radiology equipment purchase 2008

Environmental Funds

Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund Grant: Beltrami County Lake & River Assoc. $850 Project: Shoreland Restoration Guidebook 2007-08


Why Donate

25 Years of Making a Difference page


Why should I donate to the foundation? The Northwest Minnesota Foundation can put your gifts, small and large, to work in local programs and projects that provide opportunities for everyone to thrive. Community leaders in education, housing, culture, health care, economic development and the environment, working together with local people to build an endowment of community assets, ensure that grants are always available to support the work of charitable organizations and institutions. That means your gifts build and strengthen your community, today, tomorrow, and forever. Gifts to the foundation positively affect Northwest Minnesota’s economic development, support nonprofit programs, sustain our natural assets, preserve historic and cultural resources, enhance education programs, assist with overall health and wellness and much more. Community foundations build endowment funds that grow and benefit our community, forever. The function of NMF’s community foundation role provides a simple way to fulfill multiple charitable interests, with low-cost administration, while delivering personalized donor services with flexible options. We can accept a wide variety of assets offering maximum tax advantages for every situation. The first community foundation was founded in 1914 in Cleveland, Ohio. Today, they are one of the fastest growing forms of philanthropy in the nation. Donors are able to establish funds for causes and programs they care most about in their own community. Giving to and through the Northwest Minnesota Foundation is a one-stop, easy way to be philanthropic. We are a taxexempt, public charity allowing you to support emerging community needs or to establish a separate, permanent fund within a well-established larger foundation. Donors who work with the foundation find that we add

value through our flexibility, expertise about the community, staff and administrative assistance. You can make gifts to one of our many component funds, or establish a fund using a variety of different assets. We are set up to accept cash and stock as well as a variety of more sophisticated and complex gifts, including closely held stock and real estate. We encourage donors to help us build a permanent savings account for Northwest Minnesota by making a gift to the general endowment. The foundation makes grants from this fund that respond to immediate community needs and opportunities. Donors may also make gifts to establish their own named fund through NMF. WE RELY ON YOU to help us make Northwest Minnesota a better place. NMF is a public charity. We accomplish our mission through the generous financial support of our friends and associates. We are a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts to the foundation are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. There are nearly 350 Community and Component Funds in this special Resource Anniversary Giving Edition. Take a look through the list. We think you can find at least one in the region that would meet your charitable goals and, along with NMF, help to make the region a great place to live and work.


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The Circle of Vision awards were established to recognize those people who see the possibilities of tomorrow by acting today; who believe in their communities; and, who say “yes” when asked to share of themselves and their resources.

The generosity that inspired these gifts is a tremendous contribution to the Quality of Place in the region. The foundation’s success is a result of philanthropic endeavors and its future progress will brighten the future for all of us. Earlier this year, the foundation welcomed four new families into the Circle of Vision, bringing the total to 25 donors in our 25th year – a delightful, surprise coincidence – and the total donation amount to over $7.3 million dollars! The Circle of Vision recognizes current gifts, irrevocable planned gifts or publicly announced will bequests of $100,000 or more made by individuals, families, organizations or businesses in direct support of the Foundation or any of its component funds. For Seeing the Vision of a strong region, for Believing in the strengths and people of their communities, and for generously Sharing their resources, the Northwest Minnesota Foundation recognizes the following 25 members of the Circle of Vision.

1997 Bill and Jessie Baer

Business owners, volunteers, leaders, parents – these words describe Bill and Jessie Baer. They believed that people are what make a community and they need to have the tools that help to make a community thrive. Time and energy were given by the Baers. Working with NMF, they made a lasting gift in the form of a $750,000 charitable remainder trust that provided financial support to charitable, educational, healthcare, and economic programs and activities. Beneficiaries included the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, North County Health Services Foundation, Bemidji State University Foundation, and the Bemidji Area Public Library Foundation.

The Baer Family

Arnold F. Lund, Sr.

Arnold Lund always believed that a person should do the best they can with what is bestowed upon them. He worked hard with the Lake of the Woods Industrial Development Corporation and NMF. Using his skills and the passion he had for the Baudette community, he led the effort to attract new business and industry to the Lake of the Woods area. Lund donated over $500,000 through outright and planned gifts to establish LOW Area Industrial Development Funds and an Industrial Park Fund, as well as leveraging other funding for the programs. NMF Executive Director Ruth Edevold, Arnold, NMF Board Member Kathy (Craddock) Tande

Circle of Vision

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1998 Lyle H. Engelstad (not pictured)

For Lyle Engelstad, personal charity and commitment meant remembering his hometown and its young people. He always felt he received a great deal from the teachers and staff at Warren High School. It was his desire to give a gift to the school to help students have some of the opportunities in life that he had enjoyed. He made a bequest of $100,000 to his old high school, now the WarrenAlvarado-Oslo school district. Scholarships are awarded to qualified graduates based on a desire to attend college, academic ability, and the need for assistance.

Eldor and Stella Omdahl

A labor of love, tradition, commitment to family and community: these words describe the work of Eldor and Stella Omdahl and the development of the Wetlands, Pines and Prairie Audubon Sanctuary. They donated 640 acres of land to the Agassiz Audubon Society. The Sanctuary serves as a day-use environmental learning center where people of all ages and interests can learn; it provides habitat for birds and other wildlife; and, it serves as a living demonstration for land management. They extended their commitment by donating an endowed gift of $100,000 for educational purposes.

Eldor & Stella

1999 Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians

Responding to the needs for education and youth, an education endowment and project fund was established with funds from the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Council. The fund’s purpose is to be responsive to current and future needs for support of activities, projects or services that enhance education opportunities for members of the tribe or to benefit education professionals, education programs and institutions serving the tribe.

Lu Verne Trogstad

Growing up in a time when young men often finished their formal education at the 8th grade, Lu Verne Trogstad spent the rest of his life learning on his own and through his experiences. Still he understood the need for education and the advantages that come with it. He worked with his attorney to establish a gift to support education, specifically scholarships for students from Fosston for postsecondary education. He arranged for a $275,000 permanent endowment fund with NMF to help Fosston students get the education they need to be successful.

NMF Executive Director Ruth Edevold, Bobby Whitefeather, Red Lake representatives

NMF Executive Director Ruth Edevold, Trogstad family


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2001 Frances Drivold

Frances Drivold taught special education in the Crookston school district during the 1960’s, a time when only the learning disabled and mildly developmentally disabled students were served through the schools. In the late 1980’s, she became reacquainted with the special education program and how it had grown to accommodate the moderately and severely developmentally disabled. Her excitement grew when she learned of the Life Skills and Vocational programs, which prepared mildly to severely developmentally disabled students to be productive members of their community. When she bequeathed over $100,000 to the District 593 Education Foundation, she specified that the money be used solely for supplies, materials, equipment and vocational training for the district’s special education students. Her endowment has allowed the district to develop and sustain a program truly unique to the state, where special education students are paid vocational stipends as they learn transitional skills to become productive members of their community.

NMF Board Chair Art Brandli, Drivold Family, NMF President John Ostrem

Leonard J. and Rosemond Kucera

Leonard Kucera was given the opportunity early in his life to expand his horizons through educational opportunity. Leonard had a strong will and an exceptional work ethic, mentors who encouraged him and folks along the way who lent a hand. These factors combined to make it possible for Leonard to better his position in life. As a tribute to Leonard’s expressions of gratitude for help he received and high standards for living the best life possible, the Kucera family began a scholarship fund that serves students in four school districts in Northwest Minnesota. These students will give back to the region in the future, just as Leonard is doing with his legacy.


Elsie Semrau

Elsie Semrau bequeathed $200,000 to the Fosston Education Foundation. She is a unique donor. Shortly after she graduated from Fosston High School in 1934, Elsie moved to Berkeley, California and made her life there. Little more is known about Elsie. Upon receiving the bequest, the Fosston Education Foundation felt that the best use was for endowed scholarships. These awards will benefit the graduates of Fosston High School in perpetuity. Fosston Education Foundation Board Members

Circle of Vision

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2002 Mark and Peggy Hewitt

Mark and Peggy Hewitt of Park Rapids have said their family created the Hewitt Family Charitable Fund, a donor advised fund with NMF, to provide support for projects or activities in the Park Rapids area, which don’t ordinarily receive the financial help and attention they need, but are just as worthy as those that are more conventional. They are working to build their family fund to the point where the grants they are able to make from endowment earnings will have a great impact. They have always recognized the importance of being involved, whether it is with school, community, church or civic organizations, and the fund is another avenue to reflect, strengthen and sustain their philosophy. They also want their children to learn the value of giving for the common good. Mark said, “I think it’s very important for them to make their own way as much as possible. I hope that by showing them how we can help other individuals and organizations, they’ll better appreciate their own advantages and use their future earning power to help as well.”

Art Brandli, Peggy & Mark Hewitt, Vic Olson

Ole and Ruth Tweet

Ole and Ruth Tweet of Thief River Falls are leaving a legacy through their charitable donor advised fund. From their perspective, it is important to encourage their five children to be involved in identifying things they can do to help with community and individual needs. They would like their family to be active philanthropists by examining and exploring ways in which they can make a difference. First and foremost, they believe the fund provides incentives and the means for their children to be involved. They have successfully sought out areas where their resources can be used to act on their involvement. The option of a donor advised fund had the flexibility they required to meet their charitable needs. “Giving away money is not as easy as you would think.” Ole said. “Our income came from this area. It is important to give back to the community. Small gifts make the world go around, but larger gifts can make a real difference.”

NMF Board Chair Art Brandli, Ole and Ruth Tweet, NMF Board Member Kip Fontaine

2003 Robert F. and Marian Foley

A cause needs a champion, and as flood waters receded in Roseau it was evident the city badly needed a champion. Encouraging the formation of the Roseau Area Community Fund, then responding to its call, Robert and Marian Foley helped their community’s flood recovery effort by personally donating $100,000 as seed money for the newly formed fund. Their decision and action reflects the spirit of the Circle of Vision Award beyond the financial levels set by NMF. continued on next page

NMF Board Member Mary Beth Sargeant, NMF Board Chair Kip Fontaine, the Foley Family


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continued from page 10 Robert and Marian understand the importance of home and family. The flood of 2002 affected everyone in the Roseau community. It affected their past, their present and their future. Marian said it simply, “Roseau is home. It has been for more than 42 years and will continue to be a great place to live and raise a family.” Roseau and northwest Minnesota have a future. That future rests within the desires and vision of its people. Ever the community leader, Robert said, “We want to do everything we can to help make Roseau even more appealing for keeping our neighbors and attracting new families to the area.” Vision and faith need action. Robert and Marian’s gift of ‘seed money’ to the community fund has been increased by more than $575,000 in donations from others who, like the Foleys, see a bright future for Roseau, believe in its success, and are willing to share in the rebuilding of a place many call home.

Robert F. Foley (second from left) accepts an award from Northland Technical College for helping to fund two classrooms at the new Roseau municipal building.

2004 Gaylord A. Gunderson

Gaylord Gunderson lived a quiet and simple life in Warroad. Underneath his unassuming demeanor, he held a strong interest -- a passion -- for education. Several years ago, Gaylord established a trust fund to provide post-secondary scholarships to students from Warroad High School. These scholarships were designated for the “average or ‘C’ student” and to support students attending technical or vocational school programs. Gaylord believed skilled workers and tradesmen were essential to our communities. He also believed young people pursuing education and training in these areas would remain or return to their hometown, when they’re encouraged and presented with the opportunity. Gaylord’s generosity did not stop with the establishment of this one scholarship program. Working with his advisors, Gaylord drafted his estate plan, leaving specific bequests in his will to several close friends and charitable interests. He also added a “residual clause” to his will setting forth his final generous act. In that clause he left the residual of his estate to the Northwest Minnesota Foundation to establish an endowment fund in his name, benefiting students and programs at Warroad Public Schools. That simple act of generosity amounted to $395,000 and the realization of the hope and dreams for many young people. Gaylord’s bequest will continue to help average students who pursue educational goals. It will also provide annual funding for equipment and programs at Warroad schools; items that will meet educational needs now and for decades to come.

NMF Board Chair Kip Fontaine, WACF member Karen Pederson, NMF Board Member Diane Blair

Circle of Vision

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2005 The Hellekson Family / Courage North

The Hellekson’s donation to Courage North represents the final gift from an individual to a program that meant a great deal to him. By providing for this contribution in his will, Ray Hellekson helped establish a permanent endowment for Courage North, a camp on Lake George just south of Bemidji. Out of respect for Ray’s gift to Courage North, Courage Center has partnered with Northwest Minnesota Foundation, creating an agency endowment to permanently serve the people in the region. Because of the generosity of the Ray Hellekson estate, who made annual gifts in support of Courage North, the Courage Center Programs and Camps Fund was established with the Foundation to provide financial support for programs, projects, activities or services that further the mission of Courage Center, in order to empower people with disabilities to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life. Funding priorities are for activities that are conducted in northern Minnesota, sponsored by Courage Center, that benefit people living here.

NMF Board Member Dean Johnson, Bob Polland

Employees of TEAM Industries/TEAM Foundation

The Clearwater Health Services family of funds has been the beneficiary of the corporate donations and gifts program of TEAM Industries, headquartered in Bagley. They are proudly supporting the Hospice program and have truly made a difference in the level and quality of Hospice care in the CHS service area.

2006 Peg and Sam Johnson

Peg Johnson was encouraged by a former foundation Board Chair to serve on the Warroad Education Fund advisory committee in 1997. Working with that group, she became an advocate for endowment gifts and philanthropic support for education.

NMF Board Member Diane Blair, TEAM reps Deb Matthews, Sara Gordon, NMF Board Chair Kip Fontaine

During Peg’s tenure with the Warroad Area Community Fund advisory committee, she actively cultivated financial support for the Warroad Flood Recovery Fund and the general endowment for the community fund. In 2005, Peg and Sam were reviewing their personal financial and estate goals. Consulting with foundation staff, Peg and Sam decided to work through the Warroad Area Community Fund to help make a difference in their community and continue active involvement in making charitable gifts to a variety of local and regional nonprofits. These included $100,000 to the community fund continued on next page

Sam & Peg


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continued from page 12 general endowment, $380,000 to establish the Johnson Family Charitable Fund, and $20,000 to support NMF’s Education and Leadership Endowment. Peg and Sam’s contributions helped secure additional funding. As a result of their gifts, the Warroad Area Community Fund completed its match challenge, resulting in the Northwest Minnesota Foundation adding $48,000 to the general endowment of the Community Fund.

Maggi Adams

Maggi Adams was a woman with a passion for culture, art, books and nature. Her parents encouraged education and her love of books. This enthusiasm for reading and thirst for knowledge continued throughout her lifetime. She became a journalist, and met her future husband, Bill, while living in Rome. They lived in Roseau for several years. Bill was editor-publisher of the Roseau Times Region and Maggi wrote many feature stories and enjoyed painting. Maggi left a legacy of art and stories to her community and a large will bequest to Mayo Clinic and Roseau Area Hospital. The Roseau Hospital District received over half of $1 million designated for medical and hospital equipment, along with pieces of her original artwork. The Roseau Hospital District board established a special endowment of $235,000 from Maggi’s bequest for a Medical Equipment Fund, a restricted fund of Roseau Area Hospital and Homes Health Care Fund (now named the LifeCare Health Care Fund). It will provide direct financial support for medical equipment and other related purposes. The health facilities will be able to purchase and upgrade equipment well into the future, using only the earnings from this generous gift.

2007 Dorrance H. Johnston (not pictured)

A scholarship fund was established with a gift of $100,000 to honor the life of Dorrance H. Johnston, as a part of the Warroad Area Community Fund. Dorrance, a 1926 graduate of Warroad High School, attended the University of Minnesota and earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering in 1931. He graduated in the midst of the Depression and was unable to obtain work in his field. He returned to Warroad and worked as a commercial fisherman and mink rancher. He used the knowledge he gained in engineering throughout his personal and professional life. The scholarship fund honors Dorrance’s life, his passion for engineering, and the desire to help other engineering students attain their goals.

NMF Pres. John Ostrem, LifeCare Pres./CEO Keith Okeson

Circle of Vision

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2008 Mary and Robert Johnson

A donor advised fund has been established by the Johnsons. Their goal is to provide funding for a variety of nonprofit programs in and around Pennington County. With the assistance of their attorney, their wishes for supporting causes in the region became possible with the Robert J. and Mary L. Johnson Charitable Fund. Their main interests are in helping the Northland Community and Technical College Foundation, St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, and Thief River Falls Education Foundation in areas such as scholarships, tuition assistance, and musical program needs, along with others not typically financed by the schools. Also of interest is the Rydell National Wildlife Refuge, Erskine; Pioneer Village and; Pennington County Humane Society, Thief River Falls.

NMF Board Member Mark Hewitt, Mary and Robert

2009 Robert and Mona Rae Johnson

The Robert C. and Mona Rae Johnson donor-advised fund was started by Monie with the help of her son-in-law, Gary Williams, after Bob passed away. Both Bob and Monie grew up in the Stephen community. Bob was President and CEO of Farmer’s State Bank for many years, and Monie and he were very active in the community. Monie knew that her husband would have wanted her to continue supporting Stephen. It was a way to give back all that the community had given them and was a way to allow that support to continue long after they were gone.

2011 Gene and Mary Aho (not pictured)

Gene and Mary Aho have been active members of the Park Rapids area nonprofit community. As educators, they helped young people grow and build a solid foundation from which to share their lives with others. Gene and Mary contacted NMF to discuss their goals for how they could make a difference. Their decision to use outright gifts of individual retirement account assets for their charitable goals has proven to be both effective and efficient, because they represent the goal of keeping their gifts working year after year in the region as permanent endowments with annual distributions supporting critical issues within the region.

Robert and Monie


25 Years of Making a Difference page


Robert and Ethel Backstrom and Jay and Lin Backstrom

When you combine the love and commitment for one’s home town, a passion for young people, and a long relationship and understanding of Northwest Minnesota Foundation’s mission and Quality of Place, you get the Backstrom Family Charitable Fund. Ethel Backstrom, her son Jay and daughter-in-law Lin Backstrom are making a difference in Northwest Minnesota through a series of outright gifts, given in memory of family patriarch Robert Backstrom. The Backstrom Family Charitable Fund, as a permanently endowed fund, and through outright gifts from Jay and Lin, provided grants supporting individual programs or the mission of: Bemidji Food Shelf, Campus Childcare Center (Bemidji); First Lutheran Church (Bemidji); Marshall County Early Childhood Initiative; North Country Health Services Foundation; North Valley Health Center; Paul Bunyan Playhouse; Thrive Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative; and Warren Area Community Fund.

Jay and Ethel Backstrom

Whether towards cultural interests, the continued success of hometown Warren, or the future of our youngest residents, the Backstrom Family’s generosity will be felt in Northwest Minnesota.

Dallas and Louise Anderson

It often begins as a simple telephone inquiry, “Yes, I would like to make a gift to support …. Do you do that? Can you help?” NMF received a call from former Union Lake area resident Dallas Anderson asking whether or not NMF could help meet a family interest in preserving a little country cemetery at Union Lake Free Lutheran Church. A “designated” fund benefiting the cemetery was established by the Andersons, using an outright gift of appreciated securities to both endow the fund and to provide funding for the first grants. NMF then went to work talking to representatives from the Union Lake congregation and cemetery association to determine qualifying projects. Through Dallas and Louise’s generosity, the Union Lake cemetery will have annual funding for overall maintenance, grass cutting, landscaping, etc., and for special projects that preserve the historical, cultural and educational aspects of the cemetery.

Dallas and Louise

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France


Circle of Vision

25 Years of Making a Difference page


Orin and Marjorie Green

Orin and Marjorie Green owned a business and raised a family in Thief River Falls and were active members of the community. Before his passing in 2005, Orin operated Green Funeral Home, was mayor of Thief River Falls and actively served on many boards. Marjorie continues to reside there. Working with legal counsel, Marjorie and her children, Carter, Lori and Sarah, contacted NMF regarding the establishment of a “donor-advised” and “designated beneficiary” fund as part of Marjorie’s estate planning and the family’s desire to continue to make a difference in Thief River Falls. The donor advised fund was established and generously funded to provide financial support for qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects, and activities, including Christian Children’s Fund, Hospice, Northland Community and Technical College Foundation, Salvation Army for the benefit of Thief River Falls, the Thief River Falls Education Foundation, United Methodist Church and Valley Home Society.

Sarah Lockwood, Marjorie Green

NMF is able to provide the vehicle to fulfill the family’s goals and will continue to work with her children to recommend funding from the Orin and Marjorie Green Charitable Fund for these special programs in Thief River Falls.

Esther Instebo

Esther Instebo, who passed away at the age of 99 in July, 2010, was a well-known figure around Bagley and the Clearwater County area. She was born Dec. 30, 1910, at her family homestead in Bagley. For the past several years Esther lived in Seattle and in her 90’s did not make it back to Bagley very often. Esther’s desire to make a difference was just as solid as her well-known liberal political beliefs. And in her relationship with NMF she had one focus – dogs and cats. More precisely, Clearwater County dogs and cats. In 1997 Esther contacted NMF about establishing an agency endowment for the Clearwater County Humane Society. Through her willingness to make an initial gift, the Clearwater County Humane Society Endowment and Project Fund was established. A strong start for the fund was only the beginning for Esther because once created, it has to grow and it has to be used. Esther was a driving force for both. And it was her willingness to lead by example as a donor that makes Esther so special. Esther made numerous outright financial gifts to the Humane Society Fund endowment, including a $10,000 cash gift. In 2003 Esther entered into a $50,000 charitable gift annuity contract with NMF with the remaining proceeds after her death going to the Humane Society Fund endowment; and, she included the Humane Society Fund endowment as a residual beneficiary of one-third of her estate in her will. Esther’s final gift to NMF for the Humane Society Fund endowment was $195,540. Her gifts to NMF totaled more than $250,000 to endow a program she was passionate about.



25 Years of Making a Difference page



The Circle of Vision Leadership Society was established to recognize an individual donor or family, not associated with another foundation or organization, who has reached a giving level of $1,000,000 or more in contributions to the Foundation, a component fund or program.



Arnold Lund

William S. and Margaret W. Marvin

Arnold has generously supported the development of the Baudette community, the Lake of the Woods Industrial Development Corporation and the Lake of the Woods Humane Society. Lund has truly made a difference in his community through his leadership. Following his discharge from the Air Force, Arnold Floyd Lund from Underwood, Minnesota said “I am going as far north as possible and still hold my citizenship.” This turned out to be a bit of good fortune for Baudette, the village Lund has called home since 1946. Left to right: Carolyn Eeg, Ritchie Houge, Arnold Lund, Kip Fontaine, Odetta Freier

• Lund built, managed, or operated several businesses in Baudette including a Ford franchise, a mobile home park, and sales operations for farm machinery, Ski-doo snowmobiles, mobile homes and used cars. • He was instrumental in the establishment, growth and continuation of the Lake of the Woods – Industrial Development Corporation and the LOW – Industrial Park. • Lund helped other entrepreneurs get up and running. • He was responsible for the creation of the Lake of the Woods Revolving Loan Fund, with the establishment of a fund that included a challenge by. • He is a constant advocate for business development in LOW and Baudette. • He helped clean up the bay front. • In the 1950s he started promoting Willie the Walleye, which led to the construction of the now famous 40 foot, 2 ½ ton Willie the Walleye statue. • He provided for the building and land housing the LOW Humane Society and is a major benefactor of that program. Above all, Lund is a community catalyst.

The Marvin’s gifts, which established the Warroad Swim Program Fund, supports programs, projects and activities associated with or supplementing the Warroad Public Schools swim program or the Warroad Outstanding Warriors Swim Club.

Due to funding cuts to education, the swim program was in jeopardy. The Marvins felt it was imperative to fully fund the swim program Bill and Margaret Marvin to provide Warroad with instructors and coaches, along with the resources needed to help it thrive. They have learned that transferring assets in this way -- as a philanthropic gift benefiting their community for years to come -- not only adds financial value, but sets the example of how to make a difference. Marvin friend and colleague Mike Bahnmiller knows of the gift’s impact. He said, “Warroad is fortunate, as a small town, to have such a wonderful swimming facility. It provides a great recreational outlet for both children and adults.” Bahnmiller added “We believe our pool to be the finest in Northwest Minnesota. However, maintaining such a facility in top condition can strain the resources of a small community. Bill and Margaret Marvin recognized the need and provided a gift that will help support the pool for generations to come.” The Warroad Area Community Fund (WACF) was established as a place for community citizens to easily establish charitable funds to help specific causes. Bill and Margaret’s gift came at a time when the WACF was just starting to grow. Not only does the Marvin’s generous gift serve as an example of how philanthropy can increase a community’s assets, it suggests that it is not necessarily a material inheritance that we should be interested in passing on to our children, but a family legacy to our community.

Funds of NMF

25 Years of Making a Difference page

COMPONENT AND COMMUNITY FUNDS Funds established after 9/14/11 are not listed.

Beltrami County Community Funds Bemidji Area Community Fund Bemidji Community Food Shelf Fund Bemidji Jaycees Education and Scholarship Fund Earle and Mariann Dickinson Family Education Fund Rosselet-Hickey Charitable Fund Blackduck Area Community Fund Blackduck Academic and Character Scholarship Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Community Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Education Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Recovery and Renewal Fund Red Lake Tribal Information Center, Archives, & Library Fund Youth Initiative Fund

Community Service Funds Beltrami Humane Society Fund Bemidji Area Early Childhood Initiative Fund Evergreen House Fund (Bemidji Area) Headwaters Regional Development Commission Headwaters Regional Development Commission Leadership Fund HRDC Successful Communities Challenge Fund Headwaters Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fund (Bemidji) Kelliher Area Seniors Fund Ralph and Ruth Shoemate Fund (Beltrami County) Seniors Trust Fund of Beltrami County Support Our Troops Fund Thrive Initiative Fund (Bemidji, Blackduck, Kelliher)

Cultural Funds Beltrami County Historical Society Fund Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund Ernie Rall Children’s Performing Arts Fund Everett Wilimek Endowment for Orchestral String Studies Frederick Marshall Fund for the Headwaters School of Music and the Arts H.B. and Ina T. Roholt Family Fund for the Arts Bemidji Community Arts Center Fund Bemidji Community Theater Fund Bemidji Symphony Orchestra Fund Chief Bemidji Fund Lake Bemidji Summer Opera Festival Fund North Star Arts Fund Paul Bunyan Playhouse Fund Richard and Pam Nelson Family Fund for the Visual Arts Sandy Kaul Fund for the Arts

Blackduck Area History & Art Fund Bemidji Area Public Library Foundation Fund Dorothy Breen Fund for the Visually Impaired Hazel I Shimmin Fund Ruth Stenerson Project Support Fund

Donor Advised Funds

Backstrom Family Charitable Fund Baer Family Fund Fourth & Robbins Fund John and Eloise Ostrem Charitable Fund Meade Family Fund Oja Family Fund

Education Funds Bemidji Lumberjack Foundation Fund Amy Anderson English Fund Bemidji All School Reunion Fund Buck Robbins Scholarship Fund Bun and Alvera Fortier Scholarship Fund Des Sagedahl Scholarship Fund First National Bank Bonspiel Fund Food Service Fund General Scholarship Fund George Pelawa-Calgary Flames Education Fund Heidi Bitzer McClure Memorial Scholarship Fund Jacquelyn M. Schaffer Scholarship for Music Joe Plummer Music Fund John F. Breen Scholarship Fund K.E. “Red” Wilson Athletic Fund Lumberjack Security Bank Scramble Fund Pat Campbell String Fund Ray F. Breen Scholarship Fund Rick Lee Memorial Fund Tom Gardner Memorial Fund Troy Nelson Memorial “Character” Scholarship Fund Merle and Mildred Rundell Education Fund James and Sylvia Sande Scholarship Fund Heartland Christian Academy Fund St. Mary’s Mission School Fund Wells Academy Fund

Environment & Recreation Funds Bemidji Area Parks and Trails Fund Bemidji City Parks and Trails Operation and Maintenance Fund Bemidji Community Biomes Outdoor Classroom Fund Bemidji First City of Lights Fund Bemidji in Bloom Fund Bemidji Sculpture Walk Fund Bemidji Waterfront-Paul and Babe Maintenance Fund Freedom Defenders Veterans’ Memorial Fund


Funds of NMF

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Lake Bemidji Waterfront Fund North Country Park Fund Nymore Dog Park Fund Bemidji Curling Fund Big Bog State Recreation Area Fund Grace Lake Charitable Fund Greater Bemidji Outdoor Foundation Fund

Healthcare Funds

Community Service Funds

Kelliher Area Health Care Fund

Clearwater County Community Funds Bagley Area Community Fund Bagley Area Scholarship Fund Bagley Beautification Fund Bagley Community Playground Fund Bagley Education Fund Bagley Technology Advancement Fund Nola Ellis Memorial Fund Thorbeck Field Fund

Community Service Funds

Bagley Early Childhood Initiative Fund Clearbrook-Gonvick Early Childhood Initiative Fund Clearwater County Humane Society Fund

Cultural Funds

Clearbrook-Gonvick Performing Arts Fund

Education Funds Clearbrook-Gonvick Education Fund Clearbrook-Gonvick Playground Fund Mary Jo Klinger Scholarship Fund Olga Peterson Scholarship Fund Rural Minnesota Project Lead The Way Swanson Family Fund

Healthcare Funds Clearwater Area Health Care Fund Clearwater County Emergency Services Fund Clearwater Health Services Hospice Family Room Fund Clearwater Health Services Cancer Screening Fund Clearwater Hospice Fund Clearwater Senior Care Fund

Hubbard County Community Funds Akeley Area Community Fund Park Rapids Area Community Fund Fireworks Fund Heartland Homes Fund Hewitt Family Charitable Fund Kinship of Park Rapids Fund Matthew Spangler Hockey Fund

Park Rapids Education & Activities Fund Park Rapids Area Drug-Alcohol Awareness Fund Park Rapids Early Childhood Initiative Fund Park Rapids M State Fund Park Rapids Memorial Scholarship Fund Park Rapids Rotary Charitable Fund Positively Park Rapids Fund

Friends of the Headwaters Animal Shelter Fund

Economic Development Funds

Park Rapids Revolving Loan Fund

Education Funds Laporte Education Fund Community Playground Fund Laporte-Benedict VFW Scholarship Fund Tonia Johannsen Memorial Fund

Environment & Recreation Funds

Big Sand Lake Charitable Fund Hubbard County COLA Charitable Fund Lake Plantagenet Charitable Fund Potato Lake Charitable Fund Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund

Kittson County Community Service Funds

New Life Bible Camp Fund

Education Funds

Julie Holmquist Memorial Scholarship Fund Luther Younggren Memorial Scholarship Fund

Healthcare Funds

Kittson Memorial Healthcare Center Foundation Fund

Lake of the Woods County Community Service Funds

Lake Of The Woods County Humane Society Fund Lake of the Woods Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Cultural Funds

Lake of the Woods County Historical Society Fund

Economic Development Funds

Lake Of The Woods Industrial Park Development Fund Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Fund Lake of the Woods Revolving Loan Fund

Education Funds

Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Education Fund

Mahnomen County Community Funds

Mahnomen Area Community Fund


25 Years of Making a Difference page

Mahnomen Health Care Fund White Earth Reservation Area Community Fund White Earth Education Fund White Earth Oshki Manidoo (New Spirit) Fund

Community Service Funds

Naytahwaush Area Early Childhood Initiative

Education Funds Mahnomen Education Fund Gen. Ike and Maj. Bruce Isaacson Scholarship Fund Leslie Hanson Scholarship Fund Milton Hockel Scholarship Fund Night Riders Sno-Club Scholarship Fund

Marshall County Community Funds Stephen Area Endowment Fund Robert C. and Mona Rae Johnson Family Charitable Fund Stephen Area Arts Fund Stephen Area EMS Fund Stephen Area Golf Fund Stephen Curling Fund Warren Area Community Fund

Community Service Funds

Marshall County Early Childhood Initiative Fund Warren Senior Center Endowment Fund

Education Funds Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Education Foundation Fund Lyle H Engelstad Scholarship Fund Music Advancement Fund Myron and Margaret Carlson Scholarship Fund

Environment & Recreation Funds

Omdahl Environment and Conservation Fund Wetlands Pines & Prairie Audubon Sanctuary (Eldor and Stella Omdahl)

Healthcare Funds

North Valley Health Center Fund

Norman County Community Funds Twin Valley Area Community Fund Joseph Urdahl Memorial Fund

Community Service Funds

Norman County East Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Education Funds

Laural Capistran Murphy Scholarship Fund

Healthcare Funds

Bridges Medical Services Foundation Fund


Pennington County Community Service Funds

Strong Youth Fund Thief River Falls Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Donor Advised Funds

Ole and Ruth Tweet Family Fund Orin J. and Marjorie F. Green Charitable Fund Robert J. Johnson and Mary L. Johnson Charitable Fund

Polk County Community Funds Crookston Area Community Fund Crookston Arena Fund Dragseth Family Charitable Fund Fisher Area Community Fund Fosston Area Community Fund Arvid Clementson Veterans’ Memorial Fund East Polk Heritage Center Fund First Care Fosston Area Fund Fosston Education Foundation Fund Fosston Education Foundation Fund Cameron Badurek Peace Award Fund Dean and Joyce McNelly Vocational Scholarship Fund Dean Clementson Scholarship Fund Fosston Livestock Shipping Association Animal Science Scholarship Fund Jim Miller Memorial Math Scholarship Fund LuVerne Trogstad Education and Scholarship Fund Terry Stout Memorial Scholarship Fund Vikan Scholarship Fund Fosston Inspiration Trail Fund Fosston 21st Century Fund

Community Service Funds

Crookston Early Childhood Initiative Fund Fertile Armed Forces Veterans Fund Fertile-Beltrami Early Childhood Education Fund McIntosh Immanuel Cemetery Fund OPTIONS Fund Union Lake Free Lutheran Cemetery Charitable Fund

Donor Advised Funds

Rongen Family Fund

Education Funds District #593 (Crookston) Education Foundation Fund Frances Drivold Special Education Fund East Polk County Fair Scholarship Fund Kris Fontaine Scholarship Fund

Environment & Recreation Funds

Rydell Refuge Fund

Funds of NMF Healthcare Funds

First Care Medical Services Fund First Care Hospice Fund

Red Lake County Community Funds Red Lake Falls Area Community Fund Kim Knaack Music Fund

Cultural Funds

Two Rivers Area Theatre Fund

Education Funds

Kyle A. Myhre Memorial Fund Lester Norris Dale, MD Scholarship Fund Red Lake Falls Education Fund Richard Bresnahan “Leadership in the Arts” Fund Two Rivers Area Theatre Scholarship Fund

Roseau County Community Fund Badger Area Community Fund Badger Education Fund Badger Veteran’s Memorial Fund Greenbush Area Community Fund Greenbush Education Fund Keith and Ellen Kapphahn Family Scholarship Fund Roseau Area Community & Education Fund A.J. and Eleanor Kramer Scholarship Fund Marian Foley Memorial Fund Marvin LaRue Memorial Fund Charles “Nick” Peterson Memorial Fund Four Season Senior Center Fund Joseph Schneider Scholarship Fund Malung PTO Scholarship Fund Roseau Adult Education Fund Roseau Area Friends of the Library Fund Roseau Lions Club Scholarship Fund Roseau Parks & Recreation Fund Wannaska PTO Scholarship Fund Warroad Area Community Fund Margaret Ann and Paul Samuel Johnson Family Charitable Fund Rainbow Park Restoration Fund Warroad Early Childhood Initiative Fund Warroad Heritage Center Fund Warroad Lost River Sportsmen Complex Fund Warroad Memorial Arena Fund Warroad Point Area Restoration and Community Recovery Fund Warroad Senior Living Center Fund Warroad Swim Program Fund Warroad Women of Today Community Project Fund Warroad Education Fund Ann and Les Henderson Memorial Fund

25 Years of Making a Difference page


Betty Bahnmiller Memorial Fund Bruce and Ellen Atwater Education Fund Dorrance H. Johnston Scholarship for Engineering Fund Edward and Agnes Brandli Scholarship Fund Farmer’s Union Oil Co. Scholarship Fund Gaylord A. Gunderson Memorial Fund Jennifer Grove Memorial Scholarship Fund Justin Knebel Memorial Fund Katie Jo Olafson Memorial Scholarship Fund Lee Hafdahl Memorial Scholarship Fund NAPA Ride to Reading Fund Nick Moyer Memorial and Scholarship Fund Patrick O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Cultural Funds

Roseau County Historical Society Fund

Healthcare Funds

Eagles Auxiliary Diabetes & Dialysis Fund LifeCare Health Fund LifeCare Hospice Fund LifeCare Manor Greenbush Fund LifeCare Manor Roseau Fund Maggie Adams Medical Equipment Fund Parish Nursing Fund Think Pink Breast Cancer Fund

Regional/Multi-County Community Service Funds

Full Stride Fund Hopes, Dreams and Smiles Fund

Donor Advised Funds Major Robert Olson Memorial Fund Ruth Edevold Awards for Excellence Ruth Edevold Endowment for Excellence

Economic Development Funds

Ingenuity Frontier Fund (Region)

Education Funds

Bronko Nagurski Education Fund Leonard J. and Rosemound Kucera Memorial Scholarship Fund Mike Staples Memorial Scholarship Fund

Environment & Recreation Funds

Giziibii Resource Conservation & Development Fund

Healthcare Funds

Courage Center Programs and Camps Fund

Regional Programs Northwest Minnesota Women’s Fund Northwest Minnesota Women’s Scholarship Fund University of Minnesota Crookston Women’s Scholarship Fund Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Fund

Online Donations SUPPORT THE FOUNDATION Make a donation

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Click this button found on every page at www.nwmf.org to make a donation to any of funds in the NMF family of funds. Online giving is fast, secure and easy on our new site.


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Service Area:

Philanthropy and Quality of Place: The best, classic definition of philanthropy is “private initiatives for public good, focusing on quality of life.” Much and perhaps most of philanthropy is not about the rich helping the poor, but about groups helping themselves; that donors and charities are on the same team as investment partners. NMF is dedicated to providing the means to help build awareness and promote philanthropy as a way to meet the needs of the places in our rural region. NMF provides the structure by which individuals, businesses and organizations help create the asset base of their community – component and community funds established by the people in the region are partnering with NMF to create a brighter future for Northwest Minnesota.

Contact us - Phone: 218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859 (in MN) Fax: 218-759-2328 E-mail: info@nwmf.org

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