2012 Special Giving Edition

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Special Giving Edition 2012 RESOURCE
















Contents New Headquarters...............................................................3 Board of Directors and Staff ..............................................4 Mission and Values .............................................................5 Community Foundation Growth and Development ......7 Top Philanthropic Tier Nationally ....................................8 Meaning of Philanthropy ...................................................9 Message from the Chair .....................................................10 Apple Trees vs. Apples ........................................................11 Fosston Inspiration Trail ....................................................12 Ways to Give.........................................................................13 Tips for Year-End Giving ...................................................14 Family of Funds ...................................................................15-16 Service Area/List of Community Funds ..........................17-21 Online Giving ......................................................................22

Message from the President Greetings! The seasons seem to be changing with a blink of an eye. The summer heat lingered longer than anticipated, fall blew in with vibrant colors, and now — ready or not —the holiday season is upon us. This time of year always brings to mind a family story from years ago. My family hosted a foreign exchange student from Germany. His name was Marcus. One autumn day, as Marcus and I were out enjoying the colors and crisp air, I reminded him that Thanksgiving was coming. And I told him that it is a time when Americans give thanks and count their blessings. After a Nancy Vyskocil, President long pause, Marcus looked at me quizzically and asked, “Why do Americans have a holiday to celebrate sneezing?” The purpose of the holiday was definitely “lost in translation,” yet it provided an opportunity to teach about gratitude and served as a reminder to me. My lesson to Marcus brought to light my good fortunes and how important it is to give thanks! So even as seasons change and time passes quickly, I am reminded to simply give thanks. I want to thank all who support the foundation and make it what it is today. I want to thank Ruth Edevold, John Ostrem and all the wonderful board members and staff who have served the foundation through the years. Your vision and wisdom are paying dividends today. Many thanks to our current board members and staff. Their hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed. Thank you to our partners in the realm of non-profits, education, tribal affairs, economic development and business. We appreciate working with you to make the region a better place. Northwest Minnesota is richly blessed to have such vibrant and committed entities. A special thank you to our volunteers, who are most often the unsung heroes; your work in leading the community and component funds is working to make our communities stronger! And to our donors, your generous gifts make a difference. Thank you for sharing your resources with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, our family of funds, and the region.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving — and no sneezing!

New Headquarters We serve the entire 12-county region and staff travels many miles every year. We attend fund advisory committee meetings, hold trainings, visit grantees and loan clients throughout the area. Our new headquarters, featured in photos throughout this newsletter, will be located in downtown Bemidji. We are repurposing a historic, vacant structure two blocks from Lake Bemidji and the famous statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Our new conference and meeting space will add value for nonprofits and other partners in the area who are in need of a versatile, convenient location. And most importantly, the new downtown office will make NMF more visible and accessible to the entire region. Please plan to visit our new facility or go online anytime to learn more about us. www.nwmf.org Roseau Lake of the Woods Marshall

218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859 (toll-free in Minnesota) info@nwmf.org

Pennington Red Lake




RESOURCE: Special Giving




Northwest Minnesota Foundation 201 Third St. NW Bemidji, MN 56601-3111



Please use this address beginning January 1, 2013:

NMF Board of Directors Gary Purath, Chair • Red Lake Falls Bob Hager, Vice-Chair • Greenbush Laurie Wilson, Secretary • Crookston Judy Roy, Treasurer • Redby Tom Anderson, Director • Clearbrook Faye Auchenpaugh, Director • Thief River Falls Eric Bergeson, Director • Fertile Pete Haddeland, Director • Mahnomen Jody Horntvedt, Director • Baudette Jon Linnell, Director • Warren Leah Pigatti, Director • Park Rapids Jon Quistgaard, Director • Bemidji

NMF Staff Connie Aguillo, Administrative Assistant Peggy Crandall, Grants Services Associate Nate Dorr, Program Officer - Grants Dawn Ganje, Program Officer - Training Vicky Grove, Program Specialist - Early Childhood Samantha Hedin, Accounting Associate Ashley Hull, Communications Specialist Barb Lien, Administrative Assistant Linde Linde, Administrative Assistant La Rae Maddox, Office/Systems Manager Diane Morey, Senior Program Officer - Business Development Lisa Peterson, Development Officer Marty Sieve, Vice President for Programs Amy Tobkin, Business Development Specialist Caryl Turnow, Development Officer Nancy Vyskocil, President Tim Wang, Finance Director David West, Senior Program Officer - Business Finance

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Mission and Values

Our Mission The Northwest Minnesota Foundation invests resources, creates opportunities and promotes philanthropy to make the region a better place to live and work.

Our Values





We strive for the highest standards in all our programs and services.

We are committed to the region and mission-driven in all our endeavors.

We are most effective when working in cooperation with others.




We are a trusted resource demonstrating honesty and fairness in our relationships with partners, clients and colleagues.

We apply knowledge of the region and historical perspective to make sound decisions.

We are forward thinking and proactive in seeking out opportunities.

RESOURCE: Special Giving

2012 Giving Edition RESOURCE Once again we present you with our special edition newsletter that focuses on community and component funds. For over 26 years, they have been entrusted to the foundation for administration and investment. The topics covered include the value of philanthropy in the region. Donors, foundations and charitable organizations have essential roles in our economy and the region’s quality of place.

As a community foundation, NMF helps to maintain prosperity in successful communities, supports the work of effective citizens, cultivates economic options and develops sufficient charitable resources to respond to issues of concern. Instead of relying on resources outside of our region, we can retain and put to work the assets from within the region for the benefit of its citizens. Your support matters and has an impact.

We urge you to support the endowments of the charities listed within these pages with your tax-deductible donations. You can use the enclosed donation form or you are welcome to make a gift online securely at www.nwmf.org, using either your credit card or e-check.

Realizing goals, maximizing resources and retaining assets within the region allows people, organizations, and businesses of Northwest Minnesota to make a difference.

Working with both donors and nonprofits, NMF helps to identify opportunities for philanthropic acts. As a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit, we can be the means through which philanthropy can be put to work.

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Community Foundation Growth and Development

The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is anchored by a belief that the people who live and work in rural Minnesota are best positioned to decide how to charitably support their communities and interests. NMF’s board believed that we had the expertise to help build permanent resources to meet future needs for the region. To keep local resources working for local programs and projects, in 1989 the first component funds were added to the slate of services we offered. Our staff began to actively seek out people and organizations interested in developing endowed funds to benefit a particular nonprofit, community or special area of interest. The foundation’s board invested the contributions from restricted donations received and our staff worked with local advisory committees to determine appropriate projects to receive support from the funds. In 1997, our name change reflected the increased need for an organization that could assist donors. The Northwest Minnesota Initiative Fund became the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, signifying our resolve to serve as a regional community foundation. We administered just over 13 component funds in 1997 with assets totaling nearly $600,000. Today, NMF assets total more than $49 million. Over $18 million of that amount represents the endowed and project (spendable) dollars of over 340 component funds housed at NMF. Since then we have committed resources to promote philanthropy in our region by encouraging the establishment of more funds, the continued charitable support for these funds, and perhaps most significant, the use of these funds, through grant awards, to make Northwest Minnesota a better place to live and work.

Endowment Growth $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000

Column C Column B

$20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Fiscal Year


RESOURCE: Special Giving

NMF in Top Philanthropic Tier Nationally

Organization Meets Rigorous Standards for Quality and Accountability Northwest Minnesota Foundation received notifi-

president. “When people make a charitable bequest,

cation in the past year that it has met the nation’s high-

establish a fund or set up an annuity, they are putting

est philanthropic standards for operational quality, in-

their trust in us. They are counting on us to manage

tegrity and accountability. The notice comes from the

the investment wisely, honor their charitable wishes

Community Foundations National Standards Board,

and, in some cases, provide lifetime income to a loved

a national accreditation organization based in Arling-

one. The National Standards confirmation says our

ton, Va.

house is in order.”

“This is similar to the Good

In addition to affirming the

Housekeeping Seal for commu-

organization’s philanthropic

nity foundations,” said Diane

services, the confirmation

Miller, manager, Community

validates NMF’s grantmak-

Foundations National Standards

ing practices for the nonprofit

Board. “It says that Northwest


Minnesota Foundation has dem-

“Some say it’s easier to cre-

onstrated a commitment to op-

ate wealth than to give mon-

erational quality, integrity and

ey away wisely,” said Gary


Purath, NMF board chair.

The National Standards for

“There’s some truth in that.

U.S. Community Foundations

Grantmaking is a lot like in-

program requires community

vesting. We need to assess

foundations to document their

risks, weigh potential gains,

policies for donor services, in-

diversify assets, monitor per-


formance and operate fairly.



administration. With over 200 community foundations already

Letter from Senator Al Franken

When you see the National Standards Seal, you can be

confirmed in compliance nationwide, the program is

assured that we’re committed to meeting the highest

designed to provide quality assurance to donors, as

standards for grantmaking as well.”

well as to their legal and financial advisors. “This is critically important to our donors,” said Nancy Vyskocil, Northwest Minnesota Foundation

The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations program is the first of its kind for charitable foundations in the United States.

The Community Foundations National Standards Board is a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations that administers and advances National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations by ensuring the integrity of the accreditation process and building the value of compliance. Visit www.cfstandards.org for more information about the program and organization. RESOURCE: Special Giving


Sam and Peggy Johnson Even from a young age, Sam and Peggy Johnson understood the meaning of philanthropy.

Understanding the Meaning of Philanthropy Sam and Peggy Johnson “I remember being

allowed Sam and Peggy to recommend grant distribu-

in Sunday school

tions to qualified charitable organizations that they are



passionate about. Since 2005, more than $92,000 in

would remind me

grants have been distributed from the earnings of the

that I had to save



money for offering,”


“It’s such a good feeling when the time comes to


make a distribution,” said Peggy Johnson. Causes that

Johnson. “I always watched my parents give, so I knew

have been important to the Johnsons are the hockey

I had an obligation to gift.”

arena, the library, the heritage center, the Education

Johnson’s father was an electrician. He worked hard

Endowment Fund, the sportsman complex, the Point

and gave what percentage he could, but it was his time

restoration, the veteran’s memorial, Zion Lutheran

as a volunteer that Sam Johnson remembers most. “His

Church, and the new senior center.

skills as an electrician helped the church and many or-

By establishing a donor advised fund, the John-

ganizations and that is when it became clear to me, that

sons are able to pass philanthropic values down to their

you do what you can. I’ll never forget that.”

children who will one day take over the responsibility

Peggy Johnson also remembers her mother devot-

of recommending grants. “We’re setting a pattern so

ing much of her time to various organizations. “My parents were very good citizens,” said Peggy Johnson. “My father gave money, as he was immersed in business, but my mother devoted time and she would bring us along to

that when we’re gone, our children

“It’s making all of our communities stronger”

help.” And because the Johnsons were

and they can make the distribution of funds.” The Johnsons said working with NMF has been a godsend. “It’s so nice to turn funds over to a reliable,

introduced to giving at such an early age, they too have

responsible foundation and know that they’re going

made their imprint in their adult life.

to do their job to help us out with the distribution. It’s

Peggy Johnson became involved with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation (NMF) in 2002 during

all about trust,” said Sam Johnson. “And we have that trust.”

the Roseau County flood. She was asked to serve on a

Peggy Johnson noted that she has seen not only

committee to identify the needs of her community and

their own fund grow, but several other funds have

shortly after, a flood fund was established. Because of

popped up in small communities. “It’s making all of

that effort, a community fund was established in War-

our communities stronger and it’s an easy thing to do,”

road to provide support for a wide range of projects and

said Peggy. “If there are people out there with monies

activities to benefit the area, making it a better place to

and they don’t know what to do and they’re a little wor-

live, work and play.

ried about how they’ll be distributed, I would highly

The Johnsons established a donor advised fund in 2005. The irrevocable, tax deductible gift to NMF has


will know what our interests were

RESOURCE: Special Giving

recommend NMF. It’s something we can contribute to as life goes on.”

Message from the Chair


y term as a board member of the foundation will soon conclude. Like most, if not all departing board members, I have found that

we learn, grow and take home more from our experience than we are ever able to contribute. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have met so many people from all walks of life, who have a passion for the good of Northwest Minnesota. They are true builders, who have made lifetime commitments and personal sacrifices to strengthen our region’s assets.

Gary Purath, Chair

It has also been a privilege to associate with other directors from our twelve-county region who donate their valuable time and team up

with a talented staff to carry out the mission of the foundation. Last year we celebrated our 25th anniversary. Our energy is currently focused on reshaping our next five-year strategic plan, while projecting long-term outcomes and impact. The challenge of delivering the greatest impact and value requires a strong link to all stakeholders and partners throughout Northwest Minnesota. That is where you come in. The spirit of volunteerism, generosity and willingness to help when the need arises is unmatched anywhere. I am continually amazed how people will “step up” and make a difference. Are your interests in early childhood, the elderly, leadership, or supporting entrepreneurism? I would urge you to contact the Northwest Minnesota Foundation or learn more about us at www. nwmf.org. To our donors: Our sincere thanks for investing in our region. And to our potential donors: We look forward to working with you in the future. Please consider tax-deductible contributions to our endowment fund. The McKnight Foundation will match your gift to NMF dollar for dollar. Donations from you and other people who care deeply about our region help to make a difference now, and for future generations. Together we will make Northwest Minnesota an even better place to live, work and play.

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Apple Trees vs. Apples Plant the Tree Once, Enjoy the Harvest Forever Caryl Turnow, NMF Development Officer Apple




produces more and more – all from your initial

longest life span of any

investment. An endowment gift over the years will

fruit tree, averaging 80

double, triple, and quadruple the value of the initial gift

years. There are published

and still keep giving.

reports of apples still being

Northwest Minnesota Foundation nurtures the

produced from a 206-year-

growth of the endowment through wise investment.

old tree in Dorset, England and another in Vancouver,

Additional gifts made to the endowment help to speed

Canada that has stood since 1809.

growth and increase earnings.

We like to compare an endowment gift to giving an apple tree versus giving apples.

A common question is: Do we ever spend the principal gift?

Our answer is no, an endowment is

Giving apples each year is great! But who will provide

considered permanent. The donor gave it intending it

those apples when you are no longer able? By giving an

to do good work, forever. Spending the principal will

apple tree, the yearly gift is produced with little effort on

prevent us from meeting that mission. It would be like

your part. It means that every year there is a harvest of

cutting down the apple tree to use the wood for making a

apples that may be used in a wide variety of ways – apples

table. You will have a table, but lose the annual benefit of

baked in a pie, apples pureed into butter or squeezed into

the harvest.

cider, or my personal favorite, just wonderful fresh apples to enjoy eating with a side of peanut butter.

The majority of the funds at NMF are endowed. Our goal is to strengthen the region through these funds.

Making an endowment gift is a new concept for many.

They support very critical things like our schools, our

An endowment gift is never spent, but is permanently

medical facilities, our libraries, and our communities –

invested; only the earnings are used year after year for

all vital to our lives here in Northwest Minnesota.

supporting the mission and purpose of a nonprofit.

Giving apples will always be important for immediate

An endowment is like the tree. Once established, it

needs, but it is equally important to consider long term

will provide a harvest of earnings that can be disbursed

gifts. So please think about following Johnny Appleseed’s

through grants every year. As the fund

lead and plant an apple tree of your own, through a gift to

grows, just like the tree, it

one of our endowment funds. Your gift will continue long after you are gone – and isn’t that the perfect legacy?


Fosston Inspiration Trail (FIT) A Dream Come True “It was a dream come true,” according to Dean

local fund development effort, with help from the FIT

Vikan, an avid walker and Fosston community mem-

Trail Taskforce. The group would like to raise an ad-

ber, to see a plan for a 10-foot wide, 1.64 mile-long

ditional $50,000 for benches, basic lighting and cross-

paved trail come to life! The Fosston Inspiration Trail

country ski trail grooming equipment so the trail can

(FIT) is a special project set up by the Fosston Area

be used in the winter as well.

Community Fund (FACF).

Construction is planned for 2013, concurrent

Community members recognized the need for

with the reconstruction of County Road 1 near the

a safe place to walk, run, roller-blade and bicycle in

hospital. The trail will consist of three closed loops;

Fosston. Yet, it is Vikan who learned firsthand how important it is to have a safe place to walk. For years, Vikan walked five miles a day along a Fosston county road. But, after a devastating accident the summer of 2010, his

one will encircle the Rose Hill

“Community members recognized the need for a safe place”

walking almost came to a stop. Vikan

(Fosston) Cemetery, a second will encompass the softball complex, and a third will encircle the wetland known as “Rotary Park Pond.” The FACF has set up a re-

was struck by a car and suffered traumatic injuries to

stricted project fund to receive donations for the FIT

one of his legs and an arm. Thankfully, he is back on

Trail. All contributions are tax deductible. For more

his feet and walking again.

information about the FIT Trail and FACF or to make

Because the trail had such great meaning to Vikan, he generously contributed $10,000 to the FIT

a donation, visit www.fosstonacf.org. (Photos courtesy of Thirteen Towns)

Trail Project Fund. A $275,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation is secured. A second grant of $100,000 from the Minnesota DNR is in place, and $20,000 in local contributions have been secured, but these funds do not cover all of the costs. The Fosston Area Community Fund has been leading the Dean handing check to Michelle Landsverk

Dean signing check


Ways to Give We Believe In Giving By giving to charitable and philanthropic organizations, we exercise support for the goals, the people and the purposes we believe in. It is our individual response to human needs; an opportunity to give is an opportunity to be involved. It is caring and serving. Philanthropy gives our wealth meaning, and engages us as stewards in the betterment of society.

There are many motivations for giving money and other resources for charitable and philanthropic purposes, but the following seem to be widely affirmed by those who practice it: • Helping people gives us a feeling of value and satisfaction • We wish to leave a lasting imprint on society while making a significant difference • We want to perpetuate a viewpoint or philosophy • Giving as a family unites everyone around a purposeful mission • Giving can memorialize a loved one • We wish to return something to the communities we grew up in or where we earned a living • We feel a responsibility or a desire to be leaders in our communities • We want to get involved and connect with others who share our interests • The tax advantages can be beneficial

Why give through a community foundation? You will enjoy some distinct advantages and options. NMF is a local charitable foundation that administers endowed funds established by donors who reside in the region. They are established mostly for local purposes, resolving community or regional issues, and adding quality to the places we live, work and play. NMF is the only community foundation serving the twelve county region of Northwest Minnesota.


RESOURCE: Special Giving

Tips for Year-End Giving If you’re like most people, you do your major giving toward the end of the year. This probably occurs for several reasons. The closing of the tax season encourages those who itemize to obtain income tax deductions; a barrage of earnest appeals by nonprofits increases awareness of financial need; and many are simply motivated by the holiday season to make a charitable gift.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your year-end giving: • Calculate your income. Try to get a handle on

your tax liability for the year. Did your unearned income increase? Did you sell any appreciated assets? Will you owe more taxes? This alone may motivate you to increase your giving before December 31. In fact, you may even want to move some of your giving forward from next year to create a larger income tax deduction for yourself this year. Non-itemizers may especially find this “grouping of gifts” useful in order to take advantage of an itemized tax return every other year. In any case, by the time you fill out your income tax return, it will be too late to make charitable gifts for the previous year. Take the time to do some planning while you still have the opportunity to make a year-end gift.

• Consider a life-income gift. NMF offers a variety

of life-income plans to fit your needs. You can make a gift now, obtain tax benefits and receive income for the rest of your life. Sound too good to be true? A few minutes of your time will convince you otherwise. Our development officers can provide personalized illustrations and printed material to assist you and your advisor(s).

• Do your giving early.

This is especially true if you want to make a gift of noncash assets (stock, real estate, etc.). It also applies to life-income gifts (gift annuities, pooled income fund contributions, trust arrangements, etc.). Your professional advisor(s) are busy beyond belief as the year winds down. The sooner you can get your gift activity going, the better it will be for everyone concerned.

• Talk to your advisor. Before making

any significant gift to NMF, or to any other nonprofit for that matter, you should have your CPA, attorney or other advisor help you understand the impact of your gift on your income tax return and estate. We want your giving to be prudent, as well as generous and joyful.

For more information about the year-end giving opportunities at NMF, contact Lisa Peterson or Caryl Turnow at 800-659-7859 or visit the Planned Giving Ideas section at www.nwmf.org.

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Family of Funds Northwest Minnesota Foundation funds help individual donors, groups and families act on deeply held values and community commitments. They are established to benefit a specific nonprofit community organization, interest area or the broad personal charitable goals of individuals and families. As part of NMF, these funds are governed by NMF’s national standard compliant administrative and investment policies. These policies provide sound fiscal, legal and ethical management while allowing local input and advice to shape how they are best put to use.

As a community foundation, the NMF funds are established as a particular type of fund according to recognized national standards.

NMF fund types include: DONOR ADVISED FUNDS




This type of fund provides great flexibility to the donor while avoiding the costs and demands of a private foundation. Donor advised funds also provide a great opportunity to involve children and even grandchildren in both gifting and grantmaking.

A field of interest fund enables a donor to support a cause they care about, such as health services, the arts, or early childhood. NMF will make grants to organizations capable of having the greatest impact within the donor’s chosen field of interest.

Agency funds are established by non-profit agencies to provide direct or indirect funding in support of their mission. These funds typically represent an endowment for that agency or a special project effort, like a major capital or building project. Agency funds benefit from NMF’s investment expertise, major and planned giving support, reduced administrative costs for the agency maintaining these programs on their own, and a committed donor-centered philosophy that encourages continued financial support.

Individual donors may establish a scholarship fund in their individual or family name and organizations may establish a scholarship on behalf of their organization benefiting students from a particular school or those wishing to attend a particular school. NMF maintains policies that ensure donations and scholarship selection meet legal and ethical standards.


A designated fund allows many donors to support one or more specified charitable organizations. It differs from an agency fund because donors rather than the agency itself have created the fund.


The NMF Community Funds Program assists communities in organizing and building resources for the benefit of the community. Working with community leaders, NMF facilitates the establishment of these broad area-of-interest funds with a general purpose and operation which provides a simple, understandable and economical means for helping the needs of the community and the charitable objectives of donors. It’s just one more way that NMF works to develop community assets.

Staff is available to work with community groups, individuals and families interested in establishing these funds. Your fund might support a wide range of charitable activities within a defined area and purpose, or it could be designated to a specific charitable beneficiary.

Family of Funds We now have two development officers working to support philanthropic services. Lisa Peterson works with donors to establish new component and community funds and directly assists fund advisory committees in the region south of Highway 1. Caryl Turnow works with donors and fund advisory committees in the same capacity and serves the region north of Highway 1. Contact Lisa or Caryl at 218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859.

This newsletter’s list of funds is organized by county, and then sorted alphabetically by a fund “purpose” category rather than the legal type of fund as described on page 13. By listing funds according to their purpose, we feel you will better understand how assets from the fund will be used.

Here are the definitions of the fund “purpose” categories: COMMUNITY FUNDS

Maintain a local focus and work to address the same needs as the foundation itself, or at a minimum, complement NMF’s Quality of Place initiatives, and are tailored to benefit the individual communities in which they have been set up. This method of “helping communities help themselves” increases donor involvement, encourages local participation, and builds on hometown pride.


Established to support organizations and programs that provide services promoting health and wellness; that adds strength to the health care systems in the region, and; support medical education.


Established to support organizations or groups that promote and preserve all aspects of the arts and other cultural pursuits in Northwest Minnesota.


Established to support organizations and groups that promote and preserve the environment, watersheds, lake associations, outdoor recreation, and community beautification or vitality.


Established to support agencies, organizations, and groups that serve to enhance the quality of life in communities throughout the region.


Established to support organizations that promote business development and expansion in Northwest Minnesota.

EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS e the he You hav ity to support t ! n u t u r eso rce opp o in the R d e t s li s fund

l you wil ds t a h t e We hop e or more fun on le identif y your charitab et ort that me ill supp w u o y r goals, o ndowment Fe the the NM , using t if g r u e with yo nvelop e e c n a ce. remitt Resour is h t in d include

Established to support school systems, extracurricular activities, post-secondary education scholarships and specific educational programs.

DONOR ADVISED FUNDS Established to enable a donor to be actively involved in choosing which organizations receive grants from the fund.


Established to support a variety of programs or organizations serving the twelve-county region or an area larger than a county or single community.

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Service Area Kittson

Roseau Lake of the Woods

Marshall Pennington

Beltrami Clearwater

Red Lake





Component and Community Funds Beltrami County Community Funds

Bemidji Area Community Fund Bemidji Community Food Shelf Fund Bemidji Jaycees Education and Scholarship Fund Earle and Mariann Dickinson Family Education Fund Rosselet-Hickey Charitable Fund Blackduck Area Community Fund Blackduck Academic and Character Scholarship Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Community Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Education Fund Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Recovery and Renewal Fund Red Lake Tribal Information Center, Archives, and Library Fund Youth Initiative Fund

Community Service Funds Beltrami Humane Society Fund Bemidji Area Early Childhood Initiative Fund Evergreen House Fund Headwaters Regional Development Commission Headwaters Regional Development Commission Leadership Fund HRDC Successful Communities Challenge Fund Headwaters Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fund Kelliher Area Seniors Fund Ralph and Ruth Shoemate Fund Seniors Trust Fund of Beltrami County Support Our Troops Fund Thrive Initiative Fund

Cultural Funds Beltrami County Historical Society Fund Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund Ernie Rall Children’s Performing Arts Fund Eugene Dalzatto Fund For the Arts Everett Wilimek Endowment for Orchestral String Studies Frederick Marshall Fund for the Headwaters School of Music and the Arts H.B. and Ina T. Roholt Family Fund for the Arts Bemidji Community Arts Center Fund Bemidji Community Theater Fund Bemidji Symphony Orchestra Fund Chief Bemidji Fund Lake Bemidji Summer Opera Festival Fund North Star Arts Fund Paul Bunyan Playhouse Fund Richard and Pam Nelson Family Fund for the Visual Arts Sandy Kaul Fund for the Arts Blackduck Area History and Art Fund Bemidji Area Public Library Foundation Fund Dorothy Breen Fund for the Visually Impaired Hazel I Shimmin Fund Ruth Stenerson Project Support Fund

Donor Advised Funds Backstrom Family Charitable Fund Baer Family Fund Fourth and Robbins Fund John and Eloise Ostrem Charitable Fund Meade Family Fund Oja Family Fund

Component and Community Funds Education Funds Bemidji Lumberjack Foundation Fund Amy Anderson English Fund Bemidji All School Reunion Fund Buck Robbins Scholarship Fund Bun and Alvera Fortier Scholarship Fund Des Sagedahl Scholarship Fund First National Bank Bonspiel Fund Food Service Fund General Scholarship Fund George Pelawa-Calgary Flames Education Fund Heidi Bitzer McClure Memorial Scholarship Fund Jacquelyn M. Schaffer Scholarship for Music Joe Plummer Music Fund John F. Breen Scholarship Fund K.E. “Red” Wilson Athletic Fund Lumberjack Security Bank Scramble Fund Pat Campbell String Fund Ray F. Breen Scholarship Fund Rick Lee Memorial Fund Tom Gardner Memorial Fund Troy Nelson Memorial “Character” Scholarship Fund Merle and Mildred Rundell Education Fund James and Sylvia Sande Scholarship Fund Heartland Christian Academy Fund St. Mary’s Mission School Fund Wells Academy Fund

Environment and Recreation Funds

Bemidji Area Parks and Trails Fund Bemidji City Parks and Trails Operation and Maintenance Fund Bemidji Community Biomes Outdoor Classroom Fund Bemidji First City of Lights Fund Bemidji in Bloom Fund Bemidji Sculpture Walk Fund Bemidji Waterfront-Paul and Babe Maintenance Fund Freedom Defenders Veterans’ Memorial Fund Friends of Lake Bemidji Fund Lake Bemidji Waterfront Fund North Country Park Fund Nymore Dog Park Fund Bemidji Curling Fund Big Bog State Recreation Area Fund Grace Lake Charitable Fund Greater Bemidji Outdoor Foundation Fund

Healthcare Funds

Kelliher Area Health Care Fund

Clearwater County Community Funds

Bagley Area Community Fund Bagley Area Scholarship Fund Bagley Beautification Fund Bagley Community Playground Fund Bagley Education Fund Bagley Technology Advancement Fund Nola Ellis Memorial Fund Thorbeck Field Fund

Community Service Funds Bagley Early Childhood Initiative Fund Clearbrook-Gonvick Early Childhood Initiative Fund Clearwater County Humane Society Fund

Cultural Funds

Clearbrook-Gonvick Performing Arts Fund

Education Funds Clearbrook-Gonvick Education Fund Clearbrook-Gonvick Playground Fund Mary Jo Klinger Scholarship Fund Olga Peterson Scholarship Fund Rural Minnesota Project Lead The Way Richard Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Swanson Family Fund

Healthcare Funds Clearwater Area Health Care Fund Clearwater County Emergency Services Fund Clearwater Health Services Hospice Family Room Fund Clearwater Health Services Cancer Screening Fund Clearwater Hospice Fund Clearwater Senior Care Fund

Hubbard County Community Funds

Akeley Area Community Fund Park Rapids Area Community Fund Fireworks Fund Heartland Homes Fund Hewitt Family Charitable Fund Kinship of Park Rapids Fund Matthew Spangler Hockey Fund Park Rapids Education and Activities Fund Park Rapids Area Drug-Alcohol Awareness Fund Park Rapids Area Youth and Families Activities Fund Park Rapids Early Childhood Initiative Fund Park Rapids M State Fund RESOURCE: Special Giving


Component and Community Funds Park Rapids Memorial Scholarship Fund Park Rapids Rotary Charitable Fund Positively Park Rapids Fund

Education Funds Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Education Fund

Community Service Funds Friends of the Headwaters Animal Shelter Fund

Economic Development Funds

Community Funds

Park Rapids Revolving Loan Fund

Mahnomen Area Community Fund Mahnomen Health Care Fund

Education Funds

White Earth Reservation Area Community Fund White Earth Education Fund White Earth Oshki Manidoo (New Spirit) Fund

Laporte Education Fund Community Playground Fund Laporte-Benedict VFW Scholarship Fund Tonia Johannsen Memorial Fund

Environment and Recreation Funds

Community Service Funds Naytahwaush Area Early Childhood Initiative

Big Sand Lake Charitable Fund Hubbard County COLA Charitable Fund Hubbard COLA AIS Prevention Project Fund Lake Plantagenet Charitable Fund Potato Lake Charitable Fund Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund

Education Funds

Kittson County

Marshall County

Community Service Funds New Life Bible Camp Fund

Education Funds Julie Holmquist Memorial Scholarship Fund Luther Younggren Memorial Scholarship Fund

Healthcare Funds Kittson Memorial Healthcare Center Foundation Fund

Lake of the Woods County Community Service Funds

Lake Of The Woods County Humane Society Fund Lake of the Woods Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Cultural Funds


Mahnomen County

Mahnomen Education Fund Gen. Ike and Maj. Bruce Isaacson Scholarship Fund Leslie Hanson Scholarship Fund Milton Hockel Scholarship Fund Night Riders Sno-Club Scholarship Fund Paul and Pat Bisek Scholarship Fund

Community Funds

Argyle Area Community Foundation Fund Argyle Beautification and Improvement Project Fund Argyle H.O.P.E. Project Fund Stephen Area Endowment Fund Robert C. and Mona Rae Johnson Family Charitable Fund Stephen Area Arts Fund Stephen Area EMS Fund Stephen Area Golf Fund Stephen Curling Fund Francine Kuznia Memorial Scholarship Fund Sinclair Scholastic Achievement Award Fund Warren Area Community Fund

Community Service Funds Marshall County Early Childhood Initiative Fund Warren Senior Center Endowment Fund

Lake of the Woods County Historical Society Fund

Cultural Funds

Economic Development Funds

Northwest Regional Library Endowment Fund

Lake Of The Woods Industrial Park Development Fund Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Fund Lake of the Woods Revolving Loan Fund

Education Funds

RESOURCE: Special Giving

Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Education Foundation Fund Lyle H Engelstad Scholarship Fund

Component and Community Funds Music Advancement Fund Myron and Margaret Carlson Scholarship Fund

Environment and Recreation Funds Omdahl Environment and Conservation Fund Wetlands Pines and Prairie Audubon Sanctuary (Eldor and Stella Omdahl)

Healthcare Funds North Valley Health Center Fund

Norman County Community Funds

Twin Valley Area Community Fund Joseph Urdahl Memorial Fund

Community Service Funds Norman County East Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Education Funds Laural Capistran Murphy Scholarship Fund

Healthcare Funds Bridges Medical Services Foundation Fund

Pennington County

Community Service Funds

Fosston Education Foundation Fund Cameron Badurek Peace Award Fund Dean and Joyce McNelly Vocational Scholarship Fund Dean Clementson Scholarship Fund Fosston Livestock Shipping Association Animal Science Scholarship Fund Jim Miller Memorial Math Scholarship Fund LuVerne Trogstad Education and Scholarship Fund Terry Stout Memorial Scholarship Fund Vikan Scholarship Fund Fosston Inspiration Trail Fund Fosston 21st Century Fund

Community Service Funds Crookston Early Childhood Initiative Fund Fertile Armed Forces Veterans Fund Fertile-Beltrami Early Childhood Education Fund McIntosh Immanuel Cemetery Fund OPTIONS Fund Union Lake Free Lutheran Cemetery Charitable Fund

Donor Advised Funds Rongen Family Fund

Education Funds District #593 (Crookston) Education Foundation Fund Frances Drivold Special Education Fund Larson Family Achievement Award Fund East Polk County Fair Scholarship Fund Kris Fontaine Scholarship Fund

Strong Youth Fund Thief River Falls Early Childhood Initiative Fund

Environment and Recreation Funds

Donor Advised Funds

Healthcare Funds

Ole and Ruth Tweet Family Fund Orin J. and Marjorie F. Green Charitable Fund Robert J. Johnson and Mary L. Johnson Charitable Fund

Polk County

Community Funds Crookston Area Community Fund Crookston Arena Fund Dragseth Family Charitable Fund Fisher Area Community Fund Fosston Area Community Fund Arvid Clementson Veterans’ Memorial Fund East Polk Heritage Center Fund First Care Fosston Area Fund Fosston Education Foundation Fund

Rydell Refuge Fund

First Care Medical Services Fund First Care Hospice Fund

Red Lake County Community Funds

Red Lake Falls Area Community Fund Kim Knaack Music Fund

Cultural Funds Two Rivers Area Theatre Fund

Education Funds Kyle A. Myhre Memorial Fund Lester Norris Dale, MD Scholarship Fund

RESOURCE: Special Giving


Component and Community Funds Red Lake Falls Education Fund Richard Bresnahan “Leadership in the Arts” Fund Two Rivers Area Theatre Scholarship Fund

Cultural Funds

Roseau County

LifeCare Health Fund Eagles Auxiliary Diabetes and Dialysis Fund LifeCare Hospice Fund LifeCare Manor Greenbush Fund LifeCare Manor Roseau Fund Maggie Adams Medical Equipment Fund Parish Nursing Fund Think Pink Breast Cancer Fund

Community Fund

Badger Area Community Fund Badger Education Fund Badger Veteran’s Memorial Fund Greenbush Area Community Fund Greenbush Education Fund Keith and Ellen Kapphahn Family Scholarship Fund Roseau Area Community and Education Fund A.J. and Eleanor Kramer Scholarship Fund Marian Foley Memorial Fund Marvin LaRue Memorial Fund Charles “Nick” Peterson Memorial Fund Four Season Senior Center Fund Joseph Schneider Scholarship Fund Malung PTO Scholarship Fund Roseau Adult Education Fund Roseau Area Friends of the Library Fund Roseau Lions Club Scholarship Fund Roseau Parks and Recreation Fund Wannaska PTO Scholarship Fund Karlsson Family Scholarship Fund Warroad Area Community Fund Margaret Ann and Paul Samuel Johnson Family Charitable Fund Rainbow Park Restoration Fund Warroad Early Childhood Initiative Fund Warroad Heritage Center Fund Warroad Lost River Sportsmen Complex Fund Warroad Memorial Arena Fund Warroad Point Area Restoration and Community Recovery Fund Warroad Senior Living Center Fund Warroad Swim Program Fund Warroad Women of Today Community Project Fund Warroad Education Fund Ann and Les Henderson Memorial Fund Betty Bahnmiller Memorial Fund Bruce and Ellen Atwater Education Fund Dorrance H. Johnston Scholarship for Engineering Fund Edward and Agnes Brandli Scholarship Fund Farmer’s Union Oil Co. Scholarship Fund Gaylord A. Gunderson Memorial Fund Jennifer Grove Memorial Scholarship Fund Justin Knebel Memorial Fund Katie Jo Olafson Memorial Scholarship Fund Lee Hafdahl Memorial Scholarship Fund NAPA Ride to Reading Fund Nick Moyer Memorial and Scholarship Fund Patrick O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship Fund


RESOURCE: Special Giving

Roseau County Historical Society Fund

Healthcare Funds

Regional/Multi-County Community Service Funds

Full Stride Fund Hopes, Dreams and Smiles Fund

Donor Advised Funds Major Robert Olson Memorial Fund Ruth Edevold Awards for Excellence Ruth Edevold Endowment for Excellence

Economic Development Funds Ingenuity Frontier Fund (Region)

Education Funds Bronko Nagurski Education Fund Leonard J. and Rosemound Kucera Memorial Scholarship Fund Mike Staples Memorial Scholarship Fund

Environment and Recreation Funds Giziibii Resource Conservation and Development Fund

Healthcare Funds Courage Center Programs and Camps Fund

Regional Programs Northwest Minnesota Women’s Fund Northwest Minnesota Women’s Scholarship Fund University of Minnesota Crookston Women’s Scholarship Fund Delta Kappa Gamma – Mu Chapter Myrtie Hunt Scholarship Fund Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Fund

Online Giving and Gift Planning Donate Now With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can explore your charitable options and even make an immediate gift to support our mission. Online access provides a powerful tool that makes charitable giving fast, secure and easy on our site.

Click this button found on every page at www.nwmf.org to make a donation to any of the funds in the NMF family of funds.

Gift Planning Ideas In an effort to keep you up-to-date on current issues involving estate planning and planned giving, Northwest Minnesota Foundation has a great resource on our website www.nwmf.org.

Our Planned Giving section is a comprehensive resource for all of your gift planning questions. • Discover the tax and income benefits of the various kinds of planned gifts • Read in-depth about trusts and annuities that pay you an income for life • Learn how you can make gifts from life insurance policies, retirement plan assets or appreciated property • Find out how to set up your will so that the government does not benefit more than your heirs

To access the planned giving section: Click on “Community Foundation » “Gift Planning Ideas.”


a glossary of planned giving terms, so you don’t get confused by unfamiliar words and phrases. If you are wondering how a gift will work for you, calculate your income tax deduction for a specific plan with our gift calculator. Discover a virtual encyclopedia of information on how and what to give.

Access hundreds of up-to-date articles on making the most of your charitable giving.

RESOURCE: Special Giving





4225 Technology Drive NW Bemidji, MN 56601


Roseau Lake of the Woods

Marshall Pennington

Beltrami Clearwater

Red Lake






Northwest Minnesota Foundation CONTACT US: (218) 759-2057 • 800-659-7859 • FAX: (218) 759-2328 • info@nwmf.org

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