Resource Special Giving Edition Northwest Minnesota Foundation Funds:
Protecting Our Legacy
Mission & Values The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is a public charitable foundation dedicated to creating a brighter future for Northwest Minnesota.
Our Mission :
The Northwest Minnesota Foundation invests resources, creates opportunities and promotes philanthropy to make the region a better place to live and work.
Our Values :
Excellence - We strive for the highest standards in all our programs and services. Integrity - We are a trusted resource demonstrating honesty and fairness in our relationships with partners, clients and colleagues. Passion - We are committed to the region and mission-driven in all our endeavors. Innovation - We are forward thinking and proactive in seeking out opportunities. Wisdom - We apply knowledge of the region and historical perspective to make sound decisions. Partnerships - We are most effective when working in cooperation with others.
Table of Contents Mission & Values................................................1 Hubbard County........................................14 Protecting Our Legacy........................................2 Kittson County...........................................14 Fund Progress....................................................3 Lake of the Woods County........................15 Donors Make it Possible.....................................4 Mahnomen County....................................15 Message from the Chair.....................................5 Marshall County........................................15 About the NMF Family of Funds.........................6 Norman County.........................................16 Giving Feels Good..............................................7 Pennington County....................................16 Lyle Engelstad....................................................8 Polk County...............................................16 Esther Instebo....................................................9 Red Lake County......................................17 Gaylord Gunderson..........................................10 Roseau County.........................................17 Funds of NMF...................................................11 Regional Funds.........................................18 Beltrami County.........................................12 Online Giving....................................................19 Clearwater County....................................13
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Protecting Our Legacy The Community Foundation: Protecting Our Legacy The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is anchored by a belief that the people who live and work in rural Minnesota are best positioned to decide how to charitably support their communities and interests. NMF’s board believed that we had the expertise to help build permanent resources to meet future needs for the region. In 1997, that belief led to a name change that would reflect the growing need for an organization that could assist donors. The Northwest Minnesota Initiative Fund became the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, signifying our resolve to serve as a regional community foundation. In 1996, NMF administered 13 component funds with assets totaling a little over $600,000. Since then NMF has committed resources to promote philanthropy in our region by encouraging the establishment of more funds, the continued charitable support for these funds, and perhaps most significant, the use of these funds, through grant awards, to make Northwest Minnesota a better place to live and work. Today, NMF assets total more than $40 million. Fourteen million of that amount represents the endowed and project (spendable) dollars of NMF’s nearly 300 component funds.
NMF Endowment Values
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Fund Progress The Community Foundation: Protecting Our Legacy
In the past ten years, NMF’s component funds have awarded nearly 2,000 grants, with a tremendous 75% increase from the first half of that time period. (*Note: the growth in the Environment/Recreation fund category resulted from the addition of funds established for special projects that benefit communities.) $700,000 $600,000
Component Fund Grants by Category
$500,000 $700,000 $400,000 $600,000 $300,000 $500,000
Totals 2000-2005 (All- $1,378,339)
$100,000 $300,000
Totals 2006-2010 Totals 2000-2005 (All - $3,857,336) (All- $1,378,339)
Totals 2006-2010 (All - $3,857,336)
$200,000 $400,000 $- $200,000 $-
Number of Grants by Category 2000-2005
2006-2010 659
2006-2010 659 261
98 38
39 65
98 38
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
117 24
1 11 39 65
102 55
6 27
117 24
1 11
85 34
102 55
6 27
23 11 261 11 85 34
195 11
Donors Make it Possible Letter to Our Donors, Nancy Vyskocil Dear Friends, The Resource Special Giving Edition is in your hands because of the many donors who have given so generously to the Northwest Minnesota Foundation and our family of component funds. We are especially proud of the community and component funds listed that were created by individuals, groups and families throughout the 12-county region. These are people who care about the community. People who want to give something back. People who are your neighbors. People like you. Through your tremendous generosity, NMF and the component funds awarded grants totaling over $1.6 million in 2010 alone. These grant dollars supported: scholarships to area students for college tuition and expenses; parks, community beautification and recreation programs; nonprofit expenses and training; early childhood initiative programs; health care facilities, hospices, and health related activities; youth and education programs, equipment for schools; among many others. The foundation board and staff are extremely grateful to each and every donor who supported the foundation’s funds. You are protecting our legacy. The results of grass roots giving, keeping resources in the region to make it a better place to live and work, are reaffirming our mission every day. Thanks for all you do.
NMF President
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Message from the Chair Message from the Chair, Eric Bergeson
Hello, all! In 2008 much to the surprise of many, the people of Minnesota supported a three-eighths percent increase in the sales tax by a 56-44% margin to support nature and the arts. That’s right: At a time when it was virtually mandatory for politicians to adhere to the “no new tax” mantra, the citizens of Minnesota voted to raise their own taxes by an average of $60 per year per household to support parks, nature trails, clean water initiatives and efforts to preserve our cultural heritage. It will take time to find out how this new fund shakes out. Our staff at the Northwest Minnesota Foundation is already working to understand how the money will be distributed. But the larger lesson is clear: Even during difficult economic times, people are willing to pony up cash for community projects as long as they know where the money will be spent. People are generous, but they want a measure of control over how their hard-earned dollars are used. Enter the Northwest Minnesota Foundation. At NMF, we specialize in helping donors achieve their personal goals as they support their favorite causes. On the following pages, you will read the stories of three donors who left legacies that are still bearing fruit, even after the donors passed on. Two of the donors had very specific goals that NMF helped them meet. Gaylord Gunderson of Warroad wanted to help average high school students––those who earned C’s–– further their education as tradesmen so they could make a good living in their hometown. After Mr. Anderson passed away, the final $395,000 of his estate was given to NMF to create a fund to do just that. In her later years, Esther Instebo of Bagley gave money to the Clearwater County Humane Society in a way which 1) earned her a big up-front tax deduction 2) gave her a payment of $5000 per year until she passed away last summer at age 99 and 3) left a large chunk of money to one of her favorite charities. On the other end of the spectrum, the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo school received a gift of $100,000 from a little-known man named Lyle Engelstad. He left a simple instruction - scholarships. But with NMF’s help, the WAO Education Foundation has turned the gift into 90 scholarships totaling $90,000 over the past twelve years. Whether you have specific goals you wish to achieve through giving or whether you simply want to make sure your charitable dollars are spent wisely, NMF is here to help. Our staff is expert at making sure your donations of any size are leveraged to the hilt to have the largest impact on the cause of your choice. Industrialist Andrew Carnegie once said that earning a fortune is easier than giving it away wisely. These days, you don’t need a fortune to make a difference. And you don’t need to worry that your charitable dollar will be squandered. NMF has the tools to help people of all incomes make a difference in the areas of their choosing. 5
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
About the NMF Family of Funds Offering a very personal way for residents and friends of Northwest Minnesota
to make a meaningful and lasting contribution, NMF encourages all philanthropy, with a special emphasis on the establishment of endowment funds where only the earnings are used to support charitable activities. In its role as the regional community foundation for Northwest Minnesota, NMF offers flexible fund types which enable donors to achieve their charitable goals. With as little as $5,000, an agency or field of interest fund may be established to serve any charitable purpose. The fund may be named and added to at any time. Grants from the fund can be made in a person’s name, the name of the fund, or in anonymity. All contributions to the fund qualify for maximum tax deductibility.
Donor Advised Fund: A donor advised fund enables a donor to be
actively involved in choosing which organizations receive grants from the fund. This type of fund provides great flexibility to the donor while avoiding the costs and demands of a private foundation. At certain levels, this fund enables donors to involve heirs in giving during and after the original donor’s lifetime.
Designated Fund: A designated endowment fund is for donors who wish to specify one or more charitable
organizations to receive distributions in perpetuity from their named fund.
Field of Interest Fund: A field of interest fund enables a donor to support a cause they care about, such as health
services, the arts, or child abuse. NMF will make grants to organizations capable of making the greatest impact within the donor’s chosen field of interest.
Agency Fund: Agencies that place their endowment funds with NMF access a well-monitored, community-wide
investment portfolio and planned giving vehicles for their donors. Subject to NMF board approval, agencies receive an annual payment from their fund. They also save on in-house time and budget by cutting down on paperwork and relieving staff from the expense and onus of researching the complexities of planned giving options.
Scholarship Fund: Donors may establish a scholarship fund in their name or the name of a loved one. The
distributions from the fund are used to provide educational opportunities for individuals chosen by an independent scholarship committee.
Community Funds: The NMF Community Funds Program assists communities in organizing and building
resources for the benefit of the community. Working with community leaders, NMF facilitates the establishment of a community fund, which provides a simple, understandable and economical means for helping meet the needs of the community and the charitable objectives of donors. The Community Funds Program creates, builds and maintains sources of local financial support capable of responding to community needs.
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Giving Feels Good A
t this time of year, giving feels especially good. It can feel even better if you’re able to make your donation pay off for you too. “Both you and the cause can benefit,” says Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy. “That’s how philanthropy in this country was born.” There are many ways to give and get at the same time. First, you can receive a tax deduction for making a donation. To take this, you must give to a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and you must itemize your tax return. Be sure to keep documentation. You need a receipt from the organization for gifts over $250. Under that amount, you must have a cancelled check, credit card statement or a receipt from the charity. Another simple, common way to get something back is by establishing a charitable annuity Charitable gift annuities have been around since the early 1800s. Over the years they have evolved into one of the most popular charitable life income plans. Typically a charitable annuity is an agreement in which you transfer cash or other assets to Northwest Minnesota Foundation or designated to one of its funds in exchange for the promise to pay you an annuity for life. In both cases, a sizable amount is donated, and NMF agrees to pay you a set sum, every year until your death. Taxes on that income will vary by age and the way the annuity was funded. You take the tax deduction for the donation now. A charitable annuity is easy to set up. Experienced NMF staff can help you with the transaction. Still another, very familiar planned gift is a bequest, a gift of cash or property that you designate in your will. While there are several types of bequests, each gives back to your estate with a gift receipt for the full value of the bequest, and a significant reduction in the tax payable when your final return is filed. We hope you’ll consider including a gift to Northwest Minnesota Foundation in your will or living trust. This type of gift offers these main benefits:
Simplicity. Just a few sentences in your will or trust are all that is needed. The official bequest language for
Northwest Minnesota Foundation is: “I [name], or [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Northwest Minnesota Foundation [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for allocated to ‘Name of Component Fund’.”
Because you are not actually making a gift until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time.
Versatility. You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or
amount of money, make the gift contingent on certain events, or leave a percentage of your estate to us.
Tax Relief. Your estate is entitled to an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift’s full value.
To learn more about these giving options that give back to you or your heirs, please contact Ritchie Houge (, phone 218-759-2057) Visit the Gift Planning Ideas section of the NMF web site at for great information and answers to many of your planned giving questions.
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Lyle Engelstad F
or Lyle Engelstad, personal charity and commitment meant remembering his hometown and its young people. He always felt he received a great deal from the teachers and staff at Warren High School. It was his desire to give a gift to the school to help students have some of the kinds of opportunities in life that he had enjoyed. In 1998, Mr. Engelstad made a will bequest of $100,000 to his old high school, now the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo school district. His will bequest is a lasting legacy. To date, 90 scholarships totaling $90,000 have been given to deserving graduates. They are awarded based on a desire to attend college, academic ability, and the need for assistance. According to Marie Goodwin, director of the WAO Education Foundation, there were not clear directions given about how the funds should be disbursed. “If we had just given away the money $10,000 at a time, we would not have been able to keep the scholarship going. I think Mr. Engelstad would be surprised at the result of his gift, with so many students benefiting from the scholarships.”
2010 Engelstad
scholarship recipi ents Brenna Rans Lucas Goodwin, trom, Kristie Novak
Lyle Engelstad was born in Warren on March 28, 1921 to Helmer Luther Engelstad and Helen Theresa (Thorson) Engelstad. After graduating from Warren High School in 1939, he moved to Chicago where he worked in a bakery for two years before enlisting in the Army in 1942. He joined the paratroopers and later served as an instructor and jump master. In 1945 he joined the 11th Airborne Division in the Far East and in Japan until April 1940. Mr. Engelstad described his military career in his 50th WHS Class Reunion Book as follows. “So many good things have happened to me that the space available is going to be just the highlights. As you know I decided to stay in the Army. What a blessing! 1942-1954 were routine assignments, 1954-1957 Allied Forces, Central Europe in Fountainbleu, France. “In 1957-1960 I was in Washington D.C. as assistant SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) liaison officer. This was the most interesting assignment a person could have. I had to go to Congress three or four times a month and to the White House once every two months. Most of my contact with the White House was with the military aide to the President, but in the three years I had to deliver material (four times) to General Goodpasture, who was chief of staff to President Eisenhower. “The first time I met General Goodpasture, the President was out of the office and he took me into the Oval Office. My job also required assisting General Lauris Norstad (head of NATO) with his presentations before Congressional committees. “In 1960 I was assigned to Paris as administrative assistant to General Norstad. General Norstad, while in Paris, introduced me to President Eisenhower. I also met John and Ted Kennedy, Lord Mountbattten, and Alister Cooke. In 1963 I was assigned to Washington as executive to General Creighton W. Abrams. In 1967 I went to Viet Nam and spent five years. I retired in 1973.” The executor of Mr. Engelstad’s will served with him in the military. He observed that he was probably the only person in the Army who spent five-and-a-half years on the personal staff of Air Force Four Star General Norstad and 10 years on the personal staff of Army Four Star General Abrams. Over his military career of more than 30 years, Mr. Engelstad received several military decorations including the Legion of Merit with an oak leaf cluster, Bronze Star, Joint Service Commendation Medal and the Army Commendation with an oak leaf cluster. Mr. Englestad retired in El Paso, Texas in 1973, and passed away in 1996. By remembering his youth in Warren, the remarkable legacy of his commitment to community and country will carry on in the lives of the WAO scholarship recipients. NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Esther Instebo E
sther Instebo, who passed away at the age of 99 in July, 2010, was a well-known figure around the Bagley and Clearwater County area. She was born Dec. 30, 1910, at her family homestead in Bagley, Minn., the second of three children. There was no hospital nearby. Her Scandinavian immigrant folks farmed 160 acres.
Photo: Seattle Times
For transportation, Esther, her brother and her sister — both deceased — rode in a sled that was pulled by a big, white Arabian horse. In the winter, in the snow, that’s how they got to their school four miles away.
Esther with Washing ton State Governor Ch Gregoire (left) and M ristine ichelle Obama and an other unidentified.
Her first job, in 1929, was as a certified country-school teacher, earning $85 a month, which included scrubbing the schoolhouse floor and building a fire to heat the building. She lived with her parents and each day walked six miles round-trip to the school where she taught. Back then, it was written into the contract that female teachers could not be married. “I know what it’s like to be darn poor,” she told the Seattle Times in 2008. In 1937, Mrs. Instebo graduated from Bemidji State Teacher’s College. Three years later, she followed her future husband, Alfred Instebo, a handsome Norweigian immigrant, to Seattle. She attended the University of Washington and began teaching elementary school, retiring from EC Hughes Elementary in West Seattle in 1972. Her husband died in 1995. Mrs. Instebo traveled between Bagley and Seattle, maintaining residences in both locations. She was active in supporting causes she believed in, sharing her talent, time and resources wherever she happened to be. Even as she sped toward the century mark, Esther Instebo, a one-woman political-fundraising machine, barely slowed. Once and always a teacher, Mrs. Instebo, until the very last, continued gathering signatures for a high-earners income-tax initiative she believed would help fund schools. She delivered donations and filled fundraiser tables for Washington’s U.S. senators, Planned Parenthood and near to her heart, teachers. In Northwest Minnesota, she supported her favorite causes, including her alma mater Bemidji State University, and established a fund with NMF to support the Clearwater County Humane Society. She read constantly “mostly about politics and economics” and when she liked a book, she’d buy a crate full and pass copies to friends. Again: once a teacher, always a teacher. When she says her sympathies lie with causes for the poor, she speaks from experience. The way Instebo sees it, “I don’t have any children waiting in the wings. What’s going to happen to your money? I love the idea that a bunch of us can be doing something.” Doing something was definitely in her nature. She was eager to take responsibility. With an initial $10,000 gift in 1997, Esther Instebo was instrumental in establishing the Clearwater County Humane Society Fund at NMF. The purpose of the fund was to provide for an annual income stream to support the needs of the Humane Society. Her goal was for developing a permanent endowment that would grow over the years through contributions from friends of the Humane Society. In 2001, Northwest Minnesota Foundation accepted with deepest appreciation a $50,000 charitable gift annuity from Mrs. Instebo, benefitting the Clearwater County Humane Society Endowment and Project Fund. With this gift, Mrs. Instebo was allowed to claim a charitable tax deduction for $32,200 (the gift portion of the annuity). The annuity agreement guaranteed payments of nearly $5,000 per year, which was paid until the time of her passing in 2010. The remaining principle and interest earnings were then added to the Clearwater County Humane Society Endowment Fund. 9
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Gaylord Gunderson Gaylord Gunderson lived a quiet and simple life in Warroad. Underneath his unassuming demeanor, he held a strong interest -- a passion -- for education.
Years ago, Gaylord established a trust fund to provide post-secondary scholarships to students from Warroad High School. These scholarships were designated for the “average or ‘C’ student” and to support students attending technical or vocational school programs. Gaylord believed skilled workers and tradesmen were essential to our communities. He also believed young people pursuing education and training in these areas would remain or return to their hometown, when they’re encouraged and presented with the opportunity. Gaylord’s generosity did not stop with the establishment of this one scholarship program. Working with his advisors, Gaylord drafted his estate plan, leaving specific bequests in his will to several close friends and charitable interests. He also added a “residual clause” to his will setting forth his final generous act. In that clause he left the residual of his estate to the Northwest Minnesota Foundation to establish an endowment fund in his name, benefiting students and programs at Warroad Public Schools. That simple act of generosity amounted to $395,000 and the realization of the hope and dreams for many young people. Gaylord’s bequest will continue to help average students who pursue education goals. It will also provide annual funding for equipment and programs at Warroad schools; equipment like a new welder for the tech classes, new computer software and other items that will meet educational needs now and for decades to come.
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Funds of NMF Funds of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Northwest Minnesota Foundation funds help individual donors, groups and families act on deeply held values and
community commitments. They are established to benefit a specific nonprofit community organization or interest area, and NMF manages the assets. NMF also assists community nonprofits with the important work of building their asset bases and helps organizations further their missions in order to operate with continued success. The foundation has also established Community Funds in key areas throughout the region. These funds maintain a local focus and work to address the same needs as the foundation itself, tailored to benefit the individual communities in which they have been set up. This method of “helping communities help themselves” increases donor involvement, encourages local participation, and builds on hometown pride. It’s just one more way that NMF works to develop community assets. Staff is available to work with community groups, individuals and families interested in establishing these funds. Your fund might support a wide range of charitable activities within a defined area and purpose, or it could be designated to a specific charitable beneficiary. Contact Ritchie Houge at 218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859. You have the opportunity to support one or more of the funds listed in the Resource. We hope that you will identify one of more funds that meet your charitable goals, or you will support the NMF endowment with your gift, using the remittance envelope inserted in the back cover of this Resource. This catalog of funds is organized by county, then sorted alphabetically by fund category. Following are the descriptions of what interest areas the funds support in each of the categories.
Community Funds have been established in key areas throughout the NMF region. These funds maintain a local focus and work to address the same needs as the foundation itself, but in a manner specific to those communities in which they serve. Sub-funds organized as part of the community fund usually fit one of the categories listed below.
Community Service Funds have been established to support agencies, organizations, and groups that serve to enhance the quality of life in communities throughout the region.
Cultural Funds have been established to support organizations or groups that promote and preserve all aspects of the arts and other cultural pursuits in Northwest Minnesota. Donor Advised Funds have been established to enable a donor to be actively involved in choosing which organizations receive grants from the fund. This type of fund provides great flexibility to the donor while avoiding the costs and demands of a private foundation. Economic Development Funds have been established to support organizations that promote business development and expansion in Northwest Minnesota. Education and Scholarship Funds have been established to support school systems, extracurricular activities, postsecondary education scholarships and specific educational programs.
Environmental Funds have been established to support organizations and groups that promote and preserve the environment, watersheds, lake associations, outdoor recreation, and community beautification or vitality.
Health Care Funds have been established to support organizations and programs that provide services promoting health and wellness; that adds strength to the health care systems in the region, and; support medical education.
Regional Funds have been established to support a variety of programs or organizations serving the twelve-county region or an area larger than a county or single community.
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Funds of NMF
Beltrami County Community Funds
Bemidji Area Community Fund
Bemidji Jaycees Education and Scholarship Fund
Earle and Mariann Dickinson Family Education Fund
Rosselet-Hickey Charitable Fund
Blackduck Area Community Fund
Blackduck Academic and Character Scholarship Fund
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Red Community Fund
Nymore Dog Park Fund
Ralph and Ruth Shoemate Fund
Seniors Trust Fund of Beltrami County
Support Our Troops Fund
Thrive Initiative Fund (Bemidji, Blackduck, Kelliher)
Cultural Funds
Beltrami County Historical Society Fund
Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund
Bemidji Community Arts Center Fund
Bemidji Community Theater Fund
Bemidji Symphony Orchestra Fund
Ernie Rall Children’s Performing Arts Fund
Everett Wilimek Endowment for Orchestral String Studies
Frederick Marshall Fund for the Headwaters School of Music and the Arts
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Education Fund
H.B. and Ina T. Roholt Family Fund for the Arts
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Recovery and Renewal Fund
Lake Bemidji Summer Opera Festival Fund
Red Lake Tribal Information Center, Archives, & Library Fund
North Star Arts Fund
Paul Bunyan Playhouse Fund
Youth Initiative Fund
Richard and Pam Nelson Family Fund for the Visual Arts
Sandy Kaul Fund for the Arts
Community Service Funds
Bemidji Area Public Library Foundation Fund
Beltrami Humane Society Fund
Dorothy Breen Fund for the Visually Impaired
Bemidji Area Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Hazel I Shimmin Fund
Evergreen House Fund (Bemidji Area)
Paul Bunyan Playhouse Fund
Headwaters Regional Development Commission
Ruth Stenerson Project Support Fund
Headwaters Regional Development Commission Leadership Fund
HRDC Successful Communities Challenge Fund
Headwaters Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fund
Kelliher Area Seniors Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Backstrom Family Charitable Fund
Baer Family Fund
Fourth & Robbins Fund NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Funds of NMF
John and Eloise Ostrem Charitable Fund
Meade Family Fund
Oja Family Fund
Education Funds
Bemidji Lumberjack Foundation Fund
Environment & Recreation Funds
Bemidji Area Parks and Trails Fund
Bemidji City Parks and Trails Operation and Maintenance Fund
Bemidji Community Biomes Outdoor Classroom Fund
Bemidji Curling Fund
Amy Anderson English Fund
Bemidji First City of Lights Fund
Bemidji All School Reunion Fund
Bemidji in Bloom Fund
Buck Robbins Scholarship Fund
Bemidji Sculpture Walk Fund
Bun and Alvera Fortier Scholarship Fund
Bemidji Waterfront-Paul and Babe Maintenance Fund
Des Sagedahl Scholarship Fund
Freedom Defenders Veterans’ Memorial Fund
First National Bank Bonspiel Fund
Lake Bemidji Waterfront Fund
Food Service Fund
Big Bog State Recreation Area Fund
General Scholarship Fund
Grace Lake Charitable Fund
George Pelawa-Calgary Flames Education Fund
Greater Bemidji Outdoor Foundation Fund
Heidi Bitzer McClure Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joe Plummer Music Fund
Healthcare Funds
John F. Breen Scholarship Fund
K.E. “Red” Wilson Athletic Fund
Lumberjack Security Bank Scramble Fund
Pat Campbell String Fund
Clearwater County
Ray F. Breen Scholarship Fund
Community Funds
Rick Lee Memorial Fund
Bagley Area Community Fund
Tom Gardner Memorial Fund
Bagley Area Scholarship Fund
Troy Nelson Memorial “Character” Scholarship Fund
Bagley Beautification Fund
Kelliher Area Health Care Fund
Heartland Christian Academy Fund
Bagley Community Playground Fund
James and Sylvia Sande Scholarship Fund
Bagley Education Fund
Merle and Mildred Rundell Education Fund
Bagley Technology Advancement Fund
St Mary’s Mission School Fund
Nola Ellis Memorial Fund
Wells Academy Fund
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Funds of NMF
Hewitt Family Charitable Fund
Kinship of Park Rapids Fund
Matthew Spangler Hockey Fund
Park Rapids Education & Activities Fund
Park Rapids Area Drug-Alcohol Awareness Fund
Park Rapids Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Park Rapids Memorial Scholarship Fund
Park Rapids Rotary Charitable Fund
Education Funds
Positively Park Rapids Fund
Economic Development Funds
Community Service
Bagley Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Clearbrook-Gonvick Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Clearwater County Humane Society Fund
Cultural Funds
Clearbrook-Gonvick Performing Arts Fund
Clearbrook-Gonvick Education Fund
Clearbrook-Gonvick Playground Fund
Mary Jo Klinger Scholarship Fund
Olga Peterson Scholarship Fund
Swanson Family Fund
Education Funds
Thorbeck Field Fund
Healthcare Funds
Clearwater Area Health Care Fund
Clearwater County Emergency Services Fund
Clearwater Health Services Hospice Family Room Fund
Clearwater Health Services Cancer Screening Fund
Clearwater Hospice Fund
Clearwater Senior Care Fund
Hubbard County Community Funds
Akeley Area Community Fund
Park Rapids Area Community Fund
Fireworks Fund
Heartland Homes Fund
Park Rapids Revolving Loan Fund
Laporte Education Fund
Laporte-Benedict VFW Scholarship Fund
Community Playground Fund
Tonia Johannsen Memorial Fund
Environment & Recreation Funds
Big Sand Lake Charitable Fund
Hubbard County COLA Charitable Fund
Lake Plantagenet Charitable Fund
Potato Lake Charitable Fund
Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund
Kittson County
Education Funds
Julie Holmquist Memorial Scholarship Fund
Luther Younggren Memorial Scholarship Fund
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Funds of NMF Healthcare Funds
Community Service Funds
Kittson Memorial Healthcare Center Foundation Fund
Lake of the Woods County Community Service Funds
Naytahwaush Area Early Childhood Initiative
Education Funds
Mahnomen Education Fund
Gen. Ike and Maj. Bruce Isaacson Scholarship Fund
Lake of the Woods County Humane Society Fund
Leslie Hanson Scholarship Fund
Lake of the Woods Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Milton Hockel Scholarship Fund
Night Riders Sno-Club Scholarship Fund
Cultural Funds
Lake of the Woods County Historical Society Fund
Economic Development Funds
Marshall County
Community Funds
Stephen Area Endowment Fund
Lake of the Woods Industrial Park Development Fund
Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Fund
Lake of the Woods Revolving Loan Fund
Robert C. and Mona Rae Johnson Family Charitable Fund
Stephen Area Golf Fund
Stephen Curling Fund
Education Funds
Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Fund
Mahnomen County Community Funds
Mahnomen Area Community Fund
White Earth Reservation Area Community Fund
Mahnomen Health Care Fund White Earth Oshki Manidoo (New Spirit) Fund
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Warren Area Community Fund
Community Service Funds
Marshall County Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Warren Senior Center Endowment Fund
Education Funds
Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Education Foundation Fund
Lyle H Engelstad Scholarship Fund
Music Advancement Fund
Myron and Margaret Carlson Scholarship Fund
Funds of NMF Environment & Recreation Funds
Omdahl Environment and Conservation Fund
Wetlands Pines & Prairie Audubon Sanctuary (Eldor and Stella Omdahl)
Healthcare Funds
North Valley Health Center Fund
Norman County
Polk County Community Funds
Crookston Area Community Fund
Crookston Arena Fund
Fertile-Beltrami Area Community Fund
Fisher Area Community Fund
Fosston Area Community Fund
Arvid Clementson Veterans’ Memorial Fund
Cameron Badurek Peace Award Fund
Dean and Joyce McNelly Vocational Scholarship Fund
Dean Clementson Scholarship Fund
East Polk Heritage Center Fund
First Care Fosston Area Fund
Fosston 21st Century Fund
Fosston Education Foundation Fund
Education Funds
Fosston Livestock Shipping Association Animal Science Scholarship Fund
Jim Miller Memorial Math Scholarship Fund
Healthcare Funds
LuVerne Trogstad Education and Scholarship Fund
Terry Stout Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vikan Scholarship Fund
Community Funds
Twin Valley Area Community Fund
Joseph Urdahl Memorial Fund
Community Service Funds
Norman County East Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Laural Capistran Murphy Scholarship Fund
Bridges Medical Services Foundation Fund
Pennington County
Community Service Funds
Strong Youth Fund
Thief River Falls Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Ole and Ruth Tweet Family Fund
Robert J. Johnson and Mary L. Johnson Charitable Fund
Community Service Funds
Crookston Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Fertile Armed Forces Veterans Fund
Fertile-Beltrami Early Childhood Education Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Rongen Family Fund
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
Funds of NMF Education Funds
District #593 (Crookston) Education Foundation Fund
Frances Drivold Special Education Fund
East Polk County Fair Scholarship Fund
Kris Fontaine Scholarship Fund
Environment & Recreation Funds
Rydell Refuge Fund
Healthcare Funds
First Care Medical Services Fund
First Care Hospice Fund
Red Lake County Community Funds
Red Lake Falls Area Community Fund
Kim Knaack Music Fund
Cultural Funds
Two Rivers Area Theatre Endowment and Project Fund
Two Rivers Area Theatre Scholarship Fund
Education Funds
Kyle A. Myhre Memorial Fund
Lester Norris Dale, MD Scholarship Fund
Red Lake Falls Education Fund
Richard Bresnahan “Leadership in the Arts” Fund
Roseau County Community Funds 17
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
Badger Area Community Fund
Badger Education Fund
Badger Veteran’s Memorial Fund
Greenbush Area Community Fund
Greenbush Education Fund
Keith and Ellen Kapphahn Family Scholarship Fund
Roseau Area Community Fund
A.J. and Eleanor Kramer Scholarship Fund
Charles “Nick” Peterson Memorial Fund
Four Season Senior Center Fund
Joseph Schneider Scholarship Fund
Malung PTO Scholarship Fund
Marian Foley Memorial Fund
Marvin LaRue Memorial Fund
Roseau Adult Education Fund
Roseau Area Community & Education Fund
Roseau Area Friends of the Library Fund
Roseau Lions Club Scholarship Fund
Roseau Parks & Recreation Fund
Wannaska PTO Scholarship Fund
Warroad Area Community Fund
Ann and Les Henderson Memorial Fund
Betty Bahnmiller Memorial Fund
Bruce and Ellen Atwater Education Fund
Dorrance H. Johnston Scholarship for Engineering Fund
Edward and Agnes Brandli Scholarship Fund
Farmer’s Union Oil Co. Scholarship Fund
Gaylord A. Gunderson Memorial Fund
Jennifer Grove Memorial Scholarship Fund
Justin Knebel Memorial Fund
Katie Jo Olafson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Funds of NMF Regional Funds
Lee Hafdahl Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margaret Ann and Paul Samuel Johnson Family Charitable Fund
NAPA Ride to Reading Fund
Community Service Funds
Nick Moyer Memorial and Scholarship Fund
Full Stride Fund
Nick Moyer Memorial Fund
Hopes, Dreams and Smiles Fund
Patrick O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rainbow Park Restoration Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Warroad Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Warroad Education Fund
Warroad Heritage Center Fund
Warroad Lost River Sportsmen Complex Fund
Warroad Memorial Arena Fund
Economic Development Funds
Warroad Point Area Restoration and Community Recovery Fund
Warroad Senior Living Center Fund
Education Funds
Warroad Swim Program Fund
Bronko Nagurski Education Fund
Warroad Women of Today Community Project Fund
Leonard J. and Rosemound Kucera Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cultural Funds
Mike Staples Memorial Scholarship Fund
Environment & Recreation Funds
Roseau County Historical Society Fund
Major Robert Olson Memorial Fund
Ruth Edevold Awards for Excellence
Ruth Edevold Endowment for Excellence
Ingenuity Frontier Fund
Healthcare Funds
Eagles Auxiliary Diabetes & Dialysis Fund
LifeCare Health Fund
Healthcare Funds
LifeCare Manor Greenbush Fund
LifeCare Hospice Fund
LifeCare Manor Roseau Fund
Maggie Adams Medical Equipment Fund
Parish Nursing Fund
Think Pink Breast Cancer Fund
Giziibii Resource Conservation & Development Fund
Courage Center Programs and Camps Fund
Regional Programs
Northwest Minnesota Women’s Fund
Northwest Minnesota Women’s Scholarship Fund
University of Minnesota Crookston Women’s Scholarship Fund
Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Fund
NMF Funds: Protecting Our Legacy
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any of funds in the NMF family of funds. Online giving is fast, secure and easy on our new site. Contact us - Phone: 218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859 (in MN) Fax: 218-759-2328 E-mail: info Our new online giving system is easy to use. The forms are simple to