The Northwest Minnesota Foundation is a public charitable foundation dedicated to creating a brighter future for Northwest Minnesota. Our Mission:
The Power of Philanthropy ……………………..…......... 2 Market Changes ………………………...............……...... 3 NMF Endowments …………………............................... 4 In Memory of William S. Marvin …………………........... 5 Funds of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation …….. 6 Beltrami County .............................................................. 6 - 9 Park Rapids Fireworks Fund ............................................. 8 Clearwater County .....................................................10 - 11 Hubbard County .................................................................11 Kittson County ...................................................................12 Lake of the Woods County ..............................................12 Mahnomen County ...........................................................12 Marshall County ..........................................................12 - 13 Norman County ................................................................. 13 Pennington County ......................................................... 13 Polk County ................................................................ 13 - 14 Red Lake County ................................................................14 Roseau County ......................................................... 14 – 17 NMF Regional Funds ........................................................ 17 Online Giving …………………………………….…............ 18 Preserving the Legacy – Crookston Arena Fund .... 19 – 20 Ways to Make Planned Gifts ………………….....… 21 – 22
The Northwest Minnesota Foundation invests resources, creates opportunities and promotes philanthropy to make the region a better place to live and work.
Our Values:
Excellence • We strive for the highest standards in all our programs and services. Integrity • We are a trusted resource demonstrating honesty and fairness in our relationships with partners, clients and colleagues. Passion • We are committed to the region and mission-driven in all our endeavors. Innovation • We are forward thinking and proactive in seeking out opportunities. Wisdom • We apply knowledge of the region and historical perspective to make sound decisions. Partnerships • We are most effective when working in cooperation with others.
Lin Backstrom • Program Specialist - Early Childhood Peggy Crandall • Grants Services Associate Samantha Hedin • Accounting Associate Ritchie Houge • Vice President for Philanthropic Services Barb Lien • Administrative Assistant LaRae Maddox • Office/Systems Manager Jane McKelvy • Program Officer - Training Diane Morey • Program Officer - Business Development Lisa Peterson • Communications Director Marty Sieve • Vice President for Programs Jim Steenerson • Senior Program Officer - Grants Holly Tri • Administrative Assistant Caryl Turnow • Program Specialist - Business Development/Philanthropy Nancy Vyskocil • President Tim Wang • Finance Director David West • Senior Program Officer - Business Finance
Terri Anderson, Director • Ogema Eric Bergeson, Chair • Fertile David Bergman, Director • Thief River Falls Bob Hager, Director • Greenbush Mark Hewitt, Vice-Chair • Park Rapids Jody Horntvedt, Director • Baudette Dean Johnson, Director • Mahnomen Roger Malm, Director • Hallock Gary Purath, Treasurer • Red Lake Falls Judy Roy, Director • Red Lake Kim Wilson, Secretary • Fosston Laurie Wilson, Director • Crookston
2009 Special Giving Edition
A Message from the Chair:
In addition to housing nearly 300 component funds, NMF takes on large projects with region-wide implications.
Hello all!
For example, NMF has spearheaded the Rural Economic Alliance, a working group of the region’s top business, educational and political leaders that is identifying region-wide problems and coming up with possible solutions.
In the few years that I have served on the board of directors of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, I have enjoyed watching the philanthropic culture of our area grow and prosper.
The Early Childhood Initiative has successfully started programs in 12 area communities. ECI is based on the proven premise that the entire community benefits over the long term when children are properly prepared for kindergarten.
People realize that, at a time when government entities are strapped for funds, the best way to improve their communities is through carefully targeted, well-planned giving. People are also learning that it doesn’t take the wealth of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett to make a big difference.
Beyond these special initiatives, the foundation continues to make grants, provides business financing and technical assistance, delivers top quality training programs for nonprofit managers and boards, and develops great future leaders through STAR teams for youth and LeaderImpact for adults.
Listed on the following pages are dozens of our component funds. These are local funds for local projects which use the staff and resources of NMF to manage their assets, raise more dollars, keep books, comply with complex laws and make sure the project serves its intended purpose.
You too can join in the fun. Somewhere in the list of funds in these pages is one near you. See if there is a fund which you think deserves a little boost. It doesn’t take much to make a difference.
I am on the advisory board of two of the funds under NMF’s umbrella: the Laural Capistran-Murphy Scholarship Fund and the Fertile Area Veterans Memorial Fund.
Or, you may wish to contribute to further NMF’s overall mission of maintaining and improving Northwest Minnesota’s quality of place in whatever way we can.
Both funds have been successful by relying almost completely on relatively small donations. The donors are not high-culture types who attend black-tie charity balls––they are the good-hearted, community-minded types who populate the local cafes at noon.
Contributions are, of course, fully tax-deductible. NMF will send you the necessary paperwork within a few business days of your check’s arrival in our office. We also take credit cards! And online giving is available on the web at www.nwmf.org.
What fun it was to see the beautiful Veterans Memorial Plaza develop in downtown Fertile. It is equally satisfying to attend the Norman County Fair each summer when the recipient of the scholarship named in memory of my former student Laural is announced.
Together, let’s keep this region a wonderful place to live, work and play.
These two funds are administered by local people for local purposes but benefit from NMF’s size, expertise and experienced staff.
With $40 million in assets, NMF can hire money managers who produce consistent results. With a staff of 16, boasting decades of combined experience, there are few situations and problems we haven’t seen before.
Eric Bergeson, NMF Board Chair
NMF RESOURCE From the President’s desk…
When doing some research on the Internet I came across the following quote by Arthur Levine: “Why do we love roller coasters? They are almost a perversion of the pleasure-pain principle. We are drawn to them even as they incite fear, get our hearts racing, turn our knuckles white and toss us around mercilessly. Then we get off and jump right back in line.” While I know the statement was about roller coasters, it seems to fit the recent financial market turmoil quite well.
Despite the decrease in assets, our work in the region continues. During Fiscal Year 2009 foundation discretionary grants totaled nearly $400,000. And while many advisors to the foundation’s family of funds chose a conservative approach to grant making, community and component funds granted a total of over $860,000. Please look through the list of funds in these pages and see if one or more are in alignment with your goals for our communities and your charitable priorities. I encourage you to think about joining your friends and neighbors in supporting the activities of these funds. Your gifts will continue to make a difference.
When we look back at the stock market of the last year, we see some wild drops that caused the same white knuckles as a giant roller coaster. Then we covered our eyes as the markets climbed, not wanting to see if another huge drop was just ahead. And I know there have been days I could have waved my arms in the air and screamed when watching the markets.
Nancy Vyskocil , NMF President One advantage we have with a roller coaster is we can stand back to see where the twists, turns, highs and lows happen. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the financial market. We don’t have the ability to see what lies ahead. What we can do is make sensible plans for the long haul and then stick to those plans. The foundation weathered the market instability well, thanks in part to the sound investment policy enacted by our board. While we did see decreases in our portfolio, we performed better than the market overall.
2009 Special Giving Edition
Making the Region a Better Place to Live and Work
remarkable efforts on pages 19-20) Still, the 206 grants from our other funds totaled $577,000, supporting scholarships, programs and activities that are a great benefit to the region.
The Northwest Minnesota Foundation seeks the aid of residents and visitors to Northwest Minnesota who enjoy all that the region has to offer. NMF’s discretionary endowment fund is a permanent source for securing the future prosperity of the region and for enhancing its Quality of Place.
Today, as we face the realities of a nervous economy, we can almost hear the belts tightening and see the turn-off when endowment giving comes up. This is not a surprise. An endowment contribution is traditionally viewed as a way to share a monetary gift, within your means, that is outside of your own immediate needs.
The heart of the foundation’s mission, which guides our work, is to make the region a quality place to live and work. It is supported primarily by our discretionary endowment fund earnings, along with grants from the McKnight Foundation and other funders, support from government agencies, and last but definitely not least, the generosity of donors.
In our own households, we see how putting aside part of our paycheck into a savings account isn’t always an easy thing to do. Planning for retirement, education, or perhaps a vacation is never far from our minds. Still, we know that investing in the future is critical to our stability and security.
These dividends are used to support our programs: leadership training for adults and youth; business finance assistance to enterprises large and small; grants for programs serving youth, the elderly and families, community planning and development, and protecting and preserving our natural resources. NMF also delivers nonprofit excellence training, supports the Minnesota Early Childhood Initiative, and provides philanthropic services for a large and varied number of component funds.
The same goes for investing in the region’s future. You can help by supporting the foundation’s endowment fund with a tax-exempt contribution, with confidence that it will be wisely invested and managed to make a difference in your community -- today and for generations to come.
NMF Service Area
We have targeted the use of our resources by careful, strategic planning based on sound research. What has been affirmed is that we have many outstanding assets – environmental, social, structural and economic. These assets attract people who are seeking places to live. And the places that offer the best combination of amenities for families and workers will continue to grow and thrive. When new friends and partners learn about the broad scope of the foundation’s work and how it is making a difference, they are usually rather surprised by the degree of activity. It may not always be apparent, but effective and prudent use of our resources is impacting every county, its townships and communities. The foundation is helping people where they live by making the region stronger. The current downturn in the economy resulted in reduced grantmaking from our funds when compared with previous years. Even so, several large pay outs for projects helped the total grant making reach nearly $860,000. The Crookston Arena Fund alone paid out $283,180. (Read about their
how to make a difference. The young Bill Marvin went to work for his father, George, 70 years ago when the elder Marvin had a lumberyard business. Bill was the company's eighth employee. Susan Marvin, 54, said her father saw how making windows in Warroad would create jobs for his brothers, friends and other neighbors. "He looked at this company as the product of the community," she said, and shared the benefits of its success. Bill Marvin was president of Marvin Windows and Doors for decades, but Susan, who took on that responsibility in 1995, said her father "had a disdain for [organization] charts and titles." "He built this phenomenal company," she said. "It was his vision and his passion and his leadership that allowed us to all come together and make it successful." But Bill Marvin wasn't focused on taking credit, she said. Susan, who splits her time between Warroad and Minneapolis, lived with her parents for a few years in Warroad after she was named president of the company. In her 40s, she got to see how they nurtured a marriage that lasted 65 years. Margaret Marvin, who died in 2007, had worked as a teacher, and she and her husband shared a strong commitment to education. "They truly believed that if an individual had an education, they had an opportunity to do anything they chose to," Susan Marvin said. "A good education was the most valuable thing that you could give somebody, and once you had it, it couldn't be taken away." To ensure that young people have access to good educations, Bill and Margaret created an endowment fund of $15 million to be used for college scholarships for Warroad High School graduates. Family members said that Bill Marvin motivated them to work harder and push themselves to make greater contributions to their company and their community. He continued to push himself even after he suffered a stroke in 2005 that left him in a wheelchair. Susan Marvin said her father's determination not to let the effects of a stroke deter him was impressive. "He showed us how to live life and how to contribute and add value at every stage of life," she said. The act of charitable giving improves the quality of places in northwest Minnesota, with great gratitude to the Marvins for their vision and desire to make a difference.
When Christine Marvin thinks about her grandfather, William (Bill) Marvin, she remembers how he'd kiss her hand and call her by the nickname he gave her, Silly Christine, Christine Silly. It was his way of making her feel special among his 17 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Marvin, a business and civic giant in Warroad, kissed Christine's hand one last time the day before he died at home at age 92. The patriarch of the Marvin clan was known to the wider world as the man who built Marvin Windows and Doors from a small regional business to a company that now employs more than 5,300 people. "He felt like anything was possible with the right combination of hard work and the right people working on it," said grandson Dan, 39, a manager with Marvin's Infinity Replacement Windows. Through the way he lived his life and conducted his business, Christine said, her grandfather transferred his values to the third and fourth generations of Marvins. To his core, her grandfather believed in “giving back to the community� by serving as a volunteer and making contributions to causes that benefited the community, she said. William S. and Margaret W. Marvin became the second benefactors to reach the $1 million mark in donations to the Northwest Minnesota Foundation or one of its components. To recognize this contribution, Bill and Margaret are included as members of the Circle of Vision Leadership Society. The Marvin’s gift, which established the Warroad Swim Program Fund, supports the swim program or the Warroad Outstanding Warriors Swim Club. Due to funding cuts to education, the swim program was in jeopardy. The Marvins felt it was imperative to fully fund the swim program to provide instructors and coaches, along with the resources needed to help it thrive. In addition, the Warroad Senior Living Center has been the beneficiary of Marvin family support for a number of years. When they recognized the need for a new facility, the sale of Marvin investments funded more than $20 million that was needed for the construction. An endowed component fund was later established with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation to support the programs, projects and activities associated with the mission of the Center. The Marvin family has learned that transferring assets in this way -- as a philanthropic gift benefiting their community for years to come -- not only adds financial value, but sets the example of
Portions written by Liz Fedor, Minneapolis Star Tribune; used with permission.
2009 Special Giving Edition
Northwest Minnesota Foundation funds help individual donors, groups and families act on deeply held values and community commitments. They are established to benefit a specific nonprofit community organization or interest area, and NMF manages the assets. NMF also assists community nonprofits with the important work of building their asset bases and helps organizations further their missions in order to operate with continued success.
one more way that NMF works to develop community assets.
The foundation has also established Community Funds in key areas throughout the region. These funds maintain a local focus and work to address the same needs as the foundation itself, tailored to benefit the individual communities in which they have been set up. This method of “helping communities help themselves” increases donor involvement, encourages local participation, and builds on hometown pride. It’s just
You have the opportunity to support one or more of the following 270 funds, which are described by what or whom they support. They are listed alphabetically by county. We hope that you will identify one of more funds that meet your charitable goals, or you will support the NMF endowment with your gift, using the remittance envelope inserted in this RESOURCE.
Staff is available to work with community groups, individuals and families interested in establishing these funds. Your fund might support a wide range of charitable activities within a defined area and purpose, or it could be designated to a specific charitable beneficiary. Contact Ritchie Houge or Caryl Turnow at 218-759-2057 or 800-659-7859.
• BEMIDJI COMMUNITY THEATER FUND Supports the mission of the Bemidji Community Theater • ERNIE RALL CHILDREN'S PERFORMING ARTS FUND Supports programs, projects, activities and organizations in the Bemidji area that help young people to continue their interest in the performing arts • EVERETT WILIMEK ENDOWMENT FOR ORCHESTRAL STRING STUDIES Supports young people, ages 8-15, to study the violin, viola, cello, or bass • FREDERICK MARSHALL FUND Supports the mission of the Headwaters School of Music and the Arts • H.B. AND INA T. ROHOLT FAMILY FUND FOR THE ARTS Supports programs, projects, activities and organizations benefiting arts and education in the Bemidji area • LAKE BEMIDJI SUMMER OPERA FESTIVAL FUND Supports local opera productions and the opportunity for local residents to learn about producing professional musical events • NORTH STAR ARTS FUND Supports arts programming for persons with developmental disabilities • PAUL BUNYAN PLAYHOUSE FUND Supports performances, production, marketing and development for the Paul Bunyan Playhouse Professional Summer Theatre and theatrical arts in the Bemidji area
Supports charitable and/or educational purposes within the Bemidji area
Backstrom Family Charitable Fund
Supports qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects, and activities
Baer Family Fund
Provides financial support for community development in Bemidji, scholarships at Bemidji State University, materials for the Bemidji Area Public Library and health care services at North Country Regional Hospital
Beltrami County Historical Society Fund
Supports activities, projects or services to further the mission of the Beltrami County Historical Society
Beltrami Humane Society
Supports activities, projects or services designed to protect and benefit the well-being of domestic animals • RALPH AND RUTH SHOEMATE FUND Provides funding for cages and equipment for the cats and dogs
Bemidji Area Arts Endowment & Project Fund
Supports art activities, projects or services and organizations in the Bemidji area • BEMIDJI COMMUNITY ART CENTER FUND Supports the promotion and encouragement of all aspects of art in Bemidji and the surrounding area
• RICHARD AND PAM NELSON FAMILY FUND FOR THE VISUAL ARTS Supports programs, projects, activities and organizations benefiting visual arts and education in the Bemidji area • SANDY KAUL FUND FOR THE ARTS Supports programs, projects, activities and organizations that benefit the Bemidji arts community and complement the purpose of the Bemidji Area Arts Fund
• FREEDOM DEFENDERS VETERANS' MEMORIAL FUND Supports charitable and educational programs, projects and activities that recognize United States Armed Forces personnel • LAKE BEMIDJI WATERFRONT FUND Supports renovation projects and ongoing maintenance of the downtown Bemidji waterfront area
Bemidji Area Public Library Foundation Fund
Bemidji Area Community Fund
Supports activities, projects or services designed to benefit the Bemidji Public Library • DOROTHY BREEN ENDOWMENT FUND Supports the collection of materials benefiting the visually impaired patrons of the Bemidji Public Library • HAZEL I SHIMMIN ENDOWMENT FUND Supports the Bemidji Public Library and/or the Bemidji Public Library Foundation • RUTH STENERSON PROJECT SUPPORT FUND Supports enhancements to the Bemidji Area Public Library
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Bemidji area • BEMIDJI JAYCEES EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND Support for scholarships to qualified Bemidji area students attending Bemidji State University, Northwest Technical College or Oak Hills Christian College • SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS Supports and honors Bemidji Area Veterans • ROSSELET-HICKEY CHARITABLE FUND Supports specific areas of interest to the Rosselet-Hickey family
Bemidji Curling Fund
Supports programs, projects and activities that encourage participation in the sport of curling
Bemidji Area Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Bemidji Lumberjack Foundation Fund
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
Supports activities, projects, or services that enhance or improve education and opportunities in the Bemidji school district • BEMIDJI ALL SCHOOL REUNION FUND Supports specific activities that will benefit students in the Bemidji school district • AMY ANDERSON FUND Provides awards for poetry, creative writing and illustration for Bemidji Middle School students • RICK LEE MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students pursuing a degree in industrial technology • BUCK ROBBINS FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students involved in athletics • BUN & ALVERA FORTIER FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students who have participated in football or basketball and will participate in intercollegiate athletics • DES SAGEDAHL FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students involved in baseball • FOOD SERVICE FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students pursuing a food service related career • GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students
Bemidji Area Parks and Trails Fund
Provides financial support for parks, trails, and recreational amenities of the Bemidji area • BEMIDJI IN BLOOM FUND Supports Bemidji in Bloom programs and supports participation in the America in Bloom program • BEMIDJI CITY PARKS AND TRAILS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND Support for the operation and maintenance of parks, trails and other recreational amenities within the City of Bemidji • BEMIDJI COMMUNITY BIOMES OUTDOOR CLASSROOM FUND Support for biome based outdoor classrooms serving the Bemidji area • BEMIDJI SCULPTURE WALK FUND Supports general funding for the Bemidji Sculpture Walk program, to include art placement, acquisition, honorariums, prizes and marketing • BEMIDJI WATERFRONT-PAUL AND BABE MAINTENANCE FUND Supports the restoration of the Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox statues in Bemidji • FIRST CITY LIGHTS FUND Supports the First City of Lights festivities at the Bemidji Waterfront
2009 Special Giving Edition
• FIRST NATIONAL BANK FUND Supports athletic activities and/or equipment for the Bemidji school district • SECURITY BANK USA FUND Supports athletic activities and/or equipment for the Bemidji school district • JOHN F. BREEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Bemidji High School • RAY F. BREEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Bemidji High School
• HEIDI BITZER MCCLURE FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students • K.E. "RED" WILSON FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students who have participated in varsity athletics and are pursuing a physical education degree • JOE PLUMMER MUSIC FUND Supports the purchase of jazz related equipment or supplies for the Bemidji school district • PAT CAMPBELL MUSIC FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students participating in Orchestra • TOM GARDNER MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students pursuing an automotive or industrial technology degree
Big Bog State Recreation Area Endowment and Project Fund
Supports the development of the Big Bog State Recreation area
Blackduck Area Community Fund
Supports the growth of Blackduck and the surrounding area
Fireworks over the Fish Hook River in Park Rapids are a tradition going back as far as most people can remember. Thousands of people wait for dusk for the display, gathering in parks and lawns along the river or watching from boats, parking lots and their own homes and cabins miles away. As Independence Day approached in 2009, news reports told of one city after another canceling plans for their fireworks shows due to budget cuts and hard financial times. The Park Rapids Rotary Club remained undaunted. The club set a goal to raise $21,000 to cover expenses for 2009 without cutting back on the display in 2010. “It became an all-out club effort,” says David Collins, Rotary Club president for 2008-09. He enlisted Alan Zemek to chair the campaign and laid out a strategy to involve the entire community rather than putting the expense mainly on the backs of local businesses. To raise awareness, the club published an 8-page tabloid distributed through the local newspaper with a piece Zemek wrote about visiting Park Rapids as a child and the magic that still remains from his boyhood experiences in the area. “Forty years later, these memories become conscious again, in a new and different way, expressed as a sense of community, stewardship, connectedness, civic responsibility...and the duty we have to honor our country, and celebrate our democracy.” Zemek also led a radio telethon and signed letters mailed to an extensive list of property and business owners. Club members
made follow-up phone calls. It worked. Almost immediately, checks and pledges started arriving. Some donors attached notes. “We’ve enjoyed the Park Rapids fireworks displays for many years,” wrote Vicki Hartz, Fargo. “It’s the highlight of the 4th of July.” Jim Johnson of Long Lake, MN, sent $75 with a note explaining Park Rapids’ celebration has been a highlight of his family’s summers for more than 20 years. Now his grandchildren wanted to help so he agreed to donate 50 cents for every fish they caught (and released) off their dock. When the campaign concluded, the club raised $26,205. “Rotary was extremely fortunate to have the fireworks fund as part of the Park Rapids family of funds with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation,” Collins says. The fund made it possible for contributions to be tax-deductible and the foundation recorded donors’ names, provided complete accounting and sent thank you notes on a timely basis. “The foundation proved to be a very efficient and responsive entity. “Now our goal is to make Park Rapids not only an option, but a destination for the 4th of July,” Collins adds. NMF’s professionalism in handling fireworks donations sparked another idea. Collins, executive director of the Hubbard County Regional Economic Development Commission, established a Park Rapids Downtown Fund to accept contributions for the short- and long-term benefit of the downtown district. “This new fund will allow us to create a vision and design/theme to work toward in the coming years,” Collins said.
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Community Fund
• ACADEMIC AND CHARACTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Blackduck High School • MEADE FAMILY FUND Supports charitable and educational programs, projects and activities benefiting educators in Minnesota and North Dakota
Supports charitable and public purpose activities and projects that enhance the quality of life on the Red Lake Reservation • RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS EDUCATION FUND Supports activities, projects or services that enhance educational opportunities for tribe members and/or to benefit education professionals, programs and institutions serving the tribe • RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS RECOVERY AND RENEWAL FUND Supports programs, projects and activities that assist the tribe and others following the March 21, 2005 tragedy • RED LAKE TRIBAL INFORMATION CENTER, ARCHIVES, & LIBRARY FUND Supports programs, projects and activities that benefit or that serve to collect, preserve, and make available the history, culture and heritage of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians • YOUTH INITIATIVE FUND Provides financial support for programs, projects and activities benefiting or serving the youth of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Evergreen House Fund
Supports the mission and services of the Evergreen House
Grace Lake Charitable Fund
Support for projects, programs and activities that enhance and protect Grace Lake and its watershed.
Greater Bemidji Outdoor Foundation Fund
Supports building, maintaining, and promoting the use of non-motorized public trails in the Greater Bemidji area
Headwaters Regional Development Commission Fund
Supports activities, services and initiatives of the HRDC • HRDC LEADERSHIP FUND Supports leadership-related activities and initiatives of the HRDC • HRDC SUCCESSFUL COMMUNITIES CHALLENGE FUND Supports communities taking action on critical issues within the Headwaters Region
Headwaters Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fund
Seniors Trust Fund of Beltrami County Fund
Supports and furthers the mission of the fellowship Provides financial support for activities, projects or services that benefit the students, educators, facilities and programs offered by or through the Academy
Supports activities, projects or services designed to benefit senior citizens in Beltrami County • KELLIHER AREA SENIORS FUND Supports activities, projects or services designed to benefit senior citizens in Kelliher
Supports scholarships to students from Bemidji and Cass Lake-Bena
Supports the general operations of the school program and assists with renovations
Supports qualifying charitable programs, projects and activities supporting NMF's Quality of Place Initiative
Support for programs, projects and activities that promote the healthy social and emotional development of our youngest children
Heartland Christian Academy Fund
James and Sylvia Sande Scholarship Fund
St Mary's Mission School Fund
John and Eloise Ostrem Charitable Fund
Thrive Initiative Fund
Kelliher Area Health Care Fund
Troy Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Supports health care related activities and projects that benefit residents of the Kelliher area
Supports scholarships to Bemidji High School students who have participated in varsity athletics with a demonstration of leadership qualities
Merle and Mildred Rundell Education Fund
Supports charitable and educational programs, projects and activities, including scholarships to students over age 30 who are attending Bemidji State University and Northland Community and Technical College, studying nursing or natural resources
Wells Academy Fund
Support for programs, projects and activities benefiting the mission of Wells Academy
William A. and Eloise E. Nelson Fund
Oja Family Fund
Supports charitable, educational and scientific programs, projects, and activities with preference given to educational or environmental interests
Supports qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects and activities
2009 Special Giving Edition
Clearbrook-Gonvick Education Endowment and Project Fund
Bagley Area Community Fund
Supports activities, projects or services that benefit the area students, staff, programs and institutions in the ClearbrookGonvick school • CLEARBROOK-GONVICK SCHOOL PLAYGROUND FUND Provides funding for the playground benefiting the Clearbrook-Gonvick School • MARY JO KLINGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to graduates of Clearbrook-Gonvick High School who are pursuing post-secondary education • OLGA PETERSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to graduates of Clearbrook-Gonvick High School who are pursuing post-secondary education • SWANSON FAMILY EDUCATION FUND Supports special activities or projects within the Clearbrook-Gonvick Elementary School • THORBECK FIELD FUND Supports development and improvements to the outdoor recreation field at the Clearbrook-Gonvick School
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Bagley area • BAGLEY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Supports community improvement projects that help build a positive and inviting attitude in Bagley • BAGLEY COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND FUND Support for a youth playground and related activities located at Bagley Elementary School • BAGLEY EARLY CHILDHOOD INITIATIVE FUND Supports community projects that benefit children from birth – age 5 • BAGLEY EDUCATION ENDOWMENT AND PROJECT FUND Supports activities, projects or services that benefit the area students, staff, programs and institutions • BAGLEY EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY FUND Supports programs, projects and activities that enhance the technological opportunities for students in the Bagley school district • BAGLEY GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports area young people in their post-secondary educational careers • NOLA ELLIS MEMORIAL FUND Supports awards to Bagley High School graduates who have overcome significant obstacles and recognizes their outstanding work or performance as a student
Clearbrook-Gonvick Performing Arts Fund
Supports the establishment of a facility for the performing arts in Clearbrook
Clearwater County Humane Society Fund
Supports the maintenance and needs of animals housed with the Clearwater County Humane Society
Clearwater Health Care Fund
Promotes programs and projects that enhance quality health care in the community • CLEARWATER CANCER SCREENING FUND Provides funding for a portion of medical care for patients with cancer or cancer related illnesses and/or for programs and services
Clearbrook-Gonvick Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
• CLEARWATER HOSPICE FAMILY ROOM PROJECT FUND Supports the construction and maintenance of a private room within the Clearwater County Memorial Hospital for family members of hospice patients • CLEARWATER HOSPICE FUND Provides funding to ensure the future of the Hospice Program • CLEARWATER SENIOR CARE FUND Supports programs, projects and activities benefiting the health care and quality of life needs of seniors living in Clearwater County • CLEARWATER EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND Provides programs, equipment and services for emergency services organizations in Clearwater County
and/or visitors of the Park Rapids area • FIREWORKS FUND Supports fireworks demonstrations or other patriotic celebrations conducted by the Park Rapids Area Rotary Club • HEARTLAND HOMES ENDOWMENT AND PROJECT FUND Supports the Heartland Homes group homes for developmentally disabled individuals • HEWITT FAMILY CHARITABLE FUND Provides financial support that focuses on the Park Rapids and Nevis area • KINSHIP OF PARK RAPIDS FUND Supports activities, projects or services for a preventive program for children, by matching them with kinship volunteers for adult friendship and role modeling • MATTHEW SPANGLER HOCKEY FUND Supports programs, projects and activities associated with the mission of youth hockey programs in the Park Rapids area • PARK RAPIDS AREA DRUG-ALCOHOL AWARENESS FUND Support for substance abuse awareness programs in the Park Rapids area • PARK RAPIDS DOWNTOWN FUND Support for programs, projects and activities that enhance downtown Park Rapids • PARK RAPIDS EDUCATION & ACTIVITIES FUND Promotes strong and healthy educational, fine arts, and athletic programs of Park Rapids • PARK RAPIDS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to graduates of Park Rapids schools who have participated in athletics • PARK RAPIDS ROTARY CHARITABLE FUND Supports charitable, educational and public purpose programs, projects and activities benefiting the greater Park Rapids area sponsored by the Park Rapids Area Rotary Club • PARK RAPIDS EARLY CHILDHOOD INITIATIVE FUND Supports community projects that benefit children from birth – age 5
Ruth Edevold Endowment for Excellence
Supports awards for recognizing leaders, non-profits, businesses and projects in the region
Upper Mississippi Watershed Fund
Provides current and long-term support for activities that promote awareness of water quality issues and land management challenges
Akeley Area Community Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Akeley area.
Big Sand Lake Charitable Fund
Supports programs, projects and activities that protect and enhance the quality of Big Sand Lake and its environs.
Laporte Education Endowment and Project Fund
Supports scholarships, activities, projects or services benefiting students, staff, educational programs and institutions from Laporte • LAPORTE SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND FUND Provides funding for the playground benefiting the Laporte school district and greater Laporte community • LAPORTE-BENEDICT VFW SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Laporte High School and the Walker-Hackensack-Akeley High School who live in Laporte • TONIA JOHANNSEN MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to students in the Laporte school district pursuing education in nursing, social work or community service field; and, for extracurricular activities
Park Rapids Revolving Loan Fund
Supports economic development in the Park Rapids area for business development and/or expansion
Potato Lake Charitable Fund
Supports efforts to protect, preserve and enhance the quality of Potato Lake and its environs
Park Rapids Area Community Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents
2009 Special Giving Edition
the area students, staff, programs and institutions • GENERAL IKE ISAACSON AND MAJOR BRUCE ISAACSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students pursing post-secondary education in geography, social studies, history, or other related fields • LESLIE HANSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Mahnomen High School students • MILTON HOCKEL NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students pursuing postsecondary education in the field of natural resources • NIGHT RIDERS SNO-CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Mahnomen and Waubun schools
Julie Holmquist Memorial Scholarship Fund Supports scholarships to Hallock area students
Kittson Memorial Healthcare Center Foundation Endowment and Project Fund Supports recruitment and retention of health care professionals, skills upgrading for staff and for building and equipment improvements
Luther Younggren Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to students from Lancaster, Kittson, Central and Tri-County area school districts pursuing a postsecondary education in aviation or aviation related fields
Lake of the Woods Area Industrial Development Fund
Naytahwaush Area Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Supports charitable economic development activities, projects, or services that would benefit Lake of the Woods County • LOW- INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION FUND Supports scholarships to students from Baudette who are pursuing post-secondary education in the areas of vocational technology, industrial arts and business • LOW- INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND Supports ongoing development, improvements and maintenance of the industrial park property
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
White Earth Reservation Community Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that enhance or improve quality of life on the White Earth Reservation • WHITE EARTH OSHKI MANIDOO (NEW SPIRIT) FUND Supports programs, projects and activities that assist or treat Native American youth with behavior or chemical dependency issues
Lake of the Woods County Historical Society Endowment and Project Fund Supports activities, projects or services to further the mission of the Lake of the Woods County Historical Society
Eldor and Stella Omdahl Environment and Conservation Fund
Lake of the Woods Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Supports charitable educational and scientific programs, projects, and activities that benefit environmental and conservation causes
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
Lake of the Woods County Humane Society Fund
Marshall County Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Supports the maintenance and needs of animals housed with the Lake of the Woods County Humane Society
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth – age 5
North Valley Health Center Endowment Fund
Supports capital improvements for the facility, equipment purchases, professional education and recruitments
Mahnomen Area Community Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that enhance or improve the quality of life in the Mahnomen area • MAHNOMEN HEALTH CARE FUND Supports charitable, educational, and health care activities or services benefiting residents of Mahnomen County and the Mahnomen Health Center service area
Stephen Area Endowment Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Stephen area • ROBERT C. AND MONA RAE JOHNSON FAMILY CHARITABLE FUND Support for qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects and activities
Mahnomen Education Endowment and Project Fund
Supports activities, projects or services designed to benefit
Warren Senior Center Endowment Fund
Supports qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects and activities
Supports essential services and programs for the senior community
Thief River Falls Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Education Foundation Fund
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth – age 5
Supports preserving and enhancing current education programs and provides scholarships for students pursuing a college education • LYLE H ENGELSTAD SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Warren-Alvarado-Oslo High School students • MYRON AND MARGARET CARLSON EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Warren-Alvarado-Oslo High School students • WAO MUSIC ADVANCEMENT FUND Supports music education, performance and other musical opportunities for students in the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo school district
Crookston Area Community Fund Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Crookston area • CROOKSTON ARENA FUND Support for a multi-use arena facility in Crookston
Crookston Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth – age 5
District #593 (Crookston) Education Foundation Fund
Wetlands Pines & Prairie Audubon Sanctuary Endowment Fund
Supports educational opportunities for the district's students and for scholarships to students pursuing a career in education • FRANCES DRIVOLD SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND Supports life skills and vocational programs for developmentally disabled students
Supports the activities, projects or services designed to provide on-site and regional environmental education; manages the sanctuary for birds and wildlife species; and, develops demonstration areas for land management practices
East Polk County Fair Scholarship Fund
Supports scholarships, programs, projects and activities benefiting students from East Polk county
Supports the purchase, maintenance and repair of physical therapy, occupational therapy, cardiac rehabilitation equipment, instruments and facilities at Bridges Medical Services in Ada
Provides financial support for programs, projects and activities that recognize the commitment, service and sacrifice of United States Armed Forces personnel from the Fertile area
Supports scholarships to students from Norman County who have participated in Norman County 4-H, or similar organizations
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5
Supports the mission and long-term stability of First Care Medical Services • FIRST CARE HOSPICE FUND Supports the First Care Medical Services Hospice program
Fertile Area Armed Forces Veterans Fund
Bridges Therapy and Rehabilitation Fund
Fertile-Beltrami Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Laural Capistran Murphy Scholarship Fund
First Care Medical Services Fund
Norman County East Early Childhood Initiative Fund
Fosston Area Community Fund
Northland Community and Technical College Strong Youth Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that enhance or improve the quality of life in the Fosston area • ARVID CLEMENTSON VETERANS' MEMORIAL FUND Supports charitable and educational programs, projects, and activities that recognize the service of United States Armed Forces personnel from the Fosston area • CAMERON BADUREK PEACE AWARD FUND Supports the ‘Cameron Badurek Peace Award’ memorial and a scholarship; and provides funding for “Cam’s Legacy", a
Provides scholarships for participants and financial support for the Northland Community and Technical College Strong Youth Program's projects and activities
Ole and Ruth Tweet Family Fund
Provides financial support for areas of interest to the Tweet family
Robert J. Johnson and Mary L. Johnson Charitable Fund
2009 Special Giving Edition
program that improves life in the Fosston area • DEAN AND JOYCE MCNELLY FAMILY VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Fosston High School students who attended a vocational class and graduated or earned a high school equivalency diploma • DEAN CLEMENTSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports Fosston High School students entering into public service careers • EAST POLK HERITAGE CENTER FUND Supports programs, projects and activities associated with the mission of the East Polk Heritage Center • FIRST CARE FOSSTON AREA FUND Supports health care programs, activities, projects, and services benefiting residents and visitors to Fosston and theFirst Care Medical Center service area • FOSSTON 21ST CENTURY FUND Supports the Fosston Community Library Arts Association in Fosston and advances cultural, social and civic interests • FOSSTON EDUCATION FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT AND PROJECT FUND Supports the students, staff, educational programs and institutions in Fosston • FOSSTON LIVESTOCK SHIPPING ASSOCIATION ANIMAL SCIENCE FUND Supports scholarships to Fosston High School students pursuing education in Animal Science • JIM MILLER MEMORIAL MATH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Fosston High School students pursuing education in mathematics • LUVERNE TROGSTAD SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students and faculty from Fosston High School • TERRY STOUT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Fosston High School students pursuing education in an education-related profession, with preference for Social Science and English • VIKAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Fosston High School students pursuing higher education in the field of music
to the natural and cultural history, natural environment and wildlife management of the refuge
OPTIONS Endowment and Project Fund
Badger Area Community Fund
Assists individuals with disabilities to live independently in the community of their choice
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Badger area • BADGER EDUCATION FUND Supports programs, projects or activities that enhance and/or promote educational experiences for learners of all ages
Red Lake Falls Area Community Fund Supports charitable, educational and public purpose activities, projects or services that improve the quality of life to residents of the Red Lake Falls area
Red Lake Falls Education Endowment and Project Fund
Supports educational excellence in the Red Lake Falls school district • KIM KNAACK MUSIC FUND Supports music or band (with preference given to orchestra) programs, projects and activities in the Red Lake Falls school district • KRIS FONTAINE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students in the Red Lake Falls school district • KYLE A. MYHRE MEMORIAL FUND Supports an annual scholarship, the Kyle A. Myhre ‘Learn to Fly’ scholarship • LESTER NORRIS DALE, MD SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to Red Lake Falls students pursuing education in medically related fields • RICHARD BRESNAHAN "LEADERSHIP IN THE ARTS" FUND Supports professional development opportunities for teachers and artists who work primarily in Red Lake Falls and/or in programs for arts education
Two Rivers Area Theatre Endowment and Project Fund
Supports activities, projects or services designed to benefit the cultural, social and civic interests of the area with preference given to the presentation of amateur dramatic productions • TWO RIVERS AREA THEATRE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships for Two River Area Theatre participants who are pursuing education in any area of study, particularly for the studies of arts or culture
Rongen Family Fund
Supports charitable and educational programs, projects, and activities to benefit the larger community
Rydell Refuge Endowment and Project Fund
Promotes a better understanding, appreciation and accessibility
Greenbush Area Community Fund
• PARISH NURSING FUND Supports education, staffing, equipment and activities related to parish nurse programs within the LifeCare Medical Center communities • THINK PINK BREAST CANCER FUND Supports patients and activities related to breast cancer programs within the communities served by the LifeCare Medical Center
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve the quality of life for residents and/or visitors of the Greenbush area • GREENBUSH COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND Supports activities, projects or services to benefit the area students, staff, educational programs and institutions • KEITH AND ELLEN KAPPHAHN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports annual scholarships to qualified high school students from Greenbush-Middle River and Badger who are pursuing post-secondary education
North Border Interfaith Coalition Fund
Supports the North Border Interfaith Coalition mission
Roseau Area Community Fund
Supports activities, projects or services that will enhance cultural, educational and recreational opportunities in the Roseau area • A.J. KRAMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to graduates from Roseau who are pursuing their junior or senior year in college or a university, majoring in education, health or physical education, or are earning a coaching certificate • CHARLES "NICK" PETERSON MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to Roseau High School seniors; and/or contributes to charitable organizations that assist persons in poverty, youth education, youth athletics, or drug abuse education and rehabilitation • FOUR SEASONS SENIOR CENTER ENDOWMENT AND PROJECT FUND Supports nutrition and educational programs for senior citizens in the Roseau community • JOSEPH SCHNEIDER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Roseau High School
LifeCare Health Care Fund
Supports health care and senior living related charitable and educational activities, projects, or services benefiting people in the Roseau LifeCare Medical Center service area • EAGLES AUXILIARY DIABETES & DIALYSIS FUND Supports programs and services offered by LifeCare Medical Center that address the diabetic and dialysis needs in the service area • LIFECARE GREENBUSH MANOR FUND Supports programs, projects, activities, and facilities related to LifeCare Greenbush Manor • LIFECARE HOSPICE FUND Supports the Roseau LifeCare Hospice program • LIFECARE ROSEAU MANOR FUND Supports programs, projects, activities and facilities related to LifeCare Roseau Manor and their mission • MAGGIE ADAMS MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FUND Supports medical equipment or other related purposes at LifeCare Medical Center
2009 Special Giving Edition
• MALUNG PTO SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to qualified high school students from Roseau who attended Malung Elementary School and are pursuing post-secondary education • MARIAN FOLEY MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to students from Roseau High School and grants to the community • MARVIN LARUE MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships and programs for music and technical writing to students from Roseau High School • ROSEAU ADULT EDUCATION FUND Supports Roseau residents for pursuit of post-secondary education degrees and community education for skills training or enhancement • ROSEAU AREA EDUCATION FUND Supports general educational programs, projects and activities of the Roseau School District • ROSEAU AREA FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUND Supports programs, projects and activities benefiting the Roseau Area Public Library and the Roseau Area Friends of the Library • ROSEAU LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to high school students from Roseau for tuition, books or direct educational material expenses • ROSEAU PARKS & RECREATION FUND Supports parks, trails, and recreational amenities of the Roseau area • WANNASKA PTO SCHOLARSHIP FUND Provides scholarships to students from Roseau who attended Wannaska Elementary School and are pursuing post-secondary education
support interest in the profession • DORRANCE H. JOHNSTON SCHOLARSHIP FOR ENGINEERING FUND Supports scholarships to students of Warroad High School in their final year in post-secondary education with a major in engineering • EDWARD AND AGNES BRANDLI SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School pursuing education in engineering careers • GAYLORD A. GUNDERSON EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School; provides funding for purchase or repair of equipment or project improvements to the Warroad High School • JENNIFER GROVE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School pursuing nursing or a health care-related career • JUSTIN KNEBEL MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School • KATIE JO OLAFSON MEMORIAL FUND Supports the educational programs and activities of the Warroad School District that build self-esteem and traditional family values • LEE HAFDAHL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School with involvement in community activities • MARGARET ANN AND PAUL SAMUEL JOHNSON FAMILY CHARITABLE FUND Supports qualifying charitable and educational programs, projects and activities • NAPA RIDE TO READING FUND Supports financing of books, programs, projects and activities associated with the Warroad School Libraries • NICK MOYER MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School and athletic activities • NICK MOYER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School • PATRICK O'DONNELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School • RAINBOW PARK RESTORATION FUND Supports the restoration of the playground area and equipment of Rainbow Park
Roseau County Historical Society Fund
Provides current and long-term support for the Roseau County Historical Society
Warroad Area Community Fund
Supports charitable, educational and public purpose projects that will enhance or improve quality of life in the Warroad area • ANN AND LES HENDERSON MEMORIAL FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School pursuing post-secondary technical education • BETTY BAHNMILLER MEMORIAL FUND Provides scholarships to dependents of past and present members of a U.S. Navy UDT/SEAL team • BRUCE AND ELLEN ATWATER EDUCATION FUND Supports scholarships to graduates of Warroad High Schoolwho are pursuing education in a health care profession and provides funding for programs, projects and activities that
• WARROAD EARLY CHILDHOOD INITIATIVE FUND Supports community projects that benefit children from birth - age 5 • WARROAD EDUCATION ENDOWMENT AND PROJECT FUND Supports activities, projects or services to benefit the area’s students, staff, educational programs and institutions • WARROAD SENIOR LIVING CENTER FUND Supports programs, projects and activities associated with the mission of the Warroad Senior Living Center • WARROAD FARMER'S UNION OIL COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships to students from Warroad High School pursuing agriculture or agriculture related business education careers • WARROAD HERITAGE CENTER FUND Supports programs, projects and activities associated with the mission of the Warroad Heritage Center • WARROAD LOST RIVER SPORTSMEN COMPLEX FUND Supports acquisitions and maintenance of equipment and
facilities and charitable activities at the Lost River Sportsmen Complex • WARROAD MEMORIAL ARENA FUND Supports charitable activities or projects that will enhance or improve the Warroad arena • WARROAD POINT AREA RESTORATION AND COMMUNITY RECOVERY FUND Supports public and private restoration efforts that help people and businesses recover and restore tourism to the Point area following the tornado of 2006 • WARROAD SWIM PROGRAM FUND Supports programs, projects and activities associated with or supplementing the Warroad Public Schools swim program or the Warroad Outstanding Warriors • WARROAD WOMEN OF TODAY COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND Supports projects that foster and cultivate Women of Today's values of service, growth and fellowship within the community
Courage Center Programs and Camps Fund
activities or services benefiting the Littlefork-Big Falls Public School District and for scholarships to Littlefork-Big Falls school district students
Supports programs, projects, activities or services that further the mission of the Courage Center
Mike Staples Memorial Scholarship Fund
Full Stride Fund
Supports scholarships to students interested in pursuing a career as a conservation officer from Bemidji, Blackduck, Deer River, Laporte, Cass Lake-Bena, Grand Rapids-Big Fork and Walker-Hackensack-Akeley school districts
Supports charitable programs, projects and activities that offer opportunities for young people to participate in developmental activities
Giziibii Resource Conservation & Development Fund
Northwest Minnesota Women's Fund
Supports activities, projects, services or programs that improve the quality of life and strengthens and empowers women and girls in the region • NORTHWEST MINNESOTA WOMEN'S SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships for women who reside within the 12 counties of the region, who are pursuing a degree at one of the region's public higher learning • UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CROOKSTON WOMEN'S SCHOLARSHIP FUND Supports scholarships for women who reside with the 12 counties of the region and are pursuing a degree at the University of Minnesota Crookston
Supports activities, projects or services that balance growth of the economy and wise stewardship of natural resources, in support of the mission of the Giziibii RC&D service area
Hopes, Dreams and Smiles Fund
Supports children from North Dakota and Minnesota with a life threatening illness with the opportunity to enjoy a special event or other activity that will have a positive impact on them
Ingenuity Frontier Fund
Supports activities and projects that enhance or improve the applied engineering and manufacturing capacity in northwest Minnesota
Leonard J. Kucera Memorial Scholarship Fund
Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Fund
Supports scholarships to students from International Falls, Indus, Littlefork-Big Falls and Northome
Supports rural leadership development and programs that develop and expand leadership skills of people within or associated with the Red River Valley
Major Robert Olson Fund
Support for charitable and educational programs, projects,
2009 Special Giving Edition Online Giving at www.nwmf.org
MasterCard or Discover. You can support any NMF fund in an easy, short process. Gifts are tax deductible because NMF is a 501(c)(3) public charity that administers and manages all the funds.
There are four ways to find a fund from the NMF home page. NMF offers convenient, secure online giving using your Visa,
Easier said than done? “It wasn’t easy even saying it,” Craig Morgan said the other day in his office at Titan Machinery in Crookston. The longtime Crookston hockey parent, coach, decisionmaker and fan was talking about the decision, out of necessity, to boost the budget for the new Crookston arena with a fundraising campaign. The community’s flood control needs mean that the current Civic and Sports arena facilities, dating back almost 90 years and 30 years, respectively, have to be removed so a new levee can be built along the banks of the Red Lake River. After an enthusiastic lobbying effort by community leaders, the Minnesota Legislature in 2008 awarded Crookston $10 million in bonding dollars for the construction of a new, three-rink facility on the north end of town, on high ground. The city council had previously approved $1.7 million in local money for the revenue side of the budget. And $2 million in New Market Tax Credit equity was also being pursued, (and later approved) with high hopes, through the Midwest Minnesota Community Development Corporation in Detroit Lakes. But more money, through a capital campaign that would further signify local commitment, was needed. And Morgan was identified as leader of the effort, soon named Protecting the Legacy campaign. Sounds great. But then what? “Well, Dan Johanneck, executive director of the Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority really deserves credit for pursuing the Crookston Community Fund through the Northwest Minnesota Foundation,” Morgan said. “Without the foundation behind us, I don’t know where we’d be.” Well, actually, thinking about it a few more seconds, he has an idea. “If people like you and me were in charge of something like this on our own, we wouldn’t even be halfway home, and it would probably just be chaos,” Morgan added. As of the end of October 2009, Protecting the Legacy had actual donations and pledges totaling around $900,000, and Morgan is confident the goal of $1.1 million will be attained by year’s end. “Without the pieces that the foundation provided, we just wouldn’t be where we are today, and now we feel confident,
grateful and, more than anything, humbled by the level to which people have stepped up,” Morgan said. “We wanted people to contribute to this facility because they felt good about it and felt good about giving to it, not because they felt like they had to.” City of Crookston Administrator Aaron Parrish, essentially the city's point-person throughout the project, said NMF injected the fundraisers with confidence, and got them believing that using the foundation for the Protecting the Legacy campaign might just be the beginning of something bigger. "While many people expressed skepticism about the big, hairy, and audacious goal that the fundraising campaign set to help make the project a reality, their progress to date has demonstrated the commitment and generosity in the Crookston area," Parrish said. "Protecting the Legacy was fortunate to have the Northwest Minnesota Foundation as a strategic partner in the process. Ritch Houge really encouraged us to think beyond this project and helped us to establish a template for future community giving. Without the thoughtful guidance and technical assistance of the foundation, our project and fundraising campaign would not have been as successful.” From day one, Morgan and his committee stressed that gifts of any size were critically important. Early on, some big donations came in and really got the ball rolling, he said, and everyone remained confident throughout the process because the bottom line consistently grew. “So many people came forward who don’t have anything to do with hockey or youth sports at all, but they have everything to do with our community, and they gave to this project,” Morgan said. “And we received so many donations from people who wanted to remain anonymous; they wanted no recognition. It’s amazing, and very humbling.” The strategic timing of the January 2009 bid opening, coupled with the economy’s struggles and the fact that contractors would be eager to land a major job, there was quiet hope that the numbers could turn in the project’s favor. And turn they did. The bids were significantly below previous cost estimates, both for materials and labor, and, suddenly, Morgan and his team knew that every buck donated to Protecting the Legacy would have even more bang.
2009 Special Giving Edition “That was a huge, pivotal moment,” Morgan said. “I remember talking to a local contractor that day who didn’t get the project, but he still couldn’t help but smile. He said, ‘Wow, Crookston really won today.’” It was a big day for Protecting the Legacy, too. “It just really motivated us to keep going strong,” Morgan said. “We were going to be able to fund a facility that’s not a palace, but it has three rinks and is just going to be a great place. So we were able to tell potential contributors, ‘Hey, your 100 bucks might just be enough to get something we need in there.’” "Through Protecting the Legacy's efforts, many of the things that will add significant additional functionality in the facility will become a reality," Parrish added. Protecting the Legacy, through NMF’s Crookston Arena Fund, won’t just evaporate once the newly named Crookston Sports Center is hosting hockey games and other activities in early 2010. Morgan said the many stakeholders will regroup and figure out how best to utilize the more general Crookston Community Fund over the long term. “I think we could do some neat things with this, and really go as far as our minds can go,” he said. “Thanks to the foundation, the mechanism is there, it’s
alive and well.” The Protecting the Legacy campaign, as it stands now, is considered a project fund and is not yet an endowed fund, Lisa Peterson, NMF communication director said. Once the arena is finished, there will be an opportunity to establish a number of endowments under one umbrella, in a family of funds. If those sub-funds are endowment funds, the foundation provides a 10 percent matching gift back to the main community fund for various projects and activities. In the current fund scenario, Peterson said gifts could be made to the Crookston Community Fund, or a fund could be established for another purpose that benefits the community, such as for the arts or city parks. “What the foundation was able to do for us, it just made it all possible,” Morgan said. “Hopefully, we’re just getting started.”
HUGO’S IS A LEADER IN COMMUNITY SUPPORT Craig Morgan was in a positive, productive mode earlier this year. As leader of the Protecting the Legacy campaign with a mission to raise $1.1 million to enhance the budget for the construction of the new arena in Crookston, he found himself continually calling and e-mailing the local media to set up photo opportunities featuring local businesses handing him donation checks. A lot of those checks were in the $10,000 range. “Amazing generosity… $10,000,” he said in his office at Titan Machinery in Crookston recently. “You start collecting checks like that, it really pumps you up and keeps you motivated.” Morgan had touched base with Hugo’s grocery stores, too, started by Hugo and Dorothy Magnuson in 1939. He figured he could count on a donation at some level from the grocery store family that features seven stores besides the Hugo’s in Crookston. Could another $10,000 be on the way? Try $25,000. When Morgan stood in an aisle at Hugo’s #4 store in Crookston accepting the check from Store Manager Jack Sitter, he certainly didn’t have to force a smile for the camera. “Oh, I was grinning from ear to ear,” Morgan said. “Talk about coming through. Hugo’s really came through for us, for this
community.” Hugo and Dorothy’s granddaughter, Kristi Magnuson-Nelson, is the current president of Hugo’s. Prior to her father Curt’s passing in 2007, she said they’d read articles in the Crookston Daily Times about the new arena being sought for Crookston because flood control needs meant the current Civic and Sports arenas would have to be razed. The family at the time talked about what a great opportunity a new facility would present to youth and families of the community and how the older facilities had run their course, Magnuson-Nelson recalled. “At that time, we decided that we would strongly support the arena when it was built,” she said. “We discussed our intentions with Jack and he was very supportive.” “And how couldn’t we be?” Sitter said. “Hugo’s wants to be a part of this community and this region, and this new facility is going to be an incredible asset to Crookston and the region for a very long time. Hugo’s wants to support meaningful things like that.” Magnuson-Nelson said that for years Hugo’s has supported projects in Crookston that benefit the community or its youth. The newly named Crookston Sports Center fits that mission perfectly, she said, adding that the $25,000 amounts to “one of our larger donations.” “We couldn’t have gotten where we stand today without our business community stepping up big-time,” Morgan said. “Many businesses did just that, and Hugo’s certainly did, and we thank them.”
NMF RESOURCE Will Bequests
Each year Northwest Minnesota Foundation is informed of people leaving a bequest to the foundation or one of its component funds in their will. We are very grateful to them for including us in their final decisions and will work hard to advance their vision and hope for our region.
Having a will is important for more than just distributing assets upon your death! A will represents your last opportunity to meet charitable goals, reinforce your values, and help make a difference in the lives of family members and your community.
If you are considering including NMF or any of our component funds in a will bequest you have three options.
Here are some reminders regarding the importance of having an up-to-date will:
Wills help fulfill everyone’s dreams, not just the wealthy. Wills don’t take care of dollars; they take care of wishes and desires by allocating your assets to family and organizations according to your plans. Wills make good things happen. Dying without an up-to-date will means that someone else will make decisions for you, including the State of Minnesota. Even family members might not know your exact goals or intentions. Wills save money. Everyone agrees that the more you plan for the future, the easier it is. Wills are an effective, affordable planning tool that will save time and expense in the administration of your estate. Wills are the only way you can preserve a final legacy. Your will gives you the opportunity to transfer the values that are important to you. And one of the best ways to leave a legacy is to make charitable bequests in your will.
Specify an amount or item to be bequeathed to the foundation or to be allocated to a NMF named component fund. A percentage or residue of your estate – the amount that is left after the bills are paid and specific bequests have been made may be designated to the foundation or allocated to a NMF named component fund. Name the foundation or a NMF named component fund as a contingent beneficiary, in the event the primary beneficiary or situation has passed or no longer exists.
It is easy to understand why many individuals consider a charitable bequest the perfect way to make a gift. Without parting with any of your assets today, you can make provisions that will help your family and your favorite charitable organizations in the future.
2009 Special Giving Edition
A simple and effective way to meet two objectives is the tried and true charitable gift annuity. Dating back to the early years of our country, the charitable gift annuity represents a way to make a gift to charity while providing lifetime income for the donor.
gifts of real estate to charities. The new transfer on death deed permits an owner of real property to execute and record a deed that conveys the real property to a beneficiary effective upon the death of the owner. Some key aspects of the transfer on death deed:
Charitable Gift Annuities
The property passes to the designated beneficiary regardless of whether the property is addressed in a will. An owner may change beneficiaries or revoke the deed any time prior to his or her death by executing and recording a new transfer on death deed or revocation.
A charitable gift annuity is a simple, contractual agreement between a donor and NMF, in which assets are given to us in exchange for our promise to pay one or two annuitants fixed payments for life. By donating through a gift annuity, you: (1) contract for a fixed payment for yourself, or yourself and another individual if you choose, and (2) make a gift to NMF. If you itemize deductions on your tax return, savings from the charitable deduction reduces the net cost of the gift.
Working with local legal counsel, a donor recently used a transfer on death deed to gift their home to NMF benefiting two Fosston area component funds.
Annuity payments and charitable deductions are determined based on the ages of the annuitants. NMF is a sponsor of the American Council on Gift Annuities and uses the rates recommended by the Council.
As with any gifts of real estate, it is very important to inform NMF about your real estate gift intentions. NMF has a policy requiring its Board to formally accept real estate gifts, which requires a review of the property by foundation staff.
New Planned Giving Tool for Gifts of Real Estate The State of Minnesota has made it easier for people to make
IRA Rollover Provision Reinstated through 2009
The provision will be made retroactive to January 1, 2008, and will apply to gifts made from that date through December 31, 2009. The following limitations apply:
There's good news for individuals aged 70 ½ or older with individual retirement accounts. Thanks to the two-year extension of the IRA Rollover provision in the Financial Rescue Package recently signed into law, you can once again make outright gifts using IRA funds without tax complications.
The donor must be age 70 ½ or older. The cap on annual IRA rollovers is $100,000. The contribution must be a direct gift to a charity (no planned gifts). As you think through your estate giving plans, or wish to learn more about the gift options mentioned here, we encourage you to visit our Planned Giving Guide website at www.nwmf.org or contact Ritchie Houge, Vice President for Philanthropic Services.
If you are required to receive minimum distributions from your IRA and you do not need the money for personal use, consider using those funds as a charitable gift. While you cannot claim a charitable deduction for the IRA gifts, you will not pay income tax on the amount.
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NMF 12 County Service Area
www.nwmf.org Northwest Minnesota Foundation CONTACT US: 218-759-2057 • 800-659-7859 • FAX 218-759-2328 • nwmf@nwmf.org