Velikosrpska agresija

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1991. do kolovoza 1995. srpski gubici iznosili su 3496 poginulih i 1857 nestalih (uz napomenu da je “stvarni broj sigurno veći”). Među smrtno stradalima (podaci vjerojatno nisu potpuni) je 54 djece (mlađe od 18 godina): 25 je stradalo nesretnim slučajem, 10 je izvršilo samoubojstvo, za 5 nije poznat način stradanja, 8 je stradalo prilikom granatiranja, 3 su “poginula u akciji” (vode se kao “borci”), 1 je ubijen, a 2 su “umrla poslije ranjavanja”. Spomenuti podaci (koji se i dalje nado­ punjuju) preuzeti su od: Uprava za zatočene i nestale – Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti RH, Uprava za zaštitu žrtava i sudionika rata o poginuloj djeci u Domovinskom ratu – Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi RH, Stožer saniteta Ministarstva zdravstva, Hrvatski memorijalnodokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata, te iz knjige Milisava Sekulića, Knin je pao u Beogradu (Beograd, 2000.).

Prosvjed protiv rata i otvorenog uključivanja Jugoslavenske narodne armije u rat protiv Hrvatske održan u Zagrebu 29. kolovoza 1991. na Trgu Petra Krešimira IV., ispred zgrade Komande 5. vojne oblasti. Organiziran je na poticaj Bedema ljubavi, udruženja majki čiji su sinovi služeći JNA bili prisiljeni sudjelovati u agresiji na vlastitu domovinu. Strah, tjeskoba i nevjerica su sve prisutniji, a slutnja u još strašniji nadolazeći rat ogleda se na licu djevojčice u prvom planu i okupljenih prosvjednika. Protest against the war and open involvement of the Yugoslav National Army ( JNA) in the war against Croatia, held in Zagreb on 29 August 1991 in the Square of Petar Krešimir IV and in front of the Headquarters of the Fifth Army District. It was organized on the initiative of the Bulwark of Love (Mothers for Peace), an association of mothers whose sons were forced, as JNA conscripts, to participate in the aggression against their own country. Fear, anxiety and disbelief were increasingly present, and the sense of foreboding about an even more terrible forthcoming war is reflected in the face of the girl in the foreground and of the protesters.


of persons killed (the figures are probably incomplete) includes 54 children (below 18): 25 were killed in accidents, 10 committed suicide, the cause of death in 5 cases is unknown, 8 were killed by shelling, 3 “were killed in action” (on record as “fighters”), 1 was killed and 2 died “of wounds”. These figures (which are still being updated) have been taken over from the Office for Detained and Missing Persons (of the Ministry of the Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity of the Republic of Croatia), the Office for the Protection of the Victims and Participants in the Homeland War (of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Croatia), the Medical Corps Headquarters of the Ministry of Health, the Croatian Memorial&Documentation Centre of the Homeland War, and Milisav Sekulić’s book Knin je pao u Beogradu (Knin fell in Belgrade; Belgrade, 2000).

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