St Luke Orthodox Church Bulletin

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he watches over his holy ones.


sunday (Tone 7)

As the Savior of the world Thou didst arise from the tomb. As God, Thou didst resurrect the race of men with Thy flesh. O Lord, glory to Thee! The Lord hath become King; with beauty hath he clothed himself.

Come, let us worship the One Who rose from the dead, and enlightened all creation! By His death, He has saved us from the torments of hell. By His Resurrection He has granted us eternal life and great mercy.

can you flee the awesome thought of Judgment Day? When will you change your way of life? On that day your sins will rise against you. What will your answer be then? Your acts will condemn you; your deeds will expose you. The time is at hand, O my soul. Turn to the good and loving Savior! Beg Him to forgive your malice and weakness, as you cry in faith: “I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against Thee, but I know Thy love for all mankind. O Good Shepherd, call me to enjoy Thy lasting presence on Thy right hand!”


For He hath established the world, which shall not be moved.

sunday (Tone 7)

Into hell didst Thou descend, capturing death, O Christ. By Thy Cross, Thou didst destroy death. To the thief In three days, didst Thou arise again, resurrecting us who Thou didst open Paradise. For the Myrrhbearers Thou didst change their lamentation into joy. And Thou didst glorify Thy Resurrection, O Lord and Lover of Man! command Thine Apostles, O Christ God, to proclaim Holiness belongeth to Thy house, O Lord, unto length of days! that Thou art risen granting unto the world great mercy. When Thou wast placed in the tomb as one asleep, the St. Raphael of Brooklyn (Tone 1) sight was great and awesome. But when Thou didst Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit… rise on the third day as almighty God, Thou didst resurrect Adam with Thyself. Glory to Thy Resurrection, Your proclamation has gone forth throughout North America, calling the scattered sheep into the unity of O only Lover of Man! the Church. Hearing your voice, they responded to St. Raphael of Brooklyn (Tone 4) your teaching, and through your writings you inGlory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit… structed them in piety. Now guided by your example, Today a great festival shines like a sun over all the O Father Raphael, we sing hymns of praise to Christ world, as we celebrate the memory of the holy Bishop our God: “Glory to Him Who gave you strength! Raphael, apostle to the lost sheep of North America. Glory to Him Who granted you a crown! Glory to Let us rejoice on this festive day and cry out unto him: Him Who, through you, grants healing to all!” “Hail, new Moses, who led thy people to the Promised Land! Hail, new Elijah, who bequeathed a double por- Resurrectional Dismissal Theotokion (Tone 1) Both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. tion of thy spirit to us! Hail, new Ezra, who built a When Gabriel announced to thee, O Virgin, “Rejoice,” temple of God in our midst! Hail, new apostle of with that word the Master of all was incarnate in thee, Christ our God, drawing us closer to Him! As thou O holy Ark. As the righteous David said, thy womb dost stand among the saints before the throne of God, became more spacious than the heavens, bearing thy never cease to intercede for us who honor thee!” Creator. Glory to Him Who took abode in thee! Glory Sunday of the Last Judgement (Tone 8) to Him Who came from thee! Glory to Him Who Both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. freed us by being born of thee! Woe, to you, O my darkened soul! Your life is stained by depravity and laziness; your folly makes you shun all thought of death. How complacent you remain! How “The last enemy to be destroyed is death…” And that destruction, that extermination of death began when the Son of God Himself in His immortal love for us voluntarily descended into death and its darkness, filling its despair and horror with His light and love. And this is why we sing on Pascha not only “Christ is risen from the dead,” but also “trampling down death by death…” Fr. Alexander Schmemann (1921–1983) ~5~

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