NichigoPress (NAT) Mar. 2020

Page 76

76 2020年3月 英語


オージーに英語で説明してみよう! Japanese Culture エピソード 「同 僚が『最 近 肩こりがひどくてつ らい』と言っていたけれど、これって どういう意味?」

Aussie: He a lso told me t hat due to this “katakori”, he is unable to sleep recently. What is it? You : A h , ye s . 肩こり (k at a kor i) i s a Jap a n e s e t e r m w h i c h h a s n o d i re c t English equiva lent , but it is often t r a nslated to ‘st i f f shou lder s’ or ‘congealed shoulders’. The breakdown here is: 肩 (kata), meaning shoulders, a nd こり (kor i), mea n i ng st i f f nes s / discomfort / (unpleasant) hardening. Aussie: Oh ok, so it’s di f ferent from regular soreness? You: 肩こり is interesting in that it’s more a collection of symptoms. So, rather than it just being sore in one precise location, i t ’s m o r e a n o v e r a l l d u l l n e s s a n d heaviness, which often spreads around to the neck area as well. Aus sie: I nt erest i ng. Is it a com mon symptom in Japan? You: Well, I’m no doctor, but from what I know, 肩こり is one of the most common phy sic a l compl a i nt s i n Japa n, of t en

回 第96


ー君 オージ

日本人には常識でも、文化の違うオージーにはイマイチ伝えづらい…。 そんな時にぴったりの表現や話の流れをご紹介。


What is Katakori?

experienced by office workers who are desk-bound. Excluding young children, people of all ages can exper ience it; although, I think the older you get, it can be harder to shake off. Aussie: I see. Is there an easy fix for it? You: It’s certainly curable (unless you have ver y bad sy mptoms). There are 肩こり-specific creams and ointments, and compress pads called 湿布 (shippu) which you can place on t he a f fected area. These are available at any chemist or even the convenience stores, as it’s such a common go-to item for Japanese people. Aussie: That’s so strange though that it’s almost a Japan-only phenomenon. Would I get it if I go to Japan? You: I don’t think it works like that – it’s not cont agious! You’re sa fe. But it’s definitely interest ing t hat it’s an ‘ord i na r y’ concept l i ke t he com mon cold in one culture, but it being totally foreign in another.

説明する時の ポイント

文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈

「肩こり」は、オーストラリアの腺熱(glandular fever)やフランスの「重 い足」 (jambes lourdes)と同じような、日本における精神的風土病だと

言われている、と教えてあげよう。もちろん、長時間、首や背中が緊張するような姿勢を保ち続け たり、前屈みや猫背などの良くない姿勢を取り続けると、首の後ろの辺りから肩甲骨の下に当たる 部分まで実際に痛みを感じるのだが、多分に「これだけ机/コンピューターに向かっていたのだか ら、肩が凝るのは当たり前」という先入観が入っているようだと付け加えておこう。治療には、湿布 などの薬物療法と、鍼灸やマッサージのような理学療法があるが、仕事や勉強の合間に軽く体操 や散歩をしたり、風呂に入ったりして緊張感を解きほぐせば肩こりは楽になると示唆しておこう。

【単語・成句】 due to ~ ~のせいで/~によって congealed 凝結した/凝固した/固まった regular soreness 普通の痛み overall 全体の dullness だるさ heaviness ずっしりと重い感じ desk-bound 机の前から離れられない shake off 治す easy fix 簡単な治療法 curable 治せる - specific ~用の ointment 軟膏 go-to item 常備品 contagious 伝染性の/うつりやすい 【会話文で使える表現】 “in that” という言い方は、 「~という点で」という意

味を伝える表現で、 「なぜそうなのかと言うと」と説 明したい時に使われる。 【例1】“Why do you like teaching?” “Well, I find it rewarding in that I can pass on knowledge to a younger generation, but also learn from them at the same time."「どうして教えるのが好きなの?」 「そうねえ、自分にとって若い世代に知識を伝える のが楽しいし、同時に自分も学ばせてもらえるからか な」 【例2】“Hokusai is incredible in that his wellknown works were created after he became 70-years-old.” “Yes, indeed.”「北斎は、70歳 を過ぎてから、今よく知られている作品を生み出し たという点で 素晴らしい」「全くその通り」【例3】 “Earthquakes are frightening in that they cause tsunamis if they occur near the sea.” “I can’t agree with you more.”「海の近くで地震が起きた ら、津波を引き起こすので恐ろしい」 「同感」

広告索引 医療

FUJI Mart Brisbane, FUJI Mart Gold Coast --------- 48

Harding Legal ----------------------------------- 23, 30

Sakanaya -------------------------------------------- 81

Arigato-Sun Clinic ---------------------------------- 47

GoGo Mart ------------------------------------------- 47

Katsuda Synergy Lawyers --------------------------- 21

Sushi Kaido ------------------------------------------ 81

Dental Clinic @ World Tower -------------------- 34, 78

Tokyo Mart --------------------------------------------6

Keigo Kamibayashi Law Office ------------------ 22, 30

Tokyo Ramen ---------------------------------------- 80

Dental on Falconer ---------------------------------- 49

Kuramochi YS Accounting Firm --------------------- 31

Dr. Kakizaki Dental Clinic --------------------------- 78


KVB Global Markets --------------------------------- 12

Dr. Nicholas W Hocking Dental Clinic -------------- 78

HIKARI HAIR STUDIO ------------------------------- 47

MATS & Co. Accountants --------------------------- 31

Exceptional Dental ---------------------------------- 45

Marvo Aroma School --------------------- 5, 39, 40, 81

MBA Lawyers ---------------------------------------- 30

International Medical Centre ------------------------ 49

Moisteane Australia -------------------------------5, 81

Phoenix Law and Associates ------------------------ 24

Japanese Language Medical Centre ---------------- 48

NEKO HAIR SALON ---------------------------------- 47

SBM Lawyers ---------------------------------------- 30

K Family Dental -------------------------------------- 78

YUKI Hair Spa - more than a hair salon Brisbane --- 36

Staff Solutions Australia ------------------------ 35, 84

Metro Physiotherapy and Injury Clinic -------------- 29

Tontaro Honten -------------------------------------- 80 Wok & Noodle Bar ----------------------------------- 80 Yebisu Bar & Grill ----------------------------------- 80 その他 Ace Computer Systems OZ -------------------------- 47

Sunnyside Accountants ----------------------------- 19

ABC Seamless Guttering ---------------------------- 78

Nihongo Clinic--------------------------------------- 50


Wealth Protection Australia --------------------- 13, 29

Australia Kodomo Toshokan ------------------------ 47

Starbright Dental ------------------------------------ 51

AGC Property Centre -------------------------------- 50

Sydney Cocoro Clinic ---------------------------------5

Yamamoto Attorneys -------------------------------- 34

Berlitz Australia ---------------------------------------2

Aussie ----------------------------------------------- 12

Worldciti Medical / Dental ------------------------5, 78

Yoko Briese Accounting & Business Services ------ 31

CS Works -------------------------------------------- 47

Global Intelligence Management ----------------------3

運送 Fast Link Cube--------------------------------------- 46 HanJin Removal ------------------------------------- 78 Japan Speed Pack ----------------------------------- 45 車 H&K Motors ----------------------------------------- 47 J SPEC BODY WORKS ------------------------------- 49 Kortec Automotive ----------------------------------- 61 MAXIMORE ------------------------------------------ 47 Prime Car Services ---------------------------------- 61

d.doq ----------------------------------------------- 2, 5

Kanoya Fudosan ------------------------------------- 13


Nishiyama Japan Property Consultants---------------8

NICHIGO CAR LEASE ------------------------------- 47

OPIC (Overseas Property Information Centre) ------ 50

QJS (Queensland Japanese Services) -------------- 47

Orion Star Property------------------------------------5

Travel & Travel--------------------------------------- 83

Ray White Surfers Paradise ------------------------- 49

Travel Centre International -------------------------- 78

STARTS International Australia -----------------------9

Earthwise Pest Management ------------------------ 47 Fuji Electrical Services ------------------------------ 47 INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLANNING ---------- 5, 38 JCGA --------------------------------------------------3 Jiji Press --------------------------------------------- 10

Tanaka Realty ---------------------------------------- 12


Jin's Termite Solutions ------------------------------ 47

Uematsu Properties -----------------------------------7

Art Taste Japanese Cafe ----------------------------- 47

J's Dog Smile ---------------------------------------- 47

Wide Estate ------------------------------------------ 51

Busshari Authentic Japanese Restaurant ----------- 80

KUMA-YA -------------------------------------------- 49

XL Group -------------------------------------------- 13

Daruma Japanese Restaurant ----------------------- 80

Life time tennis -------------------------------------- 47

Dim Sum Delights ----------------------------------- 47

LITECO PROJECTS ---------------------------------- 13


Gold Class DARUMA ----------------------------- 5, 80

Amari Tax & Accounting ---------------------------- 19

Japanese bbq Nikaido ------------------------------- 80

Australian Visa & Education ------------------------ 78

Kisuke Japanese ------------------------------------- 80

Australian VISANET / EMiC ------------------------- 35

Kujin Japanese Cuisine ----------------------------- 81

DLA Partners ---------------------------------------- 50

Masuya Japanese Restaurant ---------------- 4, 80, 81


Ernst young ------------------------------------------ 27

Menya Noodle Bar City ------------------------------ 81

Soul TPG -------------------------------------------- 11

Finsure ---------------------------------------------- 47

Momiji Japanese Catering Service ------------------ 80

Storage terminal ------------------------------------- 47

FUSHIMI LAW OFFICES ----------------------------- 26

MUSUBIYA ------------------------------------------ 81

Sydney Japanese International School ---------------2


Go Australia ----------------------------------------- 31

Ramen Megumi -------------------------------------- 80

The Japan Society of Gold Coast ------------------- 44

Conveni 8 -------------------------------------------- 18

H & H Lawyers--------------------------------------- 25

Ramen Zundo ---------------------------------------- 81

WPM Japan ------------------------------------------ 57

航空会社 ANA ----------------------------------------------------2 Japan Airlines -----------------------------------------1

Metro Personal Consultants ------------------------ 36 Nikoli (Sudoku) -------------------------------------- 79 Reading Town ---------------------------------------- 69 Rhetoric ---------------------------------------------- 51 Souseikai International ------------------------------ 69

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