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61 n-íc còng nh- phong c¸ch sinh ho¹t kÒ cËn s«ng n-íc cña c- d©n trong vïng. 2. Tõ nh÷ng dßng s«ng réng lín ®Õn nh÷ng m-¬ng r¹ch m¶nh mai chØ tiÖn cho nh÷ng chiÕc thuyÒn nhá bÐ ra v«, S«ng Cöu Long cho ta mét c¶nh quan hoµnh tr¸ng khi nã ch¶y vµo ViÖt Nam, tr¹m cuèi cïng cña hµnh tr×nh 4500km n¬i cöa ngâ biÓn §«ng. 3. §iÒu ®¸ng quÝ lµ kiÒu bµo lu«n h-íng vÒ tæ quèc, g¾n bã víi gia ®×nh quª h-¬ng, ®Êt n-íc, yªu quÝ vµ gi÷ g×n b¶n s¾c v¨n ho¸ vµ hun ®óc nªn tÝnh c¸ch con ng-êi ViÖt Nam. 4. Ngoµi viÖc gióp ®ì ng-êi th©n ë n-íc nhµ, nhiÒu kiÒu bµo cßn ®ãng gãp x©y dùng quª h-¬ng, h-ëng øng viÖc cøu trî nh÷ng n¬i trong n-íc bÞ thiªn tai vµ tham gia c¸c viÖc nghÜa víi truyÒn thèng ‘‘ nhiÔu ®iÒu phñ lÊy gi¸ g-¬ng.’’ 5. Tr-íc n¨m 1988, ¶nh h-ëng cña hÖ thèng ng©n hµng ®èi víi sù ph¸t triÓn vµ qu¶n lý kinh tÕ vÜ m« lµ kh«ng ®¸ng kÓ. §Ó khuyÕn khÝch hÖ thèng ng©n hµng ho¹t ®éng cã môc ®Ých h¬n, chÝnh phñ ®· ®Ì ra c¸c biÖn ph¸p míi bao gåm tæ chøc l¹i hÖ thèng ng©n hµng, ®-a vµo c¸c chÝnh s¸ch tÝn dông h¹n ®Þnh, chÝnh s¸ch míi vÒ l·i suÊt vµ cho phÐp tù do bu«n b¸n vµng trªn thÞ tr-êng. 6. ChÝnh phñ ®¨ xóc tiÕn mét cuéc t¸i thiÕt toµn diÖn vÒ l-¬ng bæng cña c«ng nh©n viªn nhµ n-íc b»ng c¸ch chØnh ®èn l¹i nh÷ng kho¶n bao cÊp cho ng-êi tiªu dïng trªn danh nghÜa ho¹ch ®Þnh l¹i chÕ ®é l-¬ng. MÆc dï møc l-¬ng tèi thiÓu hµng th¸ng t¨ng, nh-ngl-¬ng thùc tÕ vÉn gi¶m xuèng ®¸ng kÓ do l¹m ph¸t. 7. Cuéc ®iÒu tra do héi phô n÷ ViÖt Nam tiÕn hµnh cho thÊy r»ng nh÷ng ph-¬ng ph¸p tr¸nh thai truyÒn thèng ®ang ®-îc ¸p dông réng r·i. Cuéc ®iÒu tra cho thÊy r»ng 39% phô n÷ cã gia ®×nh dïng ph-¬ng ph¸p hiÖn ®¹i, ph-¬ng ph¸p th-êng dïng nhÊt lµ ®Æt vßng tr¸nh thai B. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 1.The nuclear energy proponents also pressed the theme that it was inevitable that the world would increasingly go nuclear. It is suggested that the opponents were standing against the tide of history and were akin to the Luddites at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, who broke machines. 2. Doctors have shown for the first time they can rebuild the immune systems of people infected with the AIDS virus, dramatically increasing the blood cells that HIV destroys. 3. In the field of medicine training, what was done in the past years has been remarked by distinguished fact that many specialists and medical colleges in different countries set forth the necessity for reconsidering training subjects for health workers. 4. Today, the physicians should be considered as men of health. Hence, the responsibility of the physicians is to know how to discover, cure, and rehabilitate the health of the individuals and the community.

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