NG8 July/August 2018

Page 62

TAROSCOPES Air signs- Libra, Aquarius, Gemini (Page of Coins, Queen of Cups, Knight of Wands)

Get organised and you CAN have it all. Wow, lots going on! And you want a piece of everything- the fun, the social, the romance, the grafting, the earning and learning… If you make time to schedule a portion of energy to each shiny new activity then you CAN enjoy all of it. So, get your calendar out and get organised. Don’t drift along. Make plans and stick to them.

Earth signs- Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus (Temperance, Five of Swords, Five of Coins)

Rebalance by putting a stop to what’s NOT working. Every now and then we need to pause and assess if there are areas in our life where we feel like we’re banging our head against a wall. The Universe thinks you’ve got one of these sitches going on, and it’s now time to cut your losses and exit the scene. The sooner you do, the better you’ll feel.

Fire signs- Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Water signs- Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

(The Magician, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords)

(The Hanged Man, Ace of Swords,

A magical new opportunity arrives.

Page of Swords)

New beginnings are on the way, magical ones which renew your appreciation for life itself. You are the instigator and creator of this opportunity, making it all the more satisfying. It’s something authentically ‘you’, and makes you feel like you’re living the lifestyle you were destined for.

A home truth gets you going again. You’ve been in a bit of a limbo situation recently, which has frustrated you. But, a new insight or home truth about things is shortly going to release you from this stasis and get you moving once more. The quicker you absorb and accept what you learn, the faster you can put it to good use.

Kerry is a Nottingham based tarot reader, and Cosmopolitan magazine’s tarot expert, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at or follow her at Use the coupon code COSMO20 to get 20% off, exclusive to NG readers.

Use the coupon code COSMO20 to get 20% off, exclusive to NG readers.

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