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pick a winner bob Grimm predicts the oscars

’ s t h g i k r A N o W See Arts&Culture, page 16

New looks at the world’s oldest profession s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e







Winners and losers


Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. The best meme I’ve seen to describe Trump’s impeachment is one I first saw a couple of months ago when the House of Representatives voted to impeach him. It was a printer, labeled “House of Representatives,” printing out a piece of paper, labeled “articles of impeachment,” which then fell directly into a shredder labeled “U.S. Senate.” It was always fairly inevitable how this drama was going to play out, and, judging by the recent polls, Trump’s popularity, if anything, got a bump from the proceedings. And the Democrats aren’t helping their cause at all with things like the Iowa caucus debacle. As I write this, at 4:55 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4—a full day after they were supposed to have figured out the results—they’re still not sure which candidate came out on top there. What a mess. I was also pretty disappointed with the results of the Super Bowl. I watched the game with my mom, who’s a much more avid football fan than me, and she was decked out in a San Francisco 49ers shirt with the name “Kaepernick” emblazoned on the back. I didn’t even know she had it. I like to root against teams with even a hint of racism in their name, so I enjoyed rooting against the Kansas City Chiefs, whose fans, like those of the Atlanta Braves and the Florida State Seminoles, like to do a chant they call the “tomahawk chop,” which, in addition to being racist, is an incredibly annoying earworm. Still, something to think about: Some folks from local tribes will tell you that the name “49ers” is just as problematic. For Native people, the 1849 Gold Rush, which brought hundreds of thousands of people from the Eastern United States to Northern California and the Sierra Nevada, was a foreign invasion. It’s a humbling perspective to remember. You know what I didn’t find problematic at all? The halftime performance by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. That was fantastic.

Re “MLK had a lot to say” (Notes from the Neon Babylon, Jan. 23): Bruce strikes again! In his usual inimitable way, Bruce Van Dyke might be the first print personality to refer to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as “ole Martin.” Is there an underlying disrespect here for the life and achievements of a great man driven by a belief and faith that necessarily led him to the equality of all men? Mr. Van Dyke quickly attempts to avoid this conclusion by listing some of Dr. King’s most memorable quotes, which he ostensibly agrees with. Among them, “Non-violence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” Where does one suppose Mr. Van Dyke’s regard for President Trump and his supporters falls on the Hate O’meter from zero to 10? Is another number needed? A student can sit at the feet of a great teacher and learn nothing. I guess that ole Bruce just can’t help himself. Haters gonna hate. Thom Waters

—BRAD BYNUM bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

Laws or loopholes? A fundamental problem with the administration of Donald Trump is that they don’t believe we’re a country of laws. They believe we’re a country of loopholes. Trump’s modus operandi before and after he was inaugurated has been to use loopholes in laws as shields and weapons. And he is not alone. Trump himself identified the problem during his campaign—he called it “The Swamp,” and claimed that he alone could rid the swamp of the bad creatures. And he kept his promise—sort of. The problem is he only got rid of creatures who could not or would not choose to live in the new Trump Swamp. Living by the loophole was his choice when Trump was a

Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Jane K. Callahan, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia

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FEBRUARY 6, 2020 | VOL. 25, ISSUE 52

civilian. He’s a public official now, and regardless of why anyone voted him into office, he has an obligation to live by the law. He has chosen otherwise. Senate Republicans are desperate to find a loophole they can use to turn a blind eye to the harms this president has done and is doing to this country. All you need do is consider how they would react if it was a Democratic president doing any of this. This president, the Senate, and our country are on trial. We have to decide whether we are a country of laws or loopholes. If it’s the latter, then we must to accept an inevitable breakdown of law. Michel Rottmann Virginia City Highlands

Wheels turning Free public transportation? OMG, nooooo! Don’t want my defense-budget tax money going to sustain the infrastructure—shit. Regardless, consider the costs of operating an auto to get to work so you can pay for a place to live when you’re not working. Huh? A hundred bucks a month for insurance, maybe $300 for car payments, another $50 or so for repairs, license, etc., and that doesn’t even account for gasoline. I can see half a grand going to car costs. A month-long bus pass for seniors is less than a buck a day. If more people rode buses there would be more buses on the road, more routes available and much more frequently, less traffic congestion and hateful road rage, people actually intermingling while traveling, and you can probably see where I’m going here? BTW, rumor is Reno has more electric buses than most anywhere in the US. Craig Bergland Reno

Power plays The Republicans have an interesting take on the president’s power, or at least a Republican president’s power, making the case in the current impeachment proceedings that the Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Marty Troye, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Ashley Martinez, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson, Andy Odegard , Terry Carlson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sales & Production Coordinator Laura Anthony Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins

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president can do whatever he wants to get re-elected because it is in the public’s interest. In this view, the president could remove minorities such as blacks and Latinos from voter registration, barring them from voting since they tend to vote more for democrat candidates. And, further, not only would it be in his interest to do so, it would be in their interest too, since they are members of the public. This view brought to you by the same political party that produced the “unitary president” concept, the idea that a president has unilateral power, during the George W. Bush presidency, quickly reversing their stance when Barack Obama was elected. It would be hilarious if it were not so scary that many people actually buy into such chicanery seeing no hypocrisy. Tom Wicker Reno


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It’s considered the oldest profession, right? I’m not sure what benefits there would be to legalizing it [statewide]. Would they then have to do a W-2? File income tax?

AUSTIN WIT T Home Depot associate

Honestly, no. I don’t think it should be. This is a huge college town, and with that type of thing going around, it could lead to a mass disease, possibly. I don’t really know too much about the brothel system … certain areas, I guess. I just don’t think it should be in Reno itself. K ARISSA STEMPECK Nurse

Stunning tech failures As journalists, we’re primarily interested in content, It’s hard to get any writing done if you keep needing rather than forms. We want to read and write good to buy the latest pens. stories. We’re not interested in the storytelling potenAnd here’s another problem: What if the new pen tial of various platforms, but in the actual stories told. doesn’t work? We’re not usually early adapters of new technology. That’s what happened in the Iowa Caucus. Iowa We like to use the technology we already have as Democratic Party officials were so excited to use well as we possibly can. You can see our a shiny new app that they didn’t properly commitment to innovation in content, test the technology, which led to a rather than form, in this simple fact: national debacle, what CNBC called We’re still primarily a newspaper. “one of the most stunning tech failSo we’re suspicious of new ures ever.” The latest technology It’s hard to get any technology and downright resentisn’t always needed. Sometimes ful of planned obsolescence, that it creates more problems than writing done if you horrible manufacturing approach of it fixes. An older technology keep needing to buy artificially limiting the usefulness of would’ve been cheaper and more a tool or a product. Manufacturers effective—even carrier pigeons the latest pens. expect you to buy a new phone every would’ve done a better job—and year, a new computer every three years, seriously, what’s wrong with good a new car every five years. ol’ fashioned paper? A good hammer can last a life time. And the Iowa quagmire isn’t just Same with a good typewriter or a good bicycle. a failure of technology. It’s a failure of This isn’t to say that we’re Luddites, totally Democracy. This debacle makes almost everyone opposed to any and all new technology. We’re not. involved look bad and only serves to boost the reelecDigital technology can be an amazing thing. But we tion chances of the autocrat in the office. are opposed to technological change merely for the It also creates an immense amount of scrutiny of, sake of technological change—or, worse yet, technoand pressure on, the next presidential election caucus logical change merely for the sake of corporate profit. in the country, which, of course, happens here in Keeping up with the artificially accelerated rate of Nevada on Feb. 22. Ω technological change hinders creative productivity.

I grew up in a state without legal prostitution, and I saw a lot of people working the streets. People still work the streets here in Reno. As long as it’s out of sight, out of mind, I don’t tend to mind it as much. People are going to buy sex wherever they live. … At least this way provides a structure for it.


From my perspective, I’m a Christian, so I don’t really support it. I think it should be illegal.


Yeah, definitely. I feel like if the girls can be safer, provided with better options as far as taking care of their health, or even protection from having to do what they do illegally, I’d much rather them do it legally.






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Taxing matters Watching the impeachment trial these past few weeks made me queasy, knowing the Republicans would undoubtedly acquit him, weakening our constitution and placing my grandchildren’s future in peril. Surely our founders never dreamed our elected leaders could be so shallow and care so little about our democracy, instead choosing to twist themselves into preposterous arguments to protect a man they know is immoral and unworthy of the office. It’s profoundly disheartening, and I’m afraid our constitution will never be the same after Donald J. Trump. Back in 1789, our nation’s leaders were more hopeful, although they also harbored doubts about their new country weathering inevitable political storms. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to French scientist Jean-Baptiste LeRoy, telling him “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

So, let’s turn our attention to inevitable taxes, especially those imposed at a state level where presumably we have more of an opportunity for change. While Nevadans enjoy a much lower rate of taxation than most states, we pay for that privilege by continually ranking at or near the bottom in funding for education, human services and infrastructure a citizenry naturally expects and desires. And our taxes are more regressive, since we lack a progressive state income tax (and Washoe County had the highest sales tax rate in the state at 8.265 percent until Clark County surpassed us this year at 8.375 percent), meaning our poorer residents pay a much higher percentage of their income than their wealthier neighbors. We’ve heard plenty of excuses for not fixing this economic injustice from Democrats who, once they’re in office, become loathe to change the status quo. They tell us a new governor can’t fix it during his—we’ve never had a female governor—first legislative session because of the short time frame between the election

and Nevada’s biennial legislature. He can’t do it during his second session because of a looming re-election. And then it’s just not the right time in the third session and in the fourth, because, well, he doesn’t want to jinx the chances of another Democrat’s election by passing controversial tax reforms. The irony of the huge tax hikes led by Republican Governors Kenny Guinn and Brian Sandoval due to recessionary pressures is not lost on me. But neither sufficiently addressed taxation inequities. Now the Clark County Education Association has announced it will take two new tax plans directly to the taxpayers through initiative petitions, gambling that a strong signature campaign will give them leverage to negotiate a better deal for K-12 education with Governor Steve Sisolak. The union wants to increase Nevada’s gambling tax rate in the highest tier from 6.75 percent to 9.75 percent, a move sure to be popular with everyone but the big gamblers. Their second plan is far more problematic from an equity lens, as they want to

increase the sales tax even more by raising the portion that goes to schools from 2.6 percent to 4.1 percent, a 58 percent increase. This would bring the sales tax in Clark County up to almost 10 percent, one of the highest in the country. The union estimates the two tax increases will generate about $1.4 billion every year, with a billion dollars coming from the regressive sales tax. Meanwhile, many mining companies pay next to nothing—and many, indeed, pay nothing, thanks to overly generous deductions—to Nevada’s general fund, and wealthy corporations like the Raiders and Tesla get enormous tax breaks. They all boast about their charitable contributions as if that somehow makes up for the hundreds of millions they don’t contribute to the state’s coffers. While death and taxes are indeed inescapable, economic justice demands we ease the burden on the working class. Let’s pick on someone else to pay our bills. Ω








The 2020 Democrat presidential caucuses in Nevada will take place on Feb. 22.

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys—famed for his driving role behind the creation of the band’s iconic Pet Sounds album—shared a Facebook petition on Monday calling for a boycott of the currently touring version of the band unless it cancelled Wednesday’s headlining gig at the annual Safari Club International Convention in Reno. The convention, which continues through Feb. 8, is a showcase for big game hunting around the world. This year, Donald Trump, Jr., is among the speakers. The petition was orginally started by Eduardo Goncalves of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting. In the post, Wilson said he and Al Jardine, Beach Boys co-founder, oppose the decision by band cofounder and singer Mike Love to play the convention. “This organization supports trophy hunting, which both Al and I are emphatically opposed to,” Wilson wrote, also sharing a link to the Change.org petition.“There’s nothing we can do personally to stop the show, so please join us in signing the petition.”


HOT NEWS The new year in Reno has gotten off to a hotter start than usual, and the warm temperatures are melting the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. With an average temperature of 40.4 degrees, January was the third-warmest on record for Reno. The only warmer Januaries were in 2003, 43 degrees, and 2018, 42.4 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. Compounding the problem is that January was also dry this year—with just .13 inches of rain.

PUNK IT UP Two days of art, music and mayhem will return with the third annual Reno Punk Rock Flea Market at the Generator makerspace, 1240 Icehouse Ave., Sparks, on Feb. 8 and 9 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Punk Rock Flea market will feature more than a dozen bands in addition to food trucks, beer and more than 80 vendors selling things ranging from jewelry and posters to patches and pins and body products. Art collectives and non-profits will also be present at the two-day event.

ROADSIDE STOP Most are aware that construction on Virginia Street continues but may be unaware that progress on it has been shown off to a presidential hopeful. According to a press release from the Regional Transportation Commission, on Jan. 25, presidential candidate “Tom Steyer toured the Virginia Street Project and a portion of midtown. The event was coordinated through the Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce and included Midtown business owners Jesus and Mari Gutierrez from Mari Chuy’s Mexican Kitchen and Kevin and Kaya Stanley from Rue Bourbon.” The project is currently slated to wrap up next winter. For those wanting their own updates on the project, the RTC and construction company Sierra Nevada Construction will be hosting a “coffee with the construction crew” event on Friday, Feb. 7, between 10 a.m. and noon at JoStella Coffee Company, 701 S. Virginia St.







Vote with your feet Get ready for the Nevada caucuses On Feb. 22, Nevadans will gather for the 2020 state Democratic caucuses. Nevada’s is the third nominating contest in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries, after the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 11 and the first-in-thenation Iowa caucus, which took place on Feb. 3—with technical issues related to an app used leading to no clear victor in the state as of press time. (The Nevada State Democratic Party released a statement on Feb. 4 assuring voters that while it had intended to use the app that caused so many problems in Iowa, it no longer will and will instead evaluate the best alternative from among its previously created backup plans.) Nevada hasn’t always been third in the nation and first in the West to get in on the presidential nomination process. It wasn’t until after the 2004 election that then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the case for Nevada to be among the early states in the primary process. The Silver State’s large minority population, Western location, strong

union presence and large labor population all helped make the point. And since 2008, the Nevada caucuses have been slated for early in the process, prior to the Super Tuesday primaries—which will take place on March 3 and see 14 states representing some 26 million Democrats participate. Switching from its traditional late presidential primary process to an early caucus has made Nevada the first Latinx (28 percent of the population) state to vote, the first largely labor-based state to vote, and, as a result, has given the Silver State an electoral prominence and importance it has not arguably had since attaining statehood just days prior to Abraham Lincoln’s reelection in 1864. While Nevada has held both presidential primaries and caucuses throughout its history, the caucus process may be unfamiliar and perhaps even a daunting to some voters, including new Nevadans. An explanation of the process that will ultimately result in the state awarding 48 delegates to the national convention in July can assuage anxiety—and with new procedures, help prepare caucus-goers.

The first thing to know is that Nevada caucuses are a closed caucus, meaning you need to be a registered Democrat— and of legal voting age by election day, Nov. 3—to participate. If you’re not registered, or not registered as a Democrat, you can remedy this with same-day voter registration on caucus day at your voting precinct’s caucus location, or you can go online and register through the Nevada Secretary of State’s website. (Should you choose the latter option, state election officials advise you should get it done at least one or two days in advance of the caucus to allow for the lag in updating county-level and state-level voting rolls.) Another thing to note is that you won’t need a photo ID to participate. Neighborhood schools and libraries are often used as caucus locations. Caucuses are party-run affairs, and you can determine your precinct’s caucus location by visiting the Nevada State Democratic Party’s website at nvdems. com/2020-caucus. Regardless of location, the doors to precinct locations will open at 10 a.m. and the process will begin at noon. But what should you expect upon arriving at your caucus location? The short answer is that you should expect to engage in conversation and debate with your neighbors. That’s because while you’ll start by filling out a form indicating your preference for the nomination, called a “presidential preference card,” if your candidate doesn’t achieve a minimum percent of votes from your precinct—usually 15 percent—the candidate will be disqualified from receiving delegates from your precinct, and those in support of said candidate(s) will be encouraged to throw their votes behind another candidate. It’s worth noting that 2020 will be the first year that presidential preference cards in Nevada will include a third bilingual language option, Tagalog, to accommodate the state’s growing Asian American and Pacific Islander population. The filling out of presidential preference cards is known as the first “alignment” in in the caucus process. During the second alignment, you and your neighbors will have the chance to persuade others to put their caucus votes toward “viable” candidates who met the support threshold set in the first

round. Caucus volunteers will explain what you can and can’t do to convince others to put their support behind viable candidates. But the job of caucus-goers isn’t done when viable candidates are determined. Afterward, you’ll want to hang around to pick delegates from among your neighbors to represent your precinct at the at the Washoe County convention on April 18. There are 57 precinct voting locations spread throughout Washoe County, and each will send delegates to the county convention, some of whom will move on to the state (May 30) and national (July 13-16) conventions, where Democrats will tally them to determine which candidate will face off against President Donald Trump in the general election. You’ll also have the opportunity to weigh in on alternate delegates—people who can show up to represent your precinct in case a regular delegate is unable to attend future conventions. At this point, if you’re interested in influencing the Democratic party’s policy positions, you’ll have a bit left to do. After delegates and alternates are determined, you’ll have the chance to submit ideas to possibly become part of the 2020 Democratic party platform on a variety of issues. Proposals made by caucus-goers will be passed on to the county, state and national conventions. You may be wondering what your options are if you’re unable to caucus on Feb. 22. If so, you’re in luck because early

caucus voting will be allowed this year between Feb. 15-18 at any of 14 locations in Reno and Sparks. You can check the state Democratic party’s website to find the list of locations. Should you choose early caucus voting, you’ll be able to choose between three and five candidates and rank them in order of your preference. Your picks will be relayed to your precinct and, should the candidate(s) you name not reach the viability threshold, your subsequent choices will be automatically realigned until they fit within your precinct’s overall votes. As of press time, former Vice President Joe Biden was leading in polls of Democratic voters—at 25 percent, according to Washington Post polling, compared to 20 percent for Bernie Sanders, 16 percent for Elizabeth Warren, eight percent for Pete Buttigieg, seven percent for Tom Steyer, and less than five percent for the remaining four candidates (Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard). There’s a pretty decent chance Nevada caucus-goers will play an outsized role this year in determining who challenges Donald Trump for the presidency in November. Now that you know what to expect from your caucus experience, all you have to do is show up. Ω

Learn more about caucusing by visiting nvdems.com/2020-caucus.

For the birds

In the middle of Reno, Virginia Lake is a winter home to dozens of species of water fowl. The Audubon Society reports that over 100 species have been recorded there, with notable ones including “Hooded and Common Mergansers, Snow and Ross’s Geese, and occasional Barrow’s Goldeneye and Eurasian Wigeon.” Photo/Matt Bieker












by Jeri DAvis

get more, spend less. John Mahoney, general manager at Art Dogs & Grace, is happy to explain cannabis hardware to customers.

Cannabis hardware When it comes pipes, bongs, dab rigs or vaporizers, putting in the time to do a bit of research and purchasing something high quality can make a difference in your experience and maybe even your health. At Art Dogs & Grace, 218 Vassar St., general manager John Mahoney is happy to spend time explaining the options, which vary more than you might expect. Vaporizers have been on the market for years now, and they come in multiple varieties, some which work with either flower or concentrates, others with both. “We try to concentrate on better quality ones that are better backed,” Mahoney said. “Vaporizers are kind of like computers these days. Every couple of months, something new is coming out.” Mahoney explained that some vaporizers—like one called the Volcano, made by company Storz and Bickel—are large and intended for home use. Others, including Pax vaporizers are compact and portable. Some, like the Dr. Dabber Switch, can be used for both concentrates and flower and come with a water pipe attachment. “With concentrates becoming so much more popular, there have been a lot more electronics for concentrates that have come out,” Mahoney added. These can be a good alternative to dab rigs, which require more hardware—including a torch—and have a learning curve. One called the Huni Badger is what’s known as a “nectar collector.” According to Mahoney, it’s electronic, and you can simply turn it on, let it heat up and dip it directly into concentrates. (Pro tip: dip nectar collectors lightly into the side of the concentrate container instead of the center to avoid wasting product.)

Even if you’re in the market for a simple bong or traditional pipe, there are things to consider. Mahoney said the first is the quality of the materials. At Art Dogs, the glassware is made in the United States. “A lot of the stuff that’s imported has leaded colors or drilled out bowl holes— different things that make it so you don’t want to smoke out of it,” Mahoney said. “The first time you smoke out of a pipe that has a drilled out bowl hole, if you haven’t cleared the pipe and cleaned it properly, you could possibly inhale glass off of that first hit—which silicosis is a serious problem.” Another tip Mahoney gives is to look for a pipe with a larger carburetor than bowl hole, as this will allow you to clear the smoke from the pipe—preventing stale smoke from lingering in it. When it comes to bongs, Mahoney advises looking for ones that have advanced downstems (the glass piece that connects the bowl to the body of the bong). “The main thing with a water pipe is getting that percolation, so you’re making more contact with the water,” he said. “A classic downstem that has a big hole in the bottom and slits on the sides.” Because the smoke is going to take the path of least resistance, it’ll move mostly through the big hole, Mahoney explained, resulting in little percolation. Newer styles of bongs come with downstems that are attached to the bottom of the bong and rely on slits—often called “percs”—to create airflow through water. One company called Mobius makes what it calls a matrix perc. “That perc is crosscut vertically and horizontally, so it has a ton of holes all the way around it, generating more bubbles,” he said. “It’s ... stacking bubbles on top of themselves. And with that stacking effect— one, you’re reducing the air space, so there’s not time for your smoke to become stale; and it’s generating so many bubbles that you’re making more contact with the water, meaning cleaner, cooler smoke.” Ω


Glassy eyed







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New looks at the world’s oldest profession


lmost 20 miles east of Reno, past the canyon communities of Lockwood and Patrick, and abutting the low hills south of the Truckee River, is Mustang Ranch—one of only 21 legal brothels in the nation. It sits within a few hundred yards of Washoe County’s border with Storey County, where prostitution is legal, and from the outside, it’s pretty unmistakable what’s being advertised. The two resort-style buildings are adorned with erotic pictures of women in movie-poster frames and flashing red lights symbolic of the sex trade. But last week, the staff of Mustang Ranch held a kind of open house—a push for transparency—to screen a short video called “The Power of Human Touch.” In it, courtesans at the ranch shared stories of the emotional work they perform for their clients—something that’s integral to their jobs, they said, and is often missing from their political or Hollywood portrayals. “It was emotional, but it was also empowering at the same time,” said Jennifer Barnes, who, with Tara Adkins, is one of the ranch’s two madams. “You know, to be able to speak out and talk about what we do.” In the video, Barnes and other courtesans recounted stories of helping clients with special needs—those who have experienced physical or emotional trauma impacting their ability to have sex, for example—or are otherwise unable to find companionship. “Recently, a couple came up here and the husband had cancer,” Adkins said. “The wife had three heart attacks. Her third heart attack, the doctor said, ‘If you have sex again, it’ll kill you.’ She had a heart attack in the middle of

having sex—they’re in their 70s. I think for their 60th or 50th wedding anniversary, she looked up the Mustang Ranch. She gave him a certain amount of money to spend, and he came out here and told me this whole story. So, then I got to know him really well, and I’m like, ‘You’ve got to bring your wife out here now. I’ve got to meet your wife.’ A month later, here comes his wife and she started bawling, gave me the biggest hug and she’s like, ‘you saved our marriage, 100 percent.’” Adkins also mentioned a mother of an autistic man who brought him from New York to Reno for an appointment, and a regular who started coming to the ranch after an accident left him paralyzed from the neck down. Many of these clients aren’t looking for sex, the madams said, and those who are regard the ranch as a judgment-free space. “Couples that have been married for years, and they kind of lose that ‘umph,’ they come here and say, ‘Can you teach us how to do a great blow job?’ or ‘Can you teach me how to go down on my wife again? I lost that.’ Absolutely, let’s get a lineup going.” Adkins and Barnes have worked at Mustang Ranch for almost 20 years, and believe courtesans offer services that go beyond just the act of selling sex—a misconception that drives the stigma sex workers and clientele still face from the public. “They’ve never set foot in a brothel,” said Adkins. “They haven’t had the opportunity to come in and learn what we’re all about. ... And so that’s why we take time to invite anybody and everybody out here to get to know us. And that’s why this is really important right now.”

“A night’s work”

continued on page 14

Jennifer Barnes and tara adkins are the two house madams of Mustang ranch.

02.06.20    |   RN&R   |   13

“A night’s work” continued from page 13

“I’ve waited 20 years for someone to show these ladies the way we saw them tonight.” Lance Gilman, owner of Mustang Ranch

Phoenix is a legal courtesan who offered tours of the ranch to media members and guests.

Lance Gilman has owned Mustang Ranch since 2006.

Differently themed “Party Rooms” can be rented by clients, like the “Roman Room” pictured here.

14   |   RN&R   |   02.06.20

Nevada is the only state that allows legal sex work, and it remains a link to our frontier heritage. But the brothels have had an uneasy relationship with the legislature in recent years. Practices like advertising and permitting are strictly regulated, and several attempts have been made over the years to ban brothels outright—the most recent was in 2018. Accusations of sex trafficking, spurred by community action groups like No Little Girl, led to a ballot initiative on outlawing brothels that eventually failed. To the madams, illegal prostitution is less likely to happen in brothels, as all women who apply to work at Mustang Ranch must undergo an FBI background check, a medical consultation and register with the Storey County Sheriff to get what’s called a “work card.” Part of a madam’s job, they agreed, was to watch out for the signs of trafficking specifically, and every room is equipped with a silent alarm that will alert in-house security if a woman feels unsafe. “In, you know, mid-2018 when the brothel ban initiative came out, Mustang Ranch said, ‘Hey, we want to make sure that people know exactly what a legal, regulated brothel looks like, why it’s a benefit to the community in so many ways and why it is a safe place for women to work,’” said Molly Ellery, a representative of Mustang Ranch. “So that’s a major campaign that’s been in effect for going on two years.” Part of that campaign has been pushing back on the idea that legal sex work is simply a survival strategy for vulnerable women. The video was originally meant to highlight the economic freedoms enjoyed by women who work at the ranch—akin to small business owners, or “independent contractors” as they are officially called, as they are not actual employees. “We realized day of filming, the deeper message was about compassion and the power of intimacy, and the power of touch and conversation,” Ellery said. “We realized that was the heart of the message we needed to help tell.” However, to advocates for victims of sexual trafficking, any depictions that might “glamorize” the legal sex trade are counterproductive. “The idea that they are providing some sort of a therapeutic service like a massage or something, it’s just that PR firm trying to put, you know, lipstick on a pig, essentially,” said Jason Guinasso,

a lawyer who works on behalf of the faith-based AWAKEN anti-sex trafficking non-profit, and who helped write the anti-brothel initiative in 2018. “I’ve been arguing for several years now that the correlation between the legal sex industry in our state and illegal sex trafficking are inextricably linked.” Guinasso has worked in anti-trafficking advocacy for most of the last decade and believes that Nevada’s legal sex industry creates a “supply” component for an illegal market— one that thrives on buyers’ ignorance or indifference—to which counties or establishments allow for prostitution. “There’s a reason why Nevada has the highest incidence of sex trafficking from all the other states except New York,” said Guinasso. Last year, a woman who claimed she was trafficked in two unnamed Nevada brothels brought a federal suit against the state, asserting that the online presence of the brothels violates the Mann Act, a federal law criminalizing encouraging people to cross state lines for prostitution. Guinasso represented the plaintiff in that case, but the suit was dismissed in October. Guinasso said similar victims of trafficking contact him every week, and while he can’t say every woman working in a brothel is being trafficked, he believes there’s evidence of illegal sex work in the same regulations that are supposed to ensure the women’s safety. “They have to go get health screenings every week, you know, to make sure that they don’t have STDs,” Guinasso said. “But here’s what happens if they test positive for having an STD, they can’t work, right? The women that work up there pay from their own pocket to deal with the STD. And if they can’t get a clean bill of health, they just get thrown away. And where do they go? They go back on the street.” Guinasso also believes that, since more work cards are issued than there are open spaces available for courtesans at most brothels, coupled with a high turnover rate and cases that involved high numbers of foreign nationals working in certain brothels, that the legal industry contributes to illegal trafficking. His next step, he said, is to itemize all the work cards he’s collected for research to get a sense of the scale of how many women might be trafficked through brothels. While the extent of Nevada’s illegal sex trade might be obscured, to Guinasso and other advocates, brothel owners have everything to gain by presenting their employees as empowered individuals.

Touching display “I’ve waited 20 years for someone to show these ladies the way we saw them tonight,” said Lance Gilman. He’s a realtor, Storey County commissioner and owner of the Mustang Ranch since 2006. He wiped tears from his eyes as the video played to media representatives and ranch staff. “I walked into this industry 20 years ago—it was on behalf of Storey County and to really help them financially. I knew nothing about brothels, and I had a lot of help. But as I got in here, I really became acquainted with a group of people that were really special. I had no idea.”

Gilman saved the ranch from bankruptcy in the early 2000s, after founder and original owner Joe Conforte was arrested for tax fraud and forfeited the property to the federal government in 1999. Gilman bought the original buildings and moved them to a site he already owned. The older of the two buildings now houses a bar, private quarters for the residents and several different “party rooms.” And the newest building contains a bar and restaurant that are licensed independently of the brothel, more rooms and the gift shop. Gilman believes brothels are an easy target for anti-trafficking campaigns, but the real threats come from unlicensed establishments where the connection to the sex trade is already implied. “I think because we’re the most visible, and the rest of the industry is behind the curtains,” Gilman said. “For example, it’s rampant in the massage industry, but there’s no oversight. There’s no work cards. … And the other thing that happens is so much of the trafficking takes place, like, for example, in Las Vegas and the hotels. The criminal element has found a way to make an incredible amount of off-tax money by operating at something that’s so much in demand.” Gilman said that both legalization of sex work at large and banning it

completely would have the same result: pushing women into the hands of predators. Plus, he said, Nevada already knows how to regulate industries that are typically thought of as vices. “I am in favor of it, just like gaming,” Gilman said. “It should happen within four walls, with strong oversight and administration by the government, so that the right people get involved and the right controls are involved. … Nobody’s going to be hurt on our watch, if you know what I mean. That doesn’t happen in the outside world. They’re vulnerable.” However, Guinasso disagrees. “I think it would be catastrophic if those industries were regulated with the same lackadaisical and indifferent oversight that the brothel industry is regulated with,” he said. “The idea that they have to do a full-on FBI background check is a misnomer. The sheriff’s departments aren’t putting that much time and energy into it. They’re doing the basic background check and then giving the card. But as you see from the brothel cards I have, there’s a lot of stuff that’s just not followed through on.” At the end of the night, Gilman stood up to thank those in attendance and to announce the creation of the Mustang Foundation, a non-profit that he said is

dedicated to helping victims of trafficking. He later admitted that the foundation was still in the planning stages as far as its direct purpose, but that he’d like to see the money used locally in a method similar to groups like Operation Underground Railroad. “They’ve had a couple of functions here and I’ve put a ton of money in there,” he said. “They set up stings in China, in Taiwan, in Australia. … They have their lives at stake infiltrating these goddamn groups so they could do something with them. And it’s too prevalent in our own community in the areas that I just told you. We need to watch and manage those areas where things happen behind the door with no visibility and no licensing and no health checks.” Ω

Some of the items sold in the Mustang Ranch’s gift shop.

Learn more at mustangranchbrothel.com

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02.06.20    |   RN&R   |   15

Once upOn a time … at the Oscars ie our mo v tS d ic g uy pre ill What W t a happen emy d the a ca S a Ward

by bob grimm


o major preamble needed here. It’s Oscar time, so here are some thoughts on the whole establishment and my predictions. Let’s have at it.

Best Picture Ford v Ferrari The Irishman Jojo Rabbit Joker Little Women Marriage Story 1917 Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood Parasite SnubS: Completely ridiculous that Uncut Gems was

ignored here. It was more deserving than most of the entries that made the cut. That said, I did, at the very least, like every film on this list with the exception of Joker, one of the more overrated films in years. Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood is the year’s best film, and I can safely say I’ve watched it five times already, and I think I will watch it again because writing about it just now has given me a craving. This is a great movie, and it’s high time a Tarantino film took home a Best Pic statue. This is a tough category to call. 1917, a deserving nominee, is gaining some momentum. There are many reasons the Academy could pick The Irishman here, and Little Women is much beloved after its late year release. Parasite is getting a lot of love. With all that, I still think this is Tarantino’s year. Should and Will Win: Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood

Best actor Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory) Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood) Adam Driver (Marriage Story) Joaquin Phoenix (Joker) Jonathan Pryce (The Two Popes) SnubS: Two major snubs in this category: Eddie

Murphy for Dolemite Is My Name and, fuck me, Adam Sandler for Uncut Gems. I, personally, would’ve dropped Phoenix and Pryce from this list and included Murphy and Sandler. Loved the Banderas performance, but would’ve put Robert Pattinson for The Lighthouse in his spot. 16   |   RN&R   |   02.06.20

bgrimm @ newsreview.com

Please give this to DiCaprio. If not DiCaprio, please give it to Driver or Banderas. Knock it off with this Joker stuff already. Let’s not repeat last year’s bullshit when they gave Rami Malek the popularity award for lip-synching in Bohemian Rhapsody. This isn’t supposed to be a popularity contest. Phoenix was impressive, but DiCaprio’s is easily the best, most fully realized performance in this group. Should Win: DiCaprio Will Win: Phoenix

Best actress Cynthia Erivo (Harriet) Scarlett Johansson (Marriage Story) Saoirse Ronan (Little Women) Charlize Theron (Bombshell) Renee Zellweger (Judy) SnubS: I’m amazed—and flabbergasted—that

Lupita Nyong’o got passed over for Us. I considered her one of the front runners for her dual role in Jordan Peele’s horror film. Speaking of horror, the Academy once again snubs an amazing performance in an Ari Aster movie. First, they forgot about Toni Collette in Hereditary, and now they ignore the wonderments of Florence Pugh’s work in Midsommar. Come on. Of the nominated group—all good performances in good movies—Johansson is the standout. Holy hell, she and Adam Driver delivered the fireworks in their movie, and I think it would be nice if this were Scar Jo’s year. But I think this is going to Zellweger, who was mighty impressive—doing her own singing, too—as the late, great Judy Garland. I’ll be plenty happy to see her win. If there’s a dark horse candidate here, it’s Ronan for the very popular Little Women. Should Win: Johansson Will Win: Zellweger

Best suPPorting actor Tom Hanks (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood) Anthony Hopkins (The Two Popes) Al Pacino (The Irishman) Joe Pesci (The Irishman) Brad Pitt (Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood) Snubbed: No Willem DaFoe for The Lighthouse!

Shame on you, Oscar! Shame! This should’ve been a showdown between Pitt and DaFoe. I don’t want to even talk about this category anymore. Should and Will Win: Pitt

Best supporting actress

1917 4. The Irishman and 5. Ford v Ferrari. So, Gerwig doesn’t crack my top 5 either. The director should be awarded with the producers of the Best Picture winner, and this category should be dropped. Actually, Kathy Bates (Richard Jewell) when a picture wins, the award should be Laura Dern (Marriage Story) presented to the person who directed it, not Scarlett Johansson (Jojo Rabbit) the one who bankrolled it. Also, all of those Florence Pugh (Little Women) women I just mentioned should’ve been Margot Robbie (Bombshell) nominated before Todd Phillips (Joker) and Bong Joon Ho (Parasite) because Snubbed: I know a lot of folks think their movies were better. Jennifer Lopez got snubbed here, but There have been years this is one time where I’m glad when a woman deserved the Academy ignored the hype a nomination and got What do and left her out. She can be snubbed. Kathryn a good, even great, actress you Want me Bigelow—who is, in at times, but I didn’t care fact, the only woman to Say? the for Hustlers, and didn’t to ever win the think her work was awardoScarS Suck, and award, for The Hurt worthy. Robbie doesn’t Locker—should’ve belong here for Bombshell; they’ve alWayS been nominated for she should’ve been nomiZero Dark Thirty in Sucked. nated for Once Upon a Time 2013. Ava DuVernay ... in Hollywood (where she getting snubbed in 2014 for speaks plenty of dialogue, thank Selma was a travesty. you very much). I would’ve dropped What do you want me to say? The Kathy Bates for Taylor Russell in Waves. Oscars suck, and they’ve always sucked. Laura Dern was my year-end pick in this The only thing keeping this award out of category, and she’s going to win. Tarantino’s hands is his big mouth. He tends to Should and Will Win: Dern rankle some of the voting elders. If Tarantino loses, it probably goes to Sam Mendes. Should and Will Win: Tarantino

Best director

Martin Scorsese (The Irishman) Todd Phillips (Joker) Sam Mendes (1917) Quentin Tarantino (Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood) Bong Joon Ho (Parasite) SnubS: So, there’s a lot of talk out there that Greta

Gerwig was snubbed for Little Women, and that female directors were snubbed in general. I really liked what Gerwig did with Little Women, but I do think it ultimately didn’t come together as a masterpiece. (A lot of that had to do with the confusing time jump choice.) It was a little sloppy to my eye but, undoubtedly, a highly entertaining and original take on a classic. As for other women directors, I can only speak here for my personal take on the year in film, and the first female director to show up on my Top 10 was Marielle Heller at number eight with A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, followed by Alma Har’el at number nine with Honey Boy. Gerwig, LuLu Wang (The Farewell) and Oliva Wilde (Booksmart) were at 16, 18 and 19. All very good movies, all very good work, but the top seven films, in my opinion, were by dudes, and there are only five nominees in this category. The nine films nominated for Best Picture do not match my personal list. This is how I rank the top 5 nominated films: 1. Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood 2. Marriage Story 3.

other predictions: Animated Film: Toy Story 4 Cinematography: 1917 Costume Design: Little Women Documentary (Feature): American Factory Documentary (Short): In the Absence Film Editing: Parasite International Feature Film: Parasite Makeup and Hairstyling: Bombshell Music (Original Score): Marriage Story Music (Original Song): “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman Production Design: Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood Short Film (Animated): Memorable Short Film (Live Action): A Sister Sound Editing: 1917 Sound Mixing: 1917 Visual Effects: 1917 Adapted Screenplay: Little Women Original Screenplay: Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood Ω

The Academy Awards start at 5 p.m. on Feb. 9 on ABC. For more information, visit oscar.go.com.

02.06.20    |   RN&R   |   17

by Kris VAgner

A new home Wa-Pai-Shone Gallery The Wa-Pai-Shone Gallery opened on Jan. 20 at the new Stewart Indian School Cultural Center in Carson City, featuring artworks by the Great Basin Native Artists, a collective that researches, archives and exhibits works by Native artists from Nevada and neighboring states. The group, which includes approximately 150 artists and counting, has been showing artwork together since 2014 at venues including powwows, cultural centers and museums. This marks the first time GBNA has had its own dedicated gallery space. But this is not the first time artwork has been showcased at Stewart. The Stewart Indian School opened in 1890 as part of a national effort to assimilate Native Americans into Anglo culture. Facilities like this were called “Indian boarding schools.” An 1891 law mandating “compulsory attendance” led to children being routinely kidnapped and taken to the school. Once they arrived, they were forbidden their native languages, customs and dress. By 1934, the kidnappings had subsided. The U.S. Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act (a.k.a. the “Indian New Deal,”) which eased up assimilation efforts and allowed for a woman named Alida Bowler to be appointed superintendent. A civil rights go-getter who also played a role in desegregating schools in Elko, Yerington and a handful of other Nevada towns, she ushered in an era of progressivism, encouraging students to embrace their own tribes’ traditions. In 1936, a group of 12th graders started the Wa-Pai-Shone Craftsmen Co-op, named after three Nevada tribes—Washoe, Paiute and Shoshone. Paiute girls made crafts from buckskin and beads. Washoe 18





A beaded “painting” by Burton Pete, a well known artist who passed away in 2019, is one of several works in the new Wa-Pai-Shone Gallery. Several of Pete’s works are in the Stewart Indian School Cultural Center’s permanent collection. Photo/Kris VAgner

and Shoshone girls made baskets. A few years later, a new program taught wood and stone carving to boys. The new Wa-Pai-Shone Gallery is named in tribute to the co-op. It’s a small, sunny room inside Stewart’s 1923 administration building, newly converted— using $4.6 million in state funding—into a small museum. The gallery is overseen by Melissa Melero-Moose, a contemporary painter, Northern Paiute, and Great Basin Native Artists co-founder. The current exhibition is a sampler that includes paintings, drawings and small 3-D works by GBNA members, some of whom are Stewart graduates. (The school remained open through 1980.) Melero-Moose plans to rotate in some additional work that’s been on display recently at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. Subject matter includes several styles of portraits, beadwork that runs from traditional to contemporary, and some of Melero-Moose’s abstract acrylic work. Artists include GBNA co-founder Ben Aleck; Burton Pete, a well known beadworker who passed away last year; and Linda Eben Jones, a beadworker who is also Melero-Moose’s mother. There are also two photorealistic, black-and-white drawings of young women in traditional Native dress by Paiute/Navajo artist Dorothy Nez—a student at Stewart from 1964-68. According to Museum Director Bobbi Rahder, Nez designed a Stewart yearbook cover in high school and later worked as an artist for Hallmark. A quote from Nez is printed on the wall of the museum: “Art helped make boarding school better.” Ω the group show indigenous Voices of the great Basin is on exhibit through oct. 1 at the Wa-Pai-shone gallery inside the new stewart indian school Cultural Center, 5500 snyder Ave., Carson City. hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, and admission is free. For more info, visit stewartindianschool.com


b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Of course, deforestation remains the number one threat to cannibalistic-witch habitats.”

No chill Director Robert Eggers is two films into his career, and people are already trying to rip off his style. Coming off like a low-rate The Witch, Gretel & Hansel shoots for the slow-burn, deliberately paced, lushly photographed style that Eggers employed in his 2015 masterpiece. While director Osgood Perkins has put together a movie that looks OK, the script by Rob Hayes provides little to nothing in the way of chills. The movie is all atmosphere with little substance. On the verge of starvation centuries ago, Gretel (Sophia Lillis) is kicked out of her home with little brother Hansel (Sammy Leakey) in tow. They head into the forest where the only meal they have is hallucinogenic mushrooms—yes, they trip out— until they come upon a house inhabited by a strange old lady named Holda (Alice Krige). Holda is all by herself without a supermarket in sight, yet her table is full of freshly baked and roasted goodies. Hansel and Gretel, just like the fairytale, settle in for some good country cooking. Little do they know that the obviously totally evil Holda—I mean, look at her, she’s definitely a witch—has nefarious plans that involve a different kind of mealtime. As the kids mull about the house and stuff their faces, Holda seems to have some sort of witch training future in store for Gretel. Gretel has “visions” that suggest she could have witchcraft in her blood, so Holda encourages her witchy woman side while Hansel moves closer to the roasting oven. Will Gretel get ahold of herself before Hansel achieves an uncomfortable alliance with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme? Trust me, you’ll be so bored you won’t give two shits. You won’t be scared, either. There are a couple of foreboding shots involving a witch standing

in a pinkly lit forest, and one involving entrails changing into baked goods, that register potential. Otherwise, the film is mostly two kids talking to each other about scary things, and the same two kids walking around in the forest and the house where things should get scary but don’t. In an effort to make more money, Orion Pictures and Osgood have gone with a PG-13 cut for the movie, which makes no sense. There’s nothing about this movie that would appeal to 13 and under fans. Lillis was one of the stars of It, which was a hard R, so her fans are used to not being allowed to see her movies. An R rating could’ve generated some creeps and scares where this movie chickens out. Lillis is good here, even though her role is almost a complete copy of the one played by Anya Taylor-Joy in The Witch. Krige has the makings of a scary witch, but she’s required to do little more than sit at a table and speak ominously. As for taking a classic, potentially scary tale and generating some terror, that mission has failed. You would think that kids being roasted and eaten in an old lady’s oven would be fright city, but nope. This one is about as scary as a jar of pitted olives. The film is flattering to Eggers in that it’s proof that the man has already established a genre style (Gothic horror filmed awash in grays and browns), and somebody is trying to ape it the way a lot of ’90s directors tried to rip-off Quentin Tarantino. On the bright side, the film is much better than the Jeremy Renner vehicle Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. That will perhaps always stand as the worst adaptation of the story. Gretel & Hansel is just boring bad, not bad to the core. Still, bad is bad, and horror fans need not waste their time. Ω

Gretel & Hansel



A couple of British World War I soldiers stationed in France have themselves a harrowing time in 1917, a war action/drama from Director Sam Mendes that amounts to one of 2019’s greatest technological achievements in cinema. It’s also one of the past year’s best movies. Mendes, along with his special effects team, editing crew and legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins (an Oscar winner for Blade Runner 2049), designed the film to look like one continuous “real time” shot. They do a seamless job, to the point where you stop looking for the places where edits might be happening and you just take the whole thing in. The story never suffers in favor of the filmmaking stunt. Lance Corporals Schofield and Blake (George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman) are seen napping at the beginning of the movie. Blake is ordered to wake up and report to command and takes Schofield along with him. The two pals figure they have some sort of nothing assignment coming their way involving food or mail delivery. Not long after, in a plot that owes a little to Saving Private Ryan, Schofield and Blake get their unusual assignment: go beyond a recently abandoned German front line and reach the next British battalion before they mistakenly advance into a trap set by the enemy. It’s up to them to save the lives of 1,600 soldiers, one of them being Blake’s older brother. The movie is set in motion and never really stops. Schofield and Blake venture out into a body-riddled, fly-infested battlefield with very little time to spare. Deakins’ camera follows them as if you were a third party along for the mission. This results in a completely immersive experience.


Bad Boys for Life

Twenty-five years have passed since detectives Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) and Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) first suited up for Captain Michael Bay in Bad Boys, and 17 years have passed since they joined him again for Bad Boys II. For this third helping, the directing team of Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah does a sufficient job of continuing the mayhem, easily topping Bay’s lame original and providing a chapter that is as good, and sometimes better, than chapter two. Burnett is eying retirement, while Lowrey is dealing with the psychological and physical ramifications of aging. (He’s dyeing his goatee, so it’s all good.) A crazy witch lady gangster Isabel (Kate del Castillo) has escaped from prison and has put out a hit list for her son Armando (Jacob Scipio) to work his way through. Isabel has some vengeance in mind. The targets are former associates, and they have connections to Lowrey. Lowrey himself is on that list, and he takes a couple of bullets early in the film. I’m not giving too much away here in telling you that Lowrey doesn’t die. There’s no movie if Lowrey dies. So, a brief healing time later, Lowrey and a very reluctant Burnett are back in action, wisecracking and shooting people in slow motion. Some familiar faces return, including Theresa Randle as Burnett’s long suffering wife. She’s good in a subplot that has Burnett becoming a grandad while getting more house time in attempted retirement. House retirement doesn’t go well. Bad things happen with ceiling fan repair. Joe Pantoliano makes a welcomed return as Pepto-Bismol-swigging Captain Howard, a still capable riff on all of those screaming captains from Beverly Hills Cop movies.


The Gentlemen

There are many reasons to happily hop to your local cinema for a showing of Guy Ritchie’s return to gangster comedy, The Gentlemen. Chief reason is the cast, led by Matthew McConaughey and an extremely amusing Hugh Grant. Throw in Colin Farrell, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery and Eddie

Marsen, all in top form, and you’re talking about what’ll probably be one of the best casts of the 2020—and it’s only January. Also, if you’re a big fan of weed, this movie might be your bag. The film, directed and co-written by Ritchie, isn’t an amazing piece of screenwriting. It feels like the other films Ritchie contributed to the gangster comedy drama (Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), in that it has zippy dialogue and a fairly routine mystery at its core. But it’s also a lot of fun, from start to finish, and you will forgive it its familiarities and foibles. McConaughey is at his best as Mickey Pearson, a pot gangster who has built a large illegal weed empire as that particular plant seems headed for legalization. He’s toying with getting out, offering his empire to Matthew (Jeremy Strong) for a tidy, yet semi-reasonable sum. Wife Rosalind (Dockery), a shrewd businessperson, is fine with him retiring, as long as it doesn’t mean he will always be hanging around, bothering her while she’s trying to get stuff done. Bodies start piling up. Mickey’s farms are getting raided, and somebody in the cast is responsible. Again, it’s fun stuff on a relatively mediocre scale.


Just Mercy


Little Women

Michael B. Jordan stars as civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson, a real-life attorney who has dedicated his life to freeing wrongly convicted death row inmates. Destin Daniel Cretton’s film focuses primarily on the case of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), a man sentenced to death for the murder of a girl, even though evidence showed him with friends and family at the time of the killing. What happened to McMillian is depicted competently in the movie, as are some other cases and Stevenson’s struggles to bring injustices into the light. Jordan and Foxx are very good, as are a supporting cast of Brie Larson, Tim Blake Nelson and O’Shea Jackson, Jr. The film is well done, but perhaps a little too routine for stretches. Still, it’s a showcase for fine acting, especially by Jordan and Foxx. It’ll also get you thinking on the downfalls of the death penalty, and the kinds of horrors men like McMillian went through.

This is the umpteenth adaptation of the classic Louisa May Alcott novel, and it’s safe to say this one is in the running for best adaptation of the story—ever. Directed by rising directorial juggernaut Greta Gerwig (the magnificent, ultra-fantastic Lady Bird)—who has a vision with her films that declares, “Hey, we aren’t screwing around here!”—her third feature is an across-the-board stunner. It’s also chock-full of tremendous performances, and it’s written and directed by Gerwig, whose vision makes this an admirable update of a precious work. The incredible Saoirse Ronan, who also starred in Lady Bird, headlines as Jo March, eldest sister of the March clan, which includes three others: Meg (Emma Watson), Amy (Florence Pugh) and Beth (Eliza Scanlen). Ronan, not surprisingly, makes the intrepid character of Jo her own, a budding writer who is trying to get her ideas past a crusty editor (Tracy Letts, who had a damn fine 2019). Gerwig, in a departure from past adaptations, focuses more on the girls as adults, with flashbacks to their younger days. In doing this, she has chosen not to cast Amy with two different actresses. Pugh, who is well into her 20s, plays Amy at every stage, even falling through the ice as a pre-teen. I’d say that was an odd choice, but the other choice would be to have less screen time for Pugh, and I say a big no to that. Yes, she doesn’t look like she’s 12, but who cares? She’s a master in every scene. Timothée Chalamet steps into the role of Theodore “Laurie” Laurence, and there couldn’t have been a better choice for the role.







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Thai Corner Cafe serves a rendition of veggie-filled spring rolls and peanut sauce.

Thai one on Although it’s been around for nearly a decade, I just got around to checking out Thai Corner Cafe. The layout and vibe is less cafe and more “bar with food,” with pub height tables, cozy twoseater booths and a couple of expansive “bring the whole gang” booths. There are just over 20 varieties of bottled beer—half of them imports, with no local producers represented. Brewed by Thailand’s biggest beermaker, bottles of Singha lager ($9.45, 21-ounces) and Leo lager ($5.75, 11-ounces) were served with chilled pint glasses, both reminiscent of American mass-market brews. My younger dining companions chose bubble tea ($4.25 each), one mango, the other honeydew. I’ve never acquired a taste for the chewy boba balls, but they seemed satisfied with it. The food menu isn’t huge, but it has enough stir-fry, curries and classic Thai dishes to choose from. It’s impossible for me to make a first-time visit without ordering fresh spring rolls ($6.95, four pieces) and chicken satay ($8.95, four pieces), whereas my dining companions can’t resist potstickers ($6.95, six pieces). The rice paper rolls were heavily stuffed with lettuce, vermicelli, carrot, cucumber, basil, cilantro and shrimp, served with a whole lot of agreeably chunky peanut sauce. Large skewers of grilled, marinated chicken were served with just as much sauce and a rice vinegar cucumber salad. The marinade was sweeter than expected but worked with the goober goo. The chicken and veggie dumplings were on the small side but were served hot and crispy with a soy/ginger sauce. Though other dishes beckoned, I doubleddown on being predictable and ordered combo pad Thai ($17.95), an exceptionally large serving


of rice noodles stir-fried with tamarind sauce, onion, egg, bean sprout, chive and plenty of chicken, pork, beef and shrimp—crushed peanut on the side. The grilled meats had a nice bit of char, and the sauce was less sweet and better balanced than the last few examples I’ve been served. An enormous platter of seafood fried rice ($21.95) was similarly impressive, loaded with egg, tomato, onion, pea, carrot and a generous quantity of mussels, squid, shrimp and scallops. A pair of normal-sized entrees rounded out the meal, each served with white rice. Strips of teriyaki pork ($12.95) were served with steamed broccoli and carrot in a sauce that was more savory and slightly spicy than the syrupy stuff I associate with teriyaki. As a result, I think I enjoyed it more than the person who ordered it. Spicy basil tofu ($12.95) came with large cubes of crispy bean curd fried up with bell pepper, onion and mushroom in a spicy basil sauce. The tofu was still soft and pillowy on the inside, with the veg cut large and retaining a bit of crunch. The sauce was easily my favorite of the meal, just spicy enough to warrant use of the word and almost overwhelmingly redolent with fresh Thai basil. All of the main dishes can be ordered with a choice of proteins, but I’m glad my friend went vegetarian on this occasion. It’s rare I find a tofu dish done well enough I’d order it again. All in all, we had a fun evening. Service was excellent, and any place with both great spring rolls and decent pad Thai will keep me coming back for more. Ω

Thai Corner Cafe 100 W. Second St., 327-4333

Thai Corner Cafe is open Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m.

by MaRK EaRnESt

Reno band Split Persona is, from left, Brogan Kelley, Connor Kremsner, Zander Hoschak and Darren Menning.

Play to win Split Persona Finding a band of teens that loves ’60s psychedelic music isn’t as common as it used to be. It’s one of the reasons that new Reno band Split Persona is so intriguing. The group is also one of several rock bands in town that has a genre-be-damned style, as straightforward rock butts heads with metallic riffage and the more melodic strains of ’90s alterno-rock or indie. It’s the group’s nods to those late ’60s sounds that are the most surprising, but ultimately it’s easy to see how the four bandmates absorbed the style. Guitarists Zander Hoschak and Brogan Kelley both answered “upbringing” when asked how they got into ’70s and ’80s rock, both saying that Mötley Crüe and Van Halen were played around the house by their parents. They also agreed that video game soundtracks were a big deal. “I wasn’t even raised on [rock music], but I’m sure a lot of kids my age got into it when they got Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 with all that Iron Maiden and Goldfinger—then you get hooked,” said bassist Darren Menning. “Video games had a big impact,” Hoschak added. “That’s where I used to go before I picked up music. I’d come home from school and play ATV 2 and race dirt bikes and put Mötley Crüe on in the background. “I first heard the Clash on Skate 2,” Kelley said. With the classics blasting away, Hoschak eventually wanted to play in that style. He and Menning were in a ska-punk band called Sell the Sun for several years, but even during that time Hoschak was making demos of the songs that would eventually form the bedrock of Split Persona. When Sell the Sun split last year, Menning recruited Kelley, a high-school


pal, to play lead guitar, while everyone knew drummer Connor Kremsner from the band Aurora 1621. Split Persona has started with the usual Reno gigs, favoring the Holland Project since they are all under age 21. (Everyone but Kremsner is still in high school.) During these formative months, the band also recorded with longtime Reno engineer Tom Gordon, and those five songs form the basis of the band’s self-titled debut EP. Although Hoschak sang lead, wrote the songs, and played guitars and drums on most of the EP, he made it clear that it’s truly a band effort. “Since we formed, we’ve written five or six songs as a band together,” Hoschak said. “Our songwriting process is just to write something really small, and, over the next couple of weeks, build on it until we have a finished product that we very much enjoy.” “A lot of times it comes together by accident,” Kelley added. “Zander may already have some lyrics from a long time ago, and then one of us comes up with a part and builds from that.” The EP will be released next week and celebrated with a Holland Project release show. All agreed it’s a kind of homecoming for Split Persona, who played their first club show at the venue. “We handpicked all of the opening acts, and we’re either really close with everybody playing or they are inspirations for us, bringing us up,” Hoschak said. “It’s like we’re celebrating with our family, and that’s best kind of album release you can do. It’s like a birthday party.” “Except the clown doesn’t show up,” Kremsner drily added. “But the clown is us,” Hoschak said. Ω

Split Persona will play the Local Lockdown and Reno Punk Rock Flea Market After Party at 8 p.m. Feb. 8 at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, 71 S. Wells Ave., and an EP release show with Loomis Manor and Flamingos in the Tree at 8 p.m. Feb. 15 at The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St. Find out more at splitpersona.com.










132 West St., (775) 499-5655

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Dance party, 10pm, $5 no cover before 10pm


931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300

The Crystal Method


Feb. 8, 9 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Australia Bush Fire Benefit, 6pm, $5 or donation

Kid Galaga, 9pm, no cover

Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Ellis Rodriguez, Fri, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Tanyalee Davis, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Quinn Dahle, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Craig Conant, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Open Mic Comedy, Sun, Wed, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Craig Conant, Thu, 7:30pm, $7-$12; Fri, 9pm, $12-$19; Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $12-$19




Winter Hoedown with Everyday Outlaw, 8:30pm, $5

Trivia Night, 7pm, Tu, no cover Ike & Martin, 6pm, W, no cover Bluegrass jam, 6pm, no cover

Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover Ike & Martin, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Guitar Town, 9pm, no cover

Guitar Town, 9pm, no cover


AHEE, Peej, Blue Louie, Zodiak Iller, 10pm, $10-$15

The Crystal Method (DJ set), Donald Glaude, Darksiderz, 9pm, $10-$50


255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

Alborosie & The Shengen Clan, 8:30pm, $20

Crobot, Aeges, Like Machines, The Jab, Opposite Ends, Claymore, 7pm, $13

Steel Pulse, 8pm, Tu, $25 Atmosphere, 8pm, W, $30


Dust in My Coffee, 9pm, no cover

Kat Heart, 9pm, no cover

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover


Whiskey Preachers, 9pm, no cover

Hott Boxz, 9pm, no cover


Jamie Rollins, 8:30pm, no cover

10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223

First Take featuring Rick Metz, 7pm, Tu, no cover


The Moondawgs, 10pm, no cover


sign up for the newsletter at rnrsweetdeals.newsreview.com


599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355

exclusive deals right to your inbox. 22

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Post Humous, Jake Nielsen’s Triple Sounds of the City: Dylan Lysons, Threat, SuperNaturalHeroes, 8:30pm, $5 Doyle Wayne Stewart, 5pm, no cover

1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050


Dance party, 10pm, $5 no cover before 10pm

Sneaky Creatures, 9pm, no cover



MON-WED 2/10-2/12

Barely Alive, Butterz, Awon, Sauce, Envi, 10pm, $20

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689



The holland ProjecT 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500




C.W. Stoneking, Só Sol, 7:30pm, $15

Chastity Belt, Loose Tooth, 7:30pm, $12

Hobs, Da Real Amaya, Xeno, 7Eight9, MP Retro, Lvzy, 7:30pm, $5

1) Chucky Chuck, Stoner Jordan, DJ Menace Roddman, 8pm, $15-$40

2) Local Lockdown/RPRFM Afterparty: Dissidence, Ozymandias, 8pm, $5

1) Randy’s Cheeseburger Picnic, 8:15pm, Tu, $25

West River Band, 8:30pm, no cover

Dave Mensing’s Acoustic Burn, 8pm, no cover

Danny Evan, W, 7pm, no cover

jUB jUB’S ThIrST Parlor 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

MIdTown wIne Bar

Unplugged: Open Mic Thursdays, 7pm, no cover

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960


235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

LAF: Leroy Virgil, Buffalo Moses, Josh Windmiller, Rachael McElhiney, 8pm, $5

MagNicoSynth! First Friday Funk, 9pm, no cover

The Polo loUnGe

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Back to the ’80s with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

rUe BoUrBon

Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover

Kat Heart, 8pm, no cover

Spike McGuire, 8pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526

The SaInT

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

Blacktop Mojo, Cell Band, Sacred Moon, 8pm, $12

Shea’S TaVern

The Emo Night Tour, 9pm, $8-$12

215 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

ST. jaMeS InFIrMarY

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

Silent Disco, 10pm, $TBA

whISKeY dIcK’S Saloon

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S.Lk. Tahoe, (530) 544-3857

27th Season 2020

Written by Lucy Kirkwood

Steel Pulse Feb. 11, 8 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400 Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover Troupe Tuesdays, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Country line dance lessons and dance party, 6pm, W, no cover

Country Dance Party, 7pm, no cover Doc Rotten, Class System, Mob Rule, 9:30pm, $5-$6 New Wave Fridays with DJ Montague, 9pm, no cover

VIrGInIa STreeT BrewhoUSe

MON-WED 2/10-2/12

Banda El Recodo, Los Parras, 9pm, $45

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626



Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover Saturday Soul Power with DJ Jose Vera, 9pm, no cover

The Green, Ka’ikena Scanlan, False Rhythms, 8pm, $20

HorrorPops 11th Annual Oscar Party, 3pm, no cover HorrorPops, The Quakes, Franks & Deans, 8pm, Tu, $25

Feb. 11, 8 p.m. Virginia Street Brewhouse 211 N. Virginia St. 433-1090

Modern Monsters, PorterHaus Music, 9pm, no cover

AMA National Kicker Arenacross

INdoor MotoCross show

Directed by Bob Ives

A Cautionary Tale For

Apocalyptic T imes

feB 7, 8, 12A*, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 @ 7:30PM MAtInees: feB 16, 23 @ 2:00PM tICKets Students - $20 • General - $22 At the Door - $25 * A - $10 Artist Night www.bruka.orG 775-323-3221 99 N. VirGiNia Street

Featuring some of the nation’s top professional and amateur arenacross competitors

reNo-spArKs LIvestoCK eveNts CeNter Friday, February 7 & Saturday, February 8, 2020 Doors: 6:30 PM | Show: 7:30 PM tICKets AvAILAbLe At or at the Livestock box office beginning at 10am the day of the show






aTlanTIs CasIno resorT sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 Cabaret LIVE MUSIC: Thu, 2/6, 8pm, Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 4pm & 10pm, Sun, 2/9, 8pm, Mon, 2/10, Tue, 2/11, 10pm, Wed, 2/12, 8pm, no cover

Carson Valley Inn

elDoraDo resorT CasIno

1627 HigHway 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711

345 n. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700



ARIZONA JONES: Thu, 2/6, 7pm, Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 8pm, no cover

BooMToWn CasIno HoTel

CIrCUs CIrCUs reno

2100 garSOn rOad, Verdi, (775) 345-6000

500 n. Sierra St., (775) 329-0711

gUitar bar


BOB GARDNER: Thu, 2/6, 6pm, no cover THE STARLITERS: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 5pm, no cover EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm,

PLATINUM: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm, no cover

no cover

THE ROBEYS: Sun, 2/9, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 2/10, 6pm, no cover JAMIE ROLLINS: Tue, 2/11, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Wed, 2/12, 6pm, no cover

Carson nUGGeT 507 n. CarSOn St., CarSOn City, (775) 882-1626 tHe LOFt ESCALADE: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm, no cover

Mon, 2/10, Wed, 2/12, 10pm, no cover


nOVi DJ SCENICK & DJ RONI V: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm, no cover

Sat, 2/8, 10pm, no cover

CrysTal Bay CasIno

The Cordillera International Film Festival celebrates this year’s Academy Awards nominees at this gala and fundraiser for its Future Filmmakers Foundation. Pose for a picture in your best formal attire, sip on spirits, enjoy hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dessert, watch a live broadcast of the 92nd Academy Awards and bid on silent auction items. The party begins at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9, at the Grand Exposition Hall inside the Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St. Tickets are $75-$85. Call 476-2793 or visit www.ciffnv.org.

no cover

DJ RONI V: Sun, 2/9, 10pm, no cover LIVE BAND KARAOKE WITH ROCK U ENT.:



10pm, no cover

DJ BIRD & VJ RIZZO: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 10pm,

eL JeFe’S Cantina Fri, 2/7, 10pm, no cover


brew brOtHerS

rOXy’S LiVe PianO bar LIVE PIANO: Thu, 2/6, Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, Sun, 2/9, Mon, 2/10, Tue, 2/11, Wed, 2/12, 4:30pm, no cover

14 HigHway 28, CryStaL bay, (775) 833-6333

DJ OSCAR PEREZ: Fri, 2/7, 10pm, no cover DJ MO FUNK: Sat, 2/8, 10pm, no cover

CrOwn rOOM

GranD sIerra resorT

ALO WITH THE MOTET: Fri, 2/7, 9pm, $32-$35 THE MOTET WITH ALO: Sat, 2/8, 9pm, $32-$35

2500 e. SeCOnd St., (775) 789-2000 grand tHeatre CARAVANA DEL AMOR FEATURING LEO DAN, KING CLAVE, SHAILA DURCAL & LOS PASTELES VERDES: Sun, 2/9, 7pm, $55-$109








CONTaCT LIsa RYaN fOR mORE INfORmaTION 775.324.4440 | LIsaR@NEwsREVIEw.COm






Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.

ALO Feb. 7-8, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay (775) 833-6333



18 HIGHWAy 50, STATELINE, (775) 588-6611

407 N. VIRGINIA ST., (775) 325-7401


AUDIOBOXX: Thu, 2/6, Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm,


THE NEVADA SHOW: Fri, 2/7, 10pm, $26.83-$36.83


no cover

DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm, no cover

SILVER BARON LOUNGE DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 2/6, Sun, 2/9, 9pm, no cover MIKE FURLONG BAND: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm,

2707 S. VIRGINIA ST., (775) 826-2121

no cover



LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 2/7, 10pm, $10 LEX SATURDAYS: Sat, 2/8, 10pm, $20




50 HIGHWAy 50, STATELINE, (844) 588-7625




DJ SET: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 9pm, no cover

219 N. CENTER ST., (775) 786-3232


SAMMy’S SHOW ROOM IGNITE CABARESQUE: Thu, 2/6, 9pm, $30.04-$39.22

CHIPPENDALES—GET NAUGHTY 2020 TOUR: Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 8pm, $31.65-$66.83

SPIN THURSDAYS: Thu, 2/6, 10pm, $20 LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 2/7, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover


before 8pm

LADIES NIGHT: Fri, 2/7, 10pm, $20, no cover charge for women

The Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-6700: Wednesday Night Karaoke, Wed, 8pm, no cover

DJ EXCEL: Sat, 2/8, 10pm, $20

TERRACE LOUNGE ROSE’S PAWN SHOP: Thu, 2/6, 7pm, Fri, 2/7, Sat, 2/8, 8pm, no cover

DANIEL SHEARIN: Sun, 2/9, Mon, 2/10, Tue, 2/11, Wed, 2/12, 6pm, no cover

Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover











FOR THE WEEK OF FEbRuaRy 6, 2020 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. RENO PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET 2020: The Generator presents two days of art, music and mayhem at its weekend party featuring more than 80 vendors, art collectives and non-profits, as well as live music, aerial performances, drag story time, food trucks, clothing exchange, a Car Smash Pyramid and more. All proceeds from this event are used to fund The Generator’s scholarship program where it gives away 30 percent of its artist space and memberships to low-income members of the community. Sat, 2/8-Sun, 2/9, 11am-6pm. $5-$8, free for kids under age 12. The Generator, 1240 Icehouse Ave., Sparks, www.therenogenerator.com.




This Saturday will be one of the few times you can leave your home wearing your pajamas and not feel underdressed. The third annual Onesie Crawl, a.k.a, The Great Pajama Jam, is open to all adults age 21 and older wearing their warmest, coziest onesie or other sleepwear while enjoying a night out in downtown Reno. After purchasing a $10 crawl cup and map, participants can enjoy drink specials, specially-themed entertainment and free entry to 14 participating bars and nightclubs, including 5 Star Saloon, FacesNV, The Library and Virginia Street Brewhouse. Best of all, you’ll be dressed for bed when you’re ready to call it a day. The crawl begins at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, at Hookava, 100 N. Arlington Ave., and Siri’s Casino, 241 N. Sierra St. Call 624-8320 or visit crawlreno.com/event/onesie.

EVENTS AUTHOR VISIT: Jennifer Quashnick will talk about her book series Mountaingirl Mysteries and her newest release Burning Revenge. Sat, 2/8, 2pm. Free. Alpine County Library, 270 Laramie Street, Markleeville, (530) 694-2120.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH FILMS: South Valleys Library continues its film series celebrating Black History Month with a screening of the 1989 film Glory, starring Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. Sat, 2/8, noon. Free. South Valleys Library, 15650-A Wedge Parkway, (775) 851-5190.

CABIN FEVER: This nature program is geared toward kids ages 4-6. Each session will feature a short lesson, a story, an indoor activity and a guided outdoor exploration in the May Arboretum. Call to register. Tue, 2/11, 10am. $5. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153.

DEVIL MADE ME DO IT SALOON CRAWL: Stroll through Virginia City’s historic saloons and sip on signature, themed drinks with your colored cup, which tells others if you’re single, taken or open for suggestions. Designated drivers can sign up to be “Cupid” and get rewarded with a special cup, goodies and a chance to win a $50 gas card for the drive. Sat, 2/8, 11am. $8-$20. Downtown Virginia City, C Street, www.visitvirginiacity.com.

FIRST THURSDAY: Enjoy live music by Judith Ames, Rocky Tatarelli & Friends, as well as specialty refreshments, and explore the Nevada Museum of Art’s galleries. Thu, 2/6, 5pm. $10, free for NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

RENO GRAND BRIDAL SHOWCASE & GREATER RENO WOMEN’S EXPO: The weddingplanning event features a variety of booths offering information and services for those planning their big day. The other event is a women-focused day of pampering, fashion and fun. Sun, 2/9, 11am. $0-$12. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., www.lockettshows.com.

IS SPACE + RACE > STEM OPPORTUNITY?: William F. Tate IV will present his lecture titled “Is Space + Race > STEM Opportunity?” as part of the Discover Science Lecture Series. According to Tobler’s first law of geography, “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” This lecture will describe the implications of this law for opportunity to learn in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Using geospatial methods, Tate illustrates the relationship between place and STEM attainment. Thu, 2/6, 7pm. Free. Davidson Mathematics and Science Center, Room 110, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-1110, events.unr.edu.

talk about her work with the Institute for Applied Ecology’s Sagebrush in Prisons Project. The project teaches inmates the importance of sagebrush to our local ecosystem, including the Greater Sage Grouse. It also teaches them how to grow and care for sagebrush seedlings. Sat, 2/8, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 8494948, www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.

SARAH VALENTINE READING AND SIGNING: Sundance Books and Music welcomes Sarah Valentine, author of the memoir When I Was White. At the age of 27, Sarah Valentine discovered that she was not, in fact, the white girl she had always believed herself to be. She learned that her father was a black man and that she was mixed race. This memoir is an examination of the cost of being black in America, and how one woman threw off the racial identity she’d grown up with in order to embrace a new one. Fri, 2/7, 6:30pm. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188, www.sundancebookstore.com.

SOCIAL SCIENCE—FACE YOUR FEARS: Whether your fear is clowns, bugs, electric shock, needles or just the fear of fear itself, prepare to explore the science of scary. Social Science is The Discovery’s popular adults-only, brain-building event series that features science demonstrations, hands-on labs, expert presentations, a live DJ, libations and tasty bites. Sat, 2/8, 7pm. $20-$30. Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St., nvdm.org.

SPRING FILM SERIES—SUBURBAN ENNUI: Churchill Arts Council kicks off its series with a screening of the 1997 film American Beauty. Written by Alan Ball and directed by Sam Mendes, this Academy Award-winning film stars Kevin Spacey as Lester Burnham, an advertising executive who has a midlife crisis when he becomes infatuated with his teenage daughter’s best friend. Fri, 2/7, 7pm. $7-$27. Barkley Theatre, Oats Park Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon, (775) 423-1440, www.churchillarts.org.

TONI MORRISON—THE PIECES I AM: Artemisia MovieHouse presents a screening of Timothy Greenfield-Sanders’ documentary film on the life and art of legendary storyteller Toni Morrison. Sun, 2/9, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.


CAB CALLOWAY ORCHESTRA: The legendary bandleader’s grandson C. Calloway Brooks, along with the Cab Calloway Orchestra, deliver the authentic sound of a hot jazz orchestra and a snazzy stage style. Sat, 2/8, 7pm. $35-$70. Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976, www.facebook.com/Breweryartscenter.

ARTISTS CO-OP GALLERY OF RENO: Virginia Range Sanctuary Benefit Show. Artists Co-Op Gallery of Reno presents its February show. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Virginia Range Sanctuary, which is dedicated to protecting wild horses in Nevada, particularly in the Virginia Range. Thu, 2/6-Wed, 2/12, 11am-4pm. Free. Artists Co-Op Gallery of Reno, 627 Mill St., www.artistsco-opgalleryreno.com.


CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Only Two Ways to Fire. The Reno City Hall Metro Gallery hosts an exhibition of ceramic work by Fred Reid and Richard Jackson. Reid and Jackson’s work is inspired by their Nevadan heritage and the process of firing ceramics. The sculptures are made by using high fire or raku techniques. Thu, 2/6-Fri, 2/7, Mon, 2/10Wed, 2/12, 8am-5pm. Free. City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264.

STREMMEL GALLERY: Nevada Artists. The exhibition encompasses a select group of painters, sculptors and ceramicists with ties to the Silver State, spanning from the 19th century to present day. The show runs through Feb. 15. Thu, 2/6-Sat, 2/8, Mon, 2/10-Wed, 2/12. Free. Stremmel Gallery, 1400 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-0558.

Lucy’s Kirkwood’s cautionary tale for apocalyptic times. Two retired scientists live in an isolated cottage by the sea as the world around them crumbles, then an old friend arrives with a frightening request. Fri, 2/7-Sat, 2/8, 7:30pm; Wed, 2/12. $10-$25, $12 for all tickets on Artist Night, Feb. 12. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., www.bruka.org.

entertainment series continues with a performance by the Sierra Sweethearts. Sat, 2/8, 7pm. Free. Western Heritage Interpretive Center at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 828-6612.

BFA Midway Exhibitions—Joshua Galarza, Robert Ibarra and Cesar Piedra. Annual exhibitions by students at the halfway point in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program in visual arts at the University of Nevada, Reno. Mon, 2/10Wed, 2/12, noon. Free. Student Galleries South, Jot Travis Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/arts.

MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS: Reno Little Theater presents Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery. Thu, 2/6-Sat, 2/8, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/9, 2pm. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., renolittletheater.org.


ONSTaGE BEETHOVEN BIRTHDAY BASH: The concert features celebrated trios from Beethoven’s early, middle and late periods—Opus 11, Op. 70, No. 2 and Op. 121a—which will be performed by the University of Nevada, Reno’s trio-inresidence, the Argenta Trio. Sun, 2/9, 3pm. $0-$20. Hall Recital Hall, University Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1300 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

Young University’s renowned Young Ambassadors celebrates the 50th anniversary of their first performance in 1970. Young Ambassadors continue their energetic tradition of song and dance as they recall their past travels in their new show, Souvenirs. Tue, 2/11, 7pm. $15-$37. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., pioneercenter.com.

THE CHILDREN: Brüka Theatre presents

COME IN FROM THE COLD: The winter family



The University of Nevada, Reno’s faculty jazz quintet, The Collective, and the Reno Jazz Orchestra showcase the music of Oliver Nelson, a renowned American jazz saxophonist, arranger, composer and bandleader. Sat, 2/8, 4pm. $10-$27. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 372-6160, renojazzorchestra.org.

show creator and original host Joel Hodgson and the world’s greatest—and only—movie-riffing robots, Tom Servo, Crow and Gypsy as they take you on an exhilarating roller coaster ride through some of the cheesiest films ever made. This is the last chance to see Joel as he celebrates his final live tour performing the unique comedic art form he created. Mon, 2/10, 7:30pm. $28$78. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600, pioneercenter.com.

RAY BONNEVILLE & RICHIE LAWRENCE: The duo presents a night of funky, soulful guitar and piano grooves. All-cash venue, including entrance donation, bar and artist merchandise. All proceeds support the Silver City Schoolhouse and performing artists. Thu, 2/6, 7pm. $15$25. Silver City Schoolhouse, 385 High St., Silver City, www.facebook.com/ SilverCitySchoolHouse.

WINTER IS BACK: Join Good Luck Macbeth for this rewrite of Games of Thrones, season eight, by Christopher Daniels. Fri, 2/7-Sat, 2/8, 7:30pm. $15-$30. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.goodluckmacbeth.org.






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The sociopath of least resistance I discovered that the guy I’m dating has a girlfriend he’s cheating on. In fact, she confronted us, which was awful. I’ve had a history of guys cheating on me, and I want to end the pattern. Unfortunately, I’m not attracted to a lot of guys I go out with, and I’m really attracted to this guy. Attraction seems like some mysterious and magical force. It’s actually not. Who we’re attracted to—which people, with which features—is prearranged by our biological robot overlord, a.k.a. evolution, via genetic code written into each of us. It’s part of evolution’s scheme for building better babies—giving our genes the best shot at being passed on to future generations. We see this in research by neuropsychologist Bruno Laeng that suggests we are attracted to potential partners who look like us—though not too much like us. Laeng found that people were most attracted to individuals who share about 22 percent of their facial features as opposed to 11 percent or 33 percent, the other percentages tested. Other research by social-personality psychologists R. Chris Fraley and Michael J. Marks likewise hit the 22 percent mark. Laeng explains that this balancing of “similarity and dissimilarity” (which we do subconsciously) helps us avoid “inbreeding with close relatives,” like siblings or first cousins. Inbreeding increases the chances that both partners would have the same nasty recessive genes for a disorder or disease. “Recessive” genes are true to label when they are paired with a dominant gene: They recede—slumping into the background, unemployed, inactive. But when two recessive genes for a condition are paired (like when close relatives with the same recessive gene make a baby), these genes become active—and so does the disorder or the disease. As for you, the features you happen to be attracted to come in the package of a guy who cheats on his girlfriend. This reflects bad character. Assuming you didn’t go out into Datingland all, “I’ve just gotta find a sexy sociopath,” reflecting on the evolutionary nuts and bolts of attraction might help you stop using

it as an excuse and give the shove to Mr. Morally At Leisure. To avoid again letting the hots for some himbo blind you to his undesirable qualities, make a short checklist—what I call “man minimums,” the qualities you can’t do without in a man—and put character at the top of your list. When a man shows you he comes up short on your “must haves,” cut off contact and move on.

Halving it all I’m a 20-something gay man dating someone who makes much more money than I do. He picks up the tab on most dates, and while he seems OK with this, it makes me uncomfortable. I pay here and there, but I can’t afford much beyond lunch or lattes. Does our financial inequality mean a relationship between us is doomed? What matters is how fair a relationship feels. Fair doesn’t mean everything’s exactly 50-50, as in, he puts in 50 cents; you put in 50 cents. It means you each seem equally motivated to make sacrifices to benefit the other—as opposed to one of you pulling the cashwagon, plow-style, while the other just hops on, puts his feet up and enjoys the ride. When there are imbalances— when one partner puts in a lot and gets comparatively little in return—it isn’t just the more giving person who gets socked with the feelbad. Social psychologist Elaine Hatfield finds that partners who are “over-benefited”—who fail to put in their fair share of the relationship effort—“may experience pity, guilt and shame,” while those who feel “under-benefited” for their contributions can experience “anger, sadness and resentment.” The way to avoid either of these emotional crap carnivals is to voice your concerns. This should start a conversation that sets you two on track to be loving, equally contributing partners in the way you’re each most able. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).






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For the week oF February 6, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You now have the power

to make connections that have not previously been possible. You can tap into an enhanced capacity to forge new alliances and strengthen your support system. I urge you to be on the lookout for a dynamic group effort you could join or a higher purpose you might align yourself with. If you’re sufficiently alert, you may even find an opportunity to weave your fortunes together with a dynamic group effort that’s in service to a higher purpose.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Victory won’t come to

me unless I go to it,” wrote the poet Marianne Moore. In other words, you must track down each victory you’re interested in. You must study its unique nature. And then you must adjust yourself to its specifications. You can’t remain just the way you are, but must transform yourself so as to be in alignment with the responsibilities it demands of you. Can you pass these tests? I believe you can. It’s time to prove it.

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powers as an author, Gemini-born Nobel Prizewinner Jean Paul Sartre consumed an array of mood-shifters every day. He quaffed at least a quart of alcohol, smoked two packs of cigarettes and drank copious amounts of coffee and tea. His intake of pills included 200 milligrams of amphetamines, 15 grams of aspirin and a handful of barbiturates. I propose that we make Sartre your anti-role model during the next four weeks. According to my analysis of your astrological indicators, your ability to discover, attract and benefit from wonders and marvels will thrive to the degree that you forswear drugs and alcohol and artificial enhancements. And I’m pleased to inform you that there could be a flood of wonders and marvels.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I don’t think I’m boring.

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How could I be? I have an abundant curiosity, and I love to learn new things. I’ve worked at many different jobs, have read widely and enjoy interacting with a broad range of humans. Yet now and then I’ve had temporary relationships with people who regarded me as uninteresting. They didn’t see much of value in me. I tend to believe it was mostly their fault—they couldn’t see me for who I really am—but it may have also been the case that I lived down to their expectations. Their inclination to see me as unimportant influenced me to be dull. I bring this up because now is an excellent time to remove yourself from situations where you have trouble being and feeling your true self.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Soprano Helen Traubel and

tenor Lauritz Melchior performed together in many productions of Wagnerian operas, often at the Metropolitan in New York City. Friends and colleagues but not lovers, they had a playful relationship with each other. A favorite pastime was figuring out tricks they could try that would cause the other to break into inappropriate laughter while performing. According to my quirky reading of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be a propitious time for you to engage in similar hijinks with your allies. You have a poetic license and a spiritual mandate to enjoy amusing collaborative experiments, playful intimate escapades and adventures in buoyant togetherness.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Eighteenth-century author

Samuel Johnson singlehandedly compiled the influential A Dictionary of the English Language, which remained the definitive British dictionary for 170 years. We shouldn’t be surprised that it was a Virgo who accomplished such an intricate and exhaustive feat. As a high-minded Virgo, Johnson also had a talent for exposing hypocrisy. In commenting on the Americans’ War of Independence against his country, he noted that some of the “loudest yelps for liberty” came from slaveowners. I propose that we make him one of your role models in 2020. May he inspire you to produce rigorous work that’s useful to many. May he also empower you to be a candid purveyor of freedom.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Is there a project or rnrsweetdeals.newsreview.com

by ROb bRezsny

situation you’d love to create but have lacked the confidence to try? Now is a time when you

can finally summon the necessary courage. Is there a long-running dilemma that has always seemed too confusing and overwhelming to even understand, let alone solve? Now is a favorable time to ask your higher self for the clear vision that will instigate an unforeseen healing. Is there a labor of love that seems to have stalled or a dream that got sidetracked? Now is a time when you could revive its luminosity and get it back in a sweet groove.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Was there a more

influential 20th century artist than Scorpio-born Pablo Picasso? He was a revolutionary innovator who got rich from his creations. Once, while visiting a gallery showing of art made by children, he said, “When I was their age I could draw like Raphael [the great Renaissance artist]. But it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like they do.” In accordance with your current astrological omens, I suggest you seek inspiration from Picasso’s aspiration. Set an intention to develop expertise in seeing your world and your work through a child’s eyes.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I know a Sagittarius man who has seen the film Avengers: Endgame 17 times. Another Sagittarian acquaintance estimates she has listened all the way through to Billie Eilish’s album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 135 times. And then there’s my scholarly Sagittarian friend who has read the ancient Greek epic poem the Iliad 37 times. I have no problem with this behavior. I admire your tribe’s ability to keep finding new inspiration in sources you already know well. But in my astrological opinion, you shouldn’t do much of this kind of thing in the coming weeks. It’s high time for you to experiment with experiences you know little about. Be fresh, innocent and curious.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Athens was one of the

great cities of the ancient world. Its vigorous art, theater, philosophy, architecture and experiments in democracy are today regarded as foundational to Western culture. And yet at its height, Athens’ population was a mere 275,000—equal to modern Fort Wayne, Indiana or Windsor, Ontario. How could such a relatively small source breed such intensity and potency? That’s a long story. In any case, I foresee you having the potential to be like Athens yourself in the coming weeks and months, a highly concentrated fount of value. For best results, focus on doing what you do best.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): According to my

analysis, the year 2020 will be a time when you can have dramatic success as you re-evaluate and re-vision and revamp your understandings of your life purpose. Why were you born? What’s the nature of your unique genius? What are the best gifts you have to offer the world? Of the many wonderful feats you could accomplish, which are the most important? The next few weeks will be a potent time to get this fun and energizing investigation fully underway.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Physicist Niels Bohr won

a Nobel Prize for his insights about quantum mechanics. But he was humble about the complexity of the subject. “If you think you understand it, that only shows you don’t know the first thing about it,” he mused. I’m tempted to make a similar statement about the mysteries and riddles that are making your life so interesting. If you think you understand those mysteries and riddles, you probably don’t. But if you’re willing to acknowledge how perplexing they are, and you can accept the fact that your comprehension of them is partial and fuzzy, then you might enjoy a glimmer of the truth that’s worth building on.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.



The Hub has always been bike-friendly. Is the idea that this is going to the cyclists’ coffee shop?

Nick Pennetti

So, why the move? This location, I think, was the culmination of the owner Mark [Trujillo] of the Hub and the owner of Dropout, Chad [Kortan]. They’ve always been friends and they’ve always wanted to, kind of, get together with something. And I think the location up there was nice because it brought us closer together, but it wasn’t really the ideal situation. Chad had previously worked at a place where coffee and bikes were together under one roof, and I think that was kind of the idea here—to just get a communal space where everything can be shared. There’s bike stuff here, coffee stuff on the wall. It’s fully integrated, but still two separate businesses, which, I think, is a good motto for nowadays. I feel like a lot of bike shops have a hard time staying alive in the slower season. This might help a little bit.

I think they’re going to make that decision, but it’d be nice to see the cycling community kind of, like, you know, take on this shop slash coffee shop as the place to go to. I think it’s convenient. So, I think it’s going to happen. You know, I think it’s a good place to meet up before rides, finish a ride, maybe stop to warm up or cool down on your ride. And eventually they’re going to be serving beer as well, I think. You get your coffee, go on around, you get your beer when you’re done. It just makes sense. Plus it’s really nice, you know, people come in for quick service, they can get a cup of coffee and hang out. PHOTO/MATT BIEKER

Two weeks ago, the vacant Pine Street building that once housed See See Motor Coffee Co. reopened with two local businesses sharing the space. Nick Pennetti is the manager at The Dropout Bike Shop, which moved from its original Virginia Street location and now occupies 131 Pine St. alongside a new Hub Coffee Roasters shop.

I always thought “dropout” implied a connection to the university. It’s funny because everybody asks that. There’s two meanings. So, a dropout is actually the part on a bicycle where the wheels go in. So, not only is it that, but also, you know, across from a college. I can never get a straight answer out of Chad as to why. As far as that goes, I think it’s going to be a good move coming down here. We’re not near the university, but we’re less than a mile away, and they’re going to be putting in a bike lane coming right down Center Street. So I don’t think it’s gonna hurt us moving.

Is Reno a pretty big cycling town in your experience? I guess it is. I think it is. I think that it’s getting away from the casinos and everything, and it’s becoming more of an outdoor town. We recently just got a bike park out west, Sierra Vista Bike Park, which is really nice. It’s a good place for the community to come together. They have everything for little kids on Striders to, you know, adults on huge bikes doing huge jumps. So, it’s really nice. It’s diverse. We have a lot of trails. You can ride spring, summer, fall—you can commute. We’re getting better. I think it’s becoming more popular. Ω


Pressing issues We are about nine months from Election Day. You have a job to do. You need to take the concept of “informed citizen,” and embrace it. It’s not always a fun job, but it’s an important one. This is not a drill. There is zero room for complacency or excuses. We need us another one of them there Blue Wave elections. To quote the great political strategist The Rock—“Know your role. Dammit.” • My opinion about caucuses has been fairly predictable for a while. The whole process just seems like a bit of a CF, a horse and buggy-style relic of the 19th century. I know advocates of caucuses who swear that there are upsides to the process, convinced that in some ways, they’re actually superior to direct primaries. Perhaps. But on this Tuesday morning, with the results of Iowa’s caucuses still a total mystery, my CF position seems to be strengthening, if anything.

And the Nevada caucus is in two weeks. (Why do we stick with caucuses in this state? The answer is a five-letter word that begins with M and ends with Y). • This just into the newsroom. El Chapo, through his team of lawyers, has let it be known that he would very much like to get one of those trials where there are no witnesses allowed. Just sayin’. • To point out how much Netflix and YouTube and HBO have revolutionized our Boob Tube lifestyle, let me ask this question. Do you watch even one show on NBC, CBS, ABC or Fox on a regular basis that isn’t news or sports? Me neither. I was home recently, nursing a head cold, and it struck me, as I was searching through Netflix, that there’s never been a better time to be illin’ in America. With the astounding amount of data now available to stream into our

Smart TVs, my two sick days spent sniffling in my television room were kind of a blast. What a drag to get healthy again and resume the routine! • OK, I’ve had it. All these so-called professional announcers who consistently mangle the word “asterisk.” You know what I’m talkin’ about. The legion of chowds who effortlessly morph Asterisk into Aster-Rick. Eesh. Pathetic. So let’s fix this. It just takes a little practice. Start with the first syllables. Aster. Like the flower. Easy, right? Ass-turr. No sweat. Now, the third syllable. Risk. Another easy one. Couldn’t be simpler. Now, put ’em together. Aster-Risk. Asterisk. Bingo. Say it again. Asterisk. Congrats. You’re now more adept than 80 percent of the clods on sports talk radio. Is asterisk as easy to say as “market” or “table?” No. But it is easier than “rural” or “forests.” OK, I feel better now. Ω






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