Calendar Keeping History Above Water: Nantucket June 26–28 This two-day workshop brings together members of the island community, stakeholders from other coastal communities, and national experts to discuss the challenges facing historic coastal communities. I Registration is $120 for two days, $65 for one day. Nantucket Preservation Trust, Nantucket, 508-228-1386, The Annual OIA Garden Tour June 29 The Orleans Improvement Association will hold its 31st annual Secret Gardens tour, featuring six beautiful gardens. Attendees can see plein air painters at work in the garden and interact with master gardeners. I $25 in advance, $27 online, $30 the day of the tour. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Tickets are available at local outlets in Orleans, or online at Evening of Discovery June 29 The Martha’s Vineyard Museum celebrates its new Vineyard Haven location with its 21st annual Evening of Discovery. I $275. 5:30 p.m. Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Vineyard Haven, 508-627-4436,
JULY Falmouth Village Association Street Fair July 10 Main Street will be closed to vehicles while shoppers delight in outdoor pop-up shops that run the length of the thoroughfare. I Hydrangea Festival July 12–21 Celebrate the iconic plant that makes Cape Cod so stunning from July through September. Enjoy a display garden from the Cape Cod Hydrangea Society, participate in workshops, and tour heritage gardens. I Free with museum admission. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Heritage Museum & Gardens, Sandwich, 508-888-3300, Summer Art Auction & Gala July 13 The Artist Association of Nantucket will honor artist Carol Keefe at this annual event. Visit the website for ticket prices and event times. I Great Harbor Yacht Club, Nantucket, 508-228-1386,
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