Koude Kernfusie : Vrije Energie = Pseudo Wetenschap? / Cold Fusion : Free Energy = Pseudo Science?

Page 302

2: Identification • ■ MISIDENTIFICATION: This presentation might misidentify Thz vs FIR vs Torsion etc product mechanics due to their similar effects, & sellers' evasive mechanics explanation: A) Some devices contain all three capacity processed materials, B) Frequency crossover happens between Thz & FIR wave, • C) Last page's has same bioactive effects(MetalMega jp+) by causing "perpetual electron movement": This mechanics also links to "orgonite" for weather effects(p372) • D)

also has similar : mainly Tungsten Trioxide(WO3) or Titanium Dioxide(TiO2) with FPB(p184) treated, doped-modified etc. -->>cont:


linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

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