Kalte fusion, Tesla, Skalarwellen, Drehfeld, Freie Energie.. = Alle Pseudowissenschaft?

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17: Field Influence -> Mind Influence

• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: : ■α Field reading: vii-"NonTime, NonLocal Scan": • Number & market direction prediction is usually done by remote viewing of "up" or "down" or number as specific pictures/images pre-associated to them. • Some speculate about differences between future prediction vs future influence(Hel Schmidt+). Tested far above even-ratio future prediction(time probability reading) readers' brain wave show accuracy might involve brain's magnetic anomaly(Che Alexander, Ric Broughton, Persinger[Harribance effect], Venkatasubramanian+). • β "Field" manipulation effect: Type of psychokinesis. Yet Field Affecting vs Reading might be very close effect and sometimes indistinguishable. βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals/plants: a- High performance mentalists/hypnotists' basic skill of significant thought influence/or idea/belief implant to people is widely demonstrated on mainstream TV even in west. • Top practitioners can commonly program new beliefs & personalities to a certain type of person by language during subconscious hypnotic state, so when come out of hypnosis, still can cause that person to alter regular personality /cognition/discernment on key trigger command words, to take actions they wouldn't at regular conscious state: including giving up precious possessions to strangers(eg Gendam hypnosis), conduct ALL types of acts, then later has no memory at all: Words generate informational field via receptor's brain? ->>cont:258

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