不太了解, 清洁, 低成本, 丰富的能源技术, 可以改变世界 / Less known, Clean, Low cost energy...

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effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 2 • 3-Medical effects, 10+ facilities(Пирамиды Голода - НПО «Гидрометприбор»+), pyramid building's commercialized medical use in Russia(«Визави» в Тольятти[АМ Гребенников]+), & mostly not officially published)mainstream scientists research in Russia(G Lozino-Lozinskiy+): with generally equivalent to highly successful version of pharmaceutical effect in wide range of aspects when patient is being in pyramid or ingesting water/nutrients that was in pyramid: • ■●РАН(Russian Academy of Science: RAS)(ВИ Костиков): 200% electrical resistance change of carbon, ●Change of radioactivity, crystallization & its optical quality changes ■●РАМН(Russian Academy of Medical Science: RAMS) - Ивановский филиал (Клименко & Носик): x3 immune increase with natural drug, ●(АГ Антонов): water can have same effect as glucose, ●(ВА Макаров): Hematology effects, ●(НБ Егорова): drastically decreased mortality rate 3% vs 30% etc. • ■Other Russia/Ukraine/Ex Soviet block: Evaporation is faster(МС Радюк+), Mainstream hospitals used indoor pyramid device("НИКО-ПОЛ"+), Basically same device is officially accepted by Cuban gov't for medical effectiveness as leading main driver for some of chronic disease cure & injury after repeated strict tests(Ulises Sosa Salinas+)(Piramicasa+) • 4-Drying or water evaporation effect: Experiments of fruit drying are fairly consistent mummification result without rotting or heavy discoloration of control samples. Metal blade's micro water beads dry faster(Krasnoholovets+). -->> cont: 239

linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

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