Gharama Nafuu, Chini Maalumu Lakini Ufanisi Maji Teknolojia, Kwamba p

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63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected by Western Mainstream -4

▶ Mind effect to change ionic state of water, some are actually sold informally. Certain person's mind can altering pH by 1(10times hydrogen ion concentration) etc: there are many such empirical claims but usually strict repeated experimental data is lacking, yet some exception by mainstream academic(Wil Tiller+), Needless to say completely WM ignored... If this effect is approved, this can be used even as a weapon to kill people or living things by changing pH. And big part of psychic development training is believing that they can do it. For other mind effects go to this other presentation[Tesla, & Other Controversial Energy Tech Related Claims...] and look up "Trivedi effect", "Tiller", or "Mind-EM-Scalar"

▶ Colloidal or Ionic solution: stable aqueous colloidal dispersion that deemed to accompany mechanics: ■ Claims are related to bioenhancement & disinfection effect both for plants, & animals: i-Colloidal micelles in water increase absorption of nutrients for plants, while cleaning off dirts, pesticides & germs(see 64’Plant Polymer), ii-extra ionic activities, bioenhancement, antioxidant effects after treatment. Also Colloidal Silver’s high zeta potential(electrostatic repulsion between particles in water) for various significant virus killing medical effects. Similar effect in C60Fullerene(, claims of super high C60 antioxidant effect( Less extent in other minerals(Copper, Zinc etc).

Colloidal silver water generator(collgen2, Thesilveredge, SilverHealthInstitute,, Final products exists but much more expensive(Purest colloids, UtopiaSilver, Argonika Аргоника Коллоидное серебро+), One product might sometimes behave more like “catalytic water” (American Biotech Labs): see section 28” Catalytic water 326

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