Entweder oder – sowohl als auch. Gendersensibles Design.

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eating man on the couch in the living room marking the most striking scenery: Equipped with a can of beer he devotes himself to a TV series or a football match (cf. Haensler 2019: 98). The chips are eaten out of lust and to complete a pleasurable scene - they act as a stimulant that is consumed fervently, passionately and with closed eyes (cf. Haensler 2019: 98). - Another motive is the consumption of chips out of boredom: Wearing sweatpants, the protagonists sit or lie on the couch and hoard the bag of chips in their laps (cf. Haensler 2019: 99). Although these scenes convey the moment of laziness or even failure, they are nevertheless very different from the depictions of women consuming chips (cf. Haensler 2019: 99). “The chip consumption by men in sweatpants is rarely questioned, but rather enjoys the position of a legitimate everyday state and does not have to be justified by emotional cutbacks or other dysfunctional conditions. The chips do not act as compensation or frustration, but rather as a conventional snack that you have just found in the cupboard and which is legitimized to be consumed with pleasure” (Haensler 2019: 99). The protagonists are shown with their mouths open in these scenes and are surrounded by attributes such as the cold beer, the remote control and the couch. Advertisements, images, TV series and films of popular culture have a great influence on the reproduction of cultural grammar and on the way gender is produced and presented: They depict scenes and situations that recipients orient themselves by or find themselves in (cf. Haensler 2019: 105). Teresa de Lauretis writes in this context about the social technology of a semiotic apparatus, through which an interface between recipients and socially endowed codings is created (cf. de Lauretis 1984: 14) - codings that are translated into their own action through the imitation by recipients: “While codes and social formations define positions of meaning, the individual reworks those positions into a personal, subjective construction” (de Lauretis 1984: 14). By constantly quoting, learning and exercising a role, gender-specific codings are constituted that appear “natural”, according to Judith Butler: “For as we have seen, the substantivist effect of gender identity is performatively produced and forced by the regulatory procedures of gender coherence” (Butler 2014: 49). The resulting “social Laura Haensler / Milch & Chips

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