Navy Base to Neighborhood

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My team and I have learned many things in the course of turning a Navy

durable relationships with the School Board and our local school

base into a neighborhood, and we’re happy to share them with others

principals, with the intention of helping to make good schools

who seek to limit urban sprawl and create great new places.

even better.

Design and architecture matter. People want to live and work in

Money matters. At the onset of the project the City was criticized

beautiful places, and are willing to pay more to do so. Rigorous

for selling the land too cheaply to a private developer that would

architectural controls that apply the same time-tested design patterns

keep all the profits. Baldwin Park will be profitable for our company,

to apartment buildings, grand custom homes and office buildings have

commensurate with the risk we assumed and the investment we made

enabled us to mix these uses and create density that is not merely

in demolition, infrastructure, architecture, marketing, and people.

tolerable but truly desirable.

We would not have done it otherwise. But our legacy is $30 million

Location matters. Some say Baldwin Park was a sure thing because it’s just two miles from downtown offices, entertainment and cultural

a year in new property tax revenues that will benefit the City, County and School Board for the foreseeable future.

venues. Others are surprised we’ve done well, given the decline in

Many people deserve credit for what has happened here: the mayor

nearby neighborhoods and retail centers prior to our redevelopment

who had the vision and the courage to set the project in motion; my

efforts. Baldwin Park’s investment in quality has ensured that this

world-class development team that transformed the plan into reality;

region grows and thrives rather than declines. Baldwin Park has

the consultants who deeply understand what Traditional Neighborhood

become a catalyst for reinvestment for miles around.

Development is all about. I am grateful to the leaders of Pritzker Realty

The environment matters. The money and effort invested in recycling the demolition debris, in restoring the lakes and natural habitats, in relocating mature trees, and in creating expansive parks and outdoor recreation facilities pays daily dividends in community pride and shared enjoyment of these beautiful assets.

Group for entrusting me with the project. They are not formula-driven, but passionate and intellectually curious about how to do great things and still do well. Even though our role in Baldwin Park nears an end, the community of Baldwin Park still has decades of growth ahead as its traditions and personality evolve. There is still plenty to do, but I am proud of what the former Orlando Naval Training Center is becoming.

Good schools matter. We would not have been as successful without our

To steal a line from Penny, a great job…so far.

A-rated neighborhood elementary, middle and high schools. We built


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