Nevaeh Magazine

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Feng Shui Your Home Often the walls of our homes see the good, the bad and the ugly. Feng Shui is said to enhance the harmony, health and wellbeing by making simple changes around the home, garden and work place. The ancient art of Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years and is believed to create good energy by improving your environment. The Chinese art of making simple adjustments to your living space is designed to bring good fortune, and let’s be honest who doesn’t need that? Becoming more grounded in an often stressful and fast paced world doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. The following is seven easy steps to Feng Shui your environment and hopefully bring some good fortune too. Get rid of clutter: One of the first things to do when looking towards a more Feng Shui friendly lifestyle is to clear out the clutter. Get rid of any clothes you don’t wear anymore, unused toys or gadgets, old magazines, clean dirty dishes, reorganise bookshelves, and even tackle the mess under your bed – you might be surprised at what you find! This serves and a double pro as sorting through old belongings can be quite therapeutic. Plants are good: Plants are effective to help release trapped energy as they are a great circulator. Place plants inside and around your home particularly in corners to help the energy circulate. The kitchen: Number one rule for the kitchen is to make sure your stove is not opposite the fridge, sink or washing machine. It is said that the water and fire clash could cause family


members to have disagreements. Let the sunlight in: Not only is sun a great source of vitamin D, it’s also fantastic positive energy. Houses with windows that let in lots of natural sunlight is symbolic for health which reflects mood, productivity and motivation. Take note of your colours: Look at the colours around your home or work place. With Feng Shui they could take on a whole other meaning. Red symbolises action and confidence, green is about life and nature, yellow is wisdom and blue reflects spirituality. The bedroom: Simple is best when it comes to the bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. Being such a personal space, distracting influences such as technology is not recommended. Electronic devices in the bedroom should be limited. General: Air out your home by opening windows for at least 20 minutes a day. This will allow fresh new energy to come in. By Lou Parker

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