Saturday • January 25 • 11:00 A.M. 529 W. Vernon St. | Nevada, MO
Get ready to discover hidden treasures! Curtis and Sons is thrilled to host an auction featuring LaVeta Smith's extraor dinary collection of unique and valuable items. Don't miss this excit ing opportunity to bid on unique items and take home a piece of his tory.
This inviting ±700
venture, or someone considering downsizing, this property presents an excellent opportunity. Don't miss your chance to own this charming home. Schedule a viewing today and envision the possibilities.
Nevada Daily Mail Nevada News Fort Scott Tribune Fort Scott Countryside will be CLOSED Mon., January 20, 2025
the Nevada Daily Mail will not publish on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
We will have early DEADLINES for the following:
January 22nd
Nevada Daily Mail & Fort Scott Tribune Friday, January 17th at 4PM January 22nd
Nevada News/Fort Scott Countryside Thursday, January 16th at 4pm
Do-it-yourselfenergy.Rightinyourbackyard. Ifyouchoosetoheatwithwood,youknowthevalueofhavinga readily-availableheatsourcerightinyourbackyard.WiththeE-Classic’s efficientdesignandoperation,youcanheatyourentirehome,shopandmore withupto70%lesswoodthanotherwood-burningappliances.
Southwest Missouri Team Penner’s Association officers and directors would like to thank all of our 2024 sponsors and members for another great and successful year!
Wood For Sale $50.00 Per Rank. $20.00 Extra For Delivery 1-417-6842160 Randy Jones.
HAY FOR SALE: Good quality small square bales of Brome, Prairie and grass hay. Fort Scott, KS. 620-224-3681.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation, property cleanups, leaf removal, stump grinding, shrub trimming and shaping, gutter cleaning, gravel driveways, lawn dethatching, overseeding and aerating. Redbud Farms & Nurseries. 620223-1811.
ANGUS BULL 17 MONTHS; two yearling Charolais Bulls. Sell with semen check. Breeding soundness exam. Guaranteed. Mark Fink 620228-8094.
DEADLINES for Nevada News/Countryside is 4pm the Friday prior to the publication date unless otherwise published.