Autodesk Image Modeler User Guide

Page 126

114 Chapter 6 Modeling

5 If the primitive is a 3D shape, the final vertex determines the height of the

primitive. Snap it to a component, a locator, or anywhere in the 3D space:

The creation is validated automatically. However, the validation option is available at each step by pressing the Enter key or double-clicking the mouse button. After you add a primitive to your scene, you can: Add more faces to the object (see “Creating and adding faces” on page 126). Change its position or shape (see “Step 2: Making basic edits to objects” on page 131). Apply more complex transformations that change the basic structure of the primitive (see “Step 3: Making complex edits to objects” on page 148). Add more than one primitive, and then merge them to create one object (see “Merging objects and components” on page 148).

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