Holistic bliss jun vol 91

Page 19




e are beings of pure creation, this is our design… to create. My teachings are based in the universal principles of truth; to teach these principles you are required to discover them. One of these principles states that in every moment of your life you are creating the direction and the content of every moment of your life. Obviously this principle holds the key to personal transformation. One way or another we never stop creating. If we look at the rising suicides, dementia, drug and alcohol problems, depression and sicknesses, it becomes apparent we are transforming into a species that is far less than our potential. Always remember that transformation can work both ways! While we continue to be predominantly subconscious as a species, forever caught in a continuous loop of more-of-the-same,

Shop 2/71 Russell St. West End, Brisbane Ph: (07) 3846 4608

Tues-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 11am-4pm

then we are caught in a type of reverse transformation. In many ways it is this unfortunate probability that triggered the ending of our current human cycle. Continuing more-of-the-same is deadly, lethal. It does not need to be this way. Over a period of years, I have transformed myself from living within the illusion to living within enlightenment. This is what I teach in my five-day intensives all around the world. And I see many people transforming themselves as a result. I teach a way of living that works. Most people live in a way that does not work. And here you have it. What does not work to release our full potential seems to work in reverse, and we become reduced as a result. Like I said, we are forever creating and creation is unable to be still… it is always moving one way or the other. The caterpillar – like all nature – follows the blueprint

of its own species, and thus moves forward toward transformation. We of humanity, do not have a ready-made blueprint to follow. We are creating that very blueprint in every moment of our lives and living; in every conversation and the emotions that arise; in every subconscious thought and the sub-emotions that arise… all unwittingly and unknowingly. Every time we react, we move backwards simply because we are re-enacting from our past. Equally, each time we lovingly respond, we move forward. Fear reacts from the past, while love responds from the moment. Love, then, is the key! It becomes startlingly obvious that love offers the most perfect transformation, and is always available to us. All we need to do is constantly and consciously… choose love! www.michaelroads.com

Books Jewellery Gifts 163 Boundary St. West End, Brisbane Ph: 3844 1887

Tues-Fri 10am-5.30pm; Sat & Sun 10am-4pm Holistic Bliss | JUNE 2017 |

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