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Volume: I: Part I: Section: 4: Chapter: 4 proximity to the streams. Considering all the variations due to the kind of secondary and primary data received, availability of the data, we have considered following methodology for prioritization in which all parameters affecting the erosion our considered.

Methodology 4

The resources-based approach is found to be realistic for micro-watershed / subcatchment prioritization since it involves an integrated approach. In the present study, knowledge-based weightage system (Wi as per above formula) has been adopted for the prioritization based on its factors and after vigilantly observation in the field. The basis for assigning weightage to different themes was according to the relative importance of each parameter in the study area. The weightage system adopted here is completely dependent on local terrain and may vary from place to place. The study emphasizes on prioritization of micro-watershed for their development and management on a sustainable basis, based on available natural resources and socio-economic conditions. The various themes, which include drainage density, slope, water capacity, groundwater prospects, wastelands, irrigated area and forest cover, are briefly discussed below. The results of analysis of these parameters are given in Volume II

parameters are then studied and processed for prioritization. iii.

After listing the parameters, weight-ages are given to each parameter and later, ranks are assigned to their relative values. The ranking is done based on the severity because of that parameter for e.g. if parameter ‘A’ has a value high because of which the micro-watershed or sub-catchment is subject to erosion we have ranking its as 1 (first to be treated) whereas if parameter ‘B’ has value low which is good or result into conservation we have marked it as 10 or 5 based on the weightage assigned. In other words, Rank 1 is always allotted to the value which indicates maximum soil degradation or loss of life and/or property. While, rank 5 or 10 is allotted to the value that indicates least soil degradation or loss of life and/or property.

Steps: i.

Based on the field visits and secondary data we selected certain critical parameters.


Based on the data available, all parameters which affect siltation were listed. These listed



Prioritization of sub-watersheds for sustainable development and management of natural resources: An integrated approach using remote sensing, GIS and socioeconomic data S. Srinivasa Vittala1,*, S. Govindaiah2 and H. Honne Gowda3

Comprhensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

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