trust for nature

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orga nisationa l ch a rt

Stat utory compli a nce Occupational Health and Safety Trust for Nature is well advanced in developing a Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001. Utilising this Standard as a benchmark towards health and safety, continuous improvement has proven to be the best option both in terms of practicality as well as being integrated into the existing Management Systems, including the recently launched Intranet. Having a CEO and Senior Management of an organisation demonstrating commitment to the principles of health and safety is critical to success in developing and implementing a Health and Safety Management System. The commitment demonstrated by the Health and Safety Committee has been a major factor in the Management System development and implementation. During the financial year, the Health and Safety Committee developed a document that describes the Health and Safety Objectives and Key Performance indicators. In brief the Key Objectives are: • Foster development of a safety culture across the organisation. • Build upon the existing OHS Management System to achieve a robust OHS Management System. • Strengthen the OHS Risk Management program.

Office-based environmental data Trust for Nature continues to pursue sustainable measures by implementing its Resource Smart Environmental Strategy. In 201112 the Resource Smart Team further improved the policy and action plan, working toward set targets. To deliver on targets identified in the Resource Smart Strategy, the Resource Smart Team proposed a budget for the 2012-13 financial year. Successful in the budget proposal, the Resource Smart Team will progress its initiatives to provide more meaningful outcomes organisation-wide. Overview of 2011-12 achievements: • Executed and promoted quarterly campaigns to staff through various communication methods, including intranet, online newsletter, posters and presentations at meetings. • Implemented KeepCup borrowing campaign. • Conducted regular lighting audits with the aim to delamp the Melbourne office. • Provided training to regional staff about printer cartridge recycling and reuse facilities. • Organised an excursion to Sustainability Victoria to promote sustainable initiatives to staff. • Established and promoted a list of sustainable catering companies. • Implemented printing monitoring software to analyse printing use.

• Roll out OHS and Risk Management program wide.

• Expanded recycling initiatives-cork, mobile recycling, cartridge and battery recycling.

These objectives and accompanying key performance indicators became effective 1st July 2012. Trust for Nature’s occupational health and safety performance against key indicators for the financial year is illustrated in Table 15. Table 15: Occupational Health and Safety statistics for 2011 – 12


Number of OHS Committee meetings


Number of reported injuries received


Number of recorded injury reports progressing to WorkSafe claims


Number of Comprehensive Risk Assessments undertaken


Number of policies/procedures developed


Annual Report 2011-12


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