Autumn Art Auction 2005

Page 13

Lot #8

Rachel Hellner Victoria, British Columbia Fish Ladder Silkscreen and collagraph 40 x 19 inches, 2002 Range: $650 – 900

Lot #7

Eve Sumsky Tenstrike, Minnesota

Much of Hellner’s current work is concerned with the

Crossing Paths Urn, 2005

relationship she has with her immediate environment. Her

Rattan reed

paintings and drawings either depict objects she observes as

12 x 7.5 (diameter) inches

important, or are actually constructed from those objects

Range: $120 - 140

themselves. Fish Ladder is a quirky tribute to recognizing individuality in everyday, mass objects. Seven fish were selected from among

Rachel Hellner was born in London, England, in 1968. She grew up there and attended Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design before moving to Canada in 1991. After two years

thousands that were lying in a wooden crate in Victoria’s Chinatown, and are portrayed here each with its own markings and individual character.

in Winnipeg and traveling the West Coast, she settled in Victoria,

I am interested in bringing attention to that which is often

BC, where she currently teaches art at the University of Victoria.

overlooked in our society. Excessiveness and mass-production

Hellner is a practicing artist and president of Xchanges, Canada’s

cause us to take things for granted and make it difficult to

oldest artists’ cooperative. Her work has been extensively

appreciate the inherent value or beauty in any particular object.

exhibited in London, Winnipeg, and Victoria and is in private

By singling out an object and portraying its individuality, I can

collections around the world.

draw the viewer’s attention to its uniqueness.

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