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ask if there is anything else you can do to make it right. After the apology, take upon yourself the onus of responsibility for helping the other person regain trust in you, especially if the problem was serious. These steps are generally effective at many levels, both personal and corporate, and generally go a long way in helping individuals, companies, even nations to let go and move on.

Abundant Relationships There you have it: five basic skill sets that grease the skids of friendship, positive relationships, and teamwork that will promote the attendant benefits of increased engagement, productivity, and meaning. As leaders model, promote, ask about, teach about, encourage, and make room for people to care about each other, not just increased productivity, increased productivity may actually follow. High-performing teams derive from high-relating individuals. Summary: Leadership Actions to Foster Relationships and Teams [Th]at Work • Develop good friendships at work and encourage others to do so too. • Learn, teach, and model the skills of • Making and receiving bids • Listening and self-disclosing • Navigating proximity • Resolving conflicts • Making amends • Apply these skills to relationships between people and among teams. 124

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