Cloning and SuperPowers Issue 1

Page 41

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

couple of days after we learn how to use our powers. I guess things might be looking up for us.

Things are not looking up for me and Sam. After all, we don’t understand what we are suppose to be doing with this power we have, it is like teaching a baby to talk they are going to need a lot of work until they can do it. But the thing is, I don’t think I am going to last another day in here, this place is not home, my parents¬¬—oh I wonder what is going through my parents’ heads and Sam’s parents are thinking that I probably made him run away with me. See his parents think I am bad for him but I am not. All I want to do is go home and sleep in my own bed and see my family.

“When can we go home?” I just had to ask for the last time.

“Stop asking me that, you’re going to go home when you can figure out how to learn how to use your new found body. Then you can go home and I will be checking up on you once a month to see how my lab rats are doing ok? Ok,” this is just not right but I guess it is all my fault, I led us in to this building.

This is were I am suck now in a cage not even with Sam. I don’t really know where he is and I just would like to see him. Wait a minute— I remember that the first day that I had this power, I was talking to Sam Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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