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Health and Wellness

“Four vegetables are essentials for human health: wheat, grapevine, olive and aloe. The first feeds you, the second reassures the spirit, the third gives you armony, the last cures”. Christopher Colombus, 1451-1506.

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The name Aloe comes from the arab word ‘Alloeh’ which means bitter and bright substace, as a clear reference to the leaf‘s flesh or pulp. The virtues of this plant was already known by ancient civilizations such the Egypticians, Greeks as well as Indians and Africans. Egyptians considered Aloe as the immortality plant and Nefertiti used to mix it together with goat’s milk for body care. In the same way Cleopatra used Aloe to preserve her beauty. 300 species of Aloe exist on our planet,though only a few are recognized as useful. Aloe Barbadensis, known as Aloe Vera, is the most important

species and it grows around the mediterranean coasts, The Middle East, India, China, Caribbean and Canaries islands – Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Thanks to really good weather and the characteristics of volcanic ground, Canarian Aloe is one of the purest in the world. Analysis demonstrates that Aloe contains vitamins, minerals, laxatives and antiseptic properties that are useful against internal and external infections, anti-inflammatories which are good for burns, lacerations, alergic reactions and inflammations of the digestive system.In addition to helping

to control cholesterol levels it posesses substances that are able to accelarate the skin renewal process while containing 20 amino-acids of which 9 are essential to our bodies. The usage of Aloe is simple and many methods exist on its technique. The stems are where you can find the magical pulp,First cut the stems off(an old wives tales suggests doing it in the evening)and remove thorns if they exist.Prepare the aloe according to your needs: slice the stem if it a little amout is needed or remove the outer layer completely and work with the pulp. 11

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