Sheep farmer march april 2014

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HOW TO SECURE WEATHERPROOF GUARANTEED FARMING INCOME According to a recent survey carried out by the National Farmers Union, this Conor McGuigan year’s extreme weather and soaring FRVWV KDYH VHULRXVO\ KLW IDUPHUV¡ FRQĂ€GHQFH WR LQYHVW LQ their businesses in the short term. Some 42 per cent of farmers told the NFU that their farm businesses were in for a tougher year, up from 30 per cent in 2012. However, in spite of the gloom and uncertainty, increasing numbers of farmers have been discovering a way to reap a weatherproof, guaranteed income over a 25 year period – with zero set up costs to themselves. They have achieved this by renting out land or roof space to the UK’s leading solar energy generator, Lightsource Renewable Energy.


7KH IDUPHU RU ODQGRZQHU HQWHUV LQWR D À[HG WHUP \HDU lease with Lightsource, at which point rental payments begin and are then paid quarterly in advance. Rent is priced per DFUH DQG LV LQFUHDVHG DQQXDOO\ LQ OLQH ZLWK LQà DWLRQ 7KHUH LV QR ULVN RI DQ\ GHIDXOW RQ UHQWDO SD\PHQWV DV /LJKWVRXUFH SURMHFWV DUH EDFNHG E\ D ORQJ WHUP JRYHUQPHQW VSRQVRUHG LQFHQWLYH VFKHPHV PDNLQJ WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG SD\PHQWV JXDUDQWHHG DQG secure. The solar farm panels and infrastructure only occupy less than 30 per cent of the rented area. This allows both landowner DQG /LJKWVRXUFH WR ZRUN WRJHWKHU WR HQVXUH WKH ODQG DOORFDWHG to the solar farm is managed responsibly and sustainably. The gaps between rows usually range from 4 meters to 8 meters and as the panels are mounted above the ground, the land is LGHDO IRU JUD]LQJ VPDOO OLYHVWRFN OLNH VKHHS RU FKLFNHQV

Lightsource Renewable Energy, the UK’s leading solar energy generator is currently assessing land areas in the UK to establish their suitability for a solar farm installation. Lightsource has already developed over 80 solar farms, GUARANTEED INCOME FOR 25 YEARS across 2,200 acres which currently provide clean, secure Conor continues: “Solar power is a dependable source of electricity to over 100,000 UK homes, and aims to double energy, and farming it creates a great opportunity to establish WKLV FDSDFLW\ E\ 'HFHPEHU 7KH FRPSDQ\ LV FRQĂ€GHQW D VXVWDLQDEOH ORFDO VXSSO\ FKDLQ 7KH ODQG RZQHUV ZH ZRUN that its solar farms will boost rural business providing options with currently have used the stable income the solar farm to landowners across the country to diversify their income provides to diversify their business and even invest in new equipment to continue farming. If the farmer can spare that ODQG KH LV LQ D ZLQ ZLQ VLWXDWLRQ EHFDXVH QRW RQO\ ZLOO KH EH able to continue doing what he does best – farming the land, KH ZLOO DOVR KDYH WKH EHQHĂ€W RI D UHOLDEOH ORQJ WHUP UHYHQXH VWUHDP WR EDFN KLP XS 6RPH IDUPHUV HYHQ VHH WKLV DV SDUW RI their future retirement plan.â€?

RENT OR SELL YOUR LAND TO US Sheep graze happily in the sunshine at Marley Thatch Solar Farm, Devon

with a solar installation on their property. Conor McGuigan, Business Development Director for Lightsource comments, “Contrary to the unfounded opinions of some, solar farms do not harm the land they are installed upon. In fact they safeguard it for future generations and SURYLGH IXUWKHU RSWLRQV IRU IDUPODQG GLYHUVLĂ€FDWLRQ OLNH JUD]LQJ VPDOO OLYHVWRFN RU SURYLGLQJ DQ HFRORJLFDO KDELWDW IRU UDUH ELUGV OLNH WKH (QJOLVK *UH\ 3DUWULGJH ,I \RX DUH D IDUPHU ZLWK ODQG available for rent, it is best to come straight to us because we prefer to cut out any ‘third parties’ or ‘middlemen’ who will VRPHWLPHV KDYH WKHLU RZQ DJHQGD :H OLNH WR GHDO GLUHFWO\ with the person who is potentially going to be our landlord

“Solar farms safeguard land for future generations.� for the next 25 years. It's very important that we get to meet face to face and build a strong, comfortable relationship because of the length of the commitment and contract we would be entering into. The same applies to the relationship we foster with the local community around the site – they are going to be our neighbours for a long time.�

The criteria for land suitable for solar farming is simple. It has to be relatively screened, not within an Area of Outstanding National Beauty and of low grade agricultural quality, ideally grade 3 and below. The solar farm will need a grid connection WR H[SRUW WKH HOHFWULFLW\ DQG /LJKWVRXUFH¡V LQ KRXVH JULG WHDP ZLOO FDUU\ RXW WKH QHFHVVDU\ FKHFNV WR HQVXUH WKHUH LV D YLDEOH connection available. /LJKWVRXUFH LV NHHQ WR GHPRQVWUDWH WKDW VRODU IDUPV ZLOO SOD\ an important role in addressing the UK’s electricity needs and will aid the drive towards cheaper, cleaner electricity bills for the consumer, this maturing industry now plays a vital role supporting the economic stability of the agricultural sector and creating full time employment for local communities. Any farmer or landowner with a site of at least 25 acres wishing to discuss its suitability as a solar farm should call 0333 200 0755 or email Free educational resources about solar energy and climate change can be found at


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