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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3 NND Project Number: NND 63316, By: NWD Date: 2011




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OSLO 722 to SecSta,te (SECRET-EXDIS ), 21 August 1967 :

112. " .. Loan asked if AlgaI'd Hilling to accept invitation to HemoL Algard promised eaTly Y'eply; lJOP.n geNe no RFr no direct reaction to OUI' pTevious communication , He a,gain u:.'1deTlined the question of tbe cessa tion of bombing, ne, sovereignty e,nd die;ni ty, but 2,t the same time test the sincere ','iill of the Amel' :LCanS to negotiate . HOi':evcl', :inteI'ested in concl'ete informB,tion about ,iha,t is meant by jJ5 . qUOTE flexible as to form [md nature of some c:ol.'J.'esponding restre,int UNQt1'lTE in e,bove lNon': tioned telegram, Point B . ~oa:iJ said Amel'ic[)'ll recognition lle,tiona,l self-determin2.tion c1ecisi ve point . Concl'etely he as}\:ed us find out if USA willing to base possible negotiations on this principle c~ nd "Tilling accept lib eration front as po1:i:tica.l factor .. ,. 11


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