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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3 NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


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d. the mi 'fj:s ion of "lJh8 Vi-etn.1J0.0S.:l Depart.trltmt of Ci vic Acti0!'l is 'btiing ori.Q;ntod i!"lcreasingly t,.J"O'l2.l"d 8upporttng .s t.rategic vi112go8 and.. hf'omle;ts, it app6:..U'8 thEtt the:~"o is still consider'able empha3is on i.nfoX'matiGnal and intell igence activi:t.i03S. This has reduced the Bffe(;tiv6Tl·SS5 of Civic Action operat.ic)7.l.8 <ll'1d h~"(s b$cm some"Hhr{"t; d8trirC.6Jr~j~\.l to "t.h8 fc.vorsbl(; reput:?tion built up in tha past by Civi.c k;;t.ion pers()nr~5L The Ci vic'1 D3p3.:Ct..-null"t also suffax's from. ·HB9.k. leader.ship and L'"!.ij8I'n. 31 . pewer ri11'ru.rie:s • . e. The!.pal probl-e:;r.s of the Civil Gllard mel ~~1f. Dafen~~1 C:n:'ps p8rt.~.:d.n to t:2.ctical ut.ilizatioY! -r!nich is ditsCil8s6d b81o~,.j"~ Und2:i." B~ Ho'\:;oV81:, -tj}1.;~l!'e is also 80m'S q'C.'3stion 8.3 t.o wnst.h0I' thS$O s0.'l:'vices ffi'B b~hlg t.i."" and equi.p"p-sd ads',ely and ~s rapidly as nece.ssary. f. radios "fill subst2;nt.ially i."'llprOV0 thc.~ dei'er,sl) of t.1Le count'"1'yside 8.r:d t.h$ roaction c:: q)ability of th.; Vl.otns.m.e50"Y and sec'I.l1'i ty £"01'(;58. FIOI'l'6Vt'l1', n,) effc!ri; fJ.9.5 yet been made to imp.l'v\T-s radio cow,1i"t.J..i1i.~~tions

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Hhcra t!:~" 't-attle Hith th3 Viat Cong

is a,:;tual1y jCil1 3d. 1

g. T-HO of the princi.pal ,·reaJ::nt3s :s8S in t.he .:>.ffectivtl ut.;i1i7,a~ tioD of US aid c.::'€J'ic i.~mt ~· on th$ p.ou·t of CElntl''::u antho:d.titj;5 iT! tilB Vl:;d:,n?ii1es~ GO"rernl'lrmt of th0 nBed to esb.blish pr;)j80t p:r:ioritie3 a,.ld t1:w ganeral iiw.ti1ity of th~3e a.u"thori.tieat~ act quicYJ.y to d63l=.t3.tch i.n s·'J..Pi.:)Ol'"l;, of projacts in th'9 cOlJ.n trY3ide. The dLstr'ibiltion of US : aid IiLllt-t, be ';Ippro'\/ad in IIlost C&S63 by Pr2sid8.nt Diem p:3::"50nally, fr'equently resulting

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<?nd in adtf.lL"1i.stY.':ati:ve


Hc,raov:jI':I Diem '

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exhibit consid~l"able s'31J.."3Ui vLty t.o ~t.tenpts by US·s to di.s"tjribu'!~5 aid directly to th;) count.rys ida T~[i thDut. clea::'anctJ i::OIil t.h~ cerltra1. go\/er!l..,'rwnt., for exa.i11pll)~ the Vietiyw.ITl'::2C GOVoI'i.t!ii·mt ti.l'rned d::i'i.rn a U2>1JI1 propos2.1 alm~d at i.ncrea[:ing the L'"I1I<lc:t of US aid at the lo6al 1ev~1 ~Y esbblislling a srse:b.l fu!\d fo"!' di.rect fina;'1e:l.!'lg of pro';Jh1C;i~ ~~OJ8CvS.





(1) Rsl i.copt~r oper:.?t~.ons h;lV"e deC..i.~e<!3ed the r~actio:n t:iI:l~ Md ir.lcl'<:msed th~ Di·::;bili ty of t-xmy aiLd s5cU!"'ity u.n1.ts.

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