Heart Factory Zine Volume 1

Page 15

sexual awakening to have taken place

toxic in a relationship is not always the

within the first verse of Panic at the Dis-

girl’s fault, the music could no longer

co’s “Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can

support me. It told me that I must either

Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off,”

exist as a boy’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl,

when Brendon Urie seductively whis-

or face that he wishes for me to die in a

pers, “I’ve got more wit, a better kiss,

plane crash.

a hotter touch, a better fuck/ Than any

boy you’ll ever meet/ Sweetie, you had

lyrics, some artists grow with us. In 2015,

me.” The only thing I knew for sure about

Paramore’s Haley Williams wrote on her

this lyric was that it contained the word

Tumblr, “Misery Business is not a set

“fuck” to imply something about sex, and

of lyrics that I relate to as a 26 year old

when you’re a middle school girl, that’s

woman. i haven’t related to it in a very

enough. I spent years fantasizing for a

long time. those words were written

boy to someday write a (nice) song about

when i was 17… admittedly, from a very

me, but it never occurred to me that I was

narrow-minded perspective.” As argu-

capable of writing a song myself.

ably the most successful woman in pop

Perhaps everyone grows out of

punk, Williams was the only musician

the genres and musicians that they em-

within the scene to apologize for lyricism

braced during their formative years, but

until last year. Glassjaw’s Daryl Palumbo

I find it significant that I fell out of touch

atoned for his “Pretty Lush” lyrics in an

with emo and pop punk as soon as I be-

interview with Alternative Press’s Jason

came in touch with the realities of being a

Pettigrew last December, explaining, “I

young woman. Pop punk served me well

was a young guy, and I was supposed to

when I felt sad or misunderstood, but

be a man and I was not. I apologize for

when I started dating, becoming more

saying any of that. You can be frustrat-

independent and empowered, learning

ed, but I really wished I had written better

that sometimes--wait for it--everything

lyrics. I wish I had better taste; I wish I

While we grow out of pop punk


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