Lift Hands Magazine Volume 9, March 2019

Page 76

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Photo 6

When descending, your body slightly sits down and your hands start to return to their original position. Exhale, as you visualize your energy sinking to your Tan-tien [Photos 5 & 6]. The opening and closing of your hands is imitating the movement of your lungs inflating and deflating. As you become more skillful and attain sung in your posture, the movements of your hands will become physically smaller and help develop the concept of ‘small Yang’! In the beginning, you only need to practice for about five minutes, then gradually add more over time. There is no upper limit and legend has it that students would practice this method for up to several hours per day! The third method is a very little known one and literally called Grounding Qigong. I re-introduced this training method around 2013/14 as a part of teaching my students Erle’s 35 Weeks. Luckily, I had started looking into the 35 Weeks during Erle’s lifetime and he clarified a lot of the training methods and their importance to myself, before his death, providing me with additional information which was not contained in the online publication!


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