Grasshopper Primer_Second Edition_090323

Page 21

Note that we can make connections both ways. But be careful, by default a new connection will erase existing connections. Since we assumed that you will most often only use single connections, you have to do something special in order to define multiple sources. If you hold Shift while dragging connection wires, the mouse pointer will change to indicate addition behavior:

If the "ADD" cursor is active when you release the mouse button over a source parameter, that parameter will be added to the source list. If you specify a source parameter which is already defined as a source, nothing will happen. You cannot inherit from the same source more than once. By the same token, if you hold down Control the "REM" cursor will become visible, and the targeted source will be removed from the source list. If the target isn't referenced, nothing will happen.

For plugin version 0.6.0006


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